public static async Task <IAgroManager> AgroManager(string ObjectIdAAD, bool isBatch)
            var email                 = new Email("*****@*****.**", "Aresa2019");
            var uploadImage           = new UploadImage(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("StorageConnectionStrings", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process));
            var weatherApi            = new WeatherApi(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KeyWeatherApi", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process));
            var searchServiceInstance = new AgroSearch(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SearchServiceName", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SearchServiceKey", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process));

            return(new AgroManager(ConfigManager.GetDbArguments, email, uploadImage, weatherApi, searchServiceInstance, ObjectIdAAD, isBatch));
        public static async Task <IAgroManager <GeographyPoint> > AgroManager(string ObjectIdAAD)
            var email                 = new Email("*****@*****.**", "Aresa2019");
            var uploadImage           = new UploadImage(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("StorageConnectionStrings", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process));
            var weatherApi            = new WeatherApi(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KeyWeatherApi", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process));
            var searchServiceInstance = new AgroSearch <GeographyPoint>(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SearchServiceName", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SearchServiceKey", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process), new ImplementsSearch(), new HashEntityAgroSearch());

            return(new AgroManager <GeographyPoint>(new DbConnect(ConfigManager.GetDbArguments), email, uploadImage, weatherApi, searchServiceInstance, ObjectIdAAD));
        public void VerificandoConsultaAzureSearchDeleteEntity()
            // assign
            var agroSearchOperation = new AgroSearch <GeoPointTs>(MockHelper.BaseSearch(), new SearchQueries(), new ImplementMock(), new HashEntityAgroSearch());

            agroSearchOperation.DeleteEntity(EntityRelated.BARRACK, ConstantGuids.Value[0]);

            var queries = agroSearchOperation.Queried;

            Assert.Contains(queries["DeleteEntity"], s => s.Equals("index eq 1 and id eq '9aebaf15-eb85-49d7-acca-643329d4078b'"));
        public void VerificandoConsultaAzureSearchDeleteElementsWithRelatedElementExceptId()
            // assign
            var agroSearchOperation = new AgroSearch <GeoPointTs>(MockHelper.BaseSearch(), new SearchQueries(), new ImplementMock(), new HashEntityAgroSearch());

            agroSearchOperation.DeleteElementsWithRelatedElementExceptId(EntityRelated.DOSES, EntityRelated.PRODUCT, ConstantGuids.Value[1], ConstantGuids.Value[2]);

            var queries = agroSearchOperation.Queried;

            // Elimina todas las dosis excepto la que contiene el id 2, y el producto con el id 1.
            Assert.Contains(queries["DeleteElementsWithRelatedElementExceptId"], s => s.Equals($"index eq 6 and  id ne '{ConstantGuids.Value[2]}' and rel/any(elementId: elementId/index eq 12 and elementId/id eq '{ConstantGuids.Value[1]}')"));
        public void VerificandoConsultaAzureSearchGetElementsWithRelatedElement()
            // assign
            var agroSearchOperation = new AgroSearch <GeoPointTs>(MockHelper.BaseSearch(), new SearchQueries(), new ImplementMock(), new HashEntityAgroSearch());

            agroSearchOperation.GetElementsWithRelatedElement(EntityRelated.DOSES, EntityRelated.PRODUCT, ConstantGuids.Value[1]);

            var queries = agroSearchOperation.Queried;

            // es la misma consulta usada para borrar
            Assert.Contains(queries["GetElementsWithRelatedElement"], s => s.Equals("index eq 6  and rel/any(elementId: elementId/index eq 12 and elementId/id eq '7990893f-74e1-45d6-8f3d-af1c9896842c')"));
Esempio n. 6
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var queriesToDB = new CommonQueries(new CosmosDbArguments {
                EndPointUrl = "", NameDb = "agro-cosmodb", PrimaryKey = "kaPYpzhFCcG1bk3aC69aX1T2amavVi8TfHmrIMNJuhpYXtIz67PMhwBKctunNzclFBcxypZvcjPUW846YZuvjA=="
            var searchServiceInstance = new AgroSearch <GeographyPoint>("", "EFF07EE3D5A0C74C2363EC4DDB9710D7", new ImplementsSearch(), new HashEntityAgroSearch());

            var entityTypes = new List <Type> {

            foreach (var entityType in entityTypes)
                await InvokeGenericMethodDynamically <Task>(typeof(Program), "RegenerateIndexFromDB", entityType, null, new object[] { queriesToDB, searchServiceInstance });
        public void GetEntitySearchFromDosesCheckCircleId()
            // assign

            var agroSearchOperation = new AgroSearch <GeoPointTs>(MockHelper.BaseSearch(), new SearchQueries(), new ImplementMock(), new HashEntityAgroSearch());

            var prd = AgroInputData.Product1;

            prd.Doses[0].Id = ConstantGuids.Value[0];

