Esempio n. 1
        private AddInfoMenu GetAddInfoMenuOption()
            // Gets key and key info
            AddInfoMenu    menuOption    = AddInfoMenu.Invalid;
            ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo       = Console.ReadKey(true);
            ConsoleKey     key           = keyInfo.Key;
            int            numericOption = (int)Char.GetNumericValue(keyInfo.KeyChar);

            // If key was not a digit
            if (numericOption != -1)
                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(AddInfoMenu), numericOption))
                    menuOption = (AddInfoMenu)numericOption;
            // Else check if key was up or down
            else if (key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow || key == ConsoleKey.Tab || key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)
                menuOption = AddInfoMenu.EnterFields;
Esempio n. 2
        private void InfoPage(Employee employeeBeforeChanges, bool add)
            // This employee is used to store a copy of employeeBeforeChanges
            // This is so that employee can be altered without changing employeeBeforeChanges
            // and user can cancel changes if they want
            //todo, implement copy in employee classes (copy all fields not just create new employee)
            Employee      employee     = employeeBeforeChanges.Copy();
            List <string> employeeData = employee.Data();

            DisplayInfoMenu(add ? "Add" : "Edit", employee);
            bool           done         = false;
            int            numTextBoxes = 0;
            List <TextBox> textboxes    = new List <TextBox>();

            if (employee is FullTimeEmployee || employee is PartTimeEmployee)
                numTextBoxes = 7;
            if (employee is ContractEmployee || employee is SeasonalEmployee)
                numTextBoxes = 6;

            for (int row = 0; row < numTextBoxes; row++)
                textboxes.Add(new TextBox(17 + leftNavWidth, 1 + 3 * row, 25));

            //todo: set textbox text value to tempEmployee values( 0001-01-01 becomes "")
            //todo: create placeholder attribute for textbox and use it for input formats
            if (!(employee is ContractEmployee))
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.FirstName].Text   = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.FirstName + 1]) ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.FirstName + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.LastName].Text    = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.LastName + 1]) ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.LastName + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfBirth].Text = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfBirth + 1] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfBirth + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.SIN].Text         = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.SIN + 1]) ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.SIN + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.CompanyName].Text         = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.CompanyName + 2]) ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.CompanyName + 2];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.BusinessNumber].Text      = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.BusinessNumber + 2]) ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.BusinessNumber + 2];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfIncorporation].Text = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfIncorporation + 2] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfIncorporation + 2];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.StartDate].Text           = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.StartDate + 2] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.StartDate + 2];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.StopDate].Text            = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.StopDate + 2] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.StopDate + 2];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.FixedAmount].Text         = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.FixedAmount + 2]) || employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.FixedAmount + 2] == "-1" ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.FixedAmount + 2];

            if (employee is FullTimeEmployee)
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfHire].Text        = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfHire + 1] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfHire + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfTermination].Text = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfTermination + 1] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfTermination + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.Salary].Text            = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.Salary + 1]) || employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.Salary + 1] == "-1" ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.Salary + 1];
            else if (employee is PartTimeEmployee)
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfHire].Text        = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfHire + 1] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfHire + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfTermination].Text = employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfTermination + 1] == (new DateTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.DateOfTermination + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.HourlyRate].Text        = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.HourlyRate + 1]) || employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.HourlyRate + 1] == "-1" ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.HourlyRate + 1];
            else if (employee is SeasonalEmployee)
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.Season].Text   = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.Season + 1]) || employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.Season + 1] == "-1" ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.Season + 1];
                textboxes[(int)EmployeeFields.PiecePay].Text = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.PiecePay + 1]) || employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.PiecePay + 1] == "-1" ? "" : employeeData[(int)EmployeeFields.PiecePay + 1];

            int         focusedField = 0;
            AddInfoMenu option       = AddInfoMenu.EnterFields;

            while (!done)
                if (option == AddInfoMenu.EnterFields)
                    FormFocus(textboxes, ref focusedField, employee, DetectAddInfoErrors);
                else if (option == AddInfoMenu.Done)
                    bool someAreEmpty = false;
                    foreach (TextBox textbox in textboxes)
                        if (textbox.Empty())
                            someAreEmpty = true;

                    if (!someAreEmpty)
                        // todo: call employee.validate() and only do this block if it returns true, otherwise print an error (use DisplayInfoError)
                        if (employee.Validate())
                            done = true;

                            // If making new employee, add it to the database class
                            if (add)
                                database.Update(employeeBeforeChanges, employee);
                            DisplayInfoError("Fields combined are invalid.");
                        DisplayInfoError("All fields required.");
                else if (option == AddInfoMenu.ClearAll)
                    foreach (TextBox textbox in textboxes)
                else if (option == AddInfoMenu.Cancel)
                    done = true;
                    if (add)

                if (!done)
                    option = GetAddInfoMenuOption();