//Toggle alarm (on/off)
        public static void ToggleAlarm(int alarmID, bool alarmStatus, bool isListOn = false)
            //- 알람이 켜져있는 상태에서 끌 경우, LocalNotification도 같이 종료
            //- 알람이 꺼져있는 상태에서 킬 경우, 상황에 따라 (반복체크후) LocalNotification 추가
            if (!isAlarmMergedFirst)
            }             //merge first

            for (int i = 0; i < alarmsArray.Count; ++i)
                if (alarmsArray[i].alarmID == alarmID)                   //target found
                    Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Toggling. target:" + alarmID.ToString());

                    if (alarmsArray[i].alarmToggle == alarmStatus)
                        Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "status already same..!!");
                        break;                         //상태가 같으므로 변경할 필요 없음

                    //Notifi 구현 필요 없음

                    if (alarmStatus == false)                       //알람 끄기
                        alarmsArray[i].alarmToggle = false;         //alarm toggle to off.
                        //알람 켜기 (addalarm 재탕)
                        Calendar tmpC = Calendar.Instance;
                        Calendar oldC = Calendar.Instance; oldC.TimeInMillis = alarmsArray[i].alarmFireDate;
                        tmpC.Set(CalendarField.Hour, oldC.Get(CalendarField.Hour)); //move hour and min from old date
                        tmpC.Set(CalendarField.Minute, oldC.Get(CalendarField.Minute));
                        tmpC.Set(CalendarField.Second, 0);                          //remove second

                        alarmsArray[i].alarmFireDate = (int)tmpC.TimeInMillis;
                        Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Comp changed date to", alarmsArray[i].alarmFireDate.ToString());

                        AlarmElement alarmsArrTmpPointer = alarmsArray[i];
                        AddAlarm(alarmsArrTmpPointer.alarmFireDate, alarmsArrTmpPointer.alarmName,
                                 alarmsArrTmpPointer.gameSelected, alarmsArrTmpPointer.alarmSound,
                                 alarmsArrTmpPointer.alarmRepeat, i, alarmsArrTmpPointer.alarmID,

                        //return; //한번더 저장해야됨.
                        break; //save
                    }          //end status
                    break;     //해당 ID를 처리했으므로 다음부터의 루프는 무의미
                }              //end alarmid target search
            }                  //end for

            //save it
            Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Status change saving");

            //TODO: 시스템 저장
            UPDataManager.SaveDataJObject(UPDataManager.KEY_ALARMS, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(alarmsArray, Formatting.Indented));
        }         //end func
        //알람 게임 클리어 토글
        public static void GameClearToggleAlarm(int alarmID, bool cleared)
            AlarmElement modAlarmElement = GetAlarm(alarmID);

            modAlarmElement.alarmCleared = cleared;

            //save it
            //TODO 20160421 데이터 저장
            UPDataManager.SaveDataJObject(UPDataManager.KEY_ALARMS, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(alarmsArray, Formatting.Indented));

            Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Alarm clear toggle to ... " + cleared.ToString() + " to id " + alarmID.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        protected override Element CreateChildForParameter(Parameter parameter)
            if (IsBip)
                switch (parameter.Id)
                case 1:
                    Bluetooth = new BluetoothElement(parameter, this);

                case 2:
                    Alarm = new AlarmElement(parameter, this);

                case 3:
                    Unlocked = new UnlockedElement(parameter, this);

                case 4:
                    DoNotDisturb = new DoNotDisturbElement(parameter, this);
                switch (parameter.Id)
                case 1:
                    DoNotDisturb = new DoNotDisturbElement(parameter, this);

                case 2:
                    Unlocked = new UnlockedElement(parameter, this);

                case 3:
                    Bluetooth = new BluetoothElement(parameter, this);

                case 4:
                    Battery = new BatteryElement(parameter, this);

