private static void InterstitialAdOnShowingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs adEventArgs, string id) { if (ShowOverlay != null) { ShowOverlay(id); } }
private void picAd_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, picAd.Width, 5 * Tenor.Mobile.UI.Skin.Current.ScaleFactor.Height); Tenor.Mobile.Drawing.GradientFill.Fill( e.Graphics, rect, Color.DarkGray, Color.Black, GradientFill.FillDirection.TopToBottom); rect = new Rectangle( 0, rect.Height, picAd.Width, picAd.Height - rect.Height); e.Graphics.FillRectangle( new SolidBrush(Color.Black), rect); if (picAd.Tag != null) { AdEventArgs ad = picAd.Tag as AdEventArgs; if (ad != null && lnkTextLink.Text != ad.Text) { if (ad.Text != null) { lnkTextLink.Text = ad.Text.Replace("&", "&&"); lnkTextLink.Visible = true; } else { lnkTextLink.Visible = false; } } } }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { if (adControl != null) { adControl.Height = 50; } }
void ad_ShowingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { ReignServices.InvokeOnUnityThread(delegate { if (eventCallback != null) eventCallback(InterstitialAdEvents.Shown, null); }); }
// Event Handler called before playing an ad private void Embedded_OnAdStart(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { var nowait = Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { AnimateHeight(200); }); }
// Event Handler called before playing an ad private void SdkInstance_OnAdStart(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { // e.Id - Vungle app ID in string // e.Placement - placement ID in string System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnAdStart(" + e.Id + "): " + e.Placement); }
private static void InterstitialAdOnReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs adEventArgs, string id) { if (ReceivedAd != null) { ReceivedAd(id); } }
private static void InterstitialAdOnLeavingApplication(object sender, AdEventArgs adEventArgs, string id) { if (LeavingApplication != null) { LeavingApplication(id); } }
// Event Handler called before playing an ad private void Embedded_OnAdStart(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { var nowait = this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { AnimateHeight(200); }); }
protected void interstitialView_ReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("interstitialView_ReceivedAd"); PluginResult pr; if (fullScreenAdPreload) { pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, "onInterstitialAdPreloaded"); pr.KeepCallback = true; plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); //PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR); //pr.KeepCallback = true; //plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); } pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, "onInterstitialAdLoaded"); pr.KeepCallback = true; plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); //PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR); //pr.KeepCallback = true; //plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); if (!fullScreenAdPreload) { interstitialView.ShowAd(); } }
private static void InterstitialAdOnDismissingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs adEventArgs, string id) { if (DismissingAd != null) { DismissingAd(id); } }
void ad_LeavingApplication(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { ReignServices.InvokeOnUnityThread(delegate { if (eventCallback != null) eventCallback(InterstitialAdEvents.Clicked, null); }); }
private void adReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { ReignServices.InvokeOnUnityThread(delegate { if (eventCallback != null) eventCallback(InterstitialAdEvents.Cached, null); }); }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Ad received successfully"); interstitialAd.ShowAd(); }
private void AdMobOnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { AdDuplexAdControl.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MSAdControl.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); }
public void OnUnityAdsDidFinish(string placementId, ShowResult showResult) { if (OnAdDone != null) { AdEventArgs args = new AdEventArgs(placementId, showResult); OnAdDone(this, args); } }
private void banner_onAdLoaded(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent(EVENT_AD_LOADED, ADTYPE_BANNER); if ((!bannerVisible) && autoShowBanner) { __showBanner(adPosition, posX, posY); } }
private void OnAdDone(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { if (e.AdShowResult == ShowResult.Finished && e.PlacementID == AdManager.REWARD_AD) { GamePanel.SetActive(true); gameover.SetActive(false); player.FullHP(); } }
private void interstitialAd_ReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { if (!App.ViewModel.Settings.IsTrial) { return; } interstitialAd.ShowAd(); App.ViewModel.ShowInterstitialAd = false; }
private void interstitial_onAdLoaded(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent(EVENT_AD_LOADED, ADTYPE_INTERSTITIAL); if (autoShowInterstitial) { __showInterstitial(); } }
void adView_ReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { ReignServices.InvokeOnUnityThread(delegate { if (eventCallback != null) { eventCallback(AdEvents.Refreshed, null); } }); }
void ad_LeavingApplication(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { ReignServices.InvokeOnUnityThread(delegate { if (eventCallback != null) { eventCallback(InterstitialAdEvents.Clicked, null); } }); }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Random p = new Random(); int j = p.Next(1, 100); if (j >= 88) { interstitialAd.ShowAd(); } }
void ad_ShowingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { ReignServices.InvokeOnUnityThread(delegate { if (eventCallback != null) { eventCallback(InterstitialAdEvents.Shown, null); } }); }
