Esempio n. 1
        static AlertManager()
            EnforceImageSize         = true;
            ImageWidth               = 48;
            ImageHeight              = 48;
            _alertWindowOpacityLevel = 1;
            _alertSync               = new object();
            _alertControl            = new AlertControl
                ShowPinButton = false

            _alertControl.AlertClick     += new AlertClickEventHandler(mAlertControl_AlertClick);
            _alertControl.BeforeFormShow += new AlertFormEventHandler(mAlertControl_BeforeFormShow);
            _alertControl.FormClosing    += new AlertFormClosingEventHandler(mAlertControl_FormClosing);
            //Set the default location of the alert windows based on the location of the taskbar.
            _alertControl.FormLocation = GetAlertFormLocation();

            AlertFormLocation GetAlertFormLocation()
                switch (TaskbarHelper.GetTaskbarLocation())
                case TaskbarLocation.Top:

                case TaskbarLocation.Left:

                case TaskbarLocation.Right:
                case TaskbarLocation.Bottom:
Esempio n. 2
        public OrderSelfEditingPage()
            BuyerName        = new TextInput(By.Name("to_name"));
            BuyerPhone       = new TextInput(By.Name("to_phone"));
            BuyerPhoneAdd    = new TextInput(By.Name("to_add_phone"));
            BuyerEmail       = new TextInput(By.Name("to_email"));
            DeclaredPrice    = new TextInput(By.Name("declared_price"));
            PaymentPrice     = new TextInput(By.Name("payment_price"));
            GoodsDescription = new TextInput(By.Name("goods_description"));
            OrderComment     = new TextInput(By.Name("order_comment"));
            IsCargoVolume    = new CheckBox(By.Name("is_cargo_volume"));
            DeliveryDate     = new TextInput(By.Name("delivery_date_new"));
            ItemsCount       = new TextInput(By.Name("items_count"));

            Weight      = new TextInput(By.Name("weight"));
            Width       = new TextInput(By.Name("dimension_side1"));
            Height      = new TextInput(By.Name("dimension_side2"));
            Length      = new TextInput(By.Name("dimension_side3"));
            OrderNumber = new TextInput(By.Name("shop_refnum"));

            CanceledButton   = new ButtonInput(By.CssSelector("div.form-actions > input.btn.btn-primary.btn-success"));
            SaveChangeButton = new ButtonInput(By.CssSelector("div.form-actions > input.btn.btn-primary.pull-right"));

            ActionErrorText = new ErrorActionTextControl(By.ClassName("form-horizontal"));
            ErrorText       = new ErrorTextControl(By.ClassName("form-horizontal"));
            AletrError      = new AlertControl();
        protected virtual void ShowAlertInfo()
            Form      mainForm = (Form)Application.MainWindow.Template;
            AlertInfo info     = new AlertInfo("Frohe Weihnachten! (Merry Christmas!)", DateTime.Now.ToString(), ImageLoader.Instance.GetImageInfo("Attention").Image);

            AlertControl.Show(mainForm, info);
        private static void ShowNotifications(IList notificationInfos, RibbonForm form)
            DynamicDataServiceContext dbcontext = new DynamicDataServiceContext();
            AlertControl alertControl           = new AlertControl();

            alertControl.AutoHeight = true;

            alertControl.AlertClick += (sender, e) =>
                NotificationData data = (NotificationData)e.Info.Tag;
                var notificationUser  = dbcontext.GetOrNew("NotificationRecipient", data.NotificationRecipientId);
                notificationUser.AsDyanmic().NotificationStatus = "Readed";
                notificationUser.AsDyanmic().ReadedOn           = DateTime.Now;

            AlertManage manager = new AlertManage(alertControl, form);

            foreach (var notificationInfo in notificationInfos)
                var notificationUser = dbcontext.GetOrNew("NotificationRecipient", notificationInfo.AsDyanmic().NotificationRecipientId);
                notificationUser.NotificationStatus = "Opened";
Esempio n. 5
        public UserShopsPage()
            ShopsCreate = new Link(By.LinkText("Создать новый магазин"));
            Table       = new ShopsListControl(By.ClassName("table"));

