Esempio n. 1
        public override void Draw(Painter p)
            AggPainter painter = p as AggPainter;

            if (painter == null)

            int width  = painter.Width;
            int height = painter.Height;

            //change value ***
            if (_isMaskSliderValueChanged)
                SetupMaskPixelBlender(width, height);
                _isMaskSliderValueChanged = false;
                //painter.DestBitmapBlender.OutputPixelBlender = maskPixelBlender; //change to new blender
                painter.DestBitmapBlender.OutputPixelBlender = maskPixelBlenderPerCompo; //change to new blender
            //1. alpha mask...
            //p2.DrawImage(alphaBitmap, 0, 0);

            painter.FillColor = Color.Black;
            painter.FillRect(0, 0, 200, 100);

            painter.FillColor = Color.Blue;
            painter.FillCircle(300, 300, 100);
            painter.DrawImage(lionImg, 20, 20);

            //painter.FillColor = Color.Black;
            ////this test lcd-effect => we need to draw it 3 times with different color component, on the same position
            ////(same as we do with OpenGLES rendering surface)
            //maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent = PixelBlenderColorComponent.B;
            //maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.B;
            //painter.FillRect(0, 0, 200, 100);
            //maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent = PixelBlenderColorComponent.G;
            //maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.G;
            //painter.FillRect(0, 0, 200, 100);
            //maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent = PixelBlenderColorComponent.R;
            //maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.R;
            //painter.FillRect(0, 0, 200, 100);
Esempio n. 2
        void RenderWithMsdfImg(Typeface typeface, char testChar, float sizeInPoint)
            _painter.FillColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Black;
            //p.UseSubPixelRendering = chkLcdTechnique.Checked;
            var builder = new GlyphPathBuilder(typeface);


            builder.Build(testChar, sizeInPoint);
            var glyphToContour = new GlyphContourBuilder();
            var msdfGenPars    = new MsdfGenParams();

            //glyphToContour.Read(builder.GetOutputPoints(), builder.GetOutputContours());
            MsdfGenParams genParams = new MsdfGenParams();
            GlyphImage    glyphImg  = MsdfGlyphGen.CreateMsdfImage(glyphToContour, genParams);

            MemBitmap actualImg = MemBitmap.CreateFromCopy(glyphImg.Width, glyphImg.Height, glyphImg.GetImageBuffer());

            _painter.DrawImage(actualImg, 0, 0);

            //using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
            //    var bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);
            //    System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, bmpdata.Scan0, buffer.Length);
            //    bmp.UnlockBits(bmpdata);
            //    bmp.Save("d:\\WImageTest\\a001_xn2_" + n + ".png");

            if (_contourAnalysisOpts.ShowGrid)
                //render grid
                RenderGrids(800, 600, _gridSize, _painter);

            //6. use this util to copy image from Agg actual image to System.Drawing.Bitmap
            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.Imaging.BitmapHelper.CopyToGdiPlusBitmapSameSize(_destImg, _winBmp);
            //7. just render our bitmap
            _g.DrawImage(_winBmp, new Point(30, 20));
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Draw(Painter p)
            AggPainter painter = p as AggPainter;

            if (painter == null)


            switch (FilterName)
            case FilterName.Unknown:
                painter.RenderSurface.CustomImgSpanGen = null;

            case FilterName.NearestNeighbor:
                painter.RenderSurface.CustomImgSpanGen = _imgSpanGenNN;

                DrawWeightDistributionGraph(p, _lut.WeightArray);
                painter.RenderSurface.CustomImgSpanGen = _imgSpanGenCustom;

            VertexProcessing.AffinePlan[] p1 = new VertexProcessing.AffinePlan[]
                VertexProcessing.AffinePlan.Translate(-_imgW / 2.0, -_imgH / 2.0),
                VertexProcessing.AffinePlan.Translate(_imgW / 2.0, _imgH / 2.0),

            p.DrawImage(_orgImg, p1);

            if (_thumbnailScaleDown > 0 && _thumbnailScaleDown < 1)
                using (MemBitmap thumbnail = _orgImg.CreateThumbnailWithSuperSamplingTechnique(_thumbnailScaleDown))
                    painter.DrawImage(thumbnail, 400, 300);