            var doseInput = prd.Doses[0];
            var doseModel = new Dose
                Active = doseInput.Active,
                ApplicationDaysInterval = doseInput.ApplicationDaysInterval,
                Default          = doseInput.Default,
                DosesQuantityMax = doseInput.DosesQuantityMax,
                IdSpecies        = doseInput.IdSpecies,
                DosesQuantityMin = doseInput.DosesQuantityMin,
                IdProduct        = doseInput.IdProduct,
                NumberOfSequentialApplication = doseInput.NumberOfSequentialApplication,
                HoursToReEntryToBarrack       = doseInput.HoursToReEntryToBarrack,
                IdVarieties          = doseInput.IdVarieties,
                IdsApplicationTarget = doseInput.IdsApplicationTarget,
                WaitingDaysLabel     = doseInput.WaitingDaysLabel,
                WaitingToHarvest     = doseInput.WaitingToHarvest.Select(s => new WaitingHarvest {
                    IdCertifiedEntity = s.IdCertifiedEntity, Ppm = s.Ppm, WaitingDays = s.WaitingDays
                Id = doseInput.Id,
                WettingRecommendedByHectares = doseInput.WettingRecommendedByHectares

            // action
            var result = agroSearchOperation.GetEntitySearch(doseModel);

            var waitingHarvesRelated = result.First(s => s.index == (int)EntityRelated.DOSES).rel.Where(s => s.index == (int)EntityRelated.WAITINGHARVEST).ToList();

            var waitingHarvestEntitySearchs = result.Where(q => q.index == (int)EntityRelated.WAITINGHARVEST).Select(s =>;

            // assert
            Assert.True(waitingHarvesRelated.All(a => waitingHarvestEntitySearchs.Any(o => o.Equals(;
        public void GetEntitySearchFromProduct()
            // assign

            var agroSearchOperation = new AgroSearch <GeoPointTs>(MockHelper.BaseSearch(), new SearchQueries(), new ImplementMock(), new HashEntityAgroSearch());

            var prd = AgroInputData.Product1;

            var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <ProductInput, Product>());

            var mapperLocal = mapper.CreateMapper();
            var prdModel    = mapperLocal.Map <Product>(prd);

            // action
            var result = agroSearchOperation.GetEntitySearch(prdModel);

            // assert
            Assert.True(result.First().index == 12);
        public void AddProductToSearch()
            // assign
            // hash operaciones para asignar hash de cabecera y modelo
            var hash = new HashEntityAgroSearch();
            var agroSearchOperation = new AgroSearch <GeoPointTs>(MockHelper.BaseSearch(), new SearchQueries(), new ImplementMock(), hash);

            // producto input
            var prd = AgroInputData.Product1;

            // Convierte en objeto
            var mapper      = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <ProductInput, Product>());
            var mapperLocal = mapper.CreateMapper();
            var prdModel    = mapperLocal.Map <Product>(prd);

            // action

            // obtiene los elementos a guardar (entitySearchs)
            var jsonElement = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EntityMockSearch[]>(agroSearchOperation.Queried.First().Value.First());

            // hash de cabeceras de producto
            var hh = hash.HashHeader(prdModel.GetType());

            // hash del producto
            var hm = hash.HashModel(prdModel);

            // assert
            // Confirma que los hash confirmen el valor.
            Assert.True(jsonElement.FirstOrDefault().hm.Equals(hm) && jsonElement.FirstOrDefault().hh.Equals(hh));
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hora de inicio: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"));
            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // Inicio Script

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("clientSecret", "B._H_uAwEdg7K1FzVboS3S/oF4IKNbtf");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("clientID", "34d9266f-43f9-4fb2-8cdd-ae21be551342");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("tenantID", "13f71027-8389-436e-bdaf-7bd34382fbff");

            //Aquí defino si se vaciará CosmosDb, Index Search, ambos o ninguno
            bool vaciarCosmosDb = false, vaciarSearch = false, vaciarAmbos = false;

            var search = new AgroSearch("agrosearch", "016DAA5EF1158FEEEE58DA60996D5981");

            if (vaciarAmbos || vaciarSearch)
                search.EmptyIndex <EntitySearch>("entities");

            var agroDbArguments = new AgroDbArguments {
                EndPointUrl = "", NameDb = "agrodb", PrimaryKey = "yG6EIAT1dKSBaS7oSZizTrWQGGfwSb2ot2prYJwQOLHYk3cGmzvvhGohSzFZYHueSFDiptUAqCQYYSeSetTiKw=="