            AletrDelete = new AlertControl();
Esempio n. 6
        private void _crawlerWorker_DoWork(object sender,
                                           DoWorkEventArgs e)
            _logger.Trace("Start _crawlerWorker_DoWork.");

            VisaRegistrationCzech.Canceled = false;
            var taskList = new List <Task>();

            for (var rowId = 0;
                 rowId < gridView1.RowCount;
                 * bbenetskyy 07.09.2016
                 * we need to create new value instead of using global rowId,
                 * because it value will be calculate during execution
                var id      = rowId;
                var visaReg = new VisaRegistrationCzech();
                visaReg.ShowAlertMessagEventHandler += ShowAlert;
                taskList.Add(new Task(() => visaReg.StartWork(gridView1.GetDataRow(id) as VisaDataSet.ClientDataRow)));

                var alertControl = new AlertControl();
                alertControl.AlertClick     += _alertControl_AlertClick;
                alertControl.BeforeFormShow += _alertControl_BeforeFormShow;
                alertControl.FormLoad       += _alertControl_FormLoad;
                _visaRegistrations.Add(alertControl, visaReg);
            taskList.ForEach(task => task.Start());
            taskList.ForEach(task => task.Wait());

            _logger.Trace("End _crawlerWorker_DoWork.");
Esempio n. 7
        public static void AyarCek()
            #region   Klasör Ayarları
            PersonelResim_Yol = @"\PersonelResim\";
            if (!Directory.Exists(Sistem.Ayarlar.DosyaSunucusu + PersonelResim_Yol))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Sistem.Ayarlar.DosyaSunucusu + PersonelResim_Yol);

            AracResim_Yol = @"\AracResim\";
            if (!Directory.Exists(Sistem.Ayarlar.DosyaSunucusu + AracResim_Yol))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Sistem.Ayarlar.DosyaSunucusu + AracResim_Yol);


            #region Ana Sitil
            AnaSitil = new StyleController();
            //AnaSitil.AppearanceFocused.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#D7E6C8");
            AnaSitil.AppearanceFocused.BackColor  = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#EAFFBF");
            AnaSitil.AppearanceDisabled.BackColor = Color.White;

            AlertMesaj = new AlertControl();
            AlertMesaj.AutoFormDelay = 2500;
            AlertMesaj.FormLocation  = AlertFormLocation.BottomLeft;
        public void Notify(string caption, string message, Action action)
            if (Form == null)

            var ctr = new AlertControl();
            var info = new AlertInfo(caption, message);

            var handler = new AlertClickEventHandler(
                (o, e) =>
                    if (action != null)

            ctr.AlertClick += handler;

            ctr.FormClosing += (o, e) =>
                ctr.AlertClick -= handler;