Esempio n. 4
        public void BuildMultiFontSize(string multiFontSizeAtlasFilename, string imgOutputFilename)
            //merge to the new one
            //1. ensure same atlas width
            int atlasW      = 0;
            int j           = _atlasList.Count;
            int totalHeight = 0;

            const int interAtlasSpace = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];
                SimpleBitmapAtlas    fontAtlas = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile.AtlasList[0];
                totalHeight += fontAtlas.Height + interAtlasSpace;
                if (i == 0)
                    atlasW = fontAtlas.Width;
                    if (atlasW != fontAtlas.Width)
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
            //in this version, the glyph offsetY is measure from bottom***
            int[] offsetFromBottoms = new int[j];
            int   offsetFromBottom  = interAtlasSpace;//start offset

            for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];
                SimpleBitmapAtlas    fontAtlas = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile.AtlasList[0];
                offsetFromBottoms[i] = offsetFromBottom;
                offsetFromBottom    += fontAtlas.Height + interAtlasSpace;
            //merge all img to one
            int top = 0;

            using (MemBitmap memBitmap = new MemBitmap(atlasW, totalHeight))
                AggPainter painter = AggPainter.Create(memBitmap);
                for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                    TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];
                    BitmapAtlasFile      atlasFile = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile;
                    SimpleBitmapAtlas    fontAtlas = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile.AtlasList[0];

                    atlasInfo.NewCloneLocations = SimpleBitmapAtlas.CloneLocationWithOffset(fontAtlas, 0, offsetFromBottoms[i]);
                    atlasInfo.ImgUrlDict        = fontAtlas.ImgUrlDict;

                    using (Stream fontImgStream = PixelFarm.Platforms.StorageService.Provider.ReadDataStream(atlasInfo.imgFile))
                        using (MemBitmap atlasBmp = MemBitmapExt.LoadBitmap(fontImgStream))
                            painter.DrawImage(atlasBmp, 0, top);
                            top += atlasBmp.Height + interAtlasSpace;
            //save merged font atlas
            //TODO: use 'File' provider to access system file
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(multiFontSizeAtlasFilename, FileMode.Create))
                using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs))
                    //total img info
                    BitmapAtlasFile fontAtlasFile = new BitmapAtlasFile();

                    //1. simple atlas count
                    for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                        TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];

                        RequestFont reqFont = atlasInfo.reqFont;
                        fontAtlasFile.WriteOverviewFontInfo(reqFont.Name, reqFont.GetReqKey(), reqFont.SizeInPoints);//size in points



                        if (atlasInfo.ImgUrlDict != null)
Esempio n. 5
        public void DrawString(Painter p, char[] buffer, int startAt, int len, double x, double y)
            AggPainter painter = p as AggPainter;

            if (painter == null)

            int width  = painter.Width;
            int height = painter.Height;

            if (!_pixelBlenderSetup)
                SetupMaskPixelBlender(width, height);
                _pixelBlenderSetup = true;

            int j = buffer.Length;
            //create temp buffer span that describe the part of a whole char buffer
            TextBufferSpan textBufferSpan = new TextBufferSpan(buffer, startAt, len);
            //ask text service to parse user input char buffer and create a glyph-plan-sequence (list of glyph-plan)
            //with specific request font
            GlyphPlanSequence glyphPlanSeq = _textServices.CreateGlyphPlanSeq(ref textBufferSpan, _font);

            float scale = 1;// _fontAtlas.TargetTextureScale;
            int   recommendLineSpacing = (int)_font.LineSpacingInPixels;

