
        public DistanceInterpolator3(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                                     int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey,
                                     int x, int y)
                m_dx       = (x2 - x1);
                m_dy       = (y2 - y1);
                m_dx_start = (LineAA.Mr(sx) - LineAA.Mr(x1));
                m_dy_start = (LineAA.Mr(sy) - LineAA.Mr(y1));
                m_dx_end   = (LineAA.Mr(ex) - LineAA.Mr(x2));
                m_dy_end   = (LineAA.Mr(ey) - LineAA.Mr(y2));

                m_dist = (AggBasics.iround((double)(x + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2 - x2) * (double)(m_dy) -
                                           (double)(y + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2 - y2) * (double)(m_dx)));

                m_dist_start = ((LineAA.Mr(x + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2) - LineAA.Mr(sx)) * m_dy_start -
                                (LineAA.Mr(y + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2) - LineAA.Mr(sy)) * m_dx_start);

                m_dist_end = ((LineAA.Mr(x + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2) - LineAA.Mr(ex)) * m_dy_end -
                              (LineAA.Mr(y + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2) - LineAA.Mr(ey)) * m_dx_end);

                m_dx       <<= LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
                m_dy       <<= LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
                m_dx_start <<= LineAA.MR_SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
                m_dy_start <<= LineAA.MR_SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
                m_dx_end   <<= LineAA.MR_SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
                m_dy_end   <<= LineAA.MR_SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
Esempio n. 2
 public override void Line0(LineParameters lp)
     if (doClipping)
         int x1    = lp.x1;
         int y1    = lp.y1;
         int x2    = lp.x2;
         int y2    = lp.y2;
         int flags = ClipLiangBarsky.ClipLineSegment(ref x1, ref y1, ref x2, ref y2, clippingRectangle);
         if ((flags & 4) == 0)
             if (flags != 0)
                 LineParameters lp2 = new LineParameters(x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                         AggBasics.uround(AggMath.calc_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)));
Esempio n. 3
 public void Setup(double r, double fx, double fy)
     m_r  = AggBasics.iround(r * SpanGenGradient.GR_SUBPIX_SCALE);
     m_fx = AggBasics.iround(fx * SpanGenGradient.GR_SUBPIX_SCALE);
     m_fy = AggBasics.iround(fy * SpanGenGradient.GR_SUBPIX_SCALE);
        public void Begin(double x, double y, int len)
            // Calculate transformed coordinates at x1,y1
            double xt = x;
            double yt = y;

            m_trans_dir.Transform(ref xt, ref yt);
            int x1 = AggBasics.iround(xt * SUBPIXEL_SCALE);
            int y1 = AggBasics.iround(yt * SUBPIXEL_SCALE);

            double dx;
            double dy;
            double delta = 1 / (double)SUBPIXEL_SCALE;

            // Calculate scale by X at x1,y1
            dx = xt + delta;
            dy = yt;
            m_trans_inv.Transform(ref dx, ref dy);
            dx -= x;
            dy -= y;
            int sx1 = (int)AggBasics.uround(SUBPIXEL_SCALE / Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;

            // Calculate scale by Y at x1,y1
            dx = xt;
            dy = yt + delta;
            m_trans_inv.Transform(ref dx, ref dy);
            dx -= x;
            dy -= y;
            int sy1 = (int)AggBasics.uround(SUBPIXEL_SCALE / Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;

            // Calculate transformed coordinates at x2,y2
            x += len;
            xt = x;
            yt = y;
            m_trans_dir.Transform(ref xt, ref yt);
            int x2 = AggBasics.iround(xt * SUBPIXEL_SCALE);
            int y2 = AggBasics.iround(yt * SUBPIXEL_SCALE);

            // Calculate scale by X at x2,y2
            dx = xt + delta;
            dy = yt;
            m_trans_inv.Transform(ref dx, ref dy);
            dx -= x;
            dy -= y;
            int sx2 = (int)AggBasics.uround(SUBPIXEL_SCALE / Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;

