Esempio n. 1
        void TestBox_OnAdminRequest(AdminInterface admin, string sprocketPath, string[] pathSections, HandleFlag handled)
            //admin.AddMainMenuLink(new AdminMenuLink("Test Box", WebUtility.MakePath("admin/testbox"), 1000));
            if (sprocketPath != "admin/testbox")
            admin.AddInterfaceScript(new RankedString(ResourceLoader.LoadTextResource(typeof(AjaxForm).Assembly, "Sprocket.Web.Controls.AjaxForm.js"), 0));
            admin.AddHeadSection(new RankedString(CSS, 0));
            admin.ContentHeading = "Test Box";
            admin.AddContentSection(new RankedString("blah", -1000));

            AjaxFormFieldBlock b = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("UserDetails", "Main User Details");

            b.Add(new AjaxFormStandardField(
                      "<input type=\"text\" id=\"Username\" />",
                      "function(value) { return value.length == 0 ? 'Please enter a username' : false }",
                      true, 1));
            b.Add(new AjaxFormStandardField("First Name", "FirstName", "<input type=\"text\" />", null, "", true, 0));

            AjaxFormFieldBlock b2 = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("RandomCrap", "Random Crap");

            b2.Add(new AjaxFormField("stuff", null, null, -1));

            AjaxFormFieldBlockList bl = new AjaxFormFieldBlockList();


            admin.AddContentSection(new RankedString(bl, 1001));
        public void FillStandardUserFormBlock(AjaxFormFieldBlock block, User user, bool plainTextPassword, bool multilingual, bool requireFullName, bool allowUsernameEditing)
            bool newUser = user == null;

            string labelUsername = multilingual ? "{?form-label-username?}" : "Username";
            string labelPassword = multilingual ? "{?form-label-password?}" : "Password";
            string labelFirstName = multilingual ? "{?form-label-firstname?}" : "FirstName";
            string labelSurname = multilingual ? "{?form-label-surname?}" : "Surname";
            string labelEmail = multilingual ? "{?form-label-email?}" : "Email";

            string errNoUsername = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-username?}" : "Please enter a username";
            string errNoFirstName = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-firstname?}" : "Please enter your first name";
            string errNoSurname = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-surname?}" : "Please enter your surname";
            string errNoEmail = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-email?}" : "Please enter your email address";
            string errNoPassword = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-password?}" : "Please enter your email password";

            string fErr = "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return '{0}'; return null;}}";
            string pErr = !newUser ? null : string.Format(fErr, errNoPassword);
            string fnErr = !requireFullName ? null : string.Format(fErr, errNoFirstName);
            string snErr = !requireFullName ? null : string.Format(fErr, errNoSurname);

            if (newUser) user = new User();
            bool locked = user.Locked;
                block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelUsername, "Username", 50, locked, null, "width:150px;", user.Username, null, string.Format(fErr, errNoUsername), true, 0));
            if (plainTextPassword)
                block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelPassword, "Password", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", null, null, pErr, true, ObjectRank.Early));
                block.Add(new AjaxFormPasswordField(labelPassword, 50, null, "width:73px", ObjectRank.Early, multilingual, newUser, !newUser));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelFirstName, "FirstName", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", user.FirstName, null, fnErr, true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelSurname, "Surname", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", user.Surname, null, snErr, true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelEmail, "Email", 100, false, null, "width:150px;", user.Email, null, string.Format(fErr, errNoEmail), true, ObjectRank.Normal));
        public void FillStandardUserFormBlock(AjaxFormFieldBlock block, User user, bool plainTextPassword, bool multilingual, bool requireFullName, bool allowUsernameEditing)
            bool newUser = user == null;

            string labelUsername  = multilingual ? "{?form-label-username?}" : "Username";
            string labelPassword  = multilingual ? "{?form-label-password?}" : "Password";
            string labelFirstName = multilingual ? "{?form-label-firstname?}" : "FirstName";
            string labelSurname   = multilingual ? "{?form-label-surname?}" : "Surname";
            string labelEmail     = multilingual ? "{?form-label-email?}" : "Email";

            string errNoUsername  = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-username?}" : "Please enter a username";
            string errNoFirstName = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-firstname?}" : "Please enter your first name";
            string errNoSurname   = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-surname?}" : "Please enter your surname";
            string errNoEmail     = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-email?}" : "Please enter your email address";
            string errNoPassword  = multilingual ? "{?form-error-require-password?}" : "Please enter your email password";