            Form.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                ctr.Show(Form, info);
Esempio n. 9
 public void controlInit(SpreadsheetControl spreadsheetMain, Dictionary <String, SimpleButton> buttons, Dictionary <String, Label> labels, String path, Dictionary <String, PopupMenu> menus, BarManager barmanager, XtraForm form, AlertControl alert, XSheetUser user)
     this.buttons              = buttons;
     this.labels               = labels;
     this.spreadsheetMain      = spreadsheetMain;
     this.menus                = menus;
     this.rightClickBarManager = barmanager;
     AlertUtil.setAlert(alert, form);
     this.user  = user;
     this.form  = form;
     this.alert = alert;
     executer = new CommandExecuter(user);
     executeState = "OK";
         DateTime     date = new DateTime();
         StreamWriter sw   = new StreamWriter(@"ConsoleOutput.txt", true);
         date = DateTime.Now;
         sw.WriteLine("beforeLoadDoc:" + date.ToString());
         if (path.Length > 0)
     catch (Exception e)
 public BasePage(IWebDriver driver)
     elementControl  = new ElementControl();
     dropdownControl = new DropDownControl();
     alertControl    = new AlertControl(driver);
     windowControl   = new WindowsControl(driver);
Esempio n. 11
 private void machineItem_OnTransactionEvent(object sender, string EnrollNumber, string EmployeeCode, string EmployeeName, DateTime Date, DateTime Hour, int StateInOut, int MachineID)
     string[] employeeName;
     this.gbList.SetFocusedRowCellValue(this.colEnrollNumber, EnrollNumber);
     this.gbList.SetFocusedRowCellValue(this.colEmployeeCode, EmployeeCode);
     this.gbList.SetFocusedRowCellValue(this.colEmployeeName, EmployeeName);
     this.gbList.SetFocusedRowCellValue(this.colStateInOut, StateInOut);
     this.gbList.SetFocusedRowCellValue(this.colMachineID, MachineID);
     this.gbList.SetFocusedRowCellValue(this.colHour, Hour);
     this.gbList.SetFocusedRowCellValue(this.colDate, Date);
     if (this.clsMachineOption.IsShowMessageInOut)
         if (StateInOut != 0)
             AlertControl alertControl = this.alertControl1;
             Form         parent       = base.Parent as Form;
             employeeName = new string[] { "<color=blue><b>", EmployeeName, " (", EnrollNumber.ToString(), ")</b></color>   <color=blue> 'RA' </color>   lúc ", Hour.ToString() };
             alertControl.Show(parent, "THông Báo", string.Concat(employeeName));
             AlertControl alertControl1 = this.alertControl1;
             Form         form          = base.Parent as Form;
             employeeName = new string[] { "<color=blue><b>", EmployeeName, " (", EnrollNumber.ToString(), ")</b></color>   <color=blue> 'VÀO' </color>   lúc ", Hour.ToString() };
             alertControl1.Show(form, "THông Báo", string.Concat(employeeName));
Esempio n. 12
        private static void ShowNotifications(IList notificationInfos, RibbonForm form)
            IObjectSpace objectSpace  = new ODataObjectSpace();
            AlertControl alertControl = new AlertControl();

            alertControl.AutoHeight = true;
            AlertButton setReaded = new AlertButton(new Bitmap(WinFormsResourceService.GetBitmap("notification"), new Size(16, 16)));

            setReaded.Style = AlertButtonStyle.CheckButton;
            setReaded.Down  = false;
            setReaded.Hint  = "Mark Readed";
            setReaded.Name  = "MarkReaded";
            AlertButton deleteBtn = new AlertButton(new Bitmap(WinFormsResourceService.GetBitmap("overlay_delete"), new Size(16, 16)));

            deleteBtn.Style = AlertButtonStyle.CheckButton;
            deleteBtn.Down  = false;
            deleteBtn.Hint  = "Delete Notification";
            deleteBtn.Name  = "DelNotification";
            alertControl.ButtonClick    += new AlertButtonClickEventHandler(DelButtonClick);
            alertControl.BeforeFormShow += (sender, e) =>
                e.AlertForm.BackgroundImage       = WinFormsResourceService.GetBitmap("nback");
                e.AlertForm.BackgroundImageLayout = System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch;

                int l = 1;
                while (e.AlertForm.AlertInfo.Text.Length > 12 * l)
                    e.AlertForm.AlertInfo.Text = e.AlertForm.AlertInfo.Text.Insert(12 * l, " ");
                e.AlertForm.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(320, 300);
            alertControl.AlertClick += (sender, e) =>
                NotificationDTO data = (NotificationDTO)e.Info.Tag;
                MarkReaded(objectSpace, data);
                e.AlertForm.Tag       = data;
                e.AlertForm.Disposed += AlertForm_Disposed;