            // Calculate scale by Y at x2,y2
            dx = xt;
            dy = yt + delta;
            m_trans_inv.Transform(ref dx, ref dy);
            dx -= x;
            dy -= y;
            int sy2 = (int)AggBasics.uround(SUBPIXEL_SCALE / Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;

            // Initialize the interpolators
            m_coord_x = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(x1, x2, (int)len);
            m_coord_y = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(y1, y2, (int)len);
            m_scale_x = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(sx1, sx2, (int)len);
            m_scale_y = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(sy1, sy2, (int)len);
Esempio n. 5
 public override void ToPix(ref Color c)
     c.red   = (byte)AggBasics.uround(r);
     c.green = (byte)AggBasics.uround(g);
     c.blue  = (byte)AggBasics.uround(b);
     c.alpha = (byte)AggBasics.uround(a);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Init(double x1, double y1,
                         double cx, double cy,
                         double x2, double y2)
            m_start_x = x1;
            m_start_y = y1;
            m_end_x   = x2;
            m_end_y   = y2;
            double dx1 = cx - x1;
            double dy1 = cy - y1;
            double dx2 = x2 - cx;
            double dy2 = y2 - cy;
            double len = Math.Sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1) + Math.Sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2);

            m_num_steps = (int)AggBasics.uround(len * 0.25 * m_scale);
            if (m_num_steps < 4)
                m_num_steps = 4;

            double subdivide_step  = 1.0 / m_num_steps;
            double subdivide_step2 = subdivide_step * subdivide_step;
            double tmpx            = (x1 - cx * 2.0 + x2) * subdivide_step2;
            double tmpy            = (y1 - cy * 2.0 + y2) * subdivide_step2;

            m_saved_fx  = m_fx = x1;
            m_saved_fy  = m_fy = y1;
            m_saved_dfx = m_dfx = tmpx + (cx - x1) * (2.0 * subdivide_step);
            m_saved_dfy = m_dfy = tmpy + (cy - y1) * (2.0 * subdivide_step);
            m_ddfx      = tmpx * 2.0;
            m_ddfy      = tmpy * 2.0;
            m_step      = m_num_steps;
Esempio n. 7
        public static void Bisectrix(LineParameters l1,
                                     LineParameters l2,
                                     out int x, out int y)
            double k  = (double)(l2.len) / (double)(l1.len);
            double tx = l2.x2 - (l2.x1 - l1.x1) * k;
            double ty = l2.y2 - (l2.y1 - l1.y1) * k;

            //All bisectrices must be on the right of the line
            //If the next point is on the left (l1 => l2.2)
            //then the bisectix should be rotated by 180 degrees.
            if ((double)(l2.x2 - l2.x1) * (double)(l2.y1 - l1.y1) <
                (double)(l2.y2 - l2.y1) * (double)(l2.x1 - l1.x1) + 100.0)
                tx -= (tx - l2.x1) * 2.0;
                ty -= (ty - l2.y1) * 2.0;

            // Check if the bisectrix is too short
            double dx = tx - l2.x1;
            double dy = ty - l2.y1;

            if ((int)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) < SUBPIXEL_SCALE)
                x = (l2.x1 + l2.x1 + (l2.y1 - l1.y1) + (l2.y2 - l2.y1)) >> 1;
                y = (l2.y1 + l2.y1 - (l2.x1 - l1.x1) - (l2.x2 - l2.x1)) >> 1;

            x = AggBasics.iround(tx);
            y = AggBasics.iround(ty);
Esempio n. 8
        public void Init(double x1, double y1,
                         double cx1, double cy1,
                         double cx2, double cy2,
                         double x2, double y2)
            m_start_x = x1;
            m_start_y = y1;
            m_end_x   = x2;
            m_end_y   = y2;

            double dx1 = cx1 - x1;
            double dy1 = cy1 - y1;
            double dx2 = cx2 - cx1;
            double dy2 = cy2 - cy1;
            double dx3 = x2 - cx2;
            double dy3 = y2 - cy2;