Esempio n. 4
    public static void SaveAlarmListToFile()
        _AlarmListUserData ud = new _AlarmListUserData();

        ud.nid = Notifications.Id;
        if (ui_alarmlist.Count > 0)
            ud.numAlarms     = ui_alarmlist.Count;
            ud.id            = new int[ud.numAlarms];
            ud.profile_idx   = new int[ud.numAlarms];
            ud.hr_dp_val     = new int[ud.numAlarms];
            ud.min_dp_val    = new int[ud.numAlarms];
            ud.ampm_dp_val   = new int[ud.numAlarms];
            ud.repeat_dp_val = new int[ud.numAlarms];
            ud.ringer_dp_val = new int[ud.numAlarms];
            ud.label_if_val  = new string[ud.numAlarms];
            for (int i = 0; i < ui_alarmlist.Count; ++i)
                AlarmElement ae_comp = ui_alarmlist[i].GetComponent <AlarmElement>();
                ud.id[i]            = ae_comp.Id;
                ud.profile_idx[i]   = ae_comp.profile_idx;
                ud.hr_dp_val[i]     = ae_comp.hr_dp_val;
                ud.min_dp_val[i]    = ae_comp.min_dp_val;
                ud.ampm_dp_val[i]   = ae_comp.ampm_dp_val;
                ud.repeat_dp_val[i] = ae_comp.repeat_dp_val;
                ud.ringer_dp_val[i] = ae_comp.ringer_dp_val;
                ud.label_if_val[i]  = ae_comp.label_if_val;
            ud.numAlarms     = 0;
            ud.id            = new int[] { };
            ud.profile_idx   = new int[] { };
            ud.hr_dp_val     = new int[] { };
            ud.min_dp_val    = new int[] { };
            ud.ampm_dp_val   = new int[] { };
            ud.repeat_dp_val = new int[] { };
            ud.ringer_dp_val = new int[] { };
            ud.label_if_val  = new string[] { };
        //Add alarm to system
        public static void AddAlarm(int funcDate, string funcAlarmTitle, int gameID, string soundFile, bool[] repeatArr,
                                    int insertAt = -1, int alarmID = -1, bool isToggled = true, bool redrawList = true)
            //repeatarr에 일,월,화,수,목,금,토 순으로 채움

            Calendar date = Calendar.Instance;

            date.TimeInMillis = funcDate;

            string alarmTitle       = funcAlarmTitle;
            int    currentDayOfWeek = date.Get(CalendarField.DayOfWeek);

            if (alarmTitle == "")              //알람 타이틀이 없으면 소리만 울리는 상황이 발생하므로 기본 이름 설정
                alarmTitle = "알람";

            int  fireOnce     = -1;        /* 반복요일 설정이 없는경우 1회성으로 판단하고 date 변화 없음) */
            bool fireSearched = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < repeatArr.Length; ++i)
                if (repeatArr[i] == true)
                    fireOnce = i; break;

            if (fireOnce != -1)               //여러번 울려야 하는 경우 오늘을 포함해서 다음 fireDate까지만 더함
                Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "TODAY OF WEEK =>" + currentDayOfWeek.ToString());
                //일요일이 0부터 시작하는지 1부터 시작하는지 확인할 필요가 있음. 1부터 시작하면 DayOfWeek 확인을 6으로 해야함
                for (int i = 0; i < (currentDayOfWeek == 7 ? 0 : currentDayOfWeek); ++i)
                    if (repeatArr[i] == true)
                        fireOnce = i; fireSearched = true; break;
                }                 //없을경우 다음주로 넘어간것으로 치고 한번더 루프

                if (!fireSearched)
                    for (int i = 0; i < repeatArr.Length; ++i)
                        if (repeatArr[i] == true)
                            fireOnce = i; fireSearched = true; break;

            Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Next alarm date is " + fireOnce.ToString() + " (-1: no repeat, 0=sunday)");
            int fireAfterDay = 0;

            if (fireOnce == -1 || (fireSearched && fireOnce == currentDayOfWeek - 1))
                //Firedate modifiy not needed but check time
                //시간이 과거면 알람 추가 안해야함 + 다음날로 넘겨야됨
                if (funcDate <= (Calendar.Instance.TimeInMillis / 1000))
                    //과거의 알람이기 때문에, 다음날로 넘겨야됨!