            string fErr  = "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return '{0}'; return null;}}";
            string pErr  = !newUser ? null : string.Format(fErr, errNoPassword);
            string fnErr = !requireFullName ? null : string.Format(fErr, errNoFirstName);
            string snErr = !requireFullName ? null : string.Format(fErr, errNoSurname);

            if (newUser)
                user = new User();
            bool locked = user.Locked;

            if (allowUsernameEditing)
                block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelUsername, "Username", 50, locked, null, "width:150px;", user.Username, null, string.Format(fErr, errNoUsername), true, 0));
            if (plainTextPassword)
                block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelPassword, "Password", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", null, null, pErr, true, ObjectRank.Early));
                block.Add(new AjaxFormPasswordField(labelPassword, 50, null, "width:73px", ObjectRank.Early, multilingual, newUser, !newUser));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelFirstName, "FirstName", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", user.FirstName, null, fnErr, true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelSurname, "Surname", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", user.Surname, null, snErr, true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField(labelEmail, "Email", 100, false, null, "width:150px;", user.Email, null, string.Format(fErr, errNoEmail), true, ObjectRank.Normal));
        public AjaxForm GetRoleEditForm(Guid? roleID)
            SecurityProvider.Role role;
            if (roleID == null)
                role = new SecurityProvider.Role();
                role = SecurityProvider.Role.Load(roleID.Value);
                if (role == null)
                    throw new AjaxException("The requested role does not exist in the database.");
                if (role.Locked)
                    throw new AjaxException("This is a system role and cannot be modified.");

            AjaxForm form = new AjaxForm("RoleEditForm");
            form.RecordID = roleID;

            AjaxFormFieldBlock block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("RoleDetails", "Role Details");
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Role Name",
                "Name", 100, role.Locked, null, null, role.Name, null,
                "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return 'A name is required'; return null;}}",
                true, 0));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField("Role is enabled", "Enabled", role.Enabled, role.Locked, null, null, false, 1));
            block.Rank = 0;

            List<Guid> roleDescendents = new List<Guid>();
            IDbCommand cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListDescendentRoles", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            DataSet ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);
            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

            cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListRoleToRoleAssignmentStates", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);

            block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Roles", "Roles that this role should adopt");
            block.Rank = 1;
            int c = 0;
            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["RoleCode"].ToString()) && !roleDescendents.Contains((Guid)row["RoleID"]))
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(
                        row["Name"].ToString(), row["RoleCode"].ToString(),
                        (bool)row["Inherited"], role.Locked, null, null, false, c++));
            if (block.Count > 0)

            cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListPermissionValuesForRole", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@ShowAllPermissions", true);
            ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);

            block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Permissions", "Permission Settings");
            c  = 0;
            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString()))
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(
                        row["Description"].ToString(), row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString(),
                        row["Value"] == DBNull.Value ? false : (bool)row["Value"], role.Locked, null, null, false, c++));

            AjaxFormButtonGroup buttons = new AjaxFormButtonGroup();
            block.Rank = 2;
            buttons.Rank = 10000;
            buttons.AddSubmitButton(null, "Save", "SecurityInterface.OnRoleSaved", null);
            if (roleID != null)
                if (!role.Locked) buttons.AddButton(null, "Delete", "SecurityInterface.DeleteRole('" + roleID.ToString() + "')");
            buttons.AddButton(null, "Cancel", "$('security-permissionlist').innerHTML = '';");

            if (block.Count > 0)