            //if (x,y) is left top
            //we need to adjust y again
            y -= _font.LineSpacingInPixels;

            float       scaleFromTexture = _finalTextureScale;
            TextureKind textureKind      = _fontAtlas.TextureKind;

            float gx    = 0;
            float gy    = 0;
            int   baseY = (int)Math.Round(y);

            float acc_x = 0;
            float acc_y = 0;

            int lineHeight = (int)_font.LineSpacingInPixels;//temp

            //painter.DestBitmapBlender.OutputPixelBlender = maskPixelBlenderPerCompo; //change to new blender
            painter.DestBitmapBlender.OutputPixelBlender = _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo; //change to new blender

            int seqLen = glyphPlanSeq.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < seqLen; ++i)
                UnscaledGlyphPlan   glyph = glyphPlanSeq[i];
                TextureGlyphMapData glyphData;
                if (!_fontAtlas.TryGetGlyphMapData(glyph.glyphIndex, out glyphData))
                    //if no glyph data, we should render a missing glyph ***
                //TODO: review precise height in float
                int srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH;
                glyphData.GetRect(out srcX, out srcY, out srcW, out srcH);

                float ngx = acc_x + (float)Math.Round(glyph.OffsetX * scale);
                float ngy = acc_y + (float)Math.Round(glyph.OffsetY * scale);
                // -glyphData.TextureXOffset => restore to original pos
                // -glyphData.TextureYOffset => restore to original pos
                gx = (float)(x + (ngx - glyphData.TextureXOffset) * scaleFromTexture); //ideal x
                gy = (float)(y + (ngy - glyphData.TextureYOffset - srcH + lineHeight) * scaleFromTexture);

                acc_x += (float)Math.Round(glyph.AdvanceX * scale);
                gy     = (float)Math.Floor(gy) + lineHeight;

                //clear with solid black color
                _maskBufferPainter.FillRect(gx - 1, gy - 1, srcW + 2, srcH + 2, Color.Black);
                //draw 'stencil' glyph on mask-buffer
                _maskBufferPainter.DrawImage(_fontBmp, gx, gy, srcX, _fontBmp.Height - (srcY), srcW, srcH);

                //select component to render this need to render 3 times for lcd technique
                //1. B
                _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.B;
                _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.B;
                painter.FillRect(gx + 1, gy, srcW, srcH);
                //2. G
                _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.G;
                _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.G;
                painter.FillRect(gx + 1, gy, srcW, srcH);
                //3. R
                _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.R;
                _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.R;
                painter.FillRect(gx + 1, gy, srcW, srcH);
        public override void DrawFromGlyphPlans(GlyphPlanSequence glyphPlanSeq, int startAt, int len, float left, float top)
            Typeface typeface = _textServices.ResolveTypeface(_font);

            float scale = typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(_font.SizeInPoints);
            int   recommendLineSpacing = (int)_font.LineSpacingInPixels;
            //if (x,y) is left top
            //we need to adjust y again


            TextureKind textureKind = _fontAtlas.TextureKind;

            float gx    = 0;
            float gy    = 0;
            int   baseY = (int)Math.Round(top);

            float acc_x = 0;
            float acc_y = 0;

            int lineHeight = (int)_font.LineSpacingInPixels;                              //temp

            PixelBlender32 prevPxBlender = _painter.DestBitmapBlender.OutputPixelBlender; //save

            _painter.DestBitmapBlender.OutputPixelBlender = _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo;    //change to new blender

            bool fillGlyphByGlyph = true;

            if (fillGlyphByGlyph)
                //fill glyph-by-glyh

                var aaTech = this.AntialiasTech;
                int seqLen = glyphPlanSeq.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < seqLen; ++i)
                    UnscaledGlyphPlan   unscaledGlyphPlan = glyphPlanSeq[i];
                    TextureGlyphMapData glyphData;
                    if (!_fontAtlas.TryGetGlyphMapData(unscaledGlyphPlan.glyphIndex, out glyphData))
                        //if no glyph data, we should render a missing glyph ***
                    //TODO: review precise height in float
                    int srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH;
                    glyphData.GetRect(out srcX, out srcY, out srcW, out srcH);

                    float ngx = acc_x + (float)Math.Round(unscaledGlyphPlan.OffsetX * scale);
                    float ngy = acc_y + (float)Math.Round(unscaledGlyphPlan.OffsetY * scale);
                    // -glyphData.TextureXOffset => restore to original pos
                    // -glyphData.TextureYOffset => restore to original pos

