public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Admin value) { AdminRepo admin = new AdminRepo(); var temp = admin.insert(value); return(Ok(temp)); }
public IActionResult Token() { var header = Request.Headers["Authorization"]; if (header.ToString().StartsWith("Basic")) { var credvalue = header.ToString().Substring("Basic ".Length).Trim(); var usernameAndPassenc = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(credvalue)); var usernameAndPass = usernameAndPassenc.Split(":"); AdminRepo login = new AdminRepo(); var listLogin = login.getAll(); foreach (var temp in listLogin) { if (usernameAndPass[0] == temp.Username && usernameAndPass[1] == temp.Password) { var claimsdata = new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, temp.Username) }; var key = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("aowue92187183123nb1273131g9182")); var signInCred = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256Signature); var token = new JwtSecurityToken( issuer: "", audience: "", expires: DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1), claims: claimsdata, signingCredentials: signInCred ); var tokenString = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token); return(Ok(tokenString)); } } } return(BadRequest("Wrong Request")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme); // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); var guid = AdminRepo.GetId(model.Email); AdminRepo.InsertNewUserToDb(model, guid); return(RedirectToAction("RegisterSuccess", "Account")); } AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
static async Task <int> Main(string[] args) { MxReturnCode <int> rc = new MxReturnCode <int>($"{Program.WebAppName} v{Program.WebAppVersion}", 1); rc.Init(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "*****@*****.**", null, null, null, MxMsgs.SupportedCultures); Console.WriteLine(rc.GetInvokeDetails()); var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("local.settings.json") .Build(); var conn = config?["ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection"]; //03-12-18 if (conn == null) { rc.SetError(2010101, MxError.Source.AppSetting, "config not built or ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection not found"); } else { using (IAdminRepo repo = new AdminRepo(conn)) { rc += await repo.GetUrdCountAsync(); } if (rc.IsSuccess(true)) { Console.WriteLine($"Roles found = {rc.GetResult()}"); rc.SetResult(0); } } Console.WriteLine(rc.IsError(true) ? rc.GetErrorUserMsg() : $"Hello World!"); Console.WriteLine(rc.IsError(true) ? rc.GetErrorTechMsg(): "no error"); return(rc.GetResult()); }
private ActionResult RedirectToLocal(string returnUrl, int id) { var userRole = AdminRepo.GetUserRoles(id).FirstOrDefault(); if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl)) { return(Redirect(returnUrl)); } if (userRole == "Admin") { return(RedirectToAction("AdminDashboard", "Admin", new { id })); } if (userRole == "Teacher") { return(RedirectToAction("TeacherDashboard", "Teacher", new { id })); } if (userRole == "Student") { return(RedirectToAction("StudentDashboard", "Student", new { id })); } if (userRole == "Parent") { return(RedirectToAction("ParentDashboard", "Student", new { id })); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { // This doesn't count login failures towards account lockout // To enable password failures to trigger account lockout, change to shouldLockout: true var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout : false); switch (result) { case SignInStatus.Success: int id = AdminRepo.GetUserIdByEmail(model.Email); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl, id)); case SignInStatus.LockedOut: return(View("Lockout")); case SignInStatus.RequiresVerification: return(RedirectToAction("SendCode", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, RememberMe = model.RememberMe })); case SignInStatus.Failure: default: ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); return(View(model)); } }
public void GetAdminListAsyncShouldReturnResult() { // arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PH_DbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("GetAdminListAsyncShouldReturnResult") .Options; using var arrangeContext = new PH_DbContext(options); var id = 5; var UserId = 10; var newUser = new Users { Email = "dude" }; arrangeContext.Admin.Add(new Admins { Id = id, UsersID = UserId, User = newUser }); arrangeContext.SaveChanges(); using var actContext = new PH_DbContext(options); var repo = new AdminRepo(actContext); // act var result = repo.GetAdminListAsync(); // assert Assert.NotNull(result); }
public Admin GetByUserName(string userName) { using (var ctx = DbContext(DbOperation.Read)) { var repo = new AdminRepo(ctx); return(repo.GetByUserName(userName)); } }
public AdminPanel() { InitializeComponent(); = new AdminRepo(); List <Admin> listofAdmin = ad.GetAllAdmin(); adminDGV.DataSource = listofAdmin; }
private async Task <List <Account> > GetUsers() { var userList = new List <Account>(); userList.AddRange(await AdminRepo.GetAllItemsAsync()); userList.AddRange(await DeveloperRepo.GetAllItemsAsync()); userList.AddRange(await RecruiterRepo.GetAllItemsAsync()); return(userList); }
public ActionResult Profile(int id) { var result = AdminRepo.GetByID(id); return(View(result.Data ?? new Admins() { Users = new Users(), JoinDate = DateTime.Now })); }
public ActionResult List(string key = "") { var result = AdminRepo.GetAll(key); if (TempData["Error"] != null) { ViewBag.Error = TempData["Error"]; } return(View(result)); }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { var result = AdminRepo.Delete(id); if (result.HasError) { TempData["Error"] = result.Message; } return(RedirectToAction("List")); }
public EditRecordViewModel(string tableName, object id) { Title = "Edit Column"; this.tableName = tableName; = id; Columns = new ObservableCollection <Column>(); userRepo = new UserRepo(App.Database); adminRepo = new AdminRepo(App.Database); roomRepo = new RoomRepo(App.Database); EditRecordCommand = new Command(() => ExecuteEditRecordCommand()); }
