private void repModelingKind(string head, AdminShell.ModelingKind k)
                if (k == null)

                //-9- {Referable}.kind
                rep(head + "kind", "" + k.kind);
Esempio n. 2
        public void DisplayOrEditEntityModelingKind(AnyUiStackPanel stack,
                                                    AdminShell.ModelingKind kind,
                                                    Action <AdminShell.ModelingKind> setOutput,
                                                    string instanceExceptionStatement     = null,
                                                    AdminShell.Referable relatedReferable = null)
            // access
            if (stack == null)

            // members
            this.AddGroup(stack, "Kind (of model):", levelColors.SubSection);

            this.AddHintBubble(stack, hintMode, new[] {
                new HintCheck(
                    () => { return(kind == null); },
                    "Providing kind information is mandatory. Typically you want to model instances. " +
                    "A manufacturer would define types of assets, as well.",
                    breakIfTrue: true),
                new HintCheck(
                    () => { return(kind.kind.Trim().ToLower() != "instance"); },
                    "Check for kind setting. 'Instance' is the usual choice." + instanceExceptionStatement,
                    severityLevel: HintCheck.Severity.Notice)
            if (this.SafeguardAccess(
                    stack, repo, kind, "kind:", "Create data element!",
                    v =>
                setOutput?.Invoke(new AdminShell.ModelingKind());
                return(new AnyUiLambdaActionRedrawEntity());
                    stack, "kind", kind, ref kind.kind, null, repo,
                    v =>
                    kind.kind = v as string;
                    this.AddDiaryEntry(relatedReferable, new DiaryEntryStructChange());
                    return(new AnyUiLambdaActionNone());
                    new[] { AdminShell.ModelingKind.Template, AdminShell.ModelingKind.Instance });