            IEnumerable <Task>     tasks;
            ConcurrentBag <object> bag;

            if (vaciarAmbos || vaciarCosmosDb)
                var storeSettings = new CosmosStoreSettings(agroDbArguments.NameDb, agroDbArguments.EndPointUrl, agroDbArguments.PrimaryKey);
                bag = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
                var assm  = typeof(BusinessName).Assembly;
                var types = assm.GetTypes().Where(type => type.GetProperty("CosmosEntityName") != null).ToList();
                tasks = types.Select(async type => {
                    var response = typeof(Program).GetMethod("RemoveAsync").MakeGenericMethod(type).Invoke(null, new object[] { storeSettings });
                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            var elements = new List <object> {
                new BusinessName {
                    Name = "Agrícola Juan Henriquez Marich", Giro = "Agronomía", WebPage = ""
                new BusinessName {
                    Name = "Agrícola Azapa Ltda.", Giro = "Agronomía", WebPage = ""
                new BusinessName {
                    Name = "Agrícola El Delirio", Giro = "Agronomía", WebPage = ""
                new CostCenter {
                    Name = "Esmeralda", IdBusinessName = "0"
                new CostCenter {
                    Name = "Lechería", IdBusinessName = "0"
                new CostCenter {
                    Name = "Azapa", IdBusinessName = "1"
                new CostCenter {
                    Name = "El Delirio", IdBusinessName = "2"
                new Season {
                    Current = true, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2021, 4, 30), IdCostCenter = "3"
                new Season {
                    Current = true, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2021, 4, 30), IdCostCenter = "4"
                new Season {
                    Current = true, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2021, 4, 30), IdCostCenter = "5"
                new Season {
                    Current = true, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2021, 4, 30), IdCostCenter = "6"
                new Specie {
                    Name = "Cereza", Abbreviation = "CE"
                new Specie {
                    Name = "Nectarín", Abbreviation = "NE"
                new Specie {
                    Name = "Durazno", Abbreviation = "DU"
                },                                                    //13
                new Specie {
                    Name = "Ciruela", Abbreviation = "CI"
                },                                                    //14
                new Specie {
                    Name = "Manzana", Abbreviation = "MA"
                new Specie {
                    Name = "Kiwi", Abbreviation = "KI"
                new Specie {
                    Name = "Pera", Abbreviation = "PE"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Royal Dawn", Abbreviation = "C-14", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Van", Abbreviation = "VN", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "New Star", Abbreviation = "NSTR", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Bing", Abbreviation = "BNG", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Lapins", Abbreviation = "LPNS", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Summit", Abbreviation = "SMMT", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Santina", Abbreviation = "SNTN", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Royal Lynn", Abbreviation = "RYLN", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Royal Hazel", Abbreviation = "RYHZL", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Sweet Heart", Abbreviation = "SWHRT", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Cristalina", Abbreviation = "CRSTLN", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Regina", Abbreviation = "RGN", IdSpecie = "11"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Summer Bright", Abbreviation = "SMRBRGT", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "July Red", Abbreviation = "JLRD", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Flamekist", Abbreviation = "FLMKST", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Arctic Snow", Abbreviation = "ATSNW", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Firebrite", Abbreviation = "FRBRT", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "August Red", Abbreviation = "AGTRD", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Bright Pearl", Abbreviation = "BRGTPRL", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "August Pearl", Abbreviation = "AGTPRL", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Andes Nec Uno", Abbreviation = "ADNC1", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Andes Nec Dos", Abbreviation = "ADNC2", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Super Queen", Abbreviation = "SPRQN", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "NE-289", Abbreviation = "NE-289", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Isi White", Abbreviation = "IWHT", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Candy White", Abbreviation = "CNDWHT", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Magnum Red", Abbreviation = "MGNRD", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Ruby Red", Abbreviation = "RBRD", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Venus", Abbreviation = "VNS", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Sunrise", Abbreviation = "SNRS", IdSpecie = "12"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Granny Smith", Abbreviation = "GRNYSMTH", IdSpecie = "15"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Fuji", Abbreviation = "FJ", IdSpecie = "15"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Starkrimson", Abbreviation = "STRKMSN", IdSpecie = "15"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Hayward", Abbreviation = "HYWRD", IdSpecie = "16"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Winter Nelis", Abbreviation = "WNTRNLS", IdSpecie = "17"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Packham", Abbreviation = "PCKHM", IdSpecie = "17"
                new Variety {
                    Name = "Red Sensation", Abbreviation = "RDSNSTN", IdSpecie = "17"

