public async Task <AgentResult> Run(int threads, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var flattenedTree = Flatten(_requestTree.Requests); var results = new List <AgentThreadResult>(); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); // flatten the tree and "do the work" foreach (var requests in flattenedTree) { if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } // manage the number of threads with TPL Dataflow var throttler = new TransformBlock <IAgentJob, AgentThreadResult>( async job => await job.DoWork().ConfigureAwait(false), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = threads, CancellationToken = cancellationToken } ); var buffer = new BufferBlock <AgentThreadResult>(); throttler.LinkTo(buffer); var jobSet = requests.Select(r => { return(new HttpClientAgentJob(_client, r)); }); foreach (var job in jobSet) { throttler.Post(job); } throttler.Complete(); await throttler.Completion.ConfigureAwait(false); IList <AgentThreadResult> processed; buffer.TryReceiveAll(out processed); results.AddRange(processed); } // compile results var combinedThreadResult = new CombinedAgentThreadResult(results, sw.Elapsed); var statsResult = new AgentStats(threads); statsResult.Process(combinedThreadResult); var gradsResult = new AgentRequestGrade(_comparerFactory); gradsResult.Process(results); return(new AgentResult { Stats = statsResult, Grades = gradsResult }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets, damages and influences targets within area of effect /// </summary> private void ApplyAoEEffects(float damageToDo, Transform objectPosition, AreaAbility AoEUsed) { List <Enemy> enemies = new List <Enemy>(); //Influence enemies within AoE sphere Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(objectPosition.position, AoEUsed.effectRadius); //prefab is scaled down - scale up foreach (Collider c in cols) { if ('(')[0].Equals( || c.tag.Equals(gameObject.tag)) { continue; } Enemy e = c.GetComponentInParent <Enemy>(); if (e != null) { e.Influence(gameObject, Emotion.Anger, statComponent.agro); } enemies.Add(e); AgentStats eS = c.GetComponentInParent <AgentStats>(); if (eS != null) { StartCoroutine(eS.DoTDamage(damageToDo, AoEUsed.duration)); } } }
public void EnableUI(AgentStats a) { DefaultState(); active = UIACTIVE.Agent; agentRef = a; agentUI.SetActive(true); }
private void Awake() { _body = new AgentBody(); _physics = new AgentPhysics(transform, GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(), this); _state = new StateMachine(); _animation = new AgentAnimation(this, GetComponent <SkeletonAnimation>()); _groundcheck = GetComponent <GroundCheck>(); _stats = new AgentStats(this); _agentSkills = GetComponent <AgentSkills>(); _health = GetComponent <AgentHealth>(); _state.ChangeState(new GroundedState(this)); if (tag == "Player") { DeathManager.Player = this; } else { if (DeathManager.Enemies == null) { DeathManager.Enemies = new List <Agent>(); } DeathManager.Enemies.Add(this); } }
public override void Init() { base.Init(); agent = thisTransform.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); healthS = thisTransform.GetComponent <Health>(); statsS = thisTransform.GetComponent <AgentStats>(); audioSource = thisTransform.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); agent.angularSpeed = turnRatio * 110; if (animationObject != null) { animationH = animationObject.GetComponent <Animation>(); animationH[].speed = loopRunAnimSpeed; animationH[].speed = loopIdleAnimSpeed; for (int i = 0; i < attackA.Length; i++) { animationH[attackA[i].name].speed = attackAnimSpeed; } } InitializeStats(); //Reset(); inte här }
void Start() { iff_channel = GetComponent <IFFTag>().IFF_channel; stats = GetComponent <AgentStats>(); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); anim.SetInteger("ZombieState", 0); }
void HandleNewStats(AgentStats stats) { Debug.Log("New stats"); ActionPoints.maxValue = stats.actionPointsPerTurn; ActionPoints.currentValue = stats.actionPoints; Health.maxValue = stats.maxHealth; Health.currentValue =; //TODO: Defence doesn't seem to be assigned var defenceLevel = stats.defence + 1; Defence.maxValue = defenceLevel; Defence.currentValue = defenceLevel; Keys.maxValue = 3; Keys.currentValue = stats.keys; PlayerName.text =; HandleXPChange(stats.xp); //PlayerIcon.image = ?? HandleNewLevel(Tower.ActiveLevel); Showing = true; }