            AlertManage manager = new AlertManage(alertControl, form);

            foreach (var notificationInfo in notificationInfos)
                var pro = notificationInfo.GetType().GetProperty("NotificationRecipientId");
                if (pro == null)
                Guid notificationRecipientId = (Guid)pro.GetValue(notificationInfo, null);
                var  notificationUser        = (Katrin.Domain.Impl.NotificationRecipient)objectSpace.GetOrNew("NotificationRecipient", notificationRecipientId, null);
                notificationUser.NotificationStatus = "Opened";
Esempio n. 13
 public static void Error(string pCaption, string pText)
     m_AlertDialogError = new AlertControl() {
         AutoFormDelay = 10000
     m_AlertDialogError.BeforeFormShow += m_AlertDialogError_BeforeFormShow;
     m_AlertDialogError.Show(new Form(), pCaption, pText);
Esempio n. 14
 public static void Warning(string pCaption, string pText)
     m_AlertDialogWarning = new AlertControl() {
         AutoFormDelay = 10000
     m_AlertDialogWarning.BeforeFormShow += m_AlertDialogWarning_BeforeFormShow;
     m_AlertDialogWarning.Show(new Form(), pCaption, pText);
Esempio n. 15
 public static void Information(string pCaption, string pText)
     m_AlertDialogInformation = new AlertControl() {
         AutoFormDelay = 3000
     m_AlertDialogInformation.BeforeFormShow += m_AlertDialogInformation_BeforeFormShow;
     m_AlertDialogInformation.Show(new Form(), pCaption, pText);
Esempio n. 16
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AlertControl alert = new AlertControl();

            alert.ShowPinButton = false;
            //alert.ShowCloseButton = false;
            alert.Show(this, caption: "张三", text: "李四", hotTrackedText: "");
        public static void CreateTextButton(this AlertControl alertControl, string text, string name)
            AlertButton btn = new AlertButton();

            btn.Name  = name;
            btn.Image = GetBitmapWithText(alertControl, text);
Esempio n. 18
        public static void MesajVer(string Mesaj, MesajTipi Tip, XtraForm OwnerForm, int KacSaniye = 3)
            a = new AlertControl();
            a.FormShowingEffect = AlertFormShowingEffect.SlideVertical;
            a.AppearanceText.TextOptions.WordWrap = DevExpress.Utils.WordWrap.Wrap;
            if (Tip == MesajTipi.Uyari)
                a.AppearanceText.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
            else if (Tip == MesajTipi.Hata)
                a.AppearanceText.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            a.ShowCloseButton = true;
            a.ShowPinButton   = false;
            a.AllowHotTrack   = false;

            Font fntBaslik = new Font("Arial", 8.3F, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Underline);

            a.AppearanceCaption.Font = fntBaslik;
            Font fntText = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular);

            a.AppearanceText.Font = fntText;

            string Baslik = "";
            Image  img    = null;

            if (Tip == MesajTipi.Bilgi)
                img    = Resources.Info_32x32;
                Baslik = "Bilgi";
            else if (Tip == MesajTipi.Hata)
                img    = Resources.Info_32x32;
                Baslik = "Hata";
            else if (Tip == MesajTipi.Onay)
                img    = Resources.Info_32x32;
                Baslik = "Onay";
            else if (Tip == MesajTipi.Uyari)
                img    = Resources.Info_32x32;
                Baslik = "Uyarı";

            AlertInfo info = new AlertInfo(Baslik, Mesaj);

            info.Image   = img;
            tmr.Tick    += tmr_Tick;
            tmr.Interval = KacSaniye * 1000;
            tmr.Enabled  = true;
            a.Show(OwnerForm, info);
Esempio n. 19
        public static void ShowAlert(string desc, string title, Form f)
            DevExpress.XtraBars.Alerter.AlertControl alertControl1 = new AlertControl();
            AlertInfo info = new AlertInfo(title, desc);

