private void AddTemplate() { var dte2 = this.GetService(typeof(SDTE)) as EnvDTE80.DTE2; var project = dte2.GetSelectedProject(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project?.FullName)) { throw new UserException("Please select a project first"); } AddTemplate m = new AddTemplate(dte2, project); m.Closed += (sender, e) => { // logic here Will be called after the child window is closed if (((AddTemplate)sender).Canceled == true) { return; } var templatePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(project.GetProjectDirectory(), m.Props.Template)); //GetFullpath removes un-needed relative paths (ie if you are putting something in the solution directory) var configPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(project.GetProjectDirectory(), "codegeneratorconfig.json")); AddFileToProject(project, m, configPath); AddFileToProject(project, m, templatePath, true); }; m.ShowModal(); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="character"> /// </param> /// <param name="target"> /// </param> /// <param name="args"> /// </param> public override void ExecuteCommand(ICharacter character, Identity target, string[] args) { IInstancedEntity targetEntity = null; // Fall back to self it no target is selected if ((targetEntity = character.Playfield.FindByIdentity(target)) == null) { targetEntity = character; } IItemContainer container = targetEntity as IItemContainer; // Does this entity have a BaseInventory? if (container != null) { int lowId; int highId; int ql; if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out lowId)) { character.Playfield.Publish(ChatText.CreateIM(character, "LowId is no number")); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out ql)) { character.Playfield.Publish(ChatText.CreateIM(character, "QualityLevel is no number")); return; } // Determine low and high id depending on ql lowId = ItemLoader.ItemList[lowId].GetLowId(ql); highId = ItemLoader.ItemList[lowId].GetHighId(ql); Item item = new Item(ql, lowId, highId); if (ItemLoader.ItemList[lowId].IsStackable()) { item.MultipleCount = ItemLoader.ItemList[lowId].getItemAttribute(212); } InventoryError err = container.BaseInventory.TryAdd(item); if (err != InventoryError.OK) { character.Playfield.Publish( ChatText.CreateIM(character, "Could not add to inventory. (" + err + ")")); } if (targetEntity as Character != null) { AddTemplate.Send((targetEntity as Character).Client, item); } } else { character.Playfield.Publish(ChatText.CreateIM(character, "Target has no Inventory.")); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="client"> /// </param> /// <param name="quality"> /// </param> public static void TradeSkillBuildPressed(ZoneClient client, int quality) { TradeSkillInfo source = client.Character.TradeSkillSource; TradeSkillInfo target = client.Character.TradeSkillTarget; Item sourceItem = client.Character.BaseInventory.GetItemInContainer(source.Container, source.Placement); Item targetItem = client.Character.BaseInventory.GetItemInContainer(target.Container, target.Placement); TradeSkillEntry ts = TradeSkill.Instance.GetTradeSkillEntry(sourceItem.HighID, targetItem.HighID); quality = Math.Min(quality, ItemLoader.ItemList[ts.ResultHighId].Quality); if (ts != null) { if (WindowBuild(client, quality, ts, sourceItem, targetItem)) { Item newItem = new Item(quality, ts.ResultLowId, ts.ResultHighId); InventoryError inventoryError = client.Character.BaseInventory.TryAdd(newItem); if (inventoryError == InventoryError.OK) { AddTemplate.Send(client, newItem); // Delete source? if ((ts.DeleteFlag & 1) == 1) { client.Character.BaseInventory.RemoveItem(source.Container, source.Placement); DeleteItem.Send(client, source.Container, source.Placement); } // Delete target? if ((ts.DeleteFlag & 2) == 2) { client.Character.BaseInventory.RemoveItem(target.Container, target.Placement); DeleteItem.Send(client, target.Container, target.Placement); } client.Character.Playfield.Publish( ChatText.CreateIM( client.Character, SuccessMessage( sourceItem, targetItem, new Item(quality, ts.ResultLowId, ts.ResultHighId)))); client.Character.Stats[StatIds.xp].Value += CalculateXP(quality, ts); } } } else { client.Character.Playfield.Publish( ChatText.CreateIM( client.Character, "It is not possible to assemble those two items. Maybe the order was wrong?")); client.Character.Playfield.Publish(ChatText.CreateIM(client.Character, "No combination found!")); } }