            return form;
        public AjaxForm GetUserEditForm(Guid? userID)
            /* business rules:
             * people with user administration access can only see user accounts that have a subset of the logged-in user's own roles/permissions
             * user accounts containing roles or permissions that are not possessed by this user can NOT be altered by the current user
             * the current user can only assign roles or permissions to other users if he/she has that role or permission
            string fErr = "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return 'Please enter a {0}'; return null;}}";
            string pErr = userID != null ? null : string.Format(fErr, "password");
            string username = null, firstname = null, surname = null, email = null, blockheading = null;
            bool enabled = true, locked = false;
            if (userID != null)
                SecurityProvider.User user = SecurityProvider.User.Load(userID.Value);
                if (!CurrentUser.CanModifyUser(user))
                    throw new AjaxException("You don't have access to modify that user.");
                username = user.Username;
                firstname = user.FirstName;
                surname = user.Surname;
                email = user.Email;
                enabled = user.Enabled;
                locked = user.Locked;
            blockheading = "User Details";
            AjaxForm form = new AjaxForm("UserEditForm");
            if (userID != null) form.RecordID = userID.Value;
            AjaxFormFieldBlock block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("MainUserFields", blockheading);
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Username", "Username", 50, locked, null, "width:150px;", username, null, string.Format(fErr, "username"), true, 0));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Password", "Password", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", null, null, pErr, true, 1));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("First Name", "FirstName", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", firstname, null, null, true, 2));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Surname", "Surname", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", surname, null, null, true, 3));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Email", "Email", 100, false, null, "width:150px;", email, null, string.Format(fErr, "valid email address"), true, 4));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField("User account is enabled", "Enabled", enabled, locked, null, null, false, 5));
            block.Rank = -10000;

            if (!locked && username != CurrentUser.Username)
                block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Roles", "Assigned Roles");
                block.Rank = 998;
                IDbCommand cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListRolePermissionStates", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@UserID", userID);
                DataSet ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);
                int c = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // check that the current user has access to assign the specified permission/role
                    if (!CurrentUser.HasRole(row["RoleCode"].ToString())) continue;
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(row["Name"].ToString(), row["RoleCode"].ToString(),
                        (bool)row["HasRole"], false, null, null, false, c++));
                if (c > 0) form.FieldBlocks.Add(block);

                block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Permissions", "Specific Assigned Permissions");
                block.Rank = 999;
                c = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
                    // check that the current user has access to assign the specified permission/role
                    if (!CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString())) continue;
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(row["Description"].ToString(), row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString(),
                        (bool)row["HasPermission"], false, null, null, false, c++));
                if (c > 0) form.FieldBlocks.Add(block);
            block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("SubmitButtons", null);
            AjaxFormButtonGroup buttons = new AjaxFormButtonGroup();
            block.Rank = 10000;
            buttons.AddSubmitButton(null, "Save", "SecurityInterface.OnUserSaved", null);
            if (userID != null)
                if (!locked) buttons.AddButton(null, "Delete", "SecurityInterface.DeleteUser('" + userID.ToString() + "')");
                //buttons.AddButton(null, "Send Password", "SecurityInterface.SendPassword('" + userID.ToString() + "')");
                buttons.AddButton(null, "Cancel", "SecurityInterface.CancelUserEdit()");

            if (OnUserEditFormLayout != null)
                OnUserEditFormLayout(userID, false, form);

            return form;
        public AjaxForm GetRoleEditForm(Guid?roleID)
            SecurityProvider.Role role;
            if (roleID == null)
                role = new SecurityProvider.Role();
                role = SecurityProvider.Role.Load(roleID.Value);
                if (role == null)
                    throw new AjaxException("The requested role does not exist in the database.");
                if (role.Locked)
                    throw new AjaxException("This is a system role and cannot be modified.");

            AjaxForm form = new AjaxForm("RoleEditForm");

            form.RecordID = roleID;

            AjaxFormFieldBlock block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("RoleDetails", "Role Details");

            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Role Name",
                                             "Name", 100, role.Locked, null, null, role.Name, null,
                                             "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return 'A name is required'; return null;}}",
                                             true, 0));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField("Role is enabled", "Enabled", role.Enabled, role.Locked, null, null, false, 1));
            block.Rank = 0;

            List <Guid> roleDescendents = new List <Guid>();
            IDbCommand  cmd             = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListDescendentRoles", CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            DataSet ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

            cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListRoleToRoleAssignmentStates", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);

            block      = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Roles", "Roles that this role should adopt");
            block.Rank = 1;
            int c = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["RoleCode"].ToString()) && !roleDescendents.Contains((Guid)row["RoleID"]))
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(
                                  row["Name"].ToString(), row["RoleCode"].ToString(),
                                  (bool)row["Inherited"], role.Locked, null, null, false, c++));
            if (block.Count > 0)

            cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListPermissionValuesForRole", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@ShowAllPermissions", true);
            ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);

            block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Permissions", "Permission Settings");
            c     = 0;
            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString()))
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(
                                  row["Description"].ToString(), row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString(),
                                  row["Value"] == DBNull.Value ? false : (bool)row["Value"], role.Locked, null, null, false, c++));