private static string GetAsciiHistogram(AgentStats stats) { if (stats.Histogram.Length == 0) { return(string.Empty); } const string filled = "█"; const string empty = " "; var histogramText = new string[7]; var max = stats.Histogram.Max(); foreach (var t in stats.Histogram) { for (var j = 0; j < histogramText.Length; j++) { histogramText[j] += t > max / histogramText.Length * (histogramText.Length - j - 1) ? filled : empty; } } var text = "Latency Histogram\r\n\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", histogramText); var minText = string.Format("{0:0.000} ms ", stats.Min); var maxText = string.Format(" {0:0.000} ms", stats.Max); text += "\r\n" + minText + new string('=', stats.Histogram.Length - minText.Length - maxText.Length) + maxText; return(text); }
internal static void DrawStatusCodes(AgentStats stats) { var codes = stats.StatusCodes.OrderByDescending((kv) => kv.Value); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Http Codes"); int numCodes = 0; foreach (var code in codes) { // return top 3 if (numCodes >= 3) { break; } Console.WriteLine(" {0}s: {1}", code.Key, code.Value); numCodes++; } if (codes.Count() > 3) { var remainingCodes = codes .Skip(3) .Select(kv => kv.Value) .Aggregate((total, next) => total + next); Console.WriteLine(" other: {0}", remainingCodes); } }
private static string GetAsciiStartTimeSeries(AgentStats stats) { if (stats.TimeSeries.Length == 0) { return(string.Empty); } const string filled = "█"; const string empty = " "; var seriesText = new string[7]; var max = stats.Histogram.Max(); foreach (var t in stats.TimeSeries) { for (var j = 0; j < seriesText.Length; j++) { seriesText[j] += t > max / seriesText.Length * (seriesText.Length - j - 1) ? filled : empty; } } var text = "Request Count Over Time\r\n\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", seriesText); var minText = string.Format("{0} ", stats.FirstRequestTime.ToString("MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); var maxText = string.Format(" {0}", stats.LastRequestTime.ToString("MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); text += "\r\n" + minText + new string('=', stats.TimeSeries.Length - minText.Length - maxText.Length) + maxText; return(text); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { debugTarget = GameObject.Find("DebugTarget"); path = new List <Vector3>(); pathFinder = GetComponent <Pathfinder>(); actionTime = pathUpdateStep; stats = GetComponent <AgentStats>(); }
private void SetTarget(Transform target) { if (currentTarget != target) { currentTarget = target; currentTargetStats = currentTarget.GetComponent <AgentStats>(); targetEnemy = target.GetComponent <Enemy>(); } }
AgentStats createMonster(Dictionary <Ability, int> state) { var stats = new AgentStats(); stats.maxHealth = Health[state[Health]].value; stats.actionPointsPerTurn = ActionPoints[state[ActionPoints]].value; stats.defence = Defence[state[Defence]].value; return(stats); }
public void InitPanel(IBattleAgent agent) { AgentStats stats = agent.GetStatsInfo(); agentName.text = stats.agentName; level.text = "LVL " + stats.level; status.text = ""; health.text = stats.healthPoints + "/" + stats.healthPoints; agentImage.sprite = agent.GetSprite(); }
public void MoveCamTo(AgentStats stats) { _UIManager.targeted = UIManager.UIACTIVE.Agent; _UIManager.agentRef = stats; traversing = true; targetMoves = true; camLookAt = stats.gameObject.transform.position; traversalMovingTarget = stats.gameObject; traversalTimePassed = 0.0f; CalcTraversalTarget(); }
public void CommitStats() { var stats = new AgentStats(); stats.actionPointsPerTurn = actionPoints.Value; stats.maxHealth = health.Value; stats.defence = defence.Value; if (!upgrading) { = stats.maxHealth; stats.actionPoints = stats.actionPointsPerTurn; = namer.Name; Tower.Player.SetStats(stats); var weapon1 = Physical.WeaponSmith.Smith(points, true); Tower.Player.Weapon.SetStats(weapon1); Tower.Player.alive = true; Tower.Spawn(); if (points > 0) { WeaponStats weapon2 = WeaponStats.DefaultWeapon; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { weapon2 = Physical.WeaponSmith.Smith(points, true); if (weapon1 != weapon2) { break; } } WeaponSelect.Show(weapon2); } else { Time.timeScale = 1; } } else { =; stats.xp = Mathf.Max(0, instance.points); =; stats.actionPoints = playerStats.actionPoints; stats.keys = playerStats.keys; stats.position = playerStats.position; Tower.Player.SetStats(stats); Time.timeScale = 1; } transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private void GetAgentStatsForDay(DateTime curDay) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(CreateAgentStatQuery(curDay), conn); SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (sdr.Read()) { if (sdr[0] != DBNull.Value) { AgentStats.Add(new AgentStat(campaign, (long)sdr[0])); } } sdr.Close(); }