            alertControl1.AutoFormDelay     = 300;
            alertControl1.FormShowingEffect = AlertFormShowingEffect.SlideHorizontal;
            alertControl1.Show(f, info);
Esempio n. 20
 public xucBase()
     base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
     this.alc = new AlertControl();
     this.alc.AllowHtmlText = true;
     this.m_Status          = Actions.None;
     this.m_CloseOrNew      = CloseOrNew.None;
     this.m_Menu            = new MenuButton();
Esempio n. 21
 private void InitializeComponent()
     this.components = new Container();
     this.alc        = new AlertControl(this.components);
     this.alc.AllowHtmlText = true;
     base.Name = "xucBase";
Esempio n. 22
 private void ShowNotify(string msg)
     if (messagebox == null)
         messagebox = new AlertControl();
         messagebox.AutoFormDelay = 500;
         messagebox.ShowPinButton = false;
     messagebox.Show(this, "信息", msg);
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// 显示桌面提醒信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="alertController">提醒控件</param>
 /// <param name="form">所属窗口</param>
 /// <param name="img">图片</param>
 /// <param name="caption">标题</param>
 /// <param name="message">显示消息</param>
 private static void ShowAlter(AlertControl alertController, Form form, Image img, string caption, string message)
     if (alertController.AlertFormList.Count > 0)
     caption = caption ?? "操作提醒";
     alertController.Show(form, caption, message, img);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// 使用AlertControl弹出显示提示内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">标题内容</param>
        /// <param name="description">正文内容</param>
        /// <param name="autoFormDelay">延迟</param>
        /// <param name="formLocation">显示位置</param>
        public void ShowAlertControl(string message = "操作成功", string description = "", Form owner = null, int autoFormDelay = 1000, AlertFormLocation formLocation = AlertFormLocation.TopRight)
            message     = JsonLanguage.Default.GetString(message);
            description = JsonLanguage.Default.GetString(description);

            AlertControl alert = new AlertControl();

            alert.FormLocation  = formLocation;
            alert.AutoFormDelay = autoFormDelay;
            alert.Show(owner == null ? this.ParentForm : owner, message, string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? message : description);
Esempio n. 25
        public static void ShowAlertMessage(Form frmParent, string header, string message)
            AlertControl alert = new AlertControl();

            alert.ShowPinButton   = true;
            alert.ShowCloseButton = true;

            alert.Show(frmParent, header, message, true);
            //alert.Show(frmParent, header, message, "",  , msg)
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Thực hiện Alert
        /// </summary>
        public static void AlertInfo(this ContainerControl frm, string message)
            // Tạo thông báo
            AlertInfo alertInfo = new AlertInfo("Thông báo", message);

            // Tạo control chứa thông báo
            AlertControl control = new AlertControl
                FormLocation = AlertFormLocation.BottomRight

            control.Show(null, alertInfo);
Esempio n. 27
 public static void ShowError(string mes)
     using (var box = new AlertControl())
         var ai = new AlertInfo("Ошибка", mes, Resources.error);
         box.AutoFormDelay    = 3000;
         box.AllowHotTrack    = false;
         box.FormDisplaySpeed = AlertFormDisplaySpeed.Slow;
         box.FormLocation     = AlertFormLocation.BottomRight;
         box.AutoHeight       = true;
         box.Show(UtilsUI.CurMainForm, ai);
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理抓到的消息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        private void handleMessage(Game game, string text)
            // S14-2版本中不再显示此信息 那也放着吧
            if (text.Contains("你的角色大师等级已经超过系统限制"))
            string realm  = game.Realm;     // 服务器
            int    server = game.Server;    // 线路
            string mapKey = realm + server; // 存入map的key

