Esempio n. 1
        public void DateInput()
            AdaptiveDateInput dateInput = new AdaptiveDateInput
                ErrorMessage = "Date Input Error Message",
                Max          = "2019-01-14",
                Min          = "2017-01-14",
                Placeholder  = "Placeholder",
                Height       = HeightType.Stretch,
                Id           = "DateInputId",
                IsRequired   = true,
                IsVisible    = false,
                Separator    = true,
                Spacing      = Spacing.Medium,
                Value        = "2018-01-14",

            ValidateBaseElementProperties(dateInput, "DateInputId", false, true, Spacing.Medium, HeightType.Stretch);

            Assert.AreEqual("Date Input Error Message", dateInput.ErrorMessage);
            Assert.AreEqual("2019-01-14", dateInput.Max);
            Assert.AreEqual("2017-01-14", dateInput.Min);
            Assert.AreEqual("Placeholder", dateInput.Placeholder);
            Assert.AreEqual("2018-01-14", dateInput.Value);

            var jsonString = dateInput.ToJson().ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("{\"errorMessage\":\"Date Input Error Message\",\"height\":\"Stretch\",\"id\":\"DateInputId\",\"isRequired\":true,\"isVisible\":false,\"max\":\"2019-01-14\",\"min\":\"2017-01-14\",\"placeholder\":\"Placeholder\",\"separator\":true,\"spacing\":\"medium\",\"type\":\"Input.Date\",\"value\":\"2018-01-14\"}", jsonString);
 public static FrameworkElement Render(AdaptiveDateInput input, AdaptiveRenderContext context)
     if (context.Config.SupportsInteractivity)
         var textBox = new TextBox()
             Text = input.Value
         textBox.Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.Input.Text.Date");
         context.InputBindings.Add(input.Id, () => textBox.Text);
         var container = AdaptiveTypedElementConverter.CreateElement <AdaptiveContainer>();
         container.Spacing   = input.Spacing;
         container.Separator = input.Separator;
         var textBlock = AdaptiveTypedElementConverter.CreateElement <AdaptiveTextBlock>();
         textBlock.Text = XamlUtilities.GetFallbackText(input) ?? input.Placeholder;
         if (input.Value != null)
             textBlock       = AdaptiveTypedElementConverter.CreateElement <AdaptiveTextBlock>();
             textBlock.Text  = input.Value;
             textBlock.Color = AdaptiveTextColor.Accent;
             textBlock.Wrap  = true;
Esempio n. 3
        protected static HtmlTag DateInputRender(AdaptiveDateInput input, AdaptiveRendererContext context)
            var uiDateInput = new HtmlTag("input")
                              .Attr("name", input.Id)
                              .Attr("type", "date")
                              .Style("width", "100%");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Value))
                uiDateInput.Attr("value", input.Value);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Min))
                uiDateInput.Attr("min", input.Min);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Max))
                uiDateInput.Attr("max", input.Max);

Esempio n. 4
 public static FrameworkElement Render(AdaptiveDateInput input, AdaptiveRenderContext context)
     if (context.Config.SupportsInteractivity)
         var datePicker = new DatePicker();
         datePicker.ToolTip = input.Placeholder;
         DateTime value;
         if (DateTime.TryParse(input.Value, out value))
             datePicker.SelectedDate = value;
         DateTime minValue;
         if (DateTime.TryParse(input.Min, out minValue))
             datePicker.DisplayDateStart = minValue;
         DateTime maxValue;
         if (DateTime.TryParse(input.Max, out maxValue))
             datePicker.DisplayDateEnd = maxValue;
         datePicker.Style       = context.GetStyle("Adaptive.Input.Date");
         datePicker.DataContext = input;
         context.InputBindings.Add(input.Id, () => ToIso8601Date(datePicker.Text));
         var textBlock = AdaptiveTypedElementConverter.CreateElement <AdaptiveTextBlock>();
         textBlock.Text = XamlUtilities.GetFallbackText(input) ?? input.Placeholder;
        private async Task <AdaptiveCard> CreateDateTimeSelectorCard()
            var card = new AdaptiveCard("1.0");

            card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock
                Text   = "Please select a date you would like to know about",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Large,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Lighter,

            var input = new AdaptiveDateInput
                Id          = "Text",
                Placeholder = "Select Date"


            card.Actions.Add(new AdaptiveSubmitAction
                Title = "Submit",
                Data  = new { input.Value }

            return(await Task.FromResult(card));
        static AdaptiveCard GetDateAdaptiveCard(DateTime dateTime)
            string            json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"Resources\\carBookingDate.json");
            var               card = AdaptiveCards.AdaptiveCard.FromJson(json).Card;
            AdaptiveContainer adaptiveContainer = (AdaptiveContainer)card.Body[1];
            AdaptiveDateInput adaptiveDateInput = (AdaptiveDateInput)adaptiveContainer.Items[0];

            adaptiveDateInput.Value = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

        public static FrameworkElement Render(AdaptiveDateInput input, AdaptiveRenderContext context)
            var textBox = new TextBox()
                Text = input.Value

            textBox.Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.Input.Text.Date");
            context.InputBindings.Add(input.Id, () => textBox.Text);
Esempio n. 8
 private void SetValue(AdaptiveDateInput dataInput, object value)
     if (value is DateTime)
         dataInput.Value = ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
     if (value is string)
         DateTime date;
         if (DateTime.TryParse(value as string, out date))
             dataInput.Value = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        public MainPage()
            AdaptiveCard card = new AdaptiveCard();

            card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text = "Hello",
                Size = AdaptiveTextSize.ExtraLarge

            card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveImage()
                Url = new Uri("")

            var datePicker = new AdaptiveDateInput()
                Id          = "123",
                Placeholder = "123",
                Value       = "2017-09-20"


