Esempio n. 1
        // Return list of users  based on role passed in
        private static List <AdmUserViewModel> HydrateUsers(string role)
            List <AdmUserViewModel> users = new List <AdmUserViewModel>();

            using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                List <ApplicationUser>        allUsers    = db.Users.ToList();
                UserStore <ApplicationUser>   userStore   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(db);
                UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore);

                // clean up - move creation and all assignment inside of test
                foreach (ApplicationUser u in allUsers)
                    AdmUserViewModel user = new AdmUserViewModel();
                    user.LastName  = u.LastName;
                    user.FirstName = u.FirstName;
                    user.Email     = u.Email;
                    user.UserId    = u.Id;
                    user.UserName  = u.UserName;
                    user.Role      = userManager.IsInRole(u.Id, "Admin") ? "Admin" : userManager.IsInRole(u.Id, "Technician") ? "Technician" : "General";
                    if (user.Role == role || role == "All")
Esempio n. 2
        // This is used to update/add user, the only differenct is that if it is a create, the userName will be null
        public string AddUpdateUser(AdmUserViewModel model, string userId)
            string message = "";

            using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                UserStore <ApplicationUser>   userStore   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(db);
                UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore);
                ApplicationUser user = null;
                if (userId != null) // userName passed in so update existing user
                    user           = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId);
                    user.FirstName = model.FirstName;
                    user.LastName  = model.LastName;
                    user.Email     = model.Email;

                    // Find the current role the user is in, and if it is different than the role coming in remove from role and add in corret role
                    string role = userManager.IsInRole(user.Id, "Admin") ? "Admin" : userManager.IsInRole(user.Id, "Technician") ? "Technician" : "General";
                    if (role != model.Role)
                        userManager.RemoveFromRole(user.Id, role);
                        userManager.AddToRole(user.Id, model.Role);

                    message = "NewOk";
                else // userName is null - create new user
                    user = new ApplicationUser()
                        FirstName = model.FirstName,
                        LastName  = model.LastName,
                        UserName  = model.Email,
                        Email     = model.Email

                    userManager.Create(user, "123456");
                    userManager.AddToRole(user.Id, model.Role);
                    user = userManager.FindByName(user.UserName);

                    message = "EditOk";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = "An error occured while adding/updating a user (" + model.FirstName + " " + model.LastName + ") => " + ex.Message;
Esempio n. 3
        public string GetUserRole(string userId)
            string           userRole = null;
            AdmUserViewModel user     = GetUserById(userId);

            if (user != null)
                using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                    UserStore <ApplicationUser>   userStore   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(db);
                    UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore);
                    userRole = user.Role = userManager.IsInRole(user.UserId, "Admin") ? "Admin" : userManager.IsInRole(user.UserId, "Technician") ? "Technician" : "General";

Esempio n. 4
        // If userId is null, this is being called with the intention of creating a tech
        public AdmUserViewModel GetUserById(string userId)
            AdmUserViewModel model = new AdmUserViewModel();

            if (userId != null)
                using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                    ApplicationUser user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId);
                    model.FirstName = user.FirstName;
                    model.LastName  = user.LastName;
                    model.Email     = user.Email;
                    model.UserName  = user.UserName;
                    model.UserId    = user.Id;
            model.Roles = HydrateUserTypes();
        // This is used to update/add technician, the only differenct is that if it is a create, the userName will be null
        public ActionResult AddUpdateTech(AdmUserViewModel model, string userId)
            string result = _ticketAdapter.AddUpdateUser(model, userId);

            if (result == "NewOk")
                TimeLineHelper.UserOperations(model.FirstName + model.LastName, User.Identity.Name, TimeLineHelper.Operations.Edit);
            else if (result == "EditOk")
                TimeLineHelper.UserOperations(model.FirstName + model.LastName, User.Identity.Name, TimeLineHelper.Operations.New);
                TimeLineHelper.ErrorOperations(User.Identity.Name, TimeLineHelper.Operations.Edit, result);

            return(RedirectToAction("Users", new { role = model.Role }));
Esempio n. 6
        public void AssignTech(AdmIssueViewModel model, int issueId)
            if (model.AssignToId == null)

            using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                // first see if there is already an assignment with issue and tech, if so don't create another
                Assignment assignment = db.Assignments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.IssueId == issueId && a.UserId == model.AssignToId);
                if (assignment == null)  // did not find assignment
                    // create assignment
                    assignment = new Assignment()
                        IssueId = issueId,
                        UserId  = model.AssignToId,

                    Issue issue = db.Issues.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IssueId == issueId);
                    if (issue != null && issue.IsAssigned == false)
                        issue.IsAssigned = true;

                    string tech_name = db.Users.Find(model.AssignToId).FirstName;
                    TimeLineHelper.AssigmentOperations(issue.User.UserName, TimeLineHelper.Operations.New, issue.IssueId, tech_name);
                    string           ticketId = issue.IssueId.ToString();
                    AdmUserViewModel tech     = GetUserById(model.AssignToId);

                    string tech_email = tech.Email;
                    // email user and tell them that the issue has been updated
                    EmailManager.SendEmailAdminAssignTicket(ticketId, tech_email, issue.IssueDesc);


        // If userId is null, this is being called with the intention of creating a tech
        public ActionResult AddUpdateTech(string userId)
            AdmUserViewModel model = _ticketAdapter.GetUserById(userId);
