//private void DBTableWatcher_VehicleChange(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // ObjCacheManager.updateVehicle(); //} private void ProcCurrentAlarm(object sender, StanMsgHandlerArgs handler) { //List<sc.ALARM> alarms = getCurrentAlarmFromRedis(); List <sc.ALARM> alarms = AlarmBLL.loadSetAlarm(); ObjCacheManager.updateAlarm(alarms); CurrentAlarmChange?.Invoke(this, alarms); }
private void LoadData() { var recordCount = 0; var stTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00"); var endTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"); var data = AlarmBLL.GetList("", -1, stTime, endTime, 1, 20, out recordCount); ViewBag.Grid1RecordCount = recordCount; ViewBag.Grid1DataSource = data; }
public AlarmObjToShow(ALARM _alarm, AlarmBLL _alarmBLL) { alarm = _alarm; alarmBLL = _alarmBLL; AlarmMap alarmMap = alarmBLL.cache.getSuggestion("VH_LINE", ALAM_CODE); if (alarmMap != null) { SUGGESTION = alarmMap.SUGGESTION; POSSIBLE_CAUSES = alarmMap.POSSIBLE_CAUSES; } }
public ActionResult btnSearch_Click(JArray AlarmInfoGrid_fields, string objectName, int alarmType, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int AlarmInfoGrid_pageIndex, int AlarmInfoGrid_pageSize) { var grid1 = UIHelper.Grid("AlarmInfoGrid"); var recordCount = 0; var stTime = DateTime.Parse(startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00"); var edTime = DateTime.Parse(endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"); var data = AlarmBLL.GetList(objectName, alarmType, stTime, edTime, AlarmInfoGrid_pageIndex + 1, AlarmInfoGrid_pageSize, out recordCount); grid1.RecordCount(recordCount); grid1.DataSource(data, AlarmInfoGrid_fields); return(UIHelper.Result()); }
/// <summary> /// 保存报警记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="equipment"></param> /// <param name="terminal"></param> /// <param name="posId"></param> /// <param name="alarm"></param> private void SaveAlarm(TB_Equipment equipment, string terminal_id, long posId, string alarm) { using (var bll = new AlarmBLL()) { var obj = bll.GetObject(); obj.Code = alarm; obj.Equipment = null == equipment ? (int?)null : equipment.id; obj.Position = (0 >= posId ? (long?)null : posId); obj.StoreTimes = null == equipment ? 0 : equipment.StoreTimes; obj.Terminal = terminal_id; bll.Add(obj); } }
private int PageChange(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { _firstIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + 1; int totalCount; var result = new AlarmBLL().GetAllAlarm(out totalCount, "", pageIndex, pageSize, _currentOrderBy, _ascding, null, null); if (result.Code > 0) { DlgHelper.ShowAlertMsgBox(result.Msg); } dgvAlarmList.DataSource = result.Data; return(totalCount); }
/// <summary> /// 新增报警信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AddAlarmInfo(string info, string alarmAddress, string alarmObjectName, string alarmType, string alarmTime, string objectName) { INFO_ALARMINFO alarmInfo = new INFO_ALARMINFO(); alarmInfo.ALARMINFO = info; alarmInfo.ALARMADDRESS = alarmAddress; alarmInfo.ALARMOBJECTNAME = alarmObjectName; alarmInfo.ALARMTYPE = Convert.ToInt32(alarmType); alarmInfo.ALARMTIME = DateTime.Parse(alarmTime); var isSuccess = AlarmBLL.Add(alarmInfo); MapBLL.UpdateGpsInfo(objectName); return(new JsonResult { Data = isSuccess }); }
public AlarmForm(string alarmContent, AlarmType alarmType) { InitializeComponent(); richTextBoxAlarmContent.Text = alarmContent; var alarm = new WebAlarm() { AlarmContent = alarmContent, AlarmTypeInt = (int)alarmType, Operator = MainForm.CurrentUserName, }; var result = new AlarmBLL().AddAlarm(alarm); if (result.Code > 0) { DlgHelper.ShowAlertMsgBox(result.Msg); } }
public void TestAlarmBLL() { AlarmBLL bll = new AlarmBLL(new AlarmDAL()); Alarm alarm = new Alarm(2, "testAddress", "dectription33333"); bll.Add(alarm); bll.Delete(alarm); bll.Modify(new Alarm(4), new Alarm(2, "modify address", "")); int a = 2; Alarm alarm2 = (Alarm)bll.GetObjById(a.ToString()); List <object> objs1 = bll.GetAllObjs(); List <object> objs2 = bll.GetObjsBySQL("select * from alarm", null); int b = bll.ExcuteSqlStr("select * from alarm where id = 1"); }
internal ZpAlarm(int ledger, SysPro pro) { this.bll = new AlarmBLL(ledger, Config.Uid); this.pro = pro; }