public void SpawnItem(int lowid, int highid, int ql) { // TODO: Add check for full inventory! InventoryEntries mi = new InventoryEntries(); AOItem it = ItemHandler.interpolate(lowid, highid, ql); mi.Item = it; mi.Container = 104; mi.Placement = this.TalkingTo.GetNextFreeInventory(104); this.TalkingTo.Inventory.Add(mi); AddTemplate.Send(this.TalkingTo.Client, mi); }
/// <summary> /// Метод сохранения шаблона в БД /// </summary> /// <param name="angular">Сам шаблон</param> /// <returns></returns> public string TemplateSave(AngularTemplate angular) { try { var save = new AddTemplate(); return(save.SaveTemplate(angular)); } catch (Exception e) { Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Error(e); return(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="client"> /// </param> /// <param name="target"> /// </param> /// <param name="args"> /// </param> public override void ExecuteCommand(Client client, Identity target, string[] args) { IInstancedEntity targetEntity = null; if ((targetEntity = client.Playfield.FindByIdentity(target)) != null) { IItemContainer container = targetEntity as IItemContainer; // Does this entity have a BaseInventory? if (container != null) { int lowId; int highId; int ql; if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out lowId)) { client.SendChatText("LowId is no number"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out highId)) { client.SendChatText("HighId is no number"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[3], out ql)) { client.SendChatText("QualityLevel is no number"); return; } Item item = new Item(ql, lowId, highId); InventoryError err = container.BaseInventory.TryAdd(item); if (err != InventoryError.OK) { client.SendChatText("Could not add to inventory." + (int)err); } if (targetEntity as Character != null) { AddTemplate.Send((targetEntity as Character).Client, item); } } else { client.SendChatText("Target has no Inventory."); return; } } }
private void AddFileToProject(Project project, AddTemplate m, string templatePath, bool runCustomTool = false) { if (File.Exists(templatePath)) { var results = VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider, "'" + templatePath + "' already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite?", "Overwrite", OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_QUERY, OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_YESNOCANCEL, OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST); if (results != 6) { return; } //if the window is open we have to close it before we overwrite it. ProjectItem pi = project.GetProjectItem(m.Props.Template); pi?.Document?.Close(vsSaveChanges.vsSaveChangesNo); } var templateSamplesPath = Path.Combine(DteHelper.AssemblyDirectory(), @"Resources\Templates"); var defaultTemplatePath = Path.Combine(templateSamplesPath, m.DefaultTemplate.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (!File.Exists(defaultTemplatePath)) { throw new UserException("T4Path: " + defaultTemplatePath + " is missing or you can access it."); } var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(templatePath); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } Status.Update("Adding " + templatePath + " to project"); // When you add a TT file to visual studio, it will try to automatically compile it, // if there is error (and there will be error because we have custom generator) // the error will persit until you close Visual Studio. The solution is to add // a blank file, then overwrite it // var blankTemplatePath = Path.Combine(DteHelper.AssemblyDirectory(), @"Resources\Templates\"); File.Copy(blankTemplatePath, templatePath, true); var p = project.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(templatePath); p.Properties.SetValue("CustomTool", ""); File.Copy(defaultTemplatePath, templatePath, true); if (runCustomTool) { p.Properties.SetValue("CustomTool", typeof(CrmCodeGenerator2011).Name); } }