            // 第一次添加key
            if (!lastServerMsg.ContainsKey(mapKey))
                lastServerMsg.Add(mapKey, text);
            // 先从map中获取value 看看和上一次是否重复
            if (lastServerMsg[mapKey] == text)
            // 不是第一次 更新value
            lastServerMsg[mapKey] = text;//按照服务器+线路 存入新消息

            string formatMsg = string.Format(LOG_FORMAT, DateTime.Now.ToString(), realm, server, text);

            this.Invoke(new ServerMessageDelegate(listboxAddMsg), this.listBoxControl1, formatMsg);
            if (MethodUtils.isBossSpawnMsg(text) && Settings.bBossRespawnAlert)
                AlertControl alertControl1 = new AlertControl();
                alertControl1.AutoFormDelay     = Settings.PopupDelayTime * 1000 * 5;
                alertControl1.LookAndFeel.Style = DevExpress.LookAndFeel.LookAndFeelStyle.Skin;
                alertControl1.FormLocation      = DevExpress.XtraBars.Alerter.AlertFormLocation.BottomRight;
                // alertControl1.Show(this, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " > " + server + "线Boss刷新!", text);
                BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() {
                    AlertInfo info = new AlertInfo(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " > " + server + "线Boss刷新!", text);
                    alertControl1.Show(this, info);
            if (MethodUtils.isBossSpawnMsg(text) && Settings.bBoosRespawnRecord)
                this.Invoke(new ServerMessageDelegate(listboxAddMsg), this.listBoxControl2, string.Format(LOG_FORMAT, DateTime.Now.ToString(), realm, server, text));

            if (MethodUtils.isBossDieMsg(text) && Settings.bBossDieRecord)
                this.Invoke(new ServerMessageDelegate(listboxAddMsg), this.listBoxControl2, string.Format(LOG_FORMAT, DateTime.Now.ToString(), realm, server, text));
Esempio n. 29
        public static void Error(string pCaption, string pText, int followUpId)
            m_AlertDialogError = new AlertControl()
                AutoFormDelay = 10000

            AlertButton btnDiagnose = new AlertButton(Common.Resources.magnifying_glass);
            btnDiagnose.Hint = "Diagnose audio to see more details";
            m_AlertDialogError.ButtonClick += new AlertButtonClickEventHandler((sender, e) => AlertButton_Click(sender, e, followUpId));

            m_AlertDialogError.BeforeFormShow += m_AlertDialogError_BeforeFormShow;
            m_AlertDialogError.Show(new Form(), pCaption, pText);
Esempio n. 30
        private void t_aw_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var chamados = new FChamado_Busca().Buscar_Chamados();

            var qtd_abertos       = chamados.Where(a => a.ST_CHAMADO == "A").Count();
            var qtd_emAtendimento = chamados.Where(a => a.ST_CHAMADO != "A" && a.ST_CHAMADO != "F").Count();

            var mensagem      = "";
            var primeiraLinha = "";
            var segundaLinha  = "";

            if (qtd_abertos > 0)
                primeiraLinha = String.Format("Existe{2} {0} chamado{1} não atendido{1}!", qtd_abertos, (qtd_abertos > 1 ? "s" : ""), (qtd_abertos > 0 ? "m" : ""));
            if (qtd_emAtendimento > 0)
                segundaLinha = String.Format("Você tem {0} chamado{1} ainda em atendimento!", qtd_emAtendimento, (qtd_emAtendimento > 1 ? "s" : ""));

            if (primeiraLinha.Length > 0)
                mensagem = primeiraLinha;

            if (segundaLinha.Length > 0)
                mensagem += (mensagem.Length > 0 ? "\n" : "") + segundaLinha;

            var ac = new AlertControl()
                AutoFormDelay = 2000,
                ShowPinButton = false,
                AutoHeight    = true,
                AllowHtmlText = true

            if (mensagem.Length > 0)
                ac.Show(this, "<b>#SGC informa:</b>", mensagem);

        static Image GetBitmapWithText(AlertControl alertControl, string text)
            Bitmap   image = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            Graphics g     = Graphics.FromImage(image);
            Size     size  = g.MeasureString(text, alertControl.AppearanceText.GetFont()).ToSize();

            image = new Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height);
            using (GraphicsCache graphicsCache = new GraphicsCache(Graphics.FromImage(image)))
                Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), size);
                alertControl.AppearanceText.FillRectangle(graphicsCache, bounds);
                alertControl.AppearanceText.DrawString(graphicsCache, text, bounds);
Esempio n. 32
        private void ShowNotify(string msg)
            if (messagebox == null)
                messagebox = new AlertControl();
                messagebox.AutoFormDelay = 2000;
                //   messagebox.AllowHtmlText = true;
                messagebox.ShowPinButton = false;

