Esempio n. 1
    private IEnumerator SpawnDice(DiceRoll rollToSpawn, AfterRollAction nextAction)
        List <GameObject> currentDice = new List <GameObject>();                                                                //A list of the dice we are about to spawn so we can keep track of them

        waitingResult = 0;                                                                                                      //The number of dice which have yet to settle
        totalResult   = 0;                                                                                                      //The total number we roll

        diceSound.pitch = 1f + Random.Range(-GameController.control.maxPitchVariance, GameController.control.maxPitchVariance); //We ranomize the pitch based on the maxPitchVariance variable in the GameController
        diceSound.Play();                                                                                                       //Play the dice sound

        GameObject diceToSpawn = (dice.SingleOrDefault(toCheck => toCheck.type == rollToSpawn.dice)).dicePrefab;                //This line uses LINQ to get the appropriate dice from the list

        for (int i = 0; i < rollToSpawn.amount; i++)                                                                            //We loop for each dice in the roll
            GameObject newDice = Instantiate(diceToSpawn, transform.position, Random.rotation);                                 //Spawn a new dice of the type we determined above. The random rotation is what makes the roll random
            newDice.GetComponent <Dice>().owner = this;                                                                         //We tell the new dice that it should report its result to this script
            currentDice.Add(newDice);                                                                                           //We add the newly created dice to the list that keeps track of the dice this roll
            waitingResult++;                                                                                                    //Increment the number of dice for which results are yet to come in
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));                                                                             //Wait a bit before continuing so that dice don't spawn inside one another

        while (waitingResult > 0)               //As long as there are still dice that haven't settled we yield
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        nextAction(totalResult);                    //When all dice have settled we return to the GameController by calling the function we are told to do next

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));       //We wait a second before destroying the dice objects

        for (int i = 0; i < currentDice.Count; i++) //Destroys all the dice from this roll
Esempio n. 2
    private int waitingResult, totalResult; //The number of dice which are still rolling and the total rolled number

    //This function is called from the GameController
    public void DoDiceroll(DiceRoll roll, AfterRollAction next) //The DiceRoll describes this roll. AfterRollAction holds the function we want to call after this roll has completed.
        StartCoroutine(SpawnDice(roll, next));                  //This starts the coroutine below. We do it like this because you cannot start a coroutine in another class directly