                    //if (glyphData.TextureXOffset != 0)

                    gx = (float)(left + (ngx - glyphData.TextureXOffset)); //ideal x
                    gy = (float)(top + (ngy + glyphData.TextureYOffset - srcH + lineHeight));

                    acc_x += (float)Math.Round(unscaledGlyphPlan.AdvanceX * scale);
                    gy     = (float)Math.Floor(gy);// + lineHeight;

                    //clear with solid black color
                    //clear mask buffer at specific pos
                    _maskBufferPainter.FillRect(gx - 1, gy - 1, srcW + 2, srcH + 2, Color.Black);
                    //draw 'stencil' glyph on mask-buffer
                    _maskBufferPainter.DrawImage(_fontBmp, gx, gy, srcX, _fontBmp.Height - (srcY + srcH), srcW, srcH);

                    switch (aaTech)
                        //select component to render this need to render 3 times for lcd technique
                        //1. B
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.B;
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.B;
                        _painter.FillRect(gx + 1, gy, srcW, srcH);
                        //2. G
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.G;
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.G;
                        _painter.FillRect(gx + 1, gy, srcW, srcH);
                        //3. R
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.R;
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.R;
                        _painter.FillRect(gx + 1, gy, srcW, srcH);

                    case AntialiasTechnique.GreyscaleStencil:
                        //fill once
                        //we choose greeh channel (middle)
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.G;
                        _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.EnableAll;
                        _painter.FillRect(gx + 1, gy, srcW, srcH);
                //clear entire line
                _maskBufferPainter.FillRect(gx - 1, gy - 1, _maskBufferPainter.Width - gx + 2, lineHeight + 2, Color.Black);

                bool  isFirst = true;
                int   startX = 0, startY = 0;
                float lenW = 0;
                float lenH = 0;

                int seqLen = glyphPlanSeq.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < seqLen; ++i)
                    UnscaledGlyphPlan glyph = glyphPlanSeq[i];

                    TextureGlyphMapData glyphData;
                    if (!_fontAtlas.TryGetGlyphMapData(glyph.glyphIndex, out glyphData))
                        //if no glyph data, we should render a missing glyph ***
                    //TODO: review precise height in float
                    int srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH;
                    glyphData.GetRect(out srcX, out srcY, out srcW, out srcH);

                    float ngx = acc_x + (float)Math.Round(glyph.OffsetX * scale);
                    float ngy = acc_y + (float)Math.Round(glyph.OffsetY * scale);
                    // -glyphData.TextureXOffset => restore to original pos
                    // -glyphData.TextureYOffset => restore to original pos
                    gx = (float)(left + (ngx - glyphData.TextureXOffset)); //ideal x
                    gy = (float)(top + (ngy - glyphData.TextureYOffset - srcH + lineHeight));

                    acc_x += (float)Math.Round(glyph.AdvanceX * scale);
                    gy     = (float)Math.Floor(gy) + lineHeight;

                    if (isFirst)
                        startX  = (int)gx;
                        startY  = (int)gy;
                        isFirst = false;

                    _maskBufferPainter.DrawImage(_fontBmp, gx + 1, gy, srcX, _fontBmp.Height - (srcY), srcW + 1, srcH);

                    lenW = gx + srcW;
                    if (srcH > lenH)
                        lenH = srcH;
                //fill color on 'stencil' mask
                    //select component to render this need to render 3 times for lcd technique
                    //1. B
                    _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.B;
                    _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.B;
                    _painter.FillRect(startX + 1, startY, lenW, lenH);
                    //2. G
                    _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.G;
                    _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.G;
                    _painter.FillRect(startX + 1, startY, lenW, lenH);
                    //3. R
                    _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.SelectedMaskComponent      = PixelBlenderColorComponent.R;
                    _maskPixelBlenderPerCompo.EnableOutputColorComponent = EnableOutputColorComponent.R;
                    _painter.FillRect(startX + 1, startY, lenW, lenH);

            _painter.DestBitmapBlender.OutputPixelBlender = prevPxBlender;//restore back