Esempio n. 1
        public void FindAllocationListModelTest()
            // Gets a list of allocations
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser);

            var productList = FindProductsForTest(db.FindParentCompany(), 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(productList.Count() > 0, "Error: No products were returned for the parent company. This could be because the parent company has not been flagged or it has no allocations");

            var product = productList[0];
            var model   = AllocationService.FindAllocationListModel(testCompany, product);
            var dbData  = db.FindAllocationsForCompany(testCompany.Id);

            int expected = dbData.Count(),
                actual   = model.Items.Count();

            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} items were found when {expected} were expected");

            // Check that all the items match
            foreach (var item in model.Items)
                var dbItem = dbData.Where(m => m.Id == item.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                Assert.IsTrue(dbItem != null, "Error: Model item not found in db item list");
                var temp = AllocationService.MapToModel(dbItem);
                AreEqual(item, temp);

            // Add another item a make sure it is found
            product = productList[1];
            var newItem = createAllocation(testCompany, product);
            var error   = AllocationService.InsertOrUpdateAllocation(newItem, testUser, "");

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, $"Error: {error.Message}");

            model = AllocationService.FindAllocationListModel(testCompany, product);
            var testItem = model.Items.Where(i => i.Id == newItem.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsTrue(testItem != null, "Error: A NULL value was returned when a non-NULL value was expected");

            // Delete it and make sure it disappears

            model    = AllocationService.FindAllocationListModel(testCompany, product);
            testItem = model.Items.Where(i => i.Id == newItem.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            Assert.IsTrue(testItem == null, "Error: A non-NULL value was returned when a NULL value was expected");
Esempio n. 2
        public void CompleteOrderTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);
            var poh         = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 10);

            Assert.IsTrue(poh.POStatusValue != PurchaseOrderStatus.Closed, $"Error: Purchase order status {PurchaseOrderStatus.Closed} was found when any other value was expected");

            var podList = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderDetailListModel(poh);

            var testProd1 = ProductService.FindProductModel(podList.Items[0].ProductId.Value, null, null, false);
            var testProd2 = ProductService.FindProductModel(podList.Items[1].ProductId.Value, null, null, false);

            // Clear the records for the first product
            db.DeleteAllocationsForProduct(testCompany.Id, testProd1.Id);

            testProd1.QuantityOnHand = 0;
            string lgs = ProductService.LockProduct(testProd1);

            ProductService.InsertOrUpdateProduct(testProd1, testUser, lgs);

            db.DeleteProductLocationsForProduct(testCompany.Id, testProd1.Id);

            // Copy the order to temp
            var poht = PurchasingService.CopyPurchaseOrderToTemp(testCompany, poh, testUser);

            // Complete the order
            var error = PurchasingService.CompleteOrder(testCompany, testUser, poht.Id);

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

            poht = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(poht.Id, testCompany, false);
            Assert.IsTrue(poht.POStatusValue == PurchaseOrderStatus.Closed, $"Error: Purchase order status {poht.POStatusValue} was returned when {PurchaseOrderStatus.Closed} was expected");

            // Now try to complete the order again
            error = PurchasingService.CompleteOrder(testCompany, testUser, poht.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(error.IsError, "Error: No error was returned when one was expected - an order cannot be completed twice");

            poht = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(poht.Id, testCompany, false);
            Assert.IsTrue(poht.POStatusValue == PurchaseOrderStatus.Closed, $"Error: Purchase order status {poht.POStatusValue} was returned when {PurchaseOrderStatus.Closed} was expected");

            // Check the results of the completion
            // Force a reload of all objects

            // Check the Allocations table for the first product
            // The Allocations table records quantity reservations against order lines.
            var allocs1  = AllocationService.FindAllocationListModel(testCompany, testProd1);
            int expected = 0,       // Because it was deleted above
                actual   = allocs1.Items.Count();

            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} records were returned when {expected} were expected");

            // Check the Allocations table for the second product
            var allocs2 = AllocationService.FindAllocationListModel(testCompany, testProd2);

            expected = 1;
            actual   = allocs2.Items.Count();
            Assert.IsTrue(actual >= expected, $"Error: {actual} records were returned when >={expected} were expected");

            expected = (int)podList.Items[1].OrderQty;
            actual   = (int)allocs2.Items[0].Quantity;
            Assert.IsTrue(actual >= expected, $"Error: Allocation quantity {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");

            // Check that the product table has been updated
            // Product.QuantityOnHand is for all locations whereas Allocation and ProductLocation
            // are for individual locations so the quantity in Product will always be higher than
            // the latter two.
            testProd1 = ProductService.FindProductModel(podList.Items[0].ProductId.Value, null, null, false);
            expected  = (int)podList.Items[0].OrderQty;
            actual    = (int)testProd1.QuantityOnHand.Value;
            Assert.IsTrue(actual >= expected, $"Error: Product quantity {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");

            testProd2 = ProductService.FindProductModel(podList.Items[1].ProductId.Value, null, null, false);
            expected  = (int)podList.Items[1].OrderQty;
            actual    = (int)testProd2.QuantityOnHand.Value;
            Assert.IsTrue(actual >= expected, $"Error: Product quantity {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");

            // Check that the ProductLocation table has been updated
            var prodLoc = ProductService.FindProductLocationModel(testCompany, testProd1, poh.LocationId.Value);

            expected = (int)podList.Items[0].OrderQty;
            actual   = (int)prodLoc.QuantityOnHand;
            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: ProductLocation quantity {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");

            prodLoc  = ProductService.FindProductLocationModel(testCompany, testProd2, poh.LocationId.Value);
            expected = (int)podList.Items[1].OrderQty;
            actual   = (int)prodLoc.QuantityOnHand;
            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: ProductLocation quantity {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");