/// <summary> /// Модель схемы данных для генерации списков xml /// </summary> /// <param name="usercontrolmass">Массив UserControl для добавления</param> public void AddShemeUse(UserControl[] usercontrolmass) { Shemefulllist.Add(new ShemeProperty() { Document = AddDocument.DocumentSnuOneForm(ExampleXaml.SnuOneForm), Nameshemes = "Формирование СНУ (ИНН)", Shemes = "SnuOneForm", UserContr = usercontrolmass[0] }); Shemefulllist.Add(new ShemeProperty() { Document = AddDocument.DocumentSnuOneForm(ExampleXaml.TreatmentFpd), Nameshemes = "Обработка ФПД", Shemes = "TreatmentFpd", UserContr = usercontrolmass[1] }); Shemefulllist.Add(new ShemeProperty() { Document = AddDocument.DocumentSnuOneForm(ExampleXaml.CollectionInn), Nameshemes = "Формирование СНУ Массово", Shemes = "FullInnCount", UserContr = usercontrolmass[2] }); Shemefulllist.Add(new ShemeProperty() { Document = AddDocument.DocumentSnuOneForm(ExampleXaml.ZemlyOrImyShestvoFid), Nameshemes = "ФИД факта владения земля имущество", Shemes = "FidZorI", UserContr = usercontrolmass[0] }); Shemefulllist.Add(new ShemeProperty() { Document = AddDocument.DocumentSnuOneForm(ExampleXaml.FaceFid), Nameshemes = "Фид лица", Shemes = "FidFace", UserContr = usercontrolmass[0] }); Shemefulllist.Add(new ShemeProperty() { Document = AddDocument.DocumentSnuOneForm(ExampleXaml.VisualIdentId), Nameshemes = "УН запроса на визуальную идентификацию", Shemes = "IdZaprosVisual", UserContr = usercontrolmass[0] }); }
public IDocument ConvertToDocument(Page page, string domain) { var doc = new AddDocument() { Id = page.Id, Domain = domain }; doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Url", page.Url.AbsoluteUri)); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Domain", domain)); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Depth", page.Depth.ToString())); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Host", page.Url.Host)); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream((page as BinaryPage).Data)) { var extractedDoc = _textExtractorService.ExtractText(new BinaryDocumentStream(page.Url.ToString(), domain, memoryStream)); if (extractedDoc.TextExtractionException != null) { doc.Fields.Add(new Field("ErrorMessage", extractedDoc.TextExtractionException.Message)); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("ErrorStackTrace", extractedDoc.TextExtractionException.StackTrace)); } if (extractedDoc.ResultingDocument == null) { return(doc); } foreach (var field in (extractedDoc.ResultingDocument as AddDocument).Fields) { doc.Fields.Add(field); } } return(doc); }
/// <summary> /// Генерация схем и списков для моделей /// </summary> public void GenerateSchemes() { SchemesFullDocument.Add(new GenerateSchemesAutoModel() { Document = AddDocument.DocumentSnuOneForm(ExampleXaml.TaxArrears), SchemesName = "Схема списка для запуска БП: Взыскание задолженности", NameSchemes = "TaxArrears", DescriptionMemo = new [] { "ИНН", "КПП" }, TypeObject = typeof(TaxArrears) }); }
public void Can_add_and_patch_document() { var service = new SolrIntegrationService(new SolrSettings()); var document = new AddDocument("Patch_Me", "test") { Fields = new List <Field>() { new Field("document_id", "Patch_Me"), new Field("title", "Patch catch"), new Field("source", "green") } }; service.CanConnect().Should().BeTrue(); service.HandleDocuments(new List <IDocument>() { document }); var patchDoc = new PatchDocument("Patch_Me", "test") { Fields = new List <Field>() { new Field("document_id", "Patch_Me"), new Field("title", "4life"), new Field("source", "red") } }; service.HandleDocuments(new List <IDocument> { patchDoc }); }