                //new Sector { Name = "Esmeralda" },
                //new PlotLand { Name = "Esmeralda", IdSector = "6" },
                //new Rootstock { Name = "Nemaguard", Abbreviation = "NEMG" },
                //new Barrack { SeasonId = "2", Name = "Cuartel X", Hectares = 1.5, NumberOfPlants = 453, PlantingYear = 2000, IdRootstock = "8", IdPlotLand = "7", IdVariety = "4", IdPollinator = "5" },
                //new IngredientCategory { Name = "Insecticida" },
                //new Ingredient { Name = "Lambda-cihalotrina", idCategory = "10" },
                //new Ingredient { Name = "Imidacloprid", idCategory = "10" },
                //new ApplicationTarget { Name = "Control de plaga" },
                //new CertifiedEntity { Name = "Union Europea", Abbreviation = "UEA" },
                //new Product { Name = "Geminis Wp", Brand = "Anasac", IdActiveIngredient = "12", KindOfBottle = 0, MeasureType = (MeasureType)1, Quantity = 500 },
                //new Dose { IdProduct = "15", IdsApplicationTarget = new string[] { "13" }, IdSpecies = new string[] { "3" }, IdVarieties = new string[] { "4", "5" }, ApplicationDaysInterval = 15, HoursToReEntryToBarrack = 5, DosesApplicatedTo = (DosesApplicatedTo)1, DosesQuantityMin = 500, DosesQuantityMax = 800, NumberOfSequentialApplication = 3, WaitingDaysLabel = 25, WaitingToHarvest = new List<WaitingHarvest> { new WaitingHarvest { IdCertifiedEntity = "14", WaitingDays = 25 } }, WettingRecommendedByHectares = 2000 },
                //new PhenologicalEvent { Name = "Aparicion de flor", StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 7, 1) },
                //new OrderFolder { IdSpecie = "3", IdApplicationTarget = "13", IdPhenologicalEvent = "17", IdIngredientCategory = "10", IdIngredient = "12" },
                //new PreOrder { Name = "Eulia", OrderFolderId = "18", IdIngredient = "12", PreOrderType = (PreOrderType)1, BarracksId = new string[] { "9" } },
                //new Tractor { Brand = "John Deere", Code = "JDT" },
                //new Nebulizer { Brand = "Lerpain", Code = "LRP" },
                //new Role { Name = "Administrador" },
                //new Role { Name = "Aplicador" },
                //new Job { Name = "Administrador" },
                //new UserApplicator { Name = "Cristian Rojas", Email = "*****@*****.**", Rut = "19.193.382-6", IdJob = "24", IdsRoles = new List<string> { "22", "23" }, ObjectIdAAD = "d273305e-9a05-4bbb-9bfc-ae724610b93a" }

            var guids = new List <string>();

            elements.ForEach(element => guids.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")));
            int position = 0;

            elements.ForEach(element => {
                element.GetType().GetProperties().Where(prop => prop.Name.ToLower().Contains("id") && !prop.Name.Equals("ClientId") && !prop.Name.Equals("ObjectIdAAD")).ToList().ForEach(
                    prop => {
                    if (prop.GetValue(element).HasValue())
                        if (!AttributesExtension.IsEnumerableProperty(prop))
                            var indexString = prop.GetValue(element).ToString();
                            var index       = int.Parse(indexString);
                            prop.SetValue(element, guids[index]);
                            //Obtengo el IEnumerable(Array o List), valor de propiedad de tipo id, para luego recorrerlo y generar nueva lista con guids reemplazados
                            var listGuids = ((IEnumerable <object>)prop.GetValue(element)).Select(id => guids[int.Parse(id.ToString())]);
                            prop.SetValue(element, prop.PropertyType.IsArray ? listGuids.ToArray() : (object)listGuids.ToList());
                    else if (prop.Name.Equals("Id"))
                        prop.SetValue(element, guids[position]);

            var agro = new AgroManager(agroDbArguments, null, null, null, search, null, false);

            bag   = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            tasks = elements.Select(async element => {
                var response = await agro.GetOperationByDbType(element.GetType()).Save(element as dynamic);
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            await RegenerateIndex(agro);

            //var search = new AgroSearch("agrosearch", "016DAA5EF1158FEEEE58DA60996D5981");
            //var entity = search.GetEntity(EntityRelated.PHENOLOGICAL_EVENT, "e158ffd87a27410ab1b0b73cda2ecccb");
            //entity.Num64Properties = new Num64Property[] { };
            //search.AddElements(new List<EntitySearch> { entity });

            // Fin Script

            #region Reflexion
            //Console.WriteLine("typeof(Barrack).Name:            " + typeof(Barrack).Name);
            //Console.WriteLine("typeof(Barrack).FullName:        " + typeof(Barrack).FullName);
            //Console.WriteLine("typeof(Barrack).ReflectedType:   " + typeof(Barrack).ReflectedType);
            //Console.WriteLine("typeof(Barrack).ToString():      " + typeof(Barrack).ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("\ntypeof(Barrack).GetProperties().ToList().ForEach(): ");
            //typeof(Barrack).GetProperties().ToList().ForEach(Propiedad => Console.WriteLine("Propiedad.PropertyType.Name + Propiedad.Name: " + Propiedad.PropertyType.Name + " " + Propiedad.Name));

            #region CreacionDeAgroRepository
            //var db = new AgroRepository(new AgroDbArguments
            //    EndPointUrl = "",
            //    NameDb = "agrodb",
            //    PrimaryKey = "yG6EIAT1dKSBaS7oSZizTrWQGGfwSb2ot2prYJwQOLHYk3cGmzvvhGohSzFZYHueSFDiptUAqCQYYSeSetTiKw=="

            #region ObtencionDeElementos (Productos, Especies, Variedades, Cuarteles, Execuciones y Ordenes)
            //var productsQuery = db.Products.GetProducts();
            //var dbProductOperations = GetCommonDbOp<Product>();
            //List<Product> products = await dbProductOperations.TolistAsync(productsQuery);

            //var barracksQuery = db.Barracks.GetBarracks();
            //var dbBarrackOperations = GetCommonDbOp<Barrack>();
            //List<Barrack> barracks = await dbBarrackOperations.TolistAsync(barracksQuery);