public override void ExecuteCommand(Client client, Identity target, string[] args) { Client targetClient = null; if ((targetClient = FindClient.FindClientByName(args[1])) != null) { int firstfree = 64; firstfree = targetClient.Character.GetNextFreeInventory(104); if (firstfree <= 93) { InventoryEntries mi = new InventoryEntries(); AOItem it = ItemHandler.GetItemTemplate(Convert.ToInt32(args[2])); mi.Placement = firstfree; mi.Container = 104; mi.Item.LowID = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]); mi.Item.HighID = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]); mi.Item.Quality = Convert.ToInt32(args[4]); if (it.ItemType != 1) { mi.Item.MultipleCount = Math.Max(1, it.getItemAttribute(212)); } else { bool found = false; foreach (AOItemAttribute a in mi.Item.Stats) { if (a.Stat != 212) { continue; } found = true; a.Value = Math.Max(1, it.getItemAttribute(212)); break; } if (!found) { AOItemAttribute aoi = new AOItemAttribute(); aoi.Stat = 212; aoi.Value = Math.Max(1, it.getItemAttribute(212)); mi.Item.Stats.Add(aoi); } } targetClient.Character.Inventory.Add(mi); AddTemplate.Send(targetClient, mi); } else { client.SendChatText("Your Inventory is full"); } } }
private int SpawnItem() { int firstfree = this.client.Character.GetNextFreeInventory(104); if (firstfree <= 93) { InventoryEntries mi = new InventoryEntries(); AOItem it = ItemHandler.GetItemTemplate(this.ResultLowId); mi.Placement = firstfree; mi.Container = 104; mi.Item.LowID = this.ResultLowId; mi.Item.HighID = this.ResultHighId; mi.Item.Quality = this.Quality; if (it.ItemType != 1) { mi.Item.MultipleCount = Math.Max(1, it.getItemAttribute(212)); } else { bool found = false; foreach (AOItemAttribute a in mi.Item.Stats) { if (a.Stat != 212) { continue; } found = true; a.Value = Math.Max(1, it.getItemAttribute(212)); break; } if (!found) { AOItemAttribute aoi = new AOItemAttribute(); aoi.Stat = 212; aoi.Value = Math.Max(1, it.getItemAttribute(212)); mi.Item.Stats.Add(aoi); } } this.client.Character.Inventory.Add(mi); AddTemplate.Send(this.client, mi); return(firstfree); } else { this.client.SendChatText("Your Inventory is full"); return(0); } }
public DataTable InsertUpdateTemplate(Int64 Id, AddTemplate obj) { using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand()) { sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommand.CommandText = Procedures.InsertUpdateTemplate; sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", Id); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TemplateId", obj.TemplateId); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TemplateType", obj.TemplateType); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TemplateFor", obj.TemplateFor); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Subject", obj.Subject); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Body", obj.Body); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsActive", obj.TemplateStatus); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NotificationType", obj.NotificationType); return(DAL.GetDataTable(ConfigurationHelper.connectionString, sqlCommand)); } }
public async void AddNewTemplate() { Value = true; var connection = await apiService.CheckConnection(); if (!connection.IsSuccess) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert( Languages.Warning, Languages.CheckConnection, Languages.Ok); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description)) { Value = true; return; } var _template = new AddTemplate { name = Name, description = Description, template = "<!DOCTYPE html>↵<html>↵<head>↵</head>↵<body>↵<p>" + Template + "</p>↵</body>↵</html>" }; var cookie = Settings.Cookie; //.Split(11, 33) var res = cookie.Substring(11, 32); var response = await apiService.Save <AddTemplate>( "", "/Portalesp", "/diagnosticTemplate/save", res, _template); if (!response.IsSuccess) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", response.Message, "ok"); return; } Value = false; MessagingCenter.Send((App)Application.Current, "OnSaved"); DependencyService.Get <INotification>().CreateNotification("PortalSP", "Template Added"); await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopPopupAsync(true); }
public Result InsertUpdateTemplate(Int32 Id, AddTemplate obj) { Result objR = new Result(); objR.Status = "Failure"; objR.Message = "Something went wrong. Please try again."; objTDS = new TemplateDataService(); DataTable dt = objTDS.InsertUpdateTemplate(Id, obj); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { objR.Status = "success"; objR.Message = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Message"]); objR.Id = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["TemplateId"]); } return(objR); }
public ActionResult New(Website model) { if (Session["id"] != null) { var sta = new Statistic(); int total = sta.getSessionTemplate((int)Session["id"]); if (AddTemplate.Add(model, (int)Session["id"])) { ViewBag.success = 1; return(View(total)); } ViewBag.error = 1; return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } }
public void TemplatePatternTest_Add() { var result = new AddTemplate().Calculate(1, 2); result.Should().Be(3); }
public static void Read(byte[] packet, Client client, Dynel dynel) { PacketReader reader = new PacketReader(packet); PacketWriter packetWriter = new PacketWriter(); Header header = reader.PopHeader(); reader.PopByte(); reader.PopInt(); // unknown byte action = reader.PopByte(); // unknown Identity ident = reader.PopIdentity(); int container = reader.PopInt(); int place = reader.PopInt(); Character character = (Character)FindDynel.FindDynelById(ident.Type, ident.Instance); Character chaffected = (Character)FindDynel.FindDynelById(header.AffectedId.Type, header.AffectedId.Instance); // If target is a NPC, call its Action 0 if ((character is NonPlayerCharacterClass) && (action == 0)) { if (((NonPlayerCharacterClass)character).KnuBot != null) { character.KnuBotTarget = character; ((NonPlayerCharacterClass)character).KnuBot.TalkingTo = chaffected; ((NonPlayerCharacterClass)character).KnuBot.Action(0); } return; } int cashDeduct = 0; int inventoryCounter; InventoryEntries inventoryEntry; switch (action) { case 1: // end trade inventoryCounter = client.Character.Inventory.Count - 1; while (inventoryCounter >= 0) { inventoryEntry = client.Character.Inventory[inventoryCounter]; AOItem aoItem; if (inventoryEntry.Container == -1) { int nextFree = client.Character.GetNextFreeInventory(104); aoItem = ItemHandler.GetItemTemplate(inventoryEntry.Item.LowID); int price = aoItem.getItemAttribute(74); int mult = aoItem.getItemAttribute(212); // original multiplecount if (mult == 0) { mult = 1; inventoryEntry.Item.MultipleCount = 1; } // Deduct Cash (ie.item.multiplecount) div mult * price cashDeduct += Convert.ToInt32( mult * price * (100 - Math.Floor(Math.Min(1500, client.Character.Stats.ComputerLiteracy.Value) / 40.0)) / 2500); // Add the Shop modificator and exchange the CompLit for skill form vendortemplate table inventoryEntry.Placement = nextFree; inventoryEntry.Container = 104; if (!aoItem.isStackable()) { int multiplicator = inventoryEntry.Item.MultipleCount; inventoryEntry.Item.MultipleCount = 0; while (multiplicator > 0) { AddTemplate.Send(client, inventoryEntry); multiplicator--; } } else { AddTemplate.Send(client, inventoryEntry); } } if (inventoryEntry.Container == -2) { aoItem = ItemHandler.interpolate( inventoryEntry.Item.LowID, inventoryEntry.Item.HighID, inventoryEntry.Item.Quality); double multipleCount = aoItem.getItemAttribute(212); // original multiplecount int price = aoItem.getItemAttribute(74); if (multipleCount == 0.0) { multipleCount = 1.0; } else { multipleCount = inventoryEntry.Item.MultipleCount / multipleCount; } cashDeduct -= Convert.ToInt32( multipleCount * price * (100 + Math.Floor(Math.Min(1500, client.Character.Stats.ComputerLiteracy.Value) / 40.0)) / 2500); // Add the Shop modificator and exchange the CompLit for skill form vendortemplate table client.Character.Inventory.Remove(inventoryEntry); } inventoryCounter--; } client.Character.Stats.Cash.Set((uint)(client.Character.Stats.Cash.Value - cashDeduct)); // Packets.Stat.Set(client, 61, client.Character.Stats.Cash.StatValue - cashdeduct, false); byte[] reply0 = new byte[32]; Array.Copy(packet, reply0, 32); // pushing in server ID reply0[8] = 0; reply0[9] = 0; reply0[10] = 12; reply0[11] = 14; // pushing in Client ID reply0[12] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 24); reply0[13] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 16); reply0[14] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 8); reply0[15] = (byte)(client.Character.Id); packetWriter.PushBytes(reply0); packetWriter.PushByte(1); packetWriter.PushByte(4); packetWriter.PushIdentity(client.Character.LastTrade); packetWriter.PushIdentity(client.Character.LastTrade); client.Character.LastTrade = new Identity { Instance = 0, Type = 0 }; byte[] reply2 = packetWriter.Finish(); client.SendCompressed(reply2); break; case 2: // Decline trade inventoryCounter = client.Character.Inventory.Count - 1; while (inventoryCounter >= 0) { inventoryEntry = client.Character.Inventory[inventoryCounter]; if (inventoryEntry.Container == -1) { client.Character.Inventory.Remove(inventoryEntry); } else { if (inventoryEntry.Container == -2) { inventoryEntry.Placement = client.Character.GetNextFreeInventory(104); inventoryEntry.Container = 104; } } inventoryCounter--; } byte[] replyCopy = new byte[50]; Array.Copy(packet, replyCopy, 