internal static void DrawStats(AgentStats stats) { Console.WriteLine(StatsResultString, stats.Count, stats.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, stats.RequestsPerSecond, stats.Bandwidth, stats.Errors, stats.Median, stats.StdDev, stats.Min, stats.Max, GetAsciiHistogram(stats), GetAsciiStartTimeSeries(stats)); }
private float healFXTime = -1f; //Time before heal after pressed: -1f BECAUSE EFFECT TIME IS INACCURATE - THIS IS TO SYNC THE FX WITH HEALTH INCREASE private void Awake() { statComponent = GetComponent <AgentStats>(); if (zapSource != null) { zapTargeter = zapSource.GetComponentInChildren <particleAttractorLinear>(); zapParticles = zapSource.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); } if (healPrefab != null) { additionalHealCooldown += healPrefab.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().main.duration; healFXTime += healPrefab.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().main.duration; } }
public void Init(GameObject gameObject, AgentStats agentStats) { mTransform = transform; lastPos = mTransform.position; agent = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); if (agent == null) { Debug.LogError("No Agent Found!"); } else { SetSpeed(agentStats.idleSpeed); } }
public AgentState(GameObject gameObject) : base(gameObject) { self = gameObject.GetComponent <Agent>(); agentStats = self.agentStats; controller = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentController>(); groundLayer = self.groundLayer; charController = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); weapons = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentWeapons>(); health = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentHealth>(); stamina = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentStamina>(); vigor = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentVigor>(); anim = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); audioManager = AudioManager.instance; poolManager = PoolManager.Instance; animEvents = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <AgentAnimEvents>(); navAgent = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); audio = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>(); transitionsTo.Add(new Transition(typeof(Dying), IsDead)); transitionsTo.Add(new Transition(typeof(TakingDamage), () => health.TookSignificatDamage)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { bitePrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Fangs"); SceneCEO sceo = GameObject.Find("SceneCEO").GetComponent <SceneCEO>(); for (int i = 0; i < sceo.spawnedManagerList.Count; i++) { if (sceo.spawnedManagerList[i].GetComponent <SwarmMovementManager>() != null) { swarmManager = sceo.spawnedManagerList[i].GetComponent <SwarmMovementManager>(); } } stats = (Instantiate(statsFab) as GameObject).GetComponent <AgentStats>(); curBehavior = Instantiate(normalBehaviorPrefab); lastTimeDirChanged = Time.time - dirChangeDelay + 0.1f; //force update curTargetPos = lastTargetPos = transform.position; //Debug.Log( + " start pos " + transform.position + ", curTargetPos=" + curTargetPos + ", lastTargetPos=" + lastTargetPos + ", bMap=" +; //Debug.Log( + " maxMovePerSec=" + stats.maxMoveSpeedPerSec + ", strideDist=" + stride + ", timeBetweenSteps=" + dirChangeDelay); firstUpdate = true; retardCheck(); }
private IEnumerator Heal(float amount) { //Means if we change target, the new target isn't healed when coroutine finishes AgentStats tempTarget = currentTargetStats; if (tempTarget != null) { healFinishTime = Time.time + additionalHealCooldown; GameObject fx = Instantiate(healPrefab, currentTarget, false); fx.transform.position = currentTarget.position; fx.transform.parent = currentTarget; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(healFXTime)); AudioManager.Instance.Play("Heal"); tempTarget.Heal(amount); Destroy(fx); } else { Debug.Log("Heal on CD"); } }
