/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateBillingAgreement()
            var apiContext = Configuration.GetAPIContext();

            // Before we can setup the billing agreement, we must first create a
            // billing plan that includes a redirect URL back to this test server.
            var plan = BillingPlanCreate.CreatePlanObject(HttpContext.Current);
            var guid = Convert.ToString((new Random()).Next(100000));

            plan.merchant_preferences.return_url = Request.Url.ToString() + "?guid=" + guid;
            var createdPlan = plan.Create(apiContext);

            // Activate the plan
            var patch = new Patch()
                op    = "replace",
                path  = "/",
                value = new Plan()
                    state = "ACTIVE"
            var patchRequest = new PatchRequest();

            createdPlan.Update(apiContext, patchRequest);

            // With the plan created and activated, we can now create the
            // billing agreement.
            var payer = new Payer()
                payment_method = "paypal"
            var shippingAddress = new ShippingAddress()
                line1        = "111 First Street",
                city         = "Saratoga",
                state        = "CA",
                postal_code  = "95070",
                country_code = "US"

            var agreement = new Agreement()
                name        = "T-Shirt of the Month Club",
                description = "Agreement for T-Shirt of the Month Club",
                start_date  = "2015-02-19T00:37:04Z",
                payer       = payer,
                plan        = new Plan()
                    id = createdPlan.id
                shipping_address = shippingAddress

            HttpContext.Current.Items.Add("RequestJson", Common.FormatJsonString(agreement.ConvertToJson()));

            // Create the billing agreement.
            var createdAgreement = agreement.Create(apiContext);

            HttpContext.Current.Items.Add("ResponseJson", Common.FormatJsonString(createdAgreement.ConvertToJson()));

            // Get the redirect URL to allow the user to be redirected to PayPal to accept the agreement.
            var links = createdAgreement.links.GetEnumerator();

            while (links.MoveNext())
                Links lnk = links.Current;
                if (lnk.rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url"))
                    HttpContext.Current.Items.Add("RedirectURLText", "Redirect to PayPal to approve billing agreement...");
                    HttpContext.Current.Items.Add("RedirectURL", lnk.href);
            Session.Add(guid, createdAgreement.token);