            // serialize the card to JSON
            string json = card.ToJson();

            var renderer = new AdaptiveCards.Rendering.Uwp.AdaptiveCardRenderer();

            var cardNew = AdaptiveCards.Rendering.Uwp.AdaptiveCard.FromJsonString(json);

            var renderedAdaptiveCard = renderer.RenderAdaptiveCard(cardNew.AdaptiveCard);

            if (renderedAdaptiveCard.FrameworkElement != null)
Esempio n. 10
        public static FrameworkElement Render(AdaptiveDateInput input, AdaptiveRenderContext context)
            if (!context.Config.SupportsInteractivity)
                AdaptiveTextBlock textBlock = AdaptiveTypedElementConverter.CreateElement <AdaptiveTextBlock>();
                textBlock.Text = XamlUtilities.GetFallbackText(input) ?? input.Placeholder;


            DatePicker datePicker = new DatePicker
                DataContext = input,
                ToolTip     = input.Placeholder,
                Style       = context.GetStyle("Adaptive.Input.Date")

            if (DateTime.TryParse(input.Value, out DateTime value))
                datePicker.SelectedDate = value;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(input.Min, out DateTime minValue))
                datePicker.DisplayDateStart = minValue;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(input.Max, out DateTime maxValue))
                datePicker.DisplayDateEnd = maxValue;

            context.InputBindings.Add(input.Id, () => datePicker.SelectedDate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ?? "");

Esempio n. 11
 public virtual void Visit(AdaptiveDateInput inputDate)
Esempio n. 12
        private AdaptiveCard SetCard()
            AdaptiveCard _card = new AdaptiveCard("1.0");

            var _container = new AdaptiveContainer();

            var colum = new AdaptiveColumnSet();

            var _columnImage = new AdaptiveColumn()
                Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto

            _columnImage.Items.Add(new AdaptiveImage()
                Url     = new Uri(this.UrlImage),
                Size    = AdaptiveImageSize.Small,
                Style   = AdaptiveImageStyle.Person,
                AltText = "Bootty"

            var _columnContent = new AdaptiveColumn()
                Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch

            _columnContent.Items.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text    = "Booty",
                Size    = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Weight  = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default,
                Color   = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Wrap    = true,
                Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.Default

            _columnContent.Items.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text     = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                Size     = AdaptiveTextSize.Small,
                Color    = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Wrap     = true,
                IsSubtle = true,
                Spacing  = AdaptiveSpacing.None

            var _textMessage = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text     = this.Title,
                Size     = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Color    = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight   = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                Wrap     = true,
                IsSubtle = false

            var _textMessage2 = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text     = this.Description,
                Size     = AdaptiveTextSize.Small,
                Color    = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight   = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default,
                Wrap     = true,
                IsSubtle = false




            var _texDataSubtitle = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Tus Datos",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Left

            var _textTitleName = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Tú Nombre",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Small,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default

            var _textName = new AdaptiveTextInput()
                Id          = "UserName",
                Placeholder = "Apellido, Nombre"

            var _textTitleEmail = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Dirección de correo",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Small,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default

            var _textEmail = new AdaptiveTextInput()
                Id          = "Email",
                Placeholder = "correo electronico"

            var _texDatesSubtitle = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Fechas",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Left

            var _textTitleDeparture = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Fecha de salida",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Small,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default

            var _textDeparture = new AdaptiveDateInput()
                Id = "Departure"

            var _textTitleArrival = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Fecha de regreso",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Small,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default

            var _textArrival = new AdaptiveDateInput()
                Id = "Arrival"

            var _texOptionsSubtitle = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Tipo de viaje",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Normal,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Left

            var _textTrasportOpciones = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Tipo de transporte",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default
            var _transportChoice = new AdaptiveChoiceSetInput();

            _transportChoice.Id    = "TransporChoice";
            _transportChoice.Value = "bus";
            _transportChoice.Style = AdaptiveChoiceInputStyle.Expanded;
            _transportChoice.Choices.Add(new AdaptiveChoice()
                Title = "Omnibus",
                Value = "Omnibus"
            _transportChoice.Choices.Add(new AdaptiveChoice()
                Title = "Avion",
                Value = "Avion"

            var _textClassOpciones = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "Clase",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default
            var _classChoice = new AdaptiveChoiceSetInput();

            _classChoice.Id    = "ClassChoice";
            _classChoice.Value = "Economica";
            _classChoice.Style = AdaptiveChoiceInputStyle.Expanded;
            _classChoice.Choices.Add(new AdaptiveChoice()
                Title = "Economica",
                Value = "Economica"
            _classChoice.Choices.Add(new AdaptiveChoice()
                Title = "Primera",
                Value = "Primera"

            var _textCashOpciones = new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "¿Forma de Pago?",
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Color  = AdaptiveTextColor.Default,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Default
            var _cashChoice = new AdaptiveChoiceSetInput();

            _cashChoice.Id    = "CashChoice";
            _cashChoice.Value = "Efectivo";
            _cashChoice.Choices.Add(new AdaptiveChoice()
                Title = "Efectivo",
                Value = "Efectivo"
            _cashChoice.Choices.Add(new AdaptiveChoice()
                Title = "Tarjeta de Credito",
                Value = "Tarjeta de Credito"

            var _checkConditions = new AdaptiveToggleInput()
                Id    = "checkConditions",
                Value = "accept",
                Title = "Acepto los terminos y condiciones."

            var _submitButton = new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
                Title    = "Contratar",
                DataJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new JsonDataAux()
                    From   = TypeCards.FORM.ToString(),
                    Action = "MDZFORM"