public AgentModel(Sprite sprite, PokemonStats statsSource, List <MoveModel> moveSet) { if (moveSet.Count > 4) { return; } this.sprite = sprite; this.statsSource = statsSource; this.moveSet = moveSet; this.currentStats = new AgentStats() { agentName = statsSource.pokemonName, healthPoints = statsSource.hp, attack = statsSource.attack, defense = statsSource.defense, magic_attack = statsSource.attack, magic_defense = statsSource.magic_defense, speed = statsSource.speed, luck = statsSource.luck, totalExp = 0, expToNextLevel = 25, level = 5 }; }
public async Task AgentStats(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string steamIDOrUsername) { // Find Agents List <Agent> agents = await this.agentService.SearchAgent(steamIDOrUsername); // Build Base Embed. DiscordEmbedBuilder userDetails = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = $"IntruderFPS API", }, Color = new DiscordColor(95, 95, 95), }; // If the count is 0, no agents found with that name/i if (agents.Count == 0) { userDetails.AddField($"No agent found", "Try a different search"); } // more than one agents returned. if (agents.Count > 1) { string extraAgents = string.Empty; int addedAgents = 0; foreach (Agent agent in agents) { addedAgents++; if (addedAgents > 12) { break; } else { extraAgents += $"{agent.Name} | {agent.SteamID}\n"; } } userDetails.AddField($"Did you mean any of these agents?", extraAgents); } if (agents.Count == 1) { Agent agent = agents.FirstOrDefault(); // See if local DB has agent stored or not. if (this.agentService.CheckDBAgent(agent.SteamID)) { await this.agentService.UpdateDBAgentAsync(agent); } else { // No DB agent found, lets store them. await this.agentService.StoreAgentDBAsync(agent.SteamID); } AgentStats agentStats = await this.agentService.GetAgentStatsAsync(agent.SteamID); userDetails.Url = $"{agent.SteamID}/"; float levelProgression = 0; float matchWLPercent = 0; float roundsWLPercent = 0; float killDeathPercent = 0; try { float totalRounds = agentStats.RoundsWonCapture + agentStats.RoundsWonHack + agentStats.RoundsWonElim + agentStats.RoundsWonTimer + agentStats.RoundsWonCustom + agentStats.RoundsTied; float totalRoundsWon = totalRounds - agentStats.RoundsTied; totalRounds += agentStats.RoundsLost; float totalMatches = agentStats.MatchesWon + agentStats.MatchesLost; matchWLPercent = agentStats.MatchesWon / totalMatches * 100; roundsWLPercent = totalRoundsWon / totalRounds * 100; float totalKills = agentStats.Kills + agentStats.Deaths; killDeathPercent = agentStats.Kills / (float)agentStats.Deaths; float lvlXpRequired = 0; if (agentStats.LevelXPRequired is null) { lvlXpRequired = 0; } else { lvlXpRequired = (float)agentStats.LevelXPRequired; } levelProgression = (agentStats.LevelXP / (float)lvlXpRequired) * 100; } catch (DivideByZeroException) { Console.WriteLine($"Found a user but had no match or round data | User: {agent.Name} | {agent.SteamID}"); } string lvlProg = string.Empty; double lvlProgress = Math.Floor((double)Math.Round(levelProgression, 0) / 10); for (int i = 0; i < (int)lvlProgress; i++) { lvlProg += "▰"; } if (float.IsNaN(killDeathPercent)) { matchWLPercent = 0; roundsWLPercent = 0; killDeathPercent = 0; } userDetails.Footer.Text = $"Matches W/L: {Math.Round(float.IsNaN(matchWLPercent) ? 0 : matchWLPercent, 1)}% | Rounds W/L: {Math.Round(float.IsNaN(roundsWLPercent) ? 0 : roundsWLPercent, 1)}% | K/D: {(float.IsNaN(killDeathPercent) ? "0" : killDeathPercent.ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))} | Time Played: {agentStats.TimePlayed / 3600} Hrs"; userDetails.Thumbnail = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedThumbnail { Url = agent.AvatarURL, }; userDetails.Title = $"{agent.Name} // Level: {agentStats.Level}"; userDetails.Description = $"{agentStats.LevelXP}*xp* `{lvlProg.PadRight(10, '▱')}` {agentStats.LevelXPRequired}*xp* - {Math.Round(levelProgression, 1)}% \n" + $"**Arrests**: `{agentStats.Arrests}` | **Captures**: `{agentStats.Captures}` | **Hacks**: `{agentStats.NetworkHacks}`\n"; } if (ctx.Channel.IsThread || ctx.Channel.IsPrivate) { await ctx.RespondAsync(embed : userDetails.Build()); } else { ThreadQueryResult ctxArchivedThreads = await ctx.Channel.ListPublicArchivedThreadsAsync(); IReadOnlyList <DiscordThreadChannel> publicArchThreads = ctxArchivedThreads.Threads; // Check to see if we have archived threads for this user. foreach (DiscordThreadChannel thread in publicArchThreads) { if (thread.CreatorId == Users.Bloon) { IReadOnlyList <DiscordThreadChannelMember> threadMembers = await thread.ListJoinedMembersAsync(); foreach (DiscordThreadChannelMember user in threadMembers) { // User has an open thread for this command. if (user.Id == ctx.User.Id && thread.Name.Contains($"{ctx.Member.DisplayName} -") && thread.ThreadMetadata.IsArchived) { await thread.SendMessageAsync(embed : userDetails.Build()); return; } } } } // Check if we have any public open threads for this user. IReadOnlyList <DiscordThreadChannel> publicThreads = ctx.Channel.Threads; foreach (DiscordThreadChannel thread in publicThreads) { if (thread.CreatorId == Users.Bloon) { IReadOnlyList <DiscordThreadChannelMember> threadMembers = await thread.ListJoinedMembersAsync(); foreach (DiscordThreadChannelMember user in threadMembers) { // User has an open thread for this command. if (user.Id == ctx.User.Id && thread.Name.Contains($"{ctx.Member.DisplayName} -") && !thread.ThreadMetadata.IsArchived) { await thread.SendMessageAsync(embed : userDetails.Build()); return; } } } } var mess = await ctx.Message.CreateThreadAsync($"{ctx.Member.DisplayName} - {steamIDOrUsername} Stats", archiveAfter : DSharpPlus.AutoArchiveDuration.Hour, reason : "User ran .stats command"); await mess.SendMessageAsync(embed : userDetails.Build()); return; } }
public override void Initialize() { stats = new AgentStats(); gameManager = GetComponentInParent <GameManagerScript>(); SetResetParameters(); }
private void Start() { stats = gameObject.GetComponent <Agent>().agentStats; CurrentVigor = MaxVigor; vigorTimer = stats.vigorRegenDelay; }
private void Start() { stats = gameObject.GetComponent <Agent>().agentStats; CurrentStamina = MaxStamina; staminaTimer = stats.staminaRegenDelay; }
void Shoot() { RaycastHit hit; if (DamageType == AgentStats.DamageType.pistol) { if (pistolAnimations.shooting || pistolAnimations.reloading) { Debug.Log("Cannot shoot while shooting or reloading"); return; } Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, pistolNoiseRange); foreach (Collider col in hitColliders) { ZombieController enemy = col.GetComponent <ZombieController>(); if (enemy != null) { enemy.Alert(this.gameObject); } } if (currentPistolMagazine <= 0) { return; } audio.Play("PistolShot"); currentPistolMagazine--; pistolAnimations.anim.SetInteger("RoundsLoaded", currentPistolMagazine); pistolAnimations.anim.SetTrigger("Fire"); stats.ammoCounter?.SetAmmoCounter(currentPistolMagazine, stats.pistolAmmo); if (Physics.Raycast(fpsCam.transform.position, fpsCam.transform.forward, out hit, pistolRange, layerMask)) { AgentStats enemyStat = hit.transform.GetComponentInParent <AgentStats>(); if (enemyStat != null) { enemyStat.ApplyDamage(stats.GetDamageValue(DamageType), DamageType, stats); } GameObject impactGO = Instantiate(impactEffect, hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(hit.normal)); Destroy(impactGO, 2.5f); } } else if (DamageType == AgentStats.DamageType.shotgun) { if (shotgunAnimations.shooting || shotgunAnimations.reloading) { Debug.Log("Cannot shoot while shooting or reloading"); return; } /////////////////////////////Alert Nearby agents//////////////////////////////////////// Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, shotgunNoiseRange); foreach (Collider col in hitColliders) { ZombieController enemy = col.GetComponent <ZombieController>(); if (enemy != null) { enemy.Alert(this.gameObject); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (currentShotgunMagazine <= 0) { return; } //Start shooting animation shotgunAnimations.anim.SetInteger("RoundsLoaded", currentShotgunMagazine); shotgunAnimations.anim.SetTrigger("Fire"); audio.Play("ShotgunShot"); currentShotgunMagazine--; stats.ammoCounter?.SetAmmoCounter(currentShotgunMagazine, stats.shotgunAmmo); RaycastHit shotHit; for (int i = 0; i < shotgunPellets; i++) { var v3Offset = transform.up * Random.Range(0.0f, shotgunVariance); v3Offset = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f), transform.forward) * v3Offset; Vector3 v3Hit = fpsCam.transform.forward * shotgunRange + v3Offset; if (Physics.Raycast(fpsCam.transform.position, v3Hit, out shotHit, shotgunRange, layerMask)) { AgentStats enemyStat = shotHit.transform.GetComponentInParent <AgentStats>(); if (enemyStat != null) { enemyStat.ApplyDamage(stats.GetDamageValue(DamageType), DamageType, stats); } } GameObject impactGO = Instantiate(impactEffect, shotHit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(shotHit.normal)); Destroy(impactGO, 2.5f); } } else { return; } }
private void Awake() { agentPathfinding = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentPathfinder>(); stats = GetComponent <AgentStats>(); }