            AjaxFormButtonGroup buttons = new AjaxFormButtonGroup();

            block.Rank   = 2;
            buttons.Rank = 10000;
            buttons.AddSubmitButton(null, "Save", "SecurityInterface.OnRoleSaved", null);
            if (roleID != null)
                if (!role.Locked)
                    buttons.AddButton(null, "Delete", "SecurityInterface.DeleteRole('" + roleID.ToString() + "')");
            buttons.AddButton(null, "Cancel", "$('security-permissionlist').innerHTML = '';");

            if (block.Count > 0)

        public AjaxForm GetUserEditForm(Guid?userID)
            /* business rules:
             * people with user administration access can only see user accounts that have a subset of the logged-in user's own roles/permissions
             * user accounts containing roles or permissions that are not possessed by this user can NOT be altered by the current user
             * the current user can only assign roles or permissions to other users if he/she has that role or permission
            string fErr = "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return 'Please enter a {0}'; return null;}}";
            string pErr = userID != null ? null : string.Format(fErr, "password");
            string username = null, firstname = null, surname = null, email = null, blockheading = null;
            bool   enabled = true, locked = false;

            if (userID != null)
                SecurityProvider.User user = SecurityProvider.User.Load(userID.Value);
                if (!CurrentUser.CanModifyUser(user))
                    throw new AjaxException("You don't have access to modify that user.");
                username  = user.Username;
                firstname = user.FirstName;
                surname   = user.Surname;
                email     = user.Email;
                enabled   = user.Enabled;
                locked    = user.Locked;
            blockheading = "User Details";
            AjaxForm form = new AjaxForm("UserEditForm");

            if (userID != null)
                form.RecordID = userID.Value;
            AjaxFormFieldBlock block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("MainUserFields", blockheading);

            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Username", "Username", 50, locked, null, "width:150px;", username, null, string.Format(fErr, "username"), true, 0));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Password", "Password", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", null, null, pErr, true, 1));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("First Name", "FirstName", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", firstname, null, null, true, 2));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Surname", "Surname", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", surname, null, null, true, 3));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Email", "Email", 100, false, null, "width:150px;", email, null, string.Format(fErr, "valid email address"), true, 4));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField("User account is enabled", "Enabled", enabled, locked, null, null, false, 5));
            block.Rank = -10000;

            if (!locked && username != CurrentUser.Username)
                block      = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Roles", "Assigned Roles");
                block.Rank = 998;
                IDbCommand cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListRolePermissionStates", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@UserID", userID);
                DataSet ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);
                int     c  = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // check that the current user has access to assign the specified permission/role
                    if (!CurrentUser.HasRole(row["RoleCode"].ToString()))
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(row["Name"].ToString(), row["RoleCode"].ToString(),
                                                        (bool)row["HasRole"], false, null, null, false, c++));
                if (c > 0)

                block      = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Permissions", "Specific Assigned Permissions");
                block.Rank = 999;
                c          = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
                    // check that the current user has access to assign the specified permission/role
                    if (!CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString()))
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(row["Description"].ToString(), row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString(),
                                                        (bool)row["HasPermission"], false, null, null, false, c++));
                if (c > 0)
            block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("SubmitButtons", null);
            AjaxFormButtonGroup buttons = new AjaxFormButtonGroup();

            block.Rank = 10000;
            buttons.AddSubmitButton(null, "Save", "SecurityInterface.OnUserSaved", null);
            if (userID != null)
                if (!locked)
                    buttons.AddButton(null, "Delete", "SecurityInterface.DeleteUser('" + userID.ToString() + "')");
                //buttons.AddButton(null, "Send Password", "SecurityInterface.SendPassword('" + userID.ToString() + "')");
                buttons.AddButton(null, "Cancel", "SecurityInterface.CancelUserEdit()");

            if (OnUserEditFormLayout != null)
                OnUserEditFormLayout(userID, false, form);