public ActionResult Add(AddDocument postDoc, HttpPostedFileBase DocumentPath) { if (ModelState.IsValid && (DocumentPath != null && DocumentPath.ContentLength > 0)) { Document newDoc = new Document(); newDoc.DocumentTitle = postDoc.DocumentTitle; newDoc.UploadDate = DateTime.Now; newDoc.CompanyId = AppSettings.CurrentCompany; newDoc.PageId = (int)PagesEnum.Documents; /*Сохранение фото*/ var fileName = Path.GetFileName(DocumentPath.FileName); var savingPath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath(priceUploadDirectory), fileName); DocumentPath.SaveAs(savingPath); newDoc.DocumentPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(Path.Combine(priceUploadDirectory, fileName)); documentRepository.Insert(newDoc); documentRepository.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("GetAll")); //throw new HttpException(403, "Forbidden"); } else { return(View(postDoc)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> UploadTemporaryFileAsync() { var file = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files[0]; var guid = HttpContext.Request.Form["Guid"]; AddDocument command = null; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.CopyTo(ms); command = new AddDocument(file.FileName, ms.ToArray(), guid); } return(await SendAsync(command.BindId(c => c.Id), resourceId : command.Id, resource : "documents")); }
public static void MergeWithDocuments(this AddDocument mainDocument, IList <AddDocument> candidates, KeyValuePair <string, string> relation, string prefix) { var documentsToMerge = SelectRelevantForeignDocuments(candidates, relation.Value, mainDocument.GetFieldValue(relation.Key)); int i = 0; foreach (var document in documentsToMerge) { foreach (var field in document.Fields) { mainDocument.Fields.Add(new Field($"{prefix}{i}_{field.Name}", field.Value)); } i++; } }
public async Task return_expected_result() { //Arrange var document = new Document(_guid, null, null, _guid); var command = new AddDocument(_guid, null, null, _guid); _documentRepository.Setup(r => r.AddAsync(document)).Returns(Task.CompletedTask); //Act var handler = new AddDocumentHandler(_busPublisher.Object, _documentRepository.Object, _logger.Object); await handler.HandleAsync(command, _context.Object); //Assert _documentRepository.Verify(); _busPublisher.Verify(); }
public object AddDocument(AddDocument adddoc) { dynamic TBAddDocumentResult; int str = -1; try { AddDocResult Result = DocumentSafe.createDocument(adddoc); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result.ImgName)) { str = GlobalFuns.uploadDocs(adddoc.grpID, Result.ImgName, "documentsafe"); } else { str = 0; } if (Result != null) { if (str == 0) { TBAddDocumentResult = new { status = "0", message = "success" }; //== Commented by Nandu on 01-03-2017 Task-> Cron set on server(notifiy on publish date) //string url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["imgPath"] + "php/AddDocument.php?DocID=" + Result.docID; //GroupMaster.Send(url); } else { TBAddDocumentResult = new { status = "1", message = "failed" } }; } else { TBAddDocumentResult = new { status = "0", message = "Record not found" }; } } catch { TBAddDocumentResult = new { status = "1", message = "failed" }; } return(new { TBAddDocumentResult }); }
public void Can_add_document() { var service = new SolrIntegrationService(new SolrSettings()); var document = new AddDocument("magnus", "test") { Fields = new List <Field>() { new Field("Kite", "4life") } }; service.CanConnect().Should().BeTrue(); service.HandleDocuments(new List <IDocument>() { document }); }
protected void OnNewActionActivated(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddDocument nd = new AddDocument(registry); nd.Icon = programIcon; nd.TransientFor = this; ResponseType resp = (ResponseType)nd.Run(); if (resp == ResponseType.Ok) { UpdateTreeView(); UpdateCategoryComboBox(); registry.Write(); } nd.Destroy(); }
private void HandleAddDocument(AddDocument document) { var binaryFields = document.Fields.Where(x => x is BinaryField) .Cast <BinaryField>() .ToArray(); foreach (var binaryField in binaryFields) { var extractedFields = ExtractFields(document.Id, binaryField, document.Domain); binaryField.Data = new byte[0]; binaryField.Value = ""; foreach (var extractedField in extractedFields) { document.Fields.Add(extractedField); } } }
