Esempio n. 1
 public FiregutBrute() : base()
     Name         = "Firegut Brute";
     Id           = 7035;
     Model        = 10707;
     Level        = RandomLevel(52, 53);
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 0;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = 0;
     ResistShadow = Level;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 3.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 26.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 2f;
     CombatReach    = 3.5f;
     Size           = 2.35f;
     Speed          = 2.3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.3f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     Equip(new Item(7432, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 2847, 52);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(FiregutDrops.FiregutBrute, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f) };
 public DustbelcherOgreMage() : base()
     Name         = "Dustbelcher Ogre Mage";
     Id           = 2720;
     Model        = 11546;
     Level        = RandomLevel(43, 44);
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 0;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = 0;
     ResistShadow = 0;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 3.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 26.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     BoundingRadius = 2f;
     CombatReach    = 3f;
     Size           = 2.059f;
     Speed          = 2.23f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.23f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.23f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     Equip(new Item(1600, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 1530, 43);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherOgreMage, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
Esempio n. 3
 public UrokOgreMagus() : base()
     Name         = "Urok Ogre Magus";
     Id           = 10602;
     Model        = 11585;
     Level        = RandomLevel(54, 55);
     ResistArcane = Level;
     ResistFire   = Level;
     ResistFrost  = Level;
     ResistHoly   = Level;
     ResistNature = Level;
     ResistShadow = Level;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 4.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 29.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 3.5f * Level, 1f + 4.0 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 1000;
     BoundingRadius = 1.0f;
     CombatReach    = 19f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 6f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x024;
     Elite          = 1;
     //Equip( new Item ( 3385, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 7955, 54);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(UrokDrops.UrokOgreMagus, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite1, 100f) };
Esempio n. 4
 public MoghTheUndying() : base()
     Id             = 1060;
     Level          = RandomLevel(44);
     Name           = "Mogh the Undying";
     Guild          = "Skullsplitter Clan Witchdoctor";
     Model          = 4633;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 2.3f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.4284f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Elite          = 1;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level) * 2;
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * (Level * (Elite + 1f)), (1.2f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * (Level * (Elite + 1f)));
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080000;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.MoroGai;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(1926, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.HighDrops, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(SkullsplitterDrops.MoghTheUndying, 100f) };
Esempio n. 5
 public SkullsplitterBeastmaster() : base()
     Id             = 784;
     Level          = RandomLevel(42);
     Name           = "Skullsplitter Beastmaster";
     Model          = 4624;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.306f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080000;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.MoroGai;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7426, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), new Item(6233, (InventoryTypes)15, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.HighDrops, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(SkullsplitterDrops.SkullsplitterBeastmaster, 100f) };
Esempio n. 6
 public KolkarWaylayer() : base()
     Id             = 12976;
     Level          = RandomLevel(33, 34);
     Name           = "Kolkar Waylayer";
     Model          = 4871;
     AttackSpeed    = 1651;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.561f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     Size          = 1.0f;
     Speed         = 3f;
     WalkSpeed     = 3f;
     RunSpeed      = 5f;
     ResistArcane  = 0;
     ResistFire    = 70;
     ResistFrost   = 0;
     ResistHoly    = 0;
     ResistNature  = 30;
     ResistShadow  = 0;
     BaseHitPoints = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     BaseMana      = Level * 70;
     Flags1        = 0x080000;
     NpcType       = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction       = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine      = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots         = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(new Loot[] {
             new Loot(typeof(WoolCloth), 4.35f)
             , new Loot(typeof(SilkCloth), 27.4f)
             , new Loot(typeof(MageweaveCloth), 0.55f)
             , new Loot(typeof(CentaurEar), 6.78f)
             , new Loot(typeof(CrudeCharm), 1.38f)
         }, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f), new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.AdvancedDrops, 100f) };
Esempio n. 7
 public AnvilrageCaptain() : base()
     Id             = 8903;
     Level          = RandomLevel(53, 56);
     Name           = "Anvilrage Captain";
     Model          = 8749;
     AttackSpeed    = 1131;
     CombatReach    = 0.8f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.561f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 100;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 20;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Elite          = 1;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level) * 2;
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * (Level * (Elite + 1f)), (1.2f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * (Level * (Elite + 1f)));