            //var speciesQuery = db.Species.GetSpecies();
            //var dbSpecieOperations = GetCommonDbOp<Specie>();
            //List<Specie> species = await dbSpecieOperations.TolistAsync(speciesQuery);

            //var varietiesQuery = db.Varieties.GetVarieties();
            //var dbVarietyOperations = GetCommonDbOp<Variety>();
            //List<Variety> varieties = await dbVarietyOperations.TolistAsync(varietiesQuery);

            //var executionsQuery = db.ExecutionOrders.GetExecutionOrders();
            //var dbExecutionsOperations = GetCommonDbOp<ExecutionOrder>();
            //List<ExecutionOrder> executions = await dbExecutionsOperations.TolistAsync(executionsQuery);

            //var ordersQuery = db.Orders.GetApplicationOrders();
            //var dbOrderOperations = GetCommonDbOp<ApplicationOrder>();
            //List<ApplicationOrder> orders = await dbOrderOperations.TolistAsync(ordersQuery);

            #region ObtenElementosDbConFiltro
            //var ordersQuery = db.Orders.GetApplicationOrders().Where(order => order.PhenologicalPreOrders.Any(ph => ph.Id.Equals("79d69acc62a8488f914bab9d1333a80e")));
            //var dbOrderOperations = GetCommonDbOp<ApplicationOrder>();
            //List<ApplicationOrder> orders = await dbOrderOperations.TolistAsync(ordersQuery);

            #region ActualizaElementosDb
            //int indice = 0;
            //float porcentaje = 0;
            //int cantidad = orders.Count;
            //float incremento = (float)100 / cantidad;
            //Console.WriteLine("Existen " + cantidad + " ApplicationOrder sin actualizar.");
            //orders.ToList().ForEach(order => {
            //    Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(porcentaje, 2) + "% -> Indice: " + ++indice);
            //    porcentaje += incremento;
            //    order.InnerCorrelative = db.ExecutionOrders.GetExecutionOrders(order.Id).Count() + 1;
            //    db.Orders.CreateUpdate(order);

            #region CreacionDeIndiceAzureSearch
            //int indice = 0;
            //int porcentaje = 0;
            //int cantidad = products.Count;
            //int percentilCada = cantidad / 100;
            //var productsIndex = new List<EntitySearch>();
            //products.ForEach(producto =>
            //    //if (indice++ % percentilCada == 0)
            //    //    Console.WriteLine(porcentaje++ + "% -> Indice: " + indice);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Indice: " + ++indice);
            //    productsIndex.Add(new EntitySearch { Id = producto.Id, Created = DateTime.Now, EntityName = "Product", Name = producto.CommercialName });

            //indice = 0;
            //porcentaje = 0;
            //cantidad = barracks.Count;
            //percentilCada = cantidad / 100;
            //var barracksIndex = new List<EntitySearch>();
            //barracks.ForEach(barrack =>
            //    //if (indice++ % percentilCada == 0)
            //    //    Console.WriteLine(porcentaje++ + "% -> Indice: " + indice);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Indice: " + ++indice);
            //    barracksIndex.Add(new EntitySearch { Created = DateTime.Now, EntityName = "Barrack", Id = barrack.Id, Name = barrack.Name, SeasonId = barrack.SeasonId, Specie = barrack.Variety.Specie.Abbreviation });

            //indice = 0;
            //porcentaje = 0;
            //cantidad = executions.Count;
            //percentilCada = cantidad / 100;
            //var executionsIndex = new List<EntitySearch>();
            //executions.ForEach(execution =>
            //    //if (indice++ % percentilCada == 0)
            //    //    Console.WriteLine(porcentaje++ + "% -> Indice: " + indice);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Indice: " + ++indice);
            //    executionsIndex.Add(new EntitySearch { Id = execution.Id, Created = DateTime.Now, SeasonId = execution.SeasonId, EntityName = "ExecutionOrder", Name = execution.Name, Specie = execution.Order.Barracks.FirstOrDefault().Barrack.Variety.Specie.Abbreviation, Status = (int)execution.ExecutionStatus });

            //indice = 0;
            //porcentaje = 0;
            //cantidad = orders.Count;
            //percentilCada = cantidad / 100;
            //var ordersIndex = new List<EntitySearch>();
            //orders.ForEach(order =>
            //    if (indice++ % percentilCada == 0)
            //        Console.WriteLine(porcentaje++ + "% -> Indice: " + indice);
            //    ordersIndex.Add(new EntitySearch { Id = order.Id, Created = DateTime.Now, SeasonId = order.SeasonId, EntityName = "ApplicationOrder", Name = order.Name, Specie = order.Barracks.FirstOrDefault().Barrack.Variety.Specie.Abbreviation, Type = order.IsPhenological });

            //var searchServiceInstance = new AgroSearch("agrisearch", "F9189208F49AF7C3DFD34E45A89F19E4", "entities");