            double len = (Math.Sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1) +
                          Math.Sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2) +
                          Math.Sqrt(dx3 * dx3 + dy3 * dy3)) * 0.25 * m_scale;

            m_num_steps = (int)AggBasics.uround(len);

            if (m_num_steps < 4)
                m_num_steps = 4;

            double subdivide_step  = 1.0 / m_num_steps;
            double subdivide_step2 = subdivide_step * subdivide_step;
            double subdivide_step3 = subdivide_step * subdivide_step * subdivide_step;

            double pre1 = 3.0 * subdivide_step;
            double pre2 = 3.0 * subdivide_step2;
            double pre4 = 6.0 * subdivide_step2;
            double pre5 = 6.0 * subdivide_step3;

            double tmp1x = x1 - cx1 * 2.0 + cx2;
            double tmp1y = y1 - cy1 * 2.0 + cy2;

            double tmp2x = (cx1 - cx2) * 3.0 - x1 + x2;
            double tmp2y = (cy1 - cy2) * 3.0 - y1 + y2;

            m_saved_fx = m_fx = x1;
            m_saved_fy = m_fy = y1;

            m_saved_dfx = m_dfx = (cx1 - x1) * pre1 + tmp1x * pre2 + tmp2x * subdivide_step3;
            m_saved_dfy = m_dfy = (cy1 - y1) * pre1 + tmp1y * pre2 + tmp2y * subdivide_step3;

            m_saved_ddfx = m_ddfx = tmp1x * pre4 + tmp2x * pre5;
            m_saved_ddfy = m_ddfy = tmp1y * pre4 + tmp2y * pre5;

            m_dddfx = tmp2x * pre5;
            m_dddfy = tmp2y * pre5;

            m_step = m_num_steps;
Esempio n. 9
 public DistanceInterpolator1(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x, int y)
     m_dx   = (x2 - x1);
     m_dy   = (y2 - y1);
     m_dist = (AggBasics.iround((double)(x + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2 - x2) * (double)(m_dy) -
                                (double)(y + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2 - y2) * (double)(m_dx)));
     m_dx <<= LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
     m_dy <<= LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
Esempio n. 10
        void SetGamma(IGammaFunction gamma_function)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < AA_SCALE; i++)
                m_gamma[i] = (byte)(AggBasics.uround(gamma_function.GetGamma((float)(i) / AA_MASK) * AA_MASK));
Esempio n. 11
 static LineProfileAnitAlias()
     //GammaNone => just return i***
     s_gamma_none = new byte[AA_SCALE];
     for (int i = AA_SCALE - 1; i >= 0; --i)
         s_gamma_none[i] = (byte)(AggBasics.uround(((float)(i) / AA_MASK) * AA_MASK));
Esempio n. 12
        public int Calculate(int x, int y, int d)
            double dx = x - m_fx;
            double dy = y - m_fy;
            double d2 = dx * m_fy - dy * m_fx;
            double d3 = m_r2 * (dx * dx + dy * dy) - d2 * d2;

