public async Task <IActionResult> CastVote(AddVoteVM vote)
            if (vote == null || !ModelState.IsValid)
                //if voter is valid and he/she does not cast vote for same catergory before
                var isVoteAlreadyCasted = await this._voteService.IsVoteCastForCategoryByVoter(vote.VoterId, vote.CandidateCategoryId);

                if (isVoteAlreadyCasted)
                    return(UnprocessableEntity("You already cast vote for this category"));

                var IsValidUser = await this._voteService.IsVoterAndCandidateIsValid(vote.VoterId, vote.CandidateId, vote.CandidateCategoryId);

                if (!IsValidUser.VoterExist) // voter is not a valid
                    return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, "Voter does not associate with VoterSystem application, please register to cast vote"));
                if (!IsValidUser.CandidateExist) // candidate is not a valid
                    return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, "Candidate selected is not valid, please recheck and try again"));

                // now candidate and voter both are valid.
                var IsVoteCasted = await this._voteService.CastAVote(vote.ToVote());

                var status = IsVoteCasted == true ? "Thanks for voting. Your vote is succcessfully cast!" : "Unexpected error in voting system, please retry after 1 minute time";

                return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(CastVote), status));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, ex.Message));