Esempio n. 1
        public DerivationSequence AddDerivation(DerivationRule derivationRule, string derivedWord)
            bool derivationIsSilent = derivationRule.Attributes.Contains(DerivationAttribute.Silent);

                       allDerivationsTaken: AllDerivationsTaken.Add(derivationRule),
                       nonSilentDerivationsTaken: !derivationIsSilent ? NonSilentDerivationsTaken.Add(derivationRule) : null,
                       nonSilentWordFormProgression: !derivationIsSilent ? NonSilentWordFormProgression.Add(derivedWord) : null));
Esempio n. 2
        public bool IsInvalidDerivation()
             * Check if any derivation in the sequence follows a sequence of derivations
             * that it's not allowed to follow.
            for (int i = 0; i < AllDerivationsTaken.Count; i++)
                var derivation = AllDerivationsTaken[i];

                foreach (var forbiddenPredecessorSequence in derivation.CannotFollow)
                    int nextDerivationOffset = 1;

                     * The forbidden predecessor sequences are expressed in forward-order in derivations.js,
                     * because they are easier to think about that way. But the conjugation code works in
                     * reverse order, so we have to consider the forbidden predecessor sequences in reverse
                     * order also. So start at the back of the sequence.

                    for (int g = forbiddenPredecessorSequence.Count - 1; g >= 0; --g, ++nextDerivationOffset)
                        var nextDerivation = AllDerivationsTaken.ElementAtOrDefault(i + nextDerivationOffset);
                        if (nextDerivation == null ||
                            nextDerivation.ConjugatedWordType != forbiddenPredecessorSequence[g])
                            break;  // A forbidden predecessor sequence was matched. Return true.

                        if (g == 0)

            return(false); // No forbidden predecessor sequence was matched.