            return(AggBasics.iround((dx * m_fx + dy * m_fy + System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Abs(d3))) * m_mul));
Esempio n. 13
 public override void Line3(LineParameters lp,
                            int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey)
     if (doClipping)
         int x1    = lp.x1;
         int y1    = lp.y1;
         int x2    = lp.x2;
         int y2    = lp.y2;
         int flags = ClipLiangBarsky.ClipLineSegment(ref x1, ref y1, ref x2, ref y2, clippingRectangle);
         if ((flags & 4) == 0)
             if (flags != 0)
                 LineParameters lp2 = new LineParameters(x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                         AggBasics.uround(AggMath.calc_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)));
                 if ((flags & 1) != 0)
                     sx = x1 + (y2 - y1);
                     sy = y1 - (x2 - x1);
                     while (Math.Abs(sx - lp.x1) + Math.Abs(sy - lp.y1) > lp2.len)
                         sx = (lp.x1 + sx) >> 1;
                         sy = (lp.y1 + sy) >> 1;
                 if ((flags & 2) != 0)
                     ex = x2 + (y2 - y1);
                     ey = y2 - (x2 - x1);
                     while (Math.Abs(ex - lp.x2) + Math.Abs(ey - lp.y2) > lp2.len)
                         ex = (lp.x2 + ex) >> 1;
                         ey = (lp.y2 + ey) >> 1;
                 Line3NoClip(lp2, sx, sy, ex, ey);
                 Line3NoClip(lp, sx, sy, ex, ey);
         Line3NoClip(lp, sx, sy, ex, ey);
Esempio n. 14
        // This function normalizes integer values and corrects the rounding
        // errors. It doesn't do anything with the source floating point values
        // (m_weight_array_dbl), it corrects only integers according to the rule
        // of 1.0 which means that any sum of pixel weights must be equal to 1.0.
        // So, the filter function must produce a graph of the proper shape.
        public void Normalize()
            int i;
            int flip = 1;

            for (i = 0; i < (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE; i++)
                for (;;)
                    int sum = 0;
                    int j;
                    for (j = 0; j < m_diameter; j++)
                        sum += m_weight_array[j * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i];

                    if (sum == (int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE)
                    double k = (double)((int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE) / (double)(sum);
                    sum = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < m_diameter; j++)
                        sum += m_weight_array[j * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i] =
                            (int)AggBasics.iround(m_weight_array[j * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i] * k);

                    sum -= (int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE;
                    int inc = (sum > 0) ? -1 : 1;
                    for (j = 0; j < m_diameter && sum != 0; j++)
                        flip ^= 1;
                        int idx = flip != 0 ? m_diameter / 2 + j / 2 : m_diameter / 2 - j / 2;
                        int v   = m_weight_array[idx * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i];
                        if (v < (int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE)
                            m_weight_array[idx * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i] += (int)inc;
                            sum += inc;

            int pivot = m_diameter << (ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT - 1);

            for (i = 0; i < pivot; i++)
                m_weight_array[pivot + i] = m_weight_array[pivot - i];
            int end = (Diameter << ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT) - 1;

            m_weight_array[0] = m_weight_array[end];
Esempio n. 15
        public bool IsDiff(LineAAVertex val)
            int dx = val.x - x;
            int dy = val.y - y;

            if ((dx + dy) == 0)
            return((len = AggBasics.uround(Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy))) > SIGDIFF);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// fix_degeneration_bisectrix_start
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lp"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        public static void FixDegenBisectrixStart(LineParameters lp,
                                                  ref int x, ref int y)
            int d = AggBasics.iround(((double)(x - lp.x2) * (double)(lp.y2 - lp.y1) -
                                      (double)(y - lp.y2) * (double)(lp.x2 - lp.x1)) / lp.len);

            if (d < SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2)
                x = lp.x1 + (lp.y2 - lp.y1);
                y = lp.y1 - (lp.x2 - lp.x1);
Esempio n. 17
        void ReallocLut(double radius)
            m_radius   = radius;
            m_diameter = AggBasics.uceil(radius) * 2;
            m_start    = -(m_diameter / 2 - 1);
            int size = m_diameter << ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT;

            if (size > m_weight_array.Length)
                m_weight_array = new int[size];
Esempio n. 18
 bool is_identity()
     return(AggBasics.is_equal_eps(sx, 1.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(shy, 0.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(w0, 0.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(shx, 0.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(sy, 1.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(w1, 0.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(tx, 0.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(ty, 0.0, EPSILON) &&
            AggBasics.is_equal_eps(w2, 1.0, EPSILON));
Esempio n. 19
 public spiral(double x, double y, double r1, double r2, double step, double start_angle = 0)
     m_x           = x;
     m_y           = y;
     m_r1          = r1;
     m_r2          = r2;
     m_step        = step;
     m_start_angle = start_angle;
     m_angle       = start_angle;
     m_da          = AggBasics.deg2rad(4.0);
     m_dr          = m_step / 90.0;
Esempio n. 20
        public bool IsDiff(LineAAVertex val)
            //*** NEED 64 bits long
            long dx = val.x - x;
            long dy = val.y - y;