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080000;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite1, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.AmazingDrops, 100f) };
Esempio n. 8
 public FieldRepairBot74A() : base()
     Id             = 14337;
     Name           = "Field Repair Bot 74A";
     Model          = 14379;
     Level          = RandomLevel(50);
     AttackSpeed    = 1000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.435f;
     CombatReach    = 3f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 4000;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 1f;
     Speed     = 3f;
     WalkSpeed = 3f;
     RunSpeed  = 6f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x0166;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.GnomereganExiles;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.FieldRepairBot74A, 100f) };
Esempio n. 9
 public MechanicalChicken() : base()
     Id             = 8376;
     Name           = "Mechanical Chicken";
     Model          = 7920;
     Level          = RandomLevel(1);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.145f;
     CombatReach    = 1.0f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 64;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 1.0f;
     Speed     = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x066;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.MechanicalChicken, 100f) };
Esempio n. 10
 public GnarlpineAmbusher() : base()
     Id             = 2152;
     Level          = RandomLevel(7);
     Name           = "Gnarlpine Ambusher";
     Model          = 3024;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.25f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.561f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080000;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.LowDrops, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(GnarlpineDrops.GnarlpineAmbusher, 100f) };
Esempio n. 11
 public MurlocNetter() : base()
     Name  = "Murloc Netter";
     Id    = 513;
     Model = 1994;
     Level = RandomLevel(14, 15);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);   //(15f,23f);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Block          = 5;
     ResistArcane   = 5;
     ResistFire     = 2;
     ResistFrost    = 3;
     ResistHoly     = 3;
     ResistNature   = 2;
     ResistShadow   = 1;
     BoundingRadius = 0.375300f;
     CombatReach    = 0.38f;
     Str            = (int)(Level * 1.5f);
     Armor          = (int)(Level * 1.045);
     BaseMana       = 390;
     Size           = 1.15f;
     Speed          = 3.2f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.2f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.2f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     NpcType        = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     NpcFlags       = 00; Flags1 = 0x010080000;
     Equip(new BlackMetalShortsword());
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(MurlocNetterDrops.MurlocNetter, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 262, 14);
Esempio n. 12
 public GnarlpineTotemic() : base()
     Id             = 2014;
     Level          = RandomLevel(11);
     Name           = "Gnarlpine Totemic";
     Model          = 936;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.785f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080000;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7469, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 4, 2, 7, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.LowDrops, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(GnarlpineDrops.GnarlpineTotemic, 100f) };
Esempio n. 13
        public SilithidProtector() : base()
            Name         = "Silithid Protector";
            Id           = 3503;
            Model        = 1307;
            Level        = RandomLevel(18, 19);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = 0;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 2.75f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 31.2);
            Block        = Level;
            Family       = 8;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            AttackSpeed    = 2000;
            BoundingRadius = 0.950f;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            Size           = 0.9f;
            Speed          = 3.0f;
            WalkSpeed      = 3.0f;
            RunSpeed       = 6.0f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            Flags1         = 0x080010;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 435, 18);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrabDrops.SilithidProtector, 100f) };
Esempio n. 14
        public Crawler() : base()
            Name         = "Crawler";
            Id           = 6250;
            Model        = 641;
            Level        = RandomLevel(11, 12);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = 0;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 2.75f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 31.2);
            Block        = Level;
            Family       = 8;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            AttackSpeed    = 2000;
            BoundingRadius = 1.1570f;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            Size           = 0.85f;
            Speed          = 3f;
            WalkSpeed      = 3f;
            RunSpeed       = 6f;
            Faction        = Factions.Monster;
            AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
            Flags1         = 0x080014;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 291, 11);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrabDrops.Crawler, 100f) };
Esempio n. 15
 public KolkarOutrunner() : base()
     Id             = 3120;
     Level          = RandomLevel(7);
     Name           = "Kolkar Outrunner";
     Model          = 9443;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.06f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.2975f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     Size          = 1.0f;
     Speed         = 3f;
     WalkSpeed     = 3f;
     RunSpeed      = 5f;
     ResistArcane  = 0;
     ResistFire    = 70;
     ResistFrost   = 0;
     ResistHoly    = 0;
     ResistNature  = 30;
     ResistShadow  = 0;
     BaseHitPoints = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     BaseMana      = Level * 70;
     Flags1        = 0x080000;
     NpcType       = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction       = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine      = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7478, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(new Loot[] {
