public void CanFindStoreAddressIfOneDoesntExist()
            RequestContext c = new RequestContext();

            c.CurrentStore.Id = 100;
            AddressRepository target = AddressRepository.InstantiateForMemory(c);

            int countBefore = target.CountOfAll();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, countBefore, "No Addresses should exist before the request for store address");

            // Target Store Address Should Not Exist
            Address actual;

            actual = target.FindStoreContactAddress();

            // Make sure we received an address
            Assert.IsNotNull(actual, "Actual address should not be null");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(string.Empty, actual.Bvin, "Bvin should be a valid value");

            // Make sure it was saved in the database
            int countAfter = target.CountOfAll();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, countAfter, "Request for store address should have created one if missing.");

            // Make sure we can update it
            actual.City = "My New City";
            Assert.IsTrue(target.Update(actual), "Update should be true");

            Address actual2 = target.FindStoreContactAddress();

            Assert.IsNotNull(actual2, "Second request should return an address");
            Assert.AreEqual(actual.Bvin, actual2.Bvin, "Both request should return the same address");
            Assert.AreEqual("My New City", actual2.City, "City should have been updated.");