            if ((dx + dy) == 0)
            return((len = AggBasics.uround(Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy))) > SIGDIFF);
Esempio n. 21
        byte[] GetProfileBuffer(double w)
            m_subpixel_width = (int)AggBasics.uround(w * SUBPIX_SCALE);
            int size = m_subpixel_width + SUBPIX_SCALE * 6;

            if (size > m_profile.Length)
                //clear ?
                m_profile = new byte[size];
Esempio n. 22
 public DistanceInterpolator2(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                              int ex, int ey, int x, int y, int none)
     m_dx       = (x2 - x1);
     m_dy       = (y2 - y1);
     m_dx_start = (LineAA.Mr(ex) - LineAA.Mr(x2));
     m_dy_start = (LineAA.Mr(ey) - LineAA.Mr(y2));
     m_dist     = (AggBasics.iround((double)(x + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2 - x2) * (double)(m_dy) -
                                    (double)(y + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2 - y2) * (double)(m_dx)));
     m_dist_start = ((LineAA.Mr(x + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2) - LineAA.Mr(ex)) * m_dy_start -
                     (LineAA.Mr(y + LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2) - LineAA.Mr(ey)) * m_dx_start);
     m_dx       <<= LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
     m_dy       <<= LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
     m_dx_start <<= LineAA.MR_SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
     m_dy_start <<= LineAA.MR_SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;
Esempio n. 23
 void SetGamma(IGammaFunction gamma_function)
     //TODO:review gamma again***
     if (gamma_function == null)
         m_gamma = s_gamma_none;
         m_gamma = new byte[AA_SCALE];
         for (int i = AA_SCALE - 1; i >= 0; --i)
             //pass i to gamma func ***
             m_gamma[i] = (byte)(AggBasics.uround(gamma_function.GetGamma((float)(i) / AA_MASK) * AA_MASK));
        public void ReSync(double xe, double ye, int len)
            // Assume x1,y1 are equal to the ones at the previous end point
            int x1  = m_coord_x.Y;
            int y1  = m_coord_y.Y;
            int sx1 = m_scale_x.Y;
            int sy1 = m_scale_y.Y;

            // Calculate transformed coordinates at x2,y2
            double xt = xe;
            double yt = ye;

            m_trans_dir.Transform(ref xt, ref yt);
            int x2 = AggBasics.iround(xt * SUBPIXEL_SCALE);
            int y2 = AggBasics.iround(yt * SUBPIXEL_SCALE);

            double delta = 1 / (double)SUBPIXEL_SCALE;
            double dx;
            double dy;

            // Calculate scale by X at x2,y2
            dx = xt + delta;
            dy = yt;
            m_trans_inv.Transform(ref dx, ref dy);
            dx -= xe;
            dy -= ye;
            int sx2 = (int)AggBasics.uround(SUBPIXEL_SCALE / Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;

            // Calculate scale by Y at x2,y2
            dx = xt;
            dy = yt + delta;
            m_trans_inv.Transform(ref dx, ref dy);
            dx -= xe;
            dy -= ye;
            int sy2 = (int)AggBasics.uround(SUBPIXEL_SCALE / Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)) >> SUBPIXEL_SHIFT;