public AddRecordViewModel(string tableName) { Title = "Add Column"; this.tableName = tableName; Columns = new ObservableCollection <Column>(); LoadColumnsCommand = new Command(() => ExecuteLoadColumnsCommand()); AddRecordCommand = new Command(() => ExecuteAddRecordCommand()); userRepo = new UserRepo(App.Database); adminRepo = new AdminRepo(App.Database); roomRepo = new RoomRepo(App.Database); }
public ActionResult Login(Admin model) { var result = AdminRepo.AdminValid(model); if (result != null) { Session["Id"] = result.Id; Session["NickName"] = result.NickName; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Login(Admin model) { using (YemekDBContext db = new YemekDBContext()) { var result = AdminRepo.AdminLogin(model); if (result != null) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Email, true); return(RedirectToAction("Add", "Admin")); } return(View()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { MxReturnCode <IActionResult> rc = new MxReturnCode <IActionResult>("Index.OnGetAsync()", Page()); var userID = "[nobody logged-in]"; var msg = "unknown error"; try { var loggedInUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); userID = loggedInUser?.Id ?? "[nobody logged-in]"; msg = $"{loggedInUser?.UserName ?? "nobody"} is logged-in. "; if (loggedInUser?.EmailConfirmed == false) { msg += "Check your emails to complete your registration"; } using (IAdminRepo repo = new AdminRepo(_config?.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"))) { var resCnt = await repo.GetUrdCountAsync(); rc += resCnt; if (rc.IsError()) { DatabaseStatus = "Database access failed"; } else { DatabaseStatus = $"Database access ok, Role Count = {resCnt.GetResult()}"; rc.SetResult(Page()); } } } catch (Exception e) { rc.SetError(3040101, MxError.Source.Exception, e.Message, MxMsgs.MxErrUnknownException, true); } if (rc.IsError(true)) { SetPageStatusMsg(rc.GetErrorUserMsgHtml(userID), ExistingMsg.Overwrite); } else { SetPageStatusMsg(msg, ExistingMsg.Overwrite); } return(rc.GetResult()); }
public ViewResult LoginAdmin(Admin adm) { bool isLogin = false; AdminRepo.Login(adm.Code, ref isLogin); if (isLogin) { List <PublicUser> users = PublicUserRepo.GetAllUsers(); return(View("AdminDash", users)); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Please enter correct data"); return(View()); } }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] Admin value) { AdminRepo admin = new AdminRepo(); if (admin.update(value) == true) { return(Ok(value)); } else { var response = new ContentResult() { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, }; return(response); } }
public ActionResult GET(Admin model) { var admin = AdminRepo.Get(model); if (admin != null) { Session["ID"] = admin.AdminID; Session["UserName"] = admin.UserName; Session["Password"] = admin.Password; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard")); } else { Response.Write("Kullanıcı Bulunamadı!"); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Profile(Admins admins) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(admins)); } var result = AdminRepo.Save(admins); if (result.HasError) { ViewBag.Error = result.Message; return(View(admins)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private static void CreateAdminUsersIfNotExist(IHost host) { using var scope = host.Services.CreateScope(); var services = scope.ServiceProvider; var context = services.GetRequiredService <TestSwitchDbContext>(); context.Database.EnsureCreated(); IAdminRepo adminRepo = new AdminRepo(context); if (!context.AdminUsers.Any()) { string newAdminEmail = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL"); string newAdminPassword = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD"); adminRepo.CreateNewAdminUser(newAdminEmail, newAdminPassword); } }
public IActionResult Get() { AdminRepo admin = new AdminRepo(); var listAdmin = admin.getAll(); if (listAdmin == null) { var response = new ContentResult() { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status204NoContent, }; return(response); } else { return(Ok(listAdmin)); } }
public IActionResult Get(int id) { AdminRepo admin = new AdminRepo(); var hasil = admin.getById(id); if (hasil == null) { var response = new ContentResult() { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status204NoContent, }; return(response); } else { return(Ok(hasil)); } }
public void GetReportedUsers_WithLimitAndOffset_RetrievesExpectedUsersInAllCases(int limit, int offset, List <UserShortVersion> expected) { //arrange using (DummyDbContext ctx = new DummyDbContext()) { IAdminRepoTest adminRepo = new AdminRepo(); //act List <UserShortVersion> actual = adminRepo.GetAdminUsersWithDbContextAsync(ctx, limit, offset); //assert Assert.Equal(expected.Count, actual.Count); for (int i = 0; i < actual.Count; i++) { Assert.Equal(expected[i].UserId, actual[i].UserId); Assert.Equal(expected[i].UserFullName, actual[i].UserFullName); } } }
public IActionResult Delete(int id) { AdminRepo admin = new AdminRepo(); Admin ad = new Admin(); ad.Id = id; if (admin.delete(ad) == true) { return(Ok(ad)); } else { var response = new ContentResult() { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, }; return(response); } }
private void Register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Admin a = new Admin(); a.Id = idTB.Text; a.Name = nameTB.Text; a.Contact = contactTB1.Text + contactTB2.Text; a.Password = passwordTB.Text; AdminRepo aRepo = new AdminRepo(); MessageBox.Show("" + a.Id + a.Name + a.Contact + a.Password); if (aRepo.InsertAdmin(a) && aRepo.InsertLogin(a)) { MessageBox.Show("admin inserted"); } else { MessageBox.Show("admin not inserted"); } }
public int CountAdministrators() { var count = AdminRepo.Count(); return(count); }
public bool IsAdmin(string userIdentityName) { return(AdminRepo.Read(m => m.UserIdentityName == userIdentityName).Any()); }