            #region EliminarElementosDeIndicePorEntityName
            //var searchServiceInstance = new AgroSearch("agrisearch", "F9189208F49AF7C3DFD34E45A89F19E4", "entities");
            //searchServiceInstance.DeleteEntities(searchServiceInstance.GetSearchFilteredByEntityName(new Filters { EntityName = "Barrack" }, null, null, null, null).Entities.ToList());

            #region ScriptEncuentraInconsistencias
            //List<string> SpecieNames = species.Select(sp => sp.Name).ToList();
            //List<string> SpecieAbb = species.Select(sp => sp.Abbreviation).ToList();

            //List<string> VarietyNames = varieties.Select(sp => sp.Name).ToList();
            //List<string> VarietyAbb = varieties.Select(sp => sp.Abbreviation).ToList();

            //Specie specie;
            //Variety variety;
            //List<Barrack> barracks;

            //int indice = 0;
            //float porcentaje = 0;
            //int cantidad = orders.Count;
            //int percentilCada = cantidad / 100;
            //List<string> barrackErrors = new List<string>();
            //List<string> orderErrors = new List<string>();
            //List<string> errors = new List<string>();
            //Console.WriteLine("Total de ordenes: " + orders.Count);
            //int orderWithProblem = 0;
            //orders.ForEach(order =>
            //    porcentaje += 0.05F;
            //    Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(porcentaje,2) + "% -> Indice: " + ++indice);
            //    orderErrors = new List<string> { "ApplicationOrder: " + order.Id };
            //    barracks = order.Barracks.Select(barrackInstance => barrackInstance.Barrack).ToList();
            //    barracks.ForEach(barrack =>
            //    {
            //        barrackErrors = new List<string> { "Barrack: " + barrack.Id };
            //        variety = db.Varieties.GetVariety(barrack.Variety.Id).Result;
            //        if (variety == null)
            //            barrackErrors.Add("No existe variedad con este id");
            //        else
            //        {
            //            if (!VarietyNames.Contains(barrack.Variety.Name))
            //                barrackErrors.Add("Nombre de variedad no existe");
            //            if (!VarietyAbb.Contains(barrack.Variety.Abbreviation))
            //                barrackErrors.Add("Abreviacion de variedad no existe");
            //        }
            //        specie = db.Species.GetSpecie(barrack.Variety.Specie.Id).Result;
            //        if (specie == null)
            //            barrackErrors.Add("No existe especie con este id");
            //        else
            //        {
            //            if (!SpecieNames.Contains(barrack.Variety.Specie.Name))
            //                barrackErrors.Add("Nombre de especie no existe");
            //            if (!SpecieAbb.Contains(barrack.Variety.Specie.Abbreviation))
            //                barrackErrors.Add("Abreviacion de especie no existe");
            //        }
            //        if (barrackErrors.Count > 1)
            //            orderErrors = orderErrors.Concat(barrackErrors).ToList();
            //    });
            //    if (orderErrors.Count > 1)
            //    {
            //        orderWithProblem++;
            //        errors = errors.Concat(orderErrors).ToList();
            //    }
            //File.WriteAllLines("C:/Users/Trifenix/Desktop/CompleteLog.txt", errors);
            //Console.WriteLine("\nOrden con problemas: (" + orderWithProblem + ")");
            //errors.ForEach(error => Console.WriteLine(error));

            #region EliminaElementosDbCondicionalmente
            //CosmosStore<Barrack> store = new CosmosStore<Barrack>(new CosmosStoreSettings("agrodb", "", "1hrGHt13NgzgOTahFZXDmtugRg5rld9Y9TstCNXg4arZbdOlK4I6h2EOD51Ezgpxe5wsQUxGKaODgET1LSsS4Q=="));
            //await store.RemoveAsync(barrack => !"CIRUELA DURAZNOS KIWIS NECTARINES CEREZAS MANZANA".Split().Contains(barrack.Variety.Specie.Name));

            #region LecturaLog (Actualizar entidades erroneas)
            //List<string> lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Trifenix\Desktop\Log - ApplicationOrder.txt").Where(line => line.Contains("ApplicationOrder")).Select(line => line.Split()[1]).ToList();
            //foreach (string line in lines) {
            //    Console.WriteLine(line);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total de Ordenes: " + lines.Count);
            //var season = await db.Seasons.GetCurrentSeason();
            //var agro = new AgroManager(db, season?.Id, null, null, null, null);
            //agro.ApplicationOrders.UpdateOrder(lines, db);

            #region Script para poblar db

            //var searchServiceInstance = new AgroSearch("agrosearch", "016DAA5EF1158FEEEE58DA60996D5981");
            //searchServiceInstance.DeleteElements(searchServiceInstance.FilterElements<EntitySearch>($"EntityIndex eq {(int)EntityRelated.TRACTOR}"));

            //var repo = new MainGenericDb<EntityContainer>(new AgroDbArguments {
            //    EndPointUrl = "",
            //    NameDb = "agrodb",
            //    PrimaryKey = "yG6EIAT1dKSBaS7oSZizTrWQGGfwSb2ot2prYJwQOLHYk3cGmzvvhGohSzFZYHueSFDiptUAqCQYYSeSetTiKw=="