            // Initialize the interpolators
            m_coord_x = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(x1, x2, (int)len);
            m_coord_y = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(y1, y2, (int)len);
            m_scale_x = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(sx1, sx2, (int)len);
            m_scale_y = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(sy1, sy2, (int)len);
Esempio n. 25
        public void Begin(double x, double y, int len)
            double tx;
            double ty;

            tx = x;
            ty = y;
            m_trans.Transform(ref tx, ref ty);
            int x1 = AggBasics.iround(tx * (double)SUB_PIXEL_SCALE);
            int y1 = AggBasics.iround(ty * (double)SUB_PIXEL_SCALE);

            tx = x + len;
            ty = y;
            m_trans.Transform(ref tx, ref ty);
            int x2 = AggBasics.iround(tx * (double)SUB_PIXEL_SCALE);
            int y2 = AggBasics.iround(ty * (double)SUB_PIXEL_SCALE);

            m_li_x = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(x1, x2, (int)len);
            m_li_y = new LineInterpolatorDDA2(y1, y2, (int)len);
Esempio n. 26
        void Calculate(Imaging.IImageFilter filter, bool normalization)
            double r = filter.GetRadius();

            int i;
            int pivot = Diameter << (ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT - 1);

            for (i = 0; i < pivot; i++)
                double x = (double)i / (double)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE;
                double y = filter.CalculateWeight(x);
                m_weight_array[pivot + i]     =
                    m_weight_array[pivot - i] = AggBasics.iround(y * ImgFilterConst.SCALE);
            int end = (Diameter << ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT) - 1;

            m_weight_array[0] = m_weight_array[end];
            if (normalization)
 public static int Convert(double x)
                x * LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE,
Esempio n. 28
        // Create
        public void Create(IImageReaderWriter src)
            // we are going to create a dialated image for filtering
            // we add m_dilation pixels to every side of the image and then copy the image in the x
            // dirrection into each end so that we can sample into this image to get filtering on x repeating
            // if the original image look like this
            // 123456
            // the new image would look like this
            // 0000000000
            // 0000000000
            // 5612345612
            // 0000000000
            // 0000000000

            m_height          = (int)AggBasics.uceil(src.Height);
            m_width           = (int)AggBasics.uceil(src.Width);
            m_width_hr        = (int)AggBasics.uround(src.Width * LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE);
            m_half_height_hr  = (int)AggBasics.uround(src.Height * LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2);
            m_offset_y_hr     = m_dilation_hr + m_half_height_hr - LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2;
            m_half_height_hr += LineAA.SUBPIXEL_SCALE / 2;

            int bufferWidth    = m_width + m_dilation * 2;
            int bufferHeight   = m_height + m_dilation * 2;
            int bytesPerPixel  = src.BitDepth / 8;
            int newSizeInBytes = bufferWidth * bufferHeight * bytesPerPixel;

            if (m_DataSizeInBytes < newSizeInBytes)
                m_DataSizeInBytes = newSizeInBytes;
                m_data            = new byte[m_DataSizeInBytes];

            m_buf = new ChildImage(m_data, 0, bufferWidth, bufferHeight, bufferWidth * bytesPerPixel, src.BitDepth, bytesPerPixel);

            byte[] destBuffer = m_buf.GetBuffer();
            byte[] srcBuffer  = src.GetBuffer();

            // copy the image into the middle of the dest
            for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
                    int sourceOffset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(x, y);
                    int destOffset   = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_dilation, y + m_dilation);
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < bytesPerPixel; channel++)
                        destBuffer[destOffset++] = srcBuffer[sourceOffset++];

            // copy the first two pixels form the end into the begining and from the begining into the end
            for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
                int s1Offset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, y);
                int d1Offset = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_dilation + m_width, y);

                int s2Offset = src.GetBufferOffsetXY(m_width - m_dilation, y);
                int d2Offset = m_buf.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, y);

                for (int x = 0; x < m_dilation; x++)
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < bytesPerPixel; channel++)
                        destBuffer[d1Offset++] = srcBuffer[s1Offset++];
                        destBuffer[d2Offset++] = srcBuffer[s2Offset++];
Esempio n. 29
 public override void ToPix(ref Color c)
     c.red = (byte)AggBasics.uround(r);
Esempio n. 30
 public int Calculate(int x, int y, int d)
     return((int)AggBasics.uround(System.Math.Abs(System.Math.Atan2((double)(y), (double)(x))) * (double)(d) / System.Math.PI));