protected void RefreshData(bool fForceRefresh) { mfbSearchForm1.Restriction.UserName = User.Identity.Name; mfbSearchForm1.Restriction.Refresh(); if (fForceRefresh || CurrentVisitedAirports == null) { CurrentVisitedAirports = VisitedAirport.VisitedAirportsForQuery(mfbSearchForm1.Restriction); } gvAirports.DataSource = CurrentVisitedAirports; gvAirports.DataBind(); IEnumerable <VisitedRegion> d = VisitedAirport.VisitedCountriesAndAdmins(CurrentVisitedAirports); rptRegions.DataSource = d; rptRegions.DataBind(); lblNone.Visible = !d.Any(); mfbGoogleMapManager1.Visible = CurrentVisitedAirports.Length > 0; // Avoid excessive map loads. AirportList alMatches = new AirportList(CurrentVisitedAirports); // get an airport list of the airports mfbGoogleMapManager1.Map.SetAirportList(alMatches); bool fIncludeRoutes = util.GetIntParam(Request, "path", 0) != 0; if (mfbGoogleMapManager1.Map.Options.fShowRoute = fIncludeRoutes) { List <AirportList> lst = new List <AirportList>(); DBHelper dbh = new DBHelper(LogbookEntry.QueryCommand(mfbSearchForm1.Restriction, lto: LogbookEntry.LoadTelemetryOption.None)); dbh.ReadRows((comm) => { }, (dr) => { object o = dr["Route"]; string szRoute = (string)(o == System.DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : o); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(szRoute)) { lst.Add(alMatches.CloneSubset(szRoute)); } }); mfbGoogleMapManager1.Map.Airports = lst; } lnkZoomOut.NavigateUrl = mfbGoogleMapManager1.ZoomToFitScript; lnkZoomOut.Visible = (CurrentVisitedAirports.Length > 0); lblNumAirports.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.LocalizedText.VisitedAirportsNumAirports, CurrentVisitedAirports.Length); }
public override string CSVFromDataTable(DataTable dt) { // We ignore the data table passed in - we have our data from Matches, which was initialized in CanParse. // Build up the list of CrewTrac objects first; we'll then fill in cross-country time. List <CrewTrac> lstCt = new List <CrewTrac>(); foreach (Match ctMatch in Matches) { GroupCollection gc = ctMatch.Groups; string szEmployees = gc["employees"].Value; // replace runs of 2 or more spaces with a tab for better finding boundaries (e.g., multiple employees). while (szEmployees.Contains(" ")) { szEmployees = szEmployees.Replace(" ", "\t"); } MatchCollection mcEmployees = regCrewMember.Matches(szEmployees); List <CrewTracEmployee> lst = new List <CrewTracEmployee>(); foreach (Match empMatch in mcEmployees) { GroupCollection gcEmployee = empMatch.Groups; if (!Enum.TryParse <CrewTracEmployee.CrewTracRole>(gcEmployee["pos"].Value, out CrewTracEmployee.CrewTracRole role)) { role = CrewTracEmployee.CrewTracRole.CA; } lst.Add(new CrewTracEmployee() { Role = role, Name = gcEmployee["empname"].Value }); } try { CrewTrac ct = new CrewTrac() { FlightNumber = String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["flightnum"].Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(gc["flightnum"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Date = Convert.ToDateTime(gc["date"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), From = gc["from"].Value, To = gc["to"].Value, BlockHours = gc["block"].Value.DecimalFromHHMM(), Tail = gc["tail"].Value, Model = gc["model"].Value, Landings = String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["landings"].Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(gc["landings"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), Employees = lst }; lstCt.Add(ct); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FormatException) { } } // Build up a list of airports so that we can determine cross-country time. StringBuilder sbRoutes = new StringBuilder(); foreach (CrewTrac ct in lstCt) { sbRoutes.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " {0} {1}", ct.From, ct.To); } AirportList alRoutes = new AirportList(sbRoutes.ToString()); foreach (CrewTrac ct in lstCt) { AirportList alFlight = alRoutes.CloneSubset(ct.From + " " + ct.To); if (alFlight.MaxDistanceForRoute() > 50.0) { ct.CrossCountry = ct.BlockHours; } } using (DataTable dtDst = new DataTable()) { dtDst.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; CSVImporter.InitializeDataTable(dtDst); foreach (CrewTrac ct in lstCt) { CSVImporter.WriteEntryToDataTable(ct.ToLogbookEntry(), dtDst); } return(CsvWriter.WriteToString(dtDst, true, true)); } }