private void adReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { ReignServices.InvokeOnUnityThread(delegate { if (eventCallback != null) { eventCallback(InterstitialAdEvents.Cached, null); } }); }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Random P = new Random(); int I = P.Next(1, 10); if (I > 5) { interstitialAd.ShowAd(); } }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { try { interstitialAd.ShowAd(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void OnNewRewardedAdEvent(AdEventArgs args) { // Unsubscribe AdsManager.NewRewardedAdEvent -= OnNewRewardedAdEvent; if (args.adEvent == AdEvent.ShouldReward) { // Reward the user with coins RewardCoins(); } }
protected void interstitial_ShowingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("OnInterstitialPresentScreen"); PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, "onInterstitialAdShown"); pr.KeepCallback = true; plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); //PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR); //pr.KeepCallback = true; //plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); }
protected void interstitialView_DismissingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("interstitialView_DismissingOverlay"); PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, "onInterstitialAdHidden"); pr.KeepCallback = true; plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); //PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR); //pr.KeepCallback = true; //plugin.DispatchCommandResult(pr); }
//interstitialView.DismissingOverlay private void OnInterstitialViewDismissingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("OnInterstitialViewDismissScreen"); PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, "onFullScreenAdHidden"); //pr.KeepCallback = true; DispatchCommandResult(pr); //PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR); //pr.KeepCallback = true; //DispatchCommandResult(pr); }
void adMob_AdArrived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { try { timer.Change(60000 * 4, 60000 * 4); View.Invoke(new ThreadStart(delegate() { View.picAd.Tag = e; View.picAd.Invalidate(); })); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { //Fire off the messenger if (Messenger != null) { Messenger("AdMob Ad Received"); } //Fire off the OnRefreshedEvent if (OnRefreshedDelegate != null) { OnRefreshedDelegate(); } }
//reklam hazırsa olacaklar private void İnterstitialAd_ReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { if (IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["reklam1"] == "0") { interstitialAd.ShowAd(); IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["reklam"] = "0"; } else { IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["reklam"] = "2"; IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.Save(); } }
private void lnkTextLink_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (picAd.Tag != null) { AdEventArgs ad = picAd.Tag as AdEventArgs; if (ad != null) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(ad.Link, string.Empty)); } catch { } } } }
private void OnReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Ad received successfully"); }
private void ReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { _banner_ready = true; }
private void OnDismissingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("Dismissing interstitial."); showInterstitial.IsEnabled = false; requestInterstitial.IsEnabled = true; }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("Received interstitial successfully. Click 'Show Interstitial'."); requestInterstitial.IsEnabled = false; showInterstitial.IsEnabled = true; }
private void banner_onAdPresent(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent (EVENT_AD_PRESENT, ADTYPE_BANNER); }
private void interstitial_onAdDismiss(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent (EVENT_AD_DISMISS, ADTYPE_INTERSTITIAL); }
private void onLeavingApplicationAd(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { eventCallback("cordova.fireDocumentEvent('onLeaveToAd');"); }
private void interstitial_onAdLoaded(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent (EVENT_AD_LOADED, ADTYPE_INTERSTITIAL); if (autoShowInterstitial) { __showInterstitial (); } }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { lock (_interstitial_lock) { _interstitial_loaded = true; } }
private void onLeavingApplicationAd(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent (EVENT_AD_LEAVEAPP, ADTYPE_BANNER); }
private void OnDismissingOverlay(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { CheckIsPaid(); }
// Interstitial events private void onRecievedInterstitialAd(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { interstitialAd.ShowAd(); eventCallback("cordova.fireDocumentEvent('onReceiveInterstitialAd');"); }
private void OnAdReceived(object sender, AdEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("Received ad successfully"); }
private void banner_onAdLoaded(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent (EVENT_AD_LOADED, ADTYPE_BANNER); if( (! bannerVisible) && autoShowBanner) ) { __showBanner(adPosition, posX, posY); } }
private void interstitial_onAdPresent(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent (EVENT_AD_PRESENT, ADTYPE_INTERSTITIAL); }
private void onDismissingOverlayAd(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { eventCallback("cordova.fireDocumentEvent('onDismissAd');"); }
private void onReceivedAd(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { eventCallback("cordova.fireDocumentEvent('onReceiveAd');"); }
private void banner_onAdDismiss(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { fireAdEvent (EVENT_AD_DISMISS, ADTYPE_BANNER); }
private void onShowingOverlayInterstitialAd(object sender, AdEventArgs args) { eventCallback("cordova.fireDocumentEvent('onPresentInterstitialAd');"); }