            //await repo.CreateUpdate(new EntityContainer { Id = "TGen", Entity = new Tractor { Id = "Tid", Brand = "TGen", Code = "XY" } });
            //End Utils


            //           await repo.Store.RemoveAsync(entityContainer => true);

            //           var entitiesContainers = new List<EntityContainer>();

            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //       /*0*/   new BusinessName { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Agro", Rut = "9.876.543-2", Email = "*****@*****.**", Giro = "Agronomia", Phone = "88884444", WebPage = "" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new CostCenter { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Esmeralda", IdBusinessName = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(0).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Season { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Current = true, StartDate = new DateTime(2020,1,1), EndDate = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1), IdCostCenter = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(1).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Specie { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Ciruela", Abbreviation = "CI" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Variety { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Pink Delight", Abbreviation = "PKD", IdSpecie = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(3).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //       /*5*/   new Variety { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Early Queen", Abbreviation = "EARQ", IdSpecie = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(3).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Sector { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Esmeralda" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new PlotLand { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Esmeralda", IdSector = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(6).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Rootstock { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Nemaguard", Abbreviation = "NEMG" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Barrack { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), SeasonId = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(2).Entity.Id, Name = "Cuartel X", Hectares = 1.5, NumberOfPlants = 453, PlantingYear = 2000, IdRootstock = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(8).Entity.Id, IdPlotLand = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(7).Entity.Id, IdVariety = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(4).Entity.Id, IdPollinator = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(5).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //       /*10*/  new IngredientCategory { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Insecticida" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Ingredient { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Lambda-cihalotrina", idCategory = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(10).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Ingredient { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Imidacloprid", idCategory = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(10).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new ApplicationTarget { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Control de plaga" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new CertifiedEntity { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Union Europea", Abbreviation = "UEA" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //       /*15*/  new Product { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Geminis Wp", Brand = "Anasac", IdActiveIngredient = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(12).Entity.Id, KindOfBottle = 0, MeasureType = (MeasureType)1, Quantity =  500 } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            ///*Preguntar*/  new Dose { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), IdProduct = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(15).Entity.Id, IdsApplicationTarget = new string[] { entitiesContainers.ElementAt(13).Entity.Id }, IdSpecies = new string[] { entitiesContainers.ElementAt(3).Entity.Id }, IdVarieties = new string[] { entitiesContainers.ElementAt(4).Entity.Id, entitiesContainers.ElementAt(5).Entity.Id }, ApplicationDaysInterval = 15, HoursToReEntryToBarrack = 5, DosesApplicatedTo = (DosesApplicatedTo)1, DosesQuantityMin =  500, DosesQuantityMax = 800, NumberOfSequentialApplication = 3, WaitingDaysLabel = 25, WaitingToHarvest = new List<WaitingHarvest> { new WaitingHarvest { IdCertifiedEntity = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(14).Entity.Id, WaitingDays = 25} }, WettingRecommendedByHectares = 2000 } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new PhenologicalEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Aparicion de flor", StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 7, 1) } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new OrderFolder {  Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), IdSpecie = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(3).Entity.Id, IdApplicationTarget = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(13).Entity.Id, IdPhenologicalEvent = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(17).Entity.Id, IdIngredientCategory = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(10).Entity.Id, IdIngredient = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(12).Entity.Id } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            ///*Preguntar*/  new PreOrder { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Eulia", OrderFolderId = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(18).Entity.Id, IdIngredient = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(12).Entity.Id, PreOrderType = (PreOrderType)1, BarracksId = new string[] { entitiesContainers.ElementAt(9).Entity.Id } } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //       /*20*/  new Tractor { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Brand = "John Deere", Code = "JDT" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Nebulizer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Brand = "Lerpain", Code = "LRP" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Role { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Administrador" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Role { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Aplicador" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new Job { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Administrador" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //       /*25*/  new User { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Cristian Rojas", Email = "*****@*****.**", Rut = "19.193.382-6", IdJob = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(24).Entity.Id, IdsRoles = new List<string> { entitiesContainers.ElementAt(22).Entity.Id, entitiesContainers.ElementAt(23).Entity.Id }, ObjectIdAAD = "d273305e-9a05-4bbb-9bfc-ae724610b93a" } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new NotificationEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Description = "", IdBarrack = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(9).Entity.Id, NotificationType = (NotificationType)1, IdPhenologicalEvent = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(17).Entity.Id, PicturePath = "", Created = DateTime.Today } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            //               new ApplicationOrder { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Name = "Aplicacion de insecticida en Ciruela", OrderType = (OrderType)1, IdsPreOrder = new string[] { entitiesContainers.ElementAt(19).Entity.Id }, Barracks = new BarrackOrderInstance[] { new BarrackOrderInstance { IdBarrack = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(9).Entity.Id, IdNotificationEvents = new string[] { entitiesContainers.ElementAt(26).Entity.Id } } }, DosesOrder = new DosesOrder[] { new DosesOrder { IdDoses = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(16).Entity.Id, QuantityByHectare = 1350 } }, Wetting = 2000, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 7, 1) } });
            //           entitiesContainers.Add(new EntityContainer { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), Entity =
            ///*Preguntar*/  new ExecutionOrder { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), IdOrder = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(27).Entity.Id, IdUserApplicator = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(25).Entity.Id, DosesOrder = new DosesOrder[] { new DosesOrder { IdDoses = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(16).Entity.Id, QuantityByHectare = 1350 } }, IdNebulizer = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(21).Entity.Id, IdTractor = entitiesContainers.ElementAt(20).Entity.Id, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 10), EndDate = new DateTime(2020, 6, 25) } });