public WindownApplication() { ViewerID = getString("Viewer_ID", ""); webClientManager = WebClientManager.getInstance(); ObjCacheManager = new ObjCacheManager(this); elasticSearchManager = new ElasticSearchManager(); RailDao = new RAILDao(); AddressDao = new ADDRESSDao(); PortIconDao = new PortIconDao(); PointDao = new POINTDao(); GroupRailDao = new GROUPRAILSDao(); SegmentDao = new SegmentDao(); SectionDao = new SectionDao(); PortDao = new PortDao(); VehicleDao = new VehicleDao(); UserDao = new UserDao(); UserGroupDao = new UserGroupDao(); UserFuncDao = new UserFuncDao(); FunctionCodeDao = new FunctionCodeDao(); CMD_OHTCDao = new CMD_OHTCDao(); CMD_MCSDao = new CMD_MCSDao(); VCMD_MCSDao = new VCMD_MCSDao(); PortStationDao = new PortStationDao(); AlarmDao = new AlarmDao(); MapBLL = new MapBLL(this); UserBLL = new UserBLL(this); OperationHistoryBLL = new OperationHistoryBLL(this); CmdBLL = new CmdBLL(this); AlarmBLL = new AlarmBLL(this); PortStationBLL = new PortStationBLL(this); SegmentBLL = new SegmentBLL(this); ObjCacheManager.start(); ID = ObjCacheManager.MapId; LineBLL = new LineBLL(this); VehicleBLL = new VehicleBLL(this); SysExcuteQualityBLL = new SysExcuteQualityBLL(this); dBTableWatcher = new EventAction.DBTableWatcher(this); dBTableWatcher.initStart(); // setEFConnectionString(ObjCacheManager.EFConnectionString); SysExcuteQualityQueryService = new SysExcuteQualityQueryService(this); //initBackgroundWork(); // SysExcuteQualityQueryService = new SysExcuteQualityQueryService(); switch (WindownApplication.OHxCFormMode) { case OHxCFormMode.CurrentPlayer: natsManager = new NatsManager(ID, "nats-cluster", ViewerID); redisCacheManager = new RedisCacheManager(ID); SubscriberNatsEvent(); SubscriberDBTableWatcherEvent(); //SysExcuteQualityQueryService.start(); break; case OHxCFormMode.HistoricalPlayer: HistoricalReplyService = new HistoricalReplyService(this); //HistoricalReplyService.loadVhHistoricalInfo(); break; } //VehicleBLL.ReguestViewerUpdate(); }
/// <summary> /// 处理新版的卫星通讯协议 /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> private void HandleIridiumNewProtocolPackage(IridiumData data) { if (data.Payload[0] == 0x01) { // 新版的卫星通讯协议 uint thisWorkTime = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data.Payload, 13); string locks = CustomConvert.GetHex(data.Payload[1]); string alarms = CustomConvert.IntToDigit(data.Payload[2], CustomConvert.BIN, 8) + CustomConvert.IntToDigit(data.Payload[3], CustomConvert.BIN, 8); IridiumLocation location = new IridiumLocation(); location.LatLng = new byte[IridiumLocation.SIZE]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data.Payload, 4, location.LatLng, 0, IridiumLocation.SIZE); location.Unpackate(); // 通过卫星的IMEI号码查找终端 using (var tbll = new TerminalBLL()) { using (var ebll = new EquipmentBLL()) { var terminal = tbll.Find(f => f.TB_Satellite.CardNo.Equals(data.IMEI)); TB_Equipment equipment = null; if (null != terminal) { // 只有第一版的终端才需要计算补偿时间 var compensated = terminal.Version == 1; tbll.Update(f => f.id == terminal.id, act => { act.OnlineStyle = (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE; // 同时更新终端的最后链接时间 act.OnlineTime = data.Time; }); equipment = ebll.Find(f => f.Terminal == terminal.id); if (null != equipment) { // 旧的运转时间 var oldRuntime = equipment.Runtime; var interval = 0 == oldRuntime ? 0 : (thisWorkTime - oldRuntime); // 粗略增加的小时数,启动时加2小时 var addMin = interval > 60 ? interval / 60 : 1 + (location.EngFlag.Equals("On") ? 1 : 0); int addHour = (int)(interval > 60 ? interval / 60 : 1);// 显示历史记录 string oldCompensated = format("WorkHours {0}, UsedHours {1}, Efficiency {2}, AddHours {3}, Compensated {4}", equipment.WorkHours, equipment.UsedHours, equipment.HourWorkEfficiency, equipment.AddedHours, equipment.CompensatedHours); string newCompensated = ""; // 更新设备的总运转时间 HandleEquipmentRuntime(equipment, thisWorkTime); if (null != equipment) { string calculated = ""; ebll.Update(f => f.id == equipment.id, act => { act.OnlineStyle = (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE; act.OnlineTime = data.Time; // 更新设备的报警状态 2015/09/10 14:04 act.Alarm = alarms; act.LastAction = "0x1000"; act.LastActionBy = "SAT"; act.LastActionTime = data.Time; // 更新定位信息 2015/09/09 23:29 if (location.Available) { act.Latitude = location.Latitude; act.Longitude = location.Longitude; } // 更新启动与否状态 2015/08/31 act.Voltage = location.EngFlag.Equals("On") ? "G2400" : "G0000"; // 更新总运转时间 act.Runtime = equipment.Runtime; act.AccumulativeRuntime = equipment.AccumulativeRuntime; // 更新 version 