Esempio n. 8
        void TestBox_OnAdminRequest(AdminInterface admin, string sprocketPath, string[] pathSections, HandleFlag handled)
            //admin.AddMainMenuLink(new AdminMenuLink("Test Box", WebUtility.MakePath("admin/testbox"), 1000));
            if (sprocketPath != "admin/testbox") return;
            admin.AddInterfaceScript(new RankedString(ResourceLoader.LoadTextResource(typeof(AjaxForm).Assembly, "Sprocket.Web.Controls.AjaxForm.js"), 0));
            admin.AddHeadSection(new RankedString(CSS, 0));
            admin.ContentHeading = "Test Box";
            admin.AddContentSection(new RankedString("blah", -1000));

            AjaxFormFieldBlock b = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("UserDetails", "Main User Details");
            b.Add(new AjaxFormStandardField(
                "<input type=\"text\" id=\"Username\" />",
                "function(value) { return value.length == 0 ? 'Please enter a username' : false }",
                true, 1));
            b.Add(new AjaxFormStandardField("First Name", "FirstName", "<input type=\"text\" />", null, "", true, 0));

            AjaxFormFieldBlock b2 = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("RandomCrap", "Random Crap");
            b2.Add(new AjaxFormField("stuff", null, null, -1));

            AjaxFormFieldBlockList bl = new AjaxFormFieldBlockList();

            admin.AddContentSection(new RankedString(bl, 1001));
Esempio n. 9
        public AjaxForm GetRoleEditForm(long?roleID)
            Role role;

            if (roleID == null)
                role = new Role();
                role = Role.Select(roleID.Value);
                if (role == null)
                    throw new AjaxUserMessageException("The requested role does not exist in the database.");
                if (role.Locked)
                    throw new AjaxUserMessageException("This is a system role and cannot be modified.");

            AjaxForm form = new AjaxForm("RoleEditForm");

            form.RecordID = roleID;

            AjaxFormFieldBlock block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("RoleDetails", "Role Details");

            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Role Name",
                                             "Name", 100, role.Locked, null, null, role.Name, null,
                                             "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return 'A name is required'; return null;}}",
                                             true, 0));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField("Role is enabled", "Enabled", role.Enabled, role.Locked, null, null, false, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Rank = 0;

            //List<Guid> roleDescendents = new List<Guid>();
            //List<Role> roleDescendents = SecurityProvider.DataLayer.ListDescendentRoles(role.RoleID);
            //IDbCommand cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListDescendentRoles", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            //Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            //DataSet ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);
            //foreach (Role role in roleDescendents)
            //    roleDescendents.Add((Guid)row["RoleID"]);

            List <RoleState> roles = SecurityProvider.DataLayer.ListAllRolesAgainstRole(role.RoleID);

            //cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListRoleToRoleAssignmentStates", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            //Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            //ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);

            block      = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Roles", "Roles that this role should adopt");
            block.Rank = ObjectRank.Normal;
            int c = 0;

            foreach (RoleState r in roles)
                //if (CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["RoleCode"].ToString()) && !roleDescendents.Contains((Guid)row["RoleID"]))
                block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(
                              r.Role.Name, r.Role.RoleCode, r.State == PermissionState.Inherited, r.Role.Locked, null, null, false, ObjectRank.Normal));
            //(bool)row["Inherited"], role.Locked, null, null, false, c++));
            if (block.Count > 0)

            //cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListPermissionValuesForRole", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
            //Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@RoleID", role.RoleID);
            //Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@ShowAllPermissions", true);
            //ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);

            block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Permissions", "Permission Settings");
            c     = 0;
            foreach (PermissionTypeState pts in SecurityProvider.DataLayer.ListAllPermissionTypesAgainstRole(role.RoleID))
                //if (CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString()))
                block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(
                              pts.PermissionType.Description, pts.PermissionType.PermissionTypeCode, pts.PermissionState == PermissionState.Specified,
                              role.Locked, null, null, false, ObjectRank.Normal));
            //row["Description"].ToString(), row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString(),
            //row["Value"] == DBNull.Value ? false : (bool)row["Value"], role.Locked, null, null, false, c++));

            AjaxFormButtonGroup buttons = new AjaxFormButtonGroup();

            block.Rank   = ObjectRank.Early;
            buttons.Rank = ObjectRank.Last;
            buttons.AddSubmitButton(null, "Save", "SecurityInterface.OnRoleSaved", null);
            if (roleID != null)
                if (!role.Locked)
                    buttons.AddButton(null, "Delete", "SecurityInterface.DeleteRole('" + roleID.ToString() + "')");
            buttons.AddButton(null, "Cancel", "$('security-permissionlist').innerHTML = '';");

            if (block.Count > 0)

