Esempio n. 1
        private void SetupControls_ExtraPanel(UiBuilder <UPanel> innerPanelB,
                                              U.AtlasBuilder atlasBuilder,
                                              AddButtonsResult toolButtonsResult)
            // This is toggle despawn and clear traffic panel
            using (UiBuilder <UPanel> rightPanelB = innerPanelB.ChildPanel <U.UPanel>(
                       setupFn: p => {
       = "TMPE_MainMenu_ExtraPanel";
                // Silver background panel
                p.atlas = TextureUtil.FindAtlas("Ingame");
                p.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanel";
                // The panel will be Dark Silver at 50% dark 100% alpha
                p.color = new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255);
                rightPanelB.ResizeFunction(r => {
                    // Step to the right by 4px
                    r.Stack(mode: UStackMode.ToTheRight,
                            spacing: UConst.UIPADDING);

                // Place two extra buttons (despawn & clear traffic).
                // Use as many rows as in the other panel.
                var extraButtonsResult = AddButtonsFromButtonDefinitions(
                    builder: rightPanelB,
                    atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                    buttonDefs: EXTRA_BUTTON_DEFS,
                    minRowLength: toolButtonsResult.Layout.Rows == 2 ? 1 : 2);
                ExtraButtonsList = extraButtonsResult.Buttons;
Esempio n. 2
            public void SetupExtraButtons(MainMenuWindow window,
                                          UBuilder builder,
                                          AddButtonsResult toolButtonsResult)
       = "TMPE_MainMenu_ExtraPanel";

                // Silver background panel
                this.atlas            = TextureUtil.Ingame;
                this.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanel";

                // The panel will be Dark Silver at 50% dark 100% alpha
                this.color = new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255);

                    resizeFn: (UResizer r) => {
                    // Step to the right by 4px
                        mode: UStackMode.ToTheRight,
                        spacing: UConst.UIPADDING);

                // Place two extra buttons (despawn & clear traffic).
                // Use as many rows as in the other panel.
                var extraButtonsResult = AddButtonsFromButtonDefinitions(
                    parentComponent: this,
                    buttonDefs: EXTRA_BUTTON_DEFS,
                    minRowLength: toolButtonsResult.Layout.Rows == 2 ? 1 : 2);

                window.ExtraButtonsList = extraButtonsResult.Buttons;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>Called from ModUI to setup children for the window.</summary>
        /// <param name="builder">The UI Builder.</param>
        public void SetupControls(UiBuilder <MainMenuWindow> builder)
            // Create and populate list of background atlas keys, used by all buttons
            // And also each button will have a chance to add their own atlas keys for loading.
            var tmpSkin = new U.ButtonSkin {
                Prefix            = "MainMenuPanel",
                BackgroundPrefix  = "RoundButton",
                ForegroundNormal  = false,
                BackgroundHovered = true,
                BackgroundActive  = true,
            // By default the atlas will include backgrounds: DefaultRound-bg-normal
            var atlasBuilder = new U.AtlasBuilder();

                atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                spriteSize: new IntVector2(50));

            // Create Version Label and Help button:
            // [ TM:PE 11.x ] [?]
            UILabel versionLabel = SetupControls_TopRow(builder, atlasBuilder);

            // Main menu contains 2 panels side by side, one for tool buttons and another for
            // despawn & clear buttons.
            ButtonsDict = new Dictionary <ToolMode, BaseMenuButton>();
            // U.UPanel leftPanel;

            using (var innerPanelB = builder.ChildPanel <U.UPanel>(setupFn: p => {
       = "TMPE_MainMenu_InnerPanel";
            })) {
                innerPanelB.ResizeFunction(r => {
                    r.Stack(mode: UStackMode.Below, spacing: 0f, stackRef: versionLabel);

                AddButtonsResult toolButtonsResult
                    = SetupControls_ToolPanel(innerPanelB, atlasBuilder);

                SetupControls_ExtraPanel(innerPanelB, atlasBuilder, toolButtonsResult);

            // Create atlas and give it to all buttons
            allButtonsAtlas_ = atlasBuilder.CreateAtlas(
                atlasName: "MainMenu_Atlas",
                loadingPath: "MainMenu.Tool",
                atlasSizeHint: new IntVector2(512));

            foreach (BaseMenuButton b in ToolButtonsList)
                b.atlas = allButtonsAtlas_;
            foreach (BaseMenuButton b in ExtraButtonsList)
                b.atlas = allButtonsAtlas_;
            this.toggleOsdButton_.atlas = allButtonsAtlas_;

            // Foldable panel with keybinds, starts hidden below or above the main menu

            // Floating labels under TM:PE window
            SetupControls_DebugLabels(builder, this.OnscreenDisplayPanel);