终端为1的版本的运转时间的补偿 if (compensated && interval > 0) { // 实际工作小时数 act.WorkHours += interval / 60.0; // 实际所用小时数 act.UsedHours += addHour; // 重新计算每小时工作效率 act.HourWorkEfficiency = act.WorkHours / act.UsedHours; // 补偿的小时数 act.AddedHours += addMin / 60.0; // 实际补偿的小时数 act.CompensatedHours = act.AddedHours * act.HourWorkEfficiency; } // 如果回来的运转时间比当前时间大则更新成为On状态 暂时 2015/09/02 //if (worktime > act.Runtime) //{ // // act.Voltage = "G2400"; // act.Runtime = (int)worktime; //} //else //{ // if (worktime > 0) // { // // 运转时间不为零的话,更新运转时间 // act.Runtime = (int)worktime; // } //} // 锁车状态 2015/08/14 if (act.LockStatus != locks) { act.LockStatus = locks; } // 判断锁车的有效状态 if (locks.Equals("40") || locks.Equals("0F") || locks.Equals("FF")) { // 锁车时还有开机状态 if (location.EngFlag.Equals("On")) { // 锁车了,但未关机,还在工作中 if (act.LockEffected == (byte)LockEffect.Locked) { act.LockEffected = (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndStillWork; } else if (act.LockEffected == (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndEngineOff) { // 锁车了且已关机了,此时再开机则需要报警(没锁住车) act.LockEffected = (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndNoEffect; } } else { // 锁车了,且已关机了 if (act.LockEffected == (byte)LockEffect.Locked) { act.LockEffected = (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndEngineOff; } } } }); if (compensated && interval > 0) { equipment = ebll.Find(f => f.id == equipment.id); newCompensated = format("WorkHours {0}, UsedHours {1}, Efficiency {2}, AddHours {3}, Compensated {4}", equipment.WorkHours, equipment.UsedHours, equipment.HourWorkEfficiency, equipment.AddedHours, equipment.CompensatedHours); calculated = format("Compensate changed(interval: {0}){1} from {2}{3} to {4}", interval, Environment.NewLine, oldCompensated, Environment.NewLine, newCompensated); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(calculated)) { OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs() { Message = format("{0}{1}{2}", Now, calculated, Environment.NewLine) }); } } } else { OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs() { Message = format("{0} Iridium has not bind with any equipment.", Now, Environment.NewLine) }); } } else { OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs() { Message = format("{0} Satellite has no terminal, data will save as terminal number: \"{1}\".{2}", Now, data.IMEI.Substring(4), Environment.NewLine) }); } // 保存TX300历史记录 SaveTX300History(new TX300() { CommandID = 0x1000, MsgContent = data.Payload, ProtocolType = ProtocolTypes.SATELLITE, // 默认装载机终端类型 2015/09/22 09:40 TerminalType = null == terminal ? TerminalTypes.LD : terminal.Type.Value, // 没有终端时,用IMEI号码的末尾11位数字表示终端号码 2015/09/22 09:40 TerminalID = null == terminal ? data.IMEI.Substring(4) : terminal.Sim, TotalLength = (ushort)data.Payload.Length }, data.Time, ebll.GetFullNumber(equipment)); try { long?posId = null; if (location.Available) { using (var posbll = new PositionBLL()) { var pos = posbll.GetObject(); pos.Latitude = location.Latitude; pos.Longitude = location.Longitude; pos.NS = location.NSI; pos.EW = location.EWI; pos.StoreTimes = null == equipment ? 0 : equipment.StoreTimes; pos.GpsTime = data.Time; pos.Equipment = null == equipment ? (int?)null : equipment.id; // 没有终端时,用IMEI号码的末尾11位数字表示终端号码 2015/09/22 09:40 pos.Terminal = null == terminal?data.IMEI.Substring(4) : (terminal.Sim.Length < 11 ? (terminal.Sim + "000") : terminal.Sim); pos.Type = location.Report + "(Eng " + location.EngFlag + ")(SAT)"; posbll.Add(pos); posId = pos.id; } } // 处理报警信息 if (alarms != ALARM) { using (var armbll = new AlarmBLL()) { var arm = armbll.GetObject(); arm.Code = alarms; arm.AlarmTime = data.Time; arm.Equipment = null == equipment ? (int?)null : equipment.id; arm.Position = posId; arm.StoreTimes = null == equipment ? 0 : equipment.StoreTimes; // 没有终端时,用IMEI号码的末尾11位数字表示终端号码 2015/09/22 09:40 arm.Terminal = null == terminal?data.IMEI.Substring(4) : (terminal.Sim.Length < 11 ? (terminal.Sim + "000") : terminal.Sim); armbll.Add(arm); } } } catch (Exception e) { OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs() { Message = format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", Now, e.Message, Environment.NewLine, e.StackTrace) }); } // 更新卫星方式的命令状态(只处理命令回复的1000,其他的命令在普通命令过程中处理) if (location.ReportType == 1 && data.Payload.Length <= 17) { HandleIridiumCommandResponseed(data); } location.Dispose(); location = null; } } } }