50); // pushing in server ID replyCopy[8] = 0; replyCopy[9] = 0; replyCopy[10] = 12; replyCopy[11] = 14; // pushing in Client ID replyCopy[12] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 24); replyCopy[13] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 16); replyCopy[14] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 8); replyCopy[15] = (byte)(client.Character.Id); packetWriter.PushBytes(replyCopy); byte[] rep1 = packetWriter.Finish(); client.SendCompressed(rep1); break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: // add item to trade window case 6: // remove item from trade window byte[] reply = new byte[50]; Array.Copy(packet, reply, 50); if (character.Inventory.Count == 0) { ((VendingMachine)character).LoadTemplate(((VendingMachine)character).TemplateId); } // pushing in server ID reply[8] = 0; reply[9] = 0; reply[10] = 12; reply[11] = 14; // pushing in Client ID reply[12] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 24); reply[13] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 16); reply[14] = (byte)(client.Character.Id >> 8); reply[15] = (byte)(client.Character.Id); //PacketWriter pw = new PacketWriter(); packetWriter.PushBytes(reply); byte[] replyRemoveItemFromTradeWindow = packetWriter.Finish(); client.SendCompressed(replyRemoveItemFromTradeWindow); if (client.Character == character) { if (action == 5) { inventoryEntry = character.GetInventoryAt(place); inventoryEntry.Placement = character.GetNextFreeInventory(-2); inventoryEntry.Container = -2; } if (action == 6) { inventoryEntry = character.GetInventoryAt(place, -2); inventoryEntry.Placement = character.GetNextFreeInventory(104); inventoryEntry.Container = 104; } } else { InventoryEntries inew = new InventoryEntries { Container = -1, Placement = character.GetNextFreeInventory(-1) }; int oldPlacement = ((packet[46] >> 24) + (packet[47] >> 16) + (packet[48] >> 8) + packet[49]); InventoryEntries totrade = character.GetInventoryAt(oldPlacement); inew.Item.LowID = totrade.Item.LowID; inew.Item.HighID = totrade.Item.HighID; inew.Item.MultipleCount = totrade.Item.MultipleCount; if (action == 6) // Remove item from trade window { inew.Item.MultipleCount = -inew.Item.MultipleCount; } inew.Item.Quality = totrade.Item.Quality; chaffected.InventoryReplaceAdd(inew); } break; } }
public IHttpActionResult AddUpdateTemplate(Int32 Id, AddTemplate obj) { TemplateBussinessService objTBS = new TemplateBussinessService(); return(Ok(objTBS.InsertUpdateTemplate(Id, obj))); }
private void Initialize() { _typeAddTemplate = typeof(AddTemplate); _objectAddTemplate = CreateInstance(_typeAddTemplate); InitializeSession(); }
private async Task AddTemplateAsync() { await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(DisposalToken); var dte2 = await GetServiceAsync(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE2; Assumes.Present(dte2); var project = dte2.GetSelectedProject(); if (project == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.FullName)) { throw new UserException("Please select a project first"); } var m = new AddTemplate(dte2, project); m.Closed += (sender, e) => { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); // logic here Will be called after the child window is closed if (((AddTemplate)sender).Canceled) { return; } var templatePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(project.GetPath(), m.Props.Template)); //GetFullpath removes un-needed relative paths (ie if you are putting something in the solution directory) if (File.Exists(templatePath)) { var results = VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider, "'" + templatePath + "' already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite?", "Overwrite", OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_QUERY, OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_YESNOCANCEL, OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST); if (results != 6) { return; } //if the window is open we have to close it before we overwrite it. var pi = project.GetProjectItem(m.Props.Template); if (pi != null && pi.Document != null) { pi.Document.Close(vsSaveChanges.vsSaveChangesNo); } } var templateSamplesPath = Path.Combine(DteHelper.AssemblyDirectory(), @"Resources\Templates"); var defaultTemplatePath = Path.Combine(templateSamplesPath, m.DefaultTemplate.