// Handle the slower queries. Spawns a new thread; don't bother waiting for result. private void RefreshSlowData() { m_lstAirports.Clear(); HashSet <string> hsAirportCodes = new HashSet <string>(); HashSet <string> hsCountries = new HashSet <string>(); Dictionary <string, AirportStats> dictVisited = new Dictionary <string, AirportStats>(); new Thread(() => { Refresh30DayPublicFlights(); RefreshUserCounts(); RefreshAircraftAndModels(); // Get all of the airports recorded for the last 30 days DBHelper dbh = new DBHelper(@"SELECT f.route, f.username, ac.tailnumber, CONCAT(man.manufacturer, ' ', IF(m.typename = '', IF( = '', m.model,, m.typename)) AS family FROM flights f INNER JOIN aircraft ac ON f.idaircraft = ac.idaircraft INNER JOIN models m ON ac.idmodel = m.idmodel INNER JOIN manufacturers man ON m.idmanufacturer = man.idmanufacturer WHERE f.Date > ?dateMin AND f.Date < ?dateMax AND ac.InstanceType = 1"); dbh.ReadRows((comm) => { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMin", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-MaxDays)); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMax", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); }, (dr) => { foreach (string szCode in airport.SplitCodes(util.ReadNullableString(dr, "route").ToUpperInvariant())) { hsAirportCodes.Add(szCode); } }); // OK, now we have all of the airport codes - get the actual airports AirportList alMaster = new AirportList(String.Join(" ", hsAirportCodes)); foreach (airport ap in alMaster.GetAirportList()) { if (!ap.IsPort) { continue; } dictVisited[ap.GeoHashKey] = new AirportStats(ap); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ap.Country)) { hsCountries.Add(ap.Country); } } CountriesVisited = hsCountries.Count; // Now go through the flights a 2nd time and find longest route and the furthest route. dbh.ReadRows((comm) => { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMin", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-MaxDays)); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMax", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); }, (dr) => { string szRoute = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "route").ToUpperInvariant(); string szUser = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "username"); string szTail = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "tailnumber"); string szFamily = util.ReadNullableString(dr, "family"); AirportList al = alMaster.CloneSubset(szRoute, true); foreach (airport ap in al.UniqueAirports) { if (dictVisited.ContainsKey(ap.GeoHashKey)) { dictVisited[ap.GeoHashKey].Visit(szUser, szFamily, szTail); } } }); m_lstAirports.Clear(); m_lstAirports.AddRange(dictVisited.Values); // Sort the list by number of visits, descending, and remove anything that never matched to an airport. m_lstAirports.Sort((ap1, ap2) => { return(dictVisited[ap2.GeoHashKey].Visits.CompareTo(dictVisited[ap1.GeoHashKey].Visits)); }); // Popular models const string szPopularModels = @"SELECT man.manufacturer, IF(m.typename='', IF( = '', m.model,, m.typename) AS icao, COUNT(f.idflight) AS num FROM flights f INNER JOIN aircraft ac ON f.idaircraft = ac.idaircraft INNER JOIN models m ON ac.idmodel = m.idmodel INNER JOIN manufacturers man ON m.idmanufacturer = man.idmanufacturer WHERE > ?dateMin AND <= ?dateMax AND ac.InstanceType = 1 GROUP BY icao ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 30"; m_lstPopularModels.Clear(); dbh.CommandText = szPopularModels; dbh.ReadRows( (comm) => { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMin", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-MaxDays)); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateMax", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); }, (dr) => { m_lstPopularModels.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.LocalizedText.DefaultPageRecentStatsModelInfo, dr["manufacturer"], dr["icao"], dr["num"])); }); HasSlowInformation = true; }).Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Checks flights for various potential issues /// </summary> /// <param name="rgle">An enumerable of flights. MUST BE IN ASCENDING CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER</param> /// <param name="options">A bitmask of LintOptions flags</param> /// <param name="szUser">The name of the user (necessary to get their aircraft, other preferences</param> /// <param name="dtMinDate">Ignore any issues with flights on or before this date</param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable <FlightWithIssues> CheckFlights(IEnumerable <LogbookEntryBase> rgle, string szUser, UInt32 options, DateTime?dtMinDate = null) { if (rgle == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rgle)); } if (szUser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(szUser)); } if (options == 0) { return(Array.Empty <FlightWithIssues>()); } List <FlightWithIssues> lstFlights = new List <FlightWithIssues>(); userAircraft = new UserAircraft(szUser); seenCheckrides = new HashSet <int>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (LogbookEntryBase le in rgle) { sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} ", le.Route); } alMaster = new AirportList(sb.ToString()); // context for sequential flight issues previousFlight = null; dutyStart = dutyEnd = null; flightDutyStart = flightDutyEnd = null; foreach (LogbookEntryBase le in rgle) { currentIssues = new List <FlightIssue>(); // If the flight has any actual errors, add those first if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(le.ErrorString)) { currentIssues.Add(new FlightIssue() { IssueDescription = le.ErrorString }); } // ignore deadhead flights if (le.CustomProperties.PropertyExistsWithID(CustomPropertyType.KnownProperties.IDPropDeadhead)) { continue; } currentAircraft = userAircraft.GetUserAircraftByID(le.AircraftID); if (currentAircraft == null) { currentIssues.Add(new FlightIssue(LintOptions.MiscIssues, Resources.FlightLint.warningSIMAircraftNotFound)); continue; } currentModel = MakeModel.GetModel(currentAircraft.ModelID); currentCatClassID = (le.CatClassOverride == 0 ? currentModel.CategoryClassID : (CategoryClass.CatClassID)le.CatClassOverride); if (alMaster != null) { alSubset = alMaster.CloneSubset(le.Route); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.SimIssues) != 0) { CheckSimIssues(le); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.IFRIssues) != 0) { CheckIFRIssues(le); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.AirportIssues) != 0) { CheckAirportIssues(le); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.XCIssues) != 0) { CheckXCIssues(le); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.PICSICDualMath) != 0) { CheckPICSICDualIssues(le); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.TimeIssues) != 0) { CheckTimeIssues(le); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.DateTimeIssues) != 0) { CheckDateTimeIssues(le); } if ((options & (UInt32)LintOptions.MiscIssues) != 0) { CheckMiscIssues(le); } if (currentIssues.Count > 0 && (dtMinDate == null || (dtMinDate.HasValue && le.Date.CompareTo(dtMinDate.Value) > 0))) { lstFlights.Add(new FlightWithIssues(le, currentIssues)); } previousFlight = le; } return(lstFlights); }
public override string CSVFromDataTable(DataTable dt) { // We ignore the data table passed in - we have our data from Matches, which was initialized in CanParse. // Build up the list of CrewTrac objects first; we'll then fill in cross-country time. List <AAScheduler> lstAA = new List <AAScheduler>(); foreach (Match aaMatch in Matches) { GroupCollection gc = aaMatch.Groups; try { DateTime dtDep = Convert.ToDateTime(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} {1}", gc["startdate"].Value, gc["starttime"].Value), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); DateTime dtArr = Convert.ToDateTime(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} {1}", gc["enddate"].Value, gc["endtime"].Value), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); AAScheduler aas = new AAScheduler() { ScheduledDeparture = dtDep, ScheduledArrival = dtArr, BlockTime = gc["blocktime"].Value.DecimalFromHHMM(), FlightNumber = gc["flightnum"].Value, Deadhead = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["deadhead"].Value), From = gc["from"].Value, To = gc["to"].Value, Sequence = gc["seq"].Value, Leg = String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc["leg"].Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(gc["leg"].Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }; lstAA.Add(aas); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is FormatException) { } // Build up a list of airports so that we can determine cross-country time. StringBuilder sbRoutes = new StringBuilder(); foreach (AAScheduler aas in lstAA) { sbRoutes.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " {0} {1}", aas.From, aas.To); } AirportList alRoutes = new AirportList(sbRoutes.ToString()); foreach (AAScheduler aas in lstAA) { AirportList alFlight = alRoutes.CloneSubset(aas.From + " " + aas.To); if (alFlight.MaxDistanceForRoute() > 50.0) { aas.CrossCountry = aas.BlockTime; } } } using (DataTable dtDst = new DataTable()) { dtDst.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; CSVImporter.InitializeDataTable(dtDst); foreach (AAScheduler aa in lstAA) { CSVImporter.WriteEntryToDataTable(aa.ToLogbookEntry(), dtDst); } return(CsvWriter.WriteToString(dtDst, true, true)); } }