             new Loot(typeof(LightLeather), 0.01f)
             , new Loot(typeof(LinenCloth), 29.3f)
             , new Loot(typeof(CanvasScraps), 0.82f)
         }, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f), new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.LowDrops, 100f) };
Esempio n. 16
 public MechanicalDragonling() : base()
     Id             = 2678;
     Name           = "Mechanical Dragonling";
     Model          = 4465;
     Level          = RandomLevel(45);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.278f;
     CombatReach    = 1.25f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 3500;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 1f;
     Speed     = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x06;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.GnomereganExiles;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.MechanicalDragonling, 100f) };
Esempio n. 17
 public KolkarInvader() : base()
     Id             = 9524;
     Level          = RandomLevel(17);
     Name           = "Kolkar Invader";
     Model          = 1349;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.852f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     Size          = 1.0f;
     Speed         = 3f;
     WalkSpeed     = 3f;
     RunSpeed      = 5f;
     ResistArcane  = 0;
     ResistFire    = 70;
     ResistFrost   = 0;
     ResistHoly    = 0;
     ResistNature  = 30;
     ResistShadow  = 0;
     BaseHitPoints = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     BaseMana      = Level * 70;
     Flags1        = 0x080000;
     NpcType       = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction       = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine      = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7481, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 6, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(new Loot[] {
             new Loot(typeof(PieceOfKromzarsBanner), 0.09f)
             , new Loot(typeof(LinenCloth), 13.7f)
             , new Loot(typeof(WoolCloth), 18.0f)
             , new Loot(typeof(CentaurBracers), 3.56f)
         }, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f), new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.MediumDrops, 100f) };
Esempio n. 18
 public MechanicalSquirrel() : base()
     Id             = 2671;
     Name           = "Mechanical Squirrel";
     Model          = 7937;
     Level          = RandomLevel(15);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 1.3f;
     CombatReach    = 1.95f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 750;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 1.3f;
     Speed     = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x0104066;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.MechanicalSquirrel, 100f) };
Esempio n. 19
 public AnvilrageReservist() : base()
     Id             = 8901;
     Level          = RandomLevel(49, 55);
     Name           = "Anvilrage Reservist";
     Model          = 8755;
     AttackSpeed    = 1386;
     CombatReach    = 0.8f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.3123f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 100;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 20;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080004;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7487, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 7, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), new Item(1755, (InventoryTypes)14, 4, 6, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0), new Item(6593, (InventoryTypes)26, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.AmazingDrops, 100f) };
Esempio n. 20
 public MithrilDragonling() : base()
     Id             = 8615;
     Name           = "Mithril Dragonling";
     Model          = 7908;
     Level          = RandomLevel(58);
     AttackSpeed    = 1000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.3197f;
     CombatReach    = 1.4375f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 4800;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 1.15f;
     Speed     = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x06;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.IronForge;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.MithrilDragonling, 100f) };
Esempio n. 21
 public AnathekTheCruel() : base()
     Id             = 1059;
     Level          = RandomLevel(45);
     Name           = "Ana'thek the Cruel";
     Guild          = "Skullsplitter Chief";
     Model          = 4634;
     AttackSpeed    = 2800;
     CombatReach    = 2.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.4896f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080000;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.MoroGai;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(3879, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.HighDrops, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(SkullsplitterDrops.AnathekTheCruel, 100f) };
Esempio n. 22
 public TinyWalkingBomb() : base()
     Id             = 9656;
     Name           = "Tiny Walking Bomb";
     Model          = 8909;
     Level          = RandomLevel(1);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.225f;
     CombatReach    = 0.3f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 64;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 0.15f;
     Speed     = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x066;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.TinyWalkingBomb, 100f) };
Esempio n. 23
 public SkullsplitterSpiritchaser() : base()
     Id             = 672;
     Level          = RandomLevel(44);
     Name           = "Skullsplitter Spiritchaser";
     Model          = 4621;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.65f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.3366f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     Flags1   = 0x080000;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.MoroGai;
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(SkullsplitterDrops.SkullsplitterSpeaker, 100f) };
Esempio n. 24
 public ArcaniteDragonling() : base()
     Id             = 12473;
     Name           = "Arcanite Dragonling";
     Model          = 12489;
     Level          = RandomLevel(60);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.3475f;
     CombatReach    = 1.5625f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 5000;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 1.25f;
     Speed     = 3f;
     WalkSpeed = 3f;
     RunSpeed  = 6f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x06;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.Darnasus;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.ArcaniteDragonling, 100f) };