            //           foreach (EntityContainer entityContainer in entitiesContainers)
            //               await repo.CreateUpdate(entityContainer);


            Console.WriteLine("Hora de termino: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"));
            Console.WriteLine("Tiempo transcurrido: {0}", timer.Elapsed.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"));
Esempio n. 11
 static async Task RegenerateIndexFromDB <EntityType>(CommonQueries queriesToDB, AgroSearch <GeographyPoint> searchServiceInstance) where EntityType : DocumentDb =>
 (await queriesToDB.MultipleQuery <EntityType, EntityType>("SELECT * from c")).ToList().ForEach(Entity => searchServiceInstance.AddDocument(Entity));
Esempio n. 12
        public static async Task UpdateSearch()
            var dbArguments = new AgroDbArguments
                EndPointUrl = "",
                NameDb      = "agrodb",
                PrimaryKey  = "yG6EIAT1dKSBaS7oSZizTrWQGGfwSb2ot2prYJwQOLHYk3cGmzvvhGohSzFZYHueSFDiptUAqCQYYSeSetTiKw=="

            var searchServiceInstance = new AgroSearch("agrosearch", "016DAA5EF1158FEEEE58DA60996D5981");

            var agroManager = new AgroManager(dbArguments, null, null, null, searchServiceInstance, "ba7e86c8-6c2d-491d-bb2e-0dd39fdf5dc1", false);

            var rootStocks = await agroManager.Rootstock.GetElements();

            var roles = await agroManager.Role.GetElements();

            var seasons = await agroManager.Season.GetElements();

            var costCenter = await agroManager.CostCenter.GetElements();

            var species = await agroManager.Specie.GetElements();             // search

            var varieties = await agroManager.Variety.GetElements();          // search

            var barracks = await agroManager.Barrack.GetElements();           // search

            var businessNames = await agroManager.BusinessName.GetElements(); // search

            var sectors = await agroManager.Sector.GetElements();

            var certifiedEntity = await agroManager.CertifiedEntity.GetElements(); // seach

            var plotlands = await agroManager.PlotLand.GetElements();

            //var users = await agroManager.UserApplicator.GetElements(); // search
            var jobs = await agroManager.Job.GetElements(); // search

            var ingredients = await agroManager.Ingredient.GetElements();

            var targets = await agroManager.ApplicationTarget.GetElements();

            var products = await agroManager.Product.GetElements();

            var doses = await agroManager.Dose.GetElements();

            if (products.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in products.Result)
                    var dosesProductId   = doses.Result.Where(s => s.IdProduct.Equals(item.Id) && s.Active).ToList();
                    var listEntitySearch = new List <EntitySearch>();

                    if (dosesProductId.Any())
                        var dosesEntities = dosesProductId.SelectMany(searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch).ToList();

                    var relatedIdsDoseByProduct = listEntitySearch.Where(s => s.EntityIndex.Contains((int)EntityRelated.DOSES)).Select(s =>
                                                                                                                                       new RelatedId
                        EntityId    = s.Id,
                        EntityIndex = (int)EntityRelated.DOSES

                    var entityProducts = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

                    var product = entityProducts.FirstOrDefault(s => s.EntityIndex.Contains((int)EntityRelated.PRODUCT));
                    var related = product.RelatedIds.ToList();
                    product.RelatedIds = related.ToArray();

                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (targets.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in targets.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (ingredients.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in ingredients.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (jobs.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in jobs.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (costCenter.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in costCenter.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            //if (users.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
            //    foreach (var item in users.Result)
            //    {
            //        await agroManager.UserApplicator.Save(new UserApplicatorInput
            //        {
            //            Id = item.Id,
            //            Name = item.Name,
            //            Email = item.Email,
            //            IdJob = item.IdJob,
            //            IdNebulizer = item.IdNebulizer,
            //            IdsRoles = item.IdsRoles,
            //            IdTractor = item.IdTractor,
            //            Rut = item.Rut
            //        });
            //    }

            if (roles.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in roles.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (plotlands.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in plotlands.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (certifiedEntity.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in certifiedEntity.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (rootStocks.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in rootStocks.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (sectors.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in sectors.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (seasons.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in seasons.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (businessNames.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in businessNames.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (species.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in species.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (varieties.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in varieties.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);

            if (barracks.StatusResult == ExtGetDataResult.Success)
                foreach (var item in barracks.Result)
                    var searchs = searchServiceInstance.GetEntitySearch(item);