private void HandleAddDocument(AddDocument document) { for (int index = 0; index < document.Fields.Count; index++) { var field = document.Fields[index]; ForeignKeyField foreignKeyField; if (_foreignKeys.TryGetValue(field.Name, out foreignKeyField)) { document.Fields.Add( new Field(ForeignKeyName, string.Format(foreignKeyField.MappingFormat, field.Value))); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(foreignKeyField.JoinTargetFieldName)) { document.Fields.Add( new Field(foreignKeyField.JoinTargetFieldName, string.Format(foreignKeyField.MappingFormat, field.Value))); } } } }
private AddDocument DataRowToDocument(SqlDataReader reader, string idColumnName, string configJobName) { int idOrdinal; try { idOrdinal = reader.GetOrdinal(idColumnName); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Log.Logger.Error($"Encountered a data row lacking the required id column {idColumnName} "); return(null); } var id = reader.GetValue(idOrdinal).ToString(); //var document = new Document(string.Format("{0}_{1}", jobSettings.DataViewSettings.ViewName, id), jobSettings.JobGroup); var document = new AddDocument(id, configJobName); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { if (reader.IsDBNull(i)) { continue; } if (reader.GetFieldType(i).Name == "Byte[]") { document.Fields.Add(new BinaryField(reader.GetName(i), reader.GetValue(i) as byte[])); } else if (reader.GetFieldType(i).Name == "DateTime") { var strValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_commonSettings.DateTimeFormat) ? reader.GetDateTime(i).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : reader.GetDateTime(i).ToString(_commonSettings.DateTimeFormat); document.Fields.Add(new Field(reader.GetName(i), strValue)); } else { document.Fields.Add(new Field(reader.GetName(i), Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(i), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } } return(document); }
public static AddDocResult createDocument(AddDocument doc) { string subgrpIDs = ""; try { if (doc.isSubGrpAdmin == "1" && doc.docType == "0") { subgrpIDs = SubGroupDirectory.GetAdminSubGroupList(doc.grpID, doc.memID); } MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[12]; param[0] = new MySqlParameter("?docID", string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.docID) ? "0" : doc.docID); param[1] = new MySqlParameter("?documentType", doc.docType); param[2] = new MySqlParameter("?documentTitle", doc.docTitle); param[3] = new MySqlParameter("?docAccessType", doc.docAccessType); param[4] = new MySqlParameter("?memID", doc.memID); param[5] = new MySqlParameter("?grpID", doc.grpID); param[6] = new MySqlParameter("?memprofileIDs", string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.inputIDs) ? "" : doc.inputIDs); param[7] = new MySqlParameter("?documentFileId", string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.documentFileId) ? "0" : doc.documentFileId); param[8] = new MySqlParameter("?isSubGrpAdmin", string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.isSubGrpAdmin)?"0":doc.isSubGrpAdmin); param[9] = new MySqlParameter("?subgrpIDs", subgrpIDs); param[10] = new MySqlParameter("?publishDate", doc.publishDate); param[11] = new MySqlParameter("?expiryDate", doc.expiryDate); using (TouchBaseWebAPI.Data.row_productionEntities context = new TouchBaseWebAPI.Data.row_productionEntities()) { context.Connection.Open(); var Result = context.ExecuteStoreQuery <AddDocResult>("CALL V6_USPAddDocument(?docID,?documentType,?documentTitle,?docAccessType,?memID,?grpID,?memprofileIDs,?documentFileId,?isSubGrpAdmin,?subgrpIDs,?publishDate,?expiryDate)", param).SingleOrDefault(); return(Result); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="element"></param> /// <param name="documentRootElementName">By default Document</param> /// <returns></returns> private AddDocument ParseDocumentElement(XElement element) { var id = element.Attribute("Id"); var domain = element.Attribute("Domain"); if (id == null || domain == null) { return(null); } var document = new AddDocument(id.Value, domain.Value); var fields = new List <Field>(); foreach (var fieldElement in element.Descendants()) { var fieldName = fieldElement.Name.LocalName; var fieldValue = fieldElement.Value; fields.Add(new Field(fieldName, fieldValue)); } document.Fields = fields; return(document); }