Esempio n. 25
 public DustbelcherWarrior() : base()
     Name         = "Dustbelcher Warrior";
     Id           = 2906;
     Model        = 5782;
     Level        = RandomLevel(35, 37);
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 0;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = 0;
     ResistShadow = 0;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 3.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 26.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     BoundingRadius = 1.0f;
     CombatReach    = 11f;
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 2.19f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.19f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.19f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     //Equip( new Item ( 7432, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0) );
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 1421, 35);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherWarrior, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
Esempio n. 26
 public BattleChicken() : base()
     Id             = 8836;
     Name           = "Battle Chicken";
     Model          = 6909;
     Level          = RandomLevel(52);
     AttackSpeed    = 1000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.435f;
     CombatReach    = 3f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 5000;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 3f;
     Speed     = 3f;
     WalkSpeed = 3f;
     RunSpeed  = 6f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x0404;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.GnomereganExiles;
     AIEngine  = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.BattleChicken, 100f) };
Esempio n. 27
 public DustbelcherBrute() : base()
     Name         = "Dustbelcher Brute";
     Id           = 2715;
     Model        = 10714;
     Level        = RandomLevel(39, 40);
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 0;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = 0;
     ResistShadow = 0;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 3.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 26.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.9f;
     CombatReach    = 1.65f;
     Size           = 1.6f;
     Speed          = 2.21f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.21f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.21f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     Equip(new Item(5128, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 1583, 39);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DustbelcherDrops.DustbelcherBrute, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f) };
Esempio n. 28
 public KolkarDrudge() : base()
     Id             = 3119;
     Level          = RandomLevel(6);
     Name           = "Kolkar Drudge";
     Model          = 9442;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.06f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.6035f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     Size          = 1.0f;
     Speed         = 3f;
     WalkSpeed     = 3f;
     RunSpeed      = 5f;
     ResistArcane  = 0;
     ResistFire    = 70;
     ResistFrost   = 0;
     ResistHoly    = 0;
     ResistNature  = 30;
     ResistShadow  = 0;
     BaseHitPoints = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     BaseMana      = Level * 70;
     Flags1        = 0x080000;
     NpcType       = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction       = Factions.Monster;
     LearnSpell(7272, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     AIEngine = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7487, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 7, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(new Loot[] {
             new Loot(typeof(LinenCloth), 28.8f)
             , new Loot(typeof(CanvasScraps), 0.90f)
         }, 100f), new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f), new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.LowDrops, 100f) };
Esempio n. 29
 public UrokDoomhowl() : base()
     Name         = "Urok Ogre Magus";
     Id           = 10584;
     Model        = 11583;
     Level        = RandomLevel(60);
     ResistArcane = Level * 2;
     ResistFire   = Level * 2;
     ResistFrost  = Level * 2;
     ResistHoly   = Level * 2;
     ResistNature = Level * 2;
     ResistShadow = Level * 2;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 5f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 31.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 4f * Level, 1f + 4.5 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 1000;
     BoundingRadius = 1.0f;
     CombatReach    = 19f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 2.2f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.2f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.2f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x081000;
     Elite          = 2;
     //Equip( new Item ( 3385, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 12255, 60);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(UrokDrops.UrokDoomhowl, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(DropsME.MoneyElite2, 100f) };
Esempio n. 30
 public DunemaulOgreMage() : base()
     Name         = "Dunemaul Ogre Mage";
     Id           = 5473;
     Model        = 12003;
     Level        = RandomLevel(46, 47);
     ResistArcane = 0;
     ResistFire   = 0;
     ResistFrost  = 0;
     ResistHoly   = 0;
     ResistNature = 0;
     ResistShadow = 0;
     Str          = (int)(Level * 3.85f);
     NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Armor        = (int)(Level * 26.2);
     Block        = Level;
     SetDamage(1f + 2.8f * Level, 1f + 3.5 * Level);
     ManaType       = 0;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 2.6f;
     CombatReach    = 3.9f;
     Size           = 2.65f;
     Speed          = 2.27f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.27f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.27f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new AgressiveAnimalAI(this);
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     NpcText00      = "The Hippogriff is a noble beast, proud and swift.  They are on honor to train, and can quickly take their rider a great distance.";
     Equip(new Item(1599, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0));
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 2223, 46);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(DunemaulDrops.DunemaulOgre, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f) };