                    if (fireOnce == -1)                       //반복 꺼짐인 경우 그냥 다음날로 넘김.
                        Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Past alarm!! add 1 day");
                        date.Add(CalendarField.Date, 1);
                        //다음 반복일까지 대기후 추가
                        if (fireOnce - (currentDayOfWeek - 1) > 0)
                            fireAfterDay = fireOnce - (currentDayOfWeek - 1);
                            Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "(past) Firedate is over today: " + fireAfterDay.ToString());
                            fireAfterDay = (7 - (currentDayOfWeek - 1)) + fireOnce;
                            Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "(past) Firedate is before today: " + fireAfterDay.ToString());
                        date.Add(CalendarField.Date, fireAfterDay);
                        Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Firedate " + date.ToString());
                    Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "This is not past alarm.");
                }                 //end if
                //Firedate modify.
                if (fireOnce - (currentDayOfWeek - 1) > 0)
                    fireAfterDay = fireOnce - (currentDayOfWeek - 1);
                    Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Firedate is over today: " + fireAfterDay.ToString());
                    fireAfterDay = (7 - (currentDayOfWeek - 1)) + fireOnce;
                    Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Firedate is before today: " + fireAfterDay.ToString());
                //Add to date
                date.Add(CalendarField.Date, fireAfterDay);
                Log.Debug(UPLog.TAG, "Firedate " + date.ToString());

            int alarmUUID = alarmID == -1 ? (int)Calendar.Instance.TimeInMillis : alarmID;

            //// ~~ 원래 이 부분에 Notifi 등록 부분이 있었는데,
            //// 안드로이드는 서비스로 직접 알람이 울려야 하면 음악 재생 및 가능하면 액티비티를 띄우는
            //// 작업을 할 거기 때문에 알람 데이터만 저장되면 됨. (즉 노티피 필요 X)

            //Remove seconds
            date.Set(CalendarField.Second, 0);

            //Add alarm to system (array) and save to nsdef
            AlarmElement tmpAlarmEle = new AlarmElement(
                alarmTitle, gameID, repeatArr, soundFile, (int)date.TimeInMillis /* 밀리세컨드 그대로 저장함 */,
                isToggled, alarmUUID

            if (insertAt == -1)
                //add to arr and save
                alarmsArray.Insert(insertAt, tmpAlarmEle);

            //// TODO!!! 20160421
            //// 안드로이드 데이터 저장 코드를 넣어야함
            UPDataManager.SaveDataJObject(UPDataManager.KEY_ALARMS, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(alarmsArray, Formatting.Indented));
Esempio n. 6
    public void SetAlarm()
        if (settingAlarm)

        settingAlarm = true;

        int jaarId   = tijdInfo[4].value;
        int maandId  = tijdInfo[3].value;
        int dagId    = tijdInfo[2].value;
        int minuutId = tijdInfo[1].value;
        int urenId   = tijdInfo[0].value;

        int jaar    = int.Parse(tijdInfo[4].options[jaarId].text);
        int maand   = int.Parse(tijdInfo[3].options[maandId].text);
        int dag     = int.Parse(tijdInfo[2].options[dagId].text);
        int uren    = int.Parse(tijdInfo[1].options[minuutId].text);
        int minuten = int.Parse(tijdInfo[0].options[urenId].text);

        if (jaar == null)
            jaar = 0;

        if (maand == null)
            maand = 0;

        if (dag == null)
            dag = 0;

        if (uren == null)
            uren = 0;

        if (minuten == null)
            minuten = 0;

        DateTime alarmTime = new DateTime(jaar, maand, dag, uren, minuten, 0);

        Alarm newAlarm = new Alarm();

        switch (alarmOption.value)
        case 0:
            newAlarm = new Alarm(alarmTime, KoffieAan);

        case 1:
            newAlarm = new Alarm(alarmTime, KoffieZetten);

            newAlarm = new Alarm(DateTime.Now, null);

        if (!newAlarm.Equals(null))
            AlarmElement temp = new AlarmElement(newAlarm.AlarmTime().ToString(), newAlarm.actionToPerform.Method.Name);

            network.debugText.GetComponent <Text>().text = alarmCount + " alarm count";
            dirty = true;

        settingAlarm = false;