Esempio n. 10
        public AjaxForm GetUserEditForm(long?userID)
            /* business rules:
             * people with user administration access can only see user accounts that have a subset of the logged-in user's own roles/permissions
             * user accounts containing roles or permissions that are not possessed by this user can NOT be altered by the current user
             * the current user can only assign roles or permissions to other users if he/she has that role or permission
            string fErr = "function(value){{if(value.length==0) return 'Please enter a {0}'; return null;}}";
            string pErr = userID != null ? null : string.Format(fErr, "password");
            string username = null, firstname = null, surname = null, email = null, blockheading = null;
            bool   enabled = true, locked = false;

            if (userID != null)
                User user = User.Select(userID.Value);
                username  = user.Username;
                firstname = user.FirstName;
                surname   = user.Surname;
                email     = user.Email;
                enabled   = user.Enabled;
                locked    = user.Locked;
            blockheading = "User Details";
            AjaxForm form = new AjaxForm("UserEditForm");

            if (userID != null)
                form.RecordID = userID.Value;
            AjaxFormFieldBlock block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("MainUserFields", blockheading);

            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Username", "Username", 50, locked, null, "width:150px;", username, null, string.Format(fErr, "username"), true, 0));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Password", "Password", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", null, null, pErr, true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("First Name", "FirstName", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", firstname, null, null, true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Surname", "Surname", 50, false, null, "width:150px;", surname, null, null, true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormInputField("Email", "Email", 100, false, null, "width:150px;", email, null, string.Format(fErr, "valid email address"), true, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField("User account is enabled", "Enabled", enabled, locked, null, null, false, ObjectRank.Normal));
            block.Rank = ObjectRank.First;

            if (!locked && username != SecurityProvider.CurrentUser.Username)
                block      = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Roles", "Assigned Roles");
                block.Rank = ObjectRank.First;
                List <RoleState>           roleStates  = SecurityProvider.DataLayer.ListAllRolesAgainstUser(userID == null ? 0 : userID.Value);
                List <PermissionTypeState> permissions = SecurityProvider.DataLayer.ListAllPermissionTypesAgainstUser(userID == null ? 0 : userID.Value);

                //IDbCommand cmd = Database.Main.CreateCommand("ListRolePermissionStates", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                //Database.Main.AddParameter(cmd, "@UserID", userID);
                //DataSet ds = Database.Main.GetDataSet(cmd);
                int c = 0;
                foreach (RoleState state in roleStates)
                    // check that the current user has access to assign the specified permission/role
                    //if (CurrentUser.HasRole(...) continue;
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(state.Role.Name, state.Role.RoleCode, state.IsAccessible, false, null, null, false, ObjectRank.Normal));
                if (c > 0)

                block      = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("Permissions", "Specific Assigned Permissions");
                block.Rank = ObjectRank.Early;
                c          = 0;
                foreach (PermissionTypeState state in permissions)
                    // check that the current user has access to assign the specified permission/role
                    //if (!CurrentUser.HasPermission(row["PermissionTypeCode"].ToString())) continue;
                    block.Add(new AjaxFormCheckboxField(state.PermissionType.Description, state.PermissionType.PermissionTypeCode,
                                                        state.PermissionState == PermissionState.Specified, false, null, null, false, ObjectRank.Normal));
                if (c > 0)
            block = new AjaxFormFieldBlock("SubmitButtons", null);
            AjaxFormButtonGroup buttons = new AjaxFormButtonGroup();

            block.Rank = ObjectRank.Last;
            buttons.AddSubmitButton(null, "Save", "SecurityInterface.OnUserSaved", null);
            if (userID != null)
                if (!locked)
                    buttons.AddButton(null, "Delete", "SecurityInterface.DeleteUser('" + userID.ToString() + "')");
                //buttons.AddButton(null, "Send Password", "SecurityInterface.SendPassword('" + userID.ToString() + "')");
                buttons.AddButton(null, "Cancel", "SecurityInterface.CancelUserEdit()");

            if (OnUserEditFormLayout != null)
                OnUserEditFormLayout(userID, false, form);