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (!File.Exists(defaultTemplatePath)) { throw new UserException("T4Path: " + defaultTemplatePath + " is missing or you can't access it."); } var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(templatePath); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } Status.Update("[Template] Adding " + templatePath + " to project ... "); // When you add a TT file to visual studio, it will try to automatically compile it, // if there is error (and there will be error because we have custom generator) // the error will persit until you close Visual Studio. The solution is to add // a blank file, then overwrite it // var blankTemplatePath = Path.Combine(DteHelper.AssemblyDirectory(), @"Resources\Templates\"); // check out file if in TFS try { var workspaceInfo = Workstation.Current.GetLocalWorkspaceInfo(templatePath); if (workspaceInfo != null) { var server = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(workspaceInfo.ServerUri); var workspace = workspaceInfo.GetWorkspace(server); workspace.PendEdit(templatePath); Status.Update("[Template] Checked out template file from TFS' current workspace."); } } catch (Exception) { // ignored } try { File.Copy(blankTemplatePath, templatePath, true); } catch (Exception ex) { var error = ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace; MessageBox.Show(error, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); throw; } Status.Update("[Template] [DONE] Adding template file to project."); var p = project.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(templatePath); p.Properties.SetValue("CustomTool", ""); File.Copy(defaultTemplatePath, templatePath, true); p.Properties.SetValue("CustomTool", nameof(CrmCodeGenerator2011)); }; m.ShowModal(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddTemplate form = new AddTemplate(); form.ShowDialog(); }
private void AddTemplate() { var dte2 = this.GetService(typeof(SDTE)) as EnvDTE80.DTE2; var project = dte2.GetSelectedProject(); if (project == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.FullName)) { throw new UserException("Please select a project first"); } var m = new AddTemplate(dte2, project); m.Closed += (sender, e) => { // logic here Will be called after the child window is closed if (((AddTemplate)sender).Canceled == true) { return; } var templatePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(System.IO.Path.Combine(project.GetProjectDirectory(), m.Props.Template)); //GetFullpath removes un-needed relative paths (ie if you are putting something in the solution directory) if (System.IO.File.Exists(templatePath)) { var results = VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider, "'" + templatePath + "' already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite?", "Overwrite", OLEMSGICON.OLEMSGICON_QUERY, OLEMSGBUTTON.OLEMSGBUTTON_YESNOCANCEL, OLEMSGDEFBUTTON.OLEMSGDEFBUTTON_FIRST); if (results != 6) { return; } //if the window is open we have to close it before we overwrite it. var pi = project.GetProjectItem(m.Props.Template); if (pi != null && pi.Document != null) { pi.Document.Close(vsSaveChanges.vsSaveChangesNo); } } var templateSamplesPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(DteHelper.AssemblyDirectory(), @"Resources\Templates"); var defaultTemplatePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(templateSamplesPath, m.DefaultTemplate.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(defaultTemplatePath)) { throw new UserException("T4Path: " + defaultTemplatePath + " is missing or you can access it."); } var dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(templatePath); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dir)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } Status.Update("Adding " + templatePath + " to project"); // When you add a TT file to visual studio, it will try to automatically compile it, // if there is error (and there will be error because we have custom generator) // the error will persit until you close Visual Studio. The solution is to add // a blank file, then overwrite it // var blankTemplatePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(DteHelper.AssemblyDirectory(), @"Resources\Templates\"); System.IO.File.Copy(blankTemplatePath, templatePath, true); var p = project.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(templatePath); p.Properties.SetValue("CustomTool", ""); System.IO.File.Copy(defaultTemplatePath, templatePath, true); p.Properties.SetValue("CustomTool", typeof(CrmCodeGenerator2011).Name); }; m.ShowModal(); }