public IDocument ConvertToDocument(Page page, string category) { var webPage = page as WebPage; var doc = new AddDocument() { Id = page.Id, Domain = category }; doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Url", page.Url.AbsoluteUri)); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Domain", category)); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Host", page.Url.Host)); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Depth", page.Depth.ToString())); doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Html", webPage.Html)); //foreach (var field in webPage.Metadata) //{ // field.Name = $"meta_{field.Name}"; // doc.Fields.Add(field); //} //doc.Fields.Add(new Field("Body",webPage.Body)); return(doc); }
public static DocumentDto ToDto(this AddDocument document) { if (document == null) { return(null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(document.Id)) { throw new MissingFieldException("A Document with no Id was passed!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(document.Domain)) { throw new MissingFieldException("A Document with no Domain was passed!"); } return(new DocumentDto { Id = document.Id, Domain = document.Domain, Fields = document.Fields.Select(ToDto).ToList() }); }
private static XElement AddXmlElement(AddDocument document) { var doc = new XElement("doc"); var idFieldElement = new XElement("field", document.Id); idFieldElement.Add(new XAttribute("name", "id")); doc.Add(idFieldElement); foreach (var field in document.Fields) { //Solr does not handle empty fields if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.Value)) { continue; } var fieldElement = new XElement("field", XmlUtils.ReplaceHexadecimalSymbols(field.Value)); fieldElement.Add(new XAttribute("name", XmlUtils.ReplaceInvalidElementNameChars(field.Name))); fieldElement.Add(new XAttribute("update", "set")); doc.Add(fieldElement); } return(doc); }
public IHttpActionResult AddADocument([FromUri] string user_email, [FromBody] AddDocument document) { if (IsTokenValid() && authenticationService.IsAllowedToAddDocument(GetTokenUserEmail(), user_email)) { try { Document newDocument = documentManagementService.Add(user_email, AddDocument.ToEntity(document)); BaseDocument modelNewDocument = BaseDocument.ToModel(newDocument); documentLogger.LogModificationToDocument(modelNewDocument.Id); return(CreatedAtRoute("AddDocument", new { useremail = user_email, documentid = modelNewDocument.Id }, modelNewDocument)); } catch (MissingUserException e) { return(BadRequest(e.Message)); } catch (Exceptions e) { return(BadRequest(e.Message)); } } return(Unauthorized()); }
private IDocument HandleAddDocument(AddDocument document) { var softDeleteField = document.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => _hardCodedSoftDeleteNames.Any(n => n.Equals(f.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ); if (softDeleteField == null) { return(document); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(softDeleteField.Value)) { return(document); } if (!_hardCodedSoftDeleteValues.Any( val => val.Equals(softDeleteField.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { return(document); } Log.Debug( $"SoftDeletePipelineStep identified a document ({document.Id}) as soft deleted due to field '{softDeleteField.Name}'='{softDeleteField.Value}'"); return(new DeleteDocument("IDontKnowMyDeleteFieldName_FixMePlz_WorksForHadesThough", document.Id)); }
public void Can_add_and_delete_document() { var service = new SolrIntegrationService(new SolrSettings()); var document = new AddDocument("Im_gone", "test") { Fields = new List <Field>() { new Field("Kite", "4life") } }; service.CanConnect().Should().BeTrue(); service.HandleDocuments(new List <IDocument>() { document }); var delDoc = new DeleteDocument(document.Id, document.Domain); service.HandleDocuments(new List <IDocument>() { delDoc }); }