                AlertButton btn1 = new AlertButton(Resource1.打开文件);// global::DXApplication1.Properties.Resources.open_16x16;);
                btn1.Hint = "打开文件";
                btn1.Name = "buttonOpen";
                messagebox.ButtonClick += Messagebox_ButtonClick;
            messagebox.Show(this.ParentForm, "信息", msg);
Esempio n. 33
        private void ShowItemShortNotification()
            //alertControl1.Show(this, "Warning", "Test Data", FIL.Properties.Resources.warning);
            ProductManager manageProduct = new ProductManager();
            DataTable      dtShortItems  = manageProduct.GetShortItemList();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtShortItems.Rows)
                AlertControl crtl = new AlertControl();
                crtl.Show(this, "Warning", dr["ProductName"].ToString() + " \n is Out of Stock", FIL.Properties.Resources.warning);

            WarehouseManager manageWarehouse = new WarehouseManager();

            StoreId = manageWarehouse.GetWarehouseStoreId();
Esempio n. 34
        public static void HabarnomaShow(string mes, Image img, Action <int> res)
            using (var box = new AlertControl())
                box.AutoFormDelay    = 9000;
                box.AllowHotTrack    = false;
                box.FormDisplaySpeed = AlertFormDisplaySpeed.Slow;
                box.FormLocation     = AlertFormLocation.BottomRight;
                box.AutoHeight       = true;
                box.AllowHotTrack    = true;
                box.ShowCloseButton  = false;

                box.AlertClick += (s, ex) => { res.Invoke(0); };

                box.Show(UtilsUI.CurMainForm, "Информация", mes, img);
Esempio n. 35
 public static void Show(string mes, string caption = "Информация")
         using (var box = new AlertControl())
             var ai = new AlertInfo(caption, mes, Resources.Save);
             box.AutoFormDelay    = 3000;
             box.AllowHotTrack    = false;
             box.FormDisplaySpeed = AlertFormDisplaySpeed.Moderate;
             box.FormLocation     = AlertFormLocation.BottomRight;
             box.AutoHeight       = true;
             box.Show(UtilsUI.CurMainForm, ai);
     catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 36
 public object close(object param)
     alert = null;
     return "NOOP";
 public static void Alert(AlertControl ctrl, XtraForm frm, string title, string message)
     AlertInfo msg = new AlertInfo(title, message);
     ctrl.AutoFormDelay = 2000;
     ctrl.Show(frm, msg);
Esempio n. 38
        private void init(Form formMain, int MinuteForDelaying)
            //init toolTipStyleController
            toolTipStyleController = new ToolTipController();
            toolTipStyleController.Active = true;
            toolTipStyleController.AllowHtmlText = true;
            toolTipStyleController.Rounded = true;
            toolTipStyleController.ShowBeak = true;
            toolTipStyleController.ToolTipType = ToolTipType.SuperTip;

            controlBroadCast = new AlertControl();
            controlBroadCast.ButtonClick += new AlertButtonClickEventHandler(controlBroadCast_ButtonClick);
            btnDelete = new AlertButton(HelpImage.getImage2020("stop.png"));
            btnDelete.Hint = "Không xem lại thông báo lần sau";
            btnDelete.Name = "btnDelete";
            this.formMain = formMain;
            this.delay = MinuteForDelaying * 60000;
            this.timer = new Timer();
            timer.Interval = 2000;
            timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
 public override void Initialize(IComponent component)
     vm = (AlertControl)component;
Esempio n. 40
 public object open(object param)
     alert = new AlertControl();
     return "NOOP";
Esempio n. 41
 private void fileSaveItem1_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
     AlertControl alert = new AlertControl();