Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the action on a single target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rTarget">Target to activate on</param>
        protected void ActivateInstance(GameObject rTarget, Vector3 rPoint, Vector3 rForward)
            float lPower = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MinPower, MaxPower);

            if (Invert)
                lPower = -lPower;

            // Push back the Motion Controller if we can
            ActorController lActorController = rTarget.GetComponent <ActorController>();

            if (AddForce && lActorController != null)
                Vector3 lMovement = rForward.normalized * (lPower * AddForceFactor);
                Rigidbody lRigidBody = rTarget.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (lRigidBody != null)
                    // Compensate for the exaggerated force describe in Unity documentation
                    lRigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(rForward.normalized * lPower * 0.01f, rPoint, ForceMode.Impulse);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called every frame so the driver can process input and
        /// update the actor controller.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Update()
            if (!_IsEnabled)
            if (mActorController == null)
            if (mInputSource == null || !mInputSource.IsEnabled)

            float lDeltaTime = TimeManager.SmoothedDeltaTime;

            // Rotate based on the mouse
            if (mInputSource.IsViewingActivated)
                float      lYaw      = mInputSource.ViewX;
                Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, lYaw * mDegreesPer60FPSTick, 0f);


            // Move based on WASD
            Vector3 lInput    = new Vector3(mInputSource.MovementX, 0f, mInputSource.MovementY);
            Vector3 lMovement = lInput * _MovementSpeed * lDeltaTime;

            if (lMovement.sqrMagnitude > 0f)

            // Jump based on space
            if (mInputSource.IsJustPressed("Jump"))
                if (mActorController.State.IsGrounded)
                    mActorController.AddImpulse(transform.up * _JumpForce);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called every frame so the driver can process input and
        /// update the actor controller.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Ensure we have everything we need
            if (mActorController == null)
            if (mInputSource == null || !mInputSource.IsEnabled)

            // Initialize some variables
            Vector3    lMovement =;
            Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // INPUT
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // This is the horizontal movement of the mouse or Xbox controller's right stick
            //float lYaw = mInputSource.ViewX;

            // This is the WASD buttons or Xbox controller's left stick
            Vector3 lInput = new Vector3(mInputSource.MovementX, 0f, mInputSource.MovementY);

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // ATTACH TO WALL
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            if (mIsInToWall)
                Vector3 lToWallHit       = mToWallPoint - transform.position;
                float   lToWallHitNormal = Vector3.Angle(mActorController._Transform.up, mToWallNormal);

                // Move to the target and ensure we orient ourselves to the wall
                if (lToWallHit.magnitude > 0.03f || lToWallHitNormal > 0.5f)

                    lMovement = lToWallHit.normalized * Mathf.Min(MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime, lToWallHit.magnitude);
                // Once we're there, clean up
                    mIsInToWall   = false;
                    mToWallPoint  =;
                    mToWallNormal =;

                    mActorController.MaxSlopeAngle       = mSavedMaxSlopeAngle;
                    mActorController.OrientToGroundSpeed = mSavedOrientToGroundSpeed;

                    // Disable gravity temporarily
                    mActorController.IsGravityEnabled     = true;
                    mActorController.FixGroundPenetration = true;
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------
                // ROTATE
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------

                // Set the target based on the input. This works because we're looking down
                // the world's z-axis.
                if (lInput.x < 0f)
                    mTargetForward = Vector3.left;
                else if (lInput.x > 0f)
                    mTargetForward = Vector3.right;

                // If we have a target forward start rotating towards it and ignore input
                if (mTargetForward.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
                    // Determine how much we need to rotate to get to the target
                    float lTargetAngle = Vector3Ext.SignedAngle(mActorController.Yaw.Forward(), mTargetForward);

                    // If there is no difference, we can turn off the target
                    if (lTargetAngle == 0f)
                        mTargetForward =;
                        // Grab the actual rotation angle based on our speed. However, make sure we don't overshoot the
                        // angle. So, we do this logic to truncate it if we're only a tiny bit off.
                        float lRotationAngle = Mathf.Sign(lTargetAngle) * Mathf.Min(RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, Mathf.Abs(lTargetAngle));

                        // Since the rotate function deals with the actor's yaw, we just to a vector3.up (it's
                        // relative to the actor regardless of his orientation/tilt
                        lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lRotationAngle, Vector3.up);

                        // Rotate.

                // -----------------------------------------------------------------
                // MOVE
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------

                // We get the tilt so we can add this up/down direction to the camera input. This helps
                // characters to not run off ramps since they are moving how they are facing (ie down a ramp)
                // vs. simply forward (off the ramp)
                Quaternion lTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, mActorController._Transform.up);

                // Move based on WASD we add the tilt
                lMovement = lTilt * lInput * MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                // -----------------------------------------------------------------
                // JUMP
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------

                // Only jump if the button is pressed and we're on the ground
                if (mInputSource.IsJustPressed("Jump"))
                    if (mActorController.State.IsGrounded)
                        mActorController.AddImpulse(mActorController._Transform.up * JumpForce);

                // -----------------------------------------------------------------
                // TEST FOR WALL
                // -----------------------------------------------------------------

                RaycastHit lWallHitInfo;
                if (TestForWallCollision(lMovement, out lWallHitInfo) ||
                    TestForWallAt90DegreeDrop(lMovement, out lWallHitInfo))
                    // Save the tilt values
                    mIsInToWall   = true;
                    mToWallPoint  = lWallHitInfo.point;
                    mToWallNormal = lWallHitInfo.normal;

                    // Save and reset some AC values that will help us to tilt
                    mSavedOrientToGroundSpeed            = mActorController.OrientToGroundSpeed;
                    mActorController.OrientToGroundSpeed = 0.75f;

                    mSavedMaxSlopeAngle            = mActorController.MaxSlopeAngle;
                    mActorController.MaxSlopeAngle = 0f;

                    // Disable gravity temporarily
                    mActorController.IsGravityEnabled     = false;
                    mActorController.FixGroundPenetration = false;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates a single target by running the links for that target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rTarget"></param>
        protected virtual bool ActivateInstance(GameObject rTarget, object rData)
            if (rTarget == null)

            // We calculate the value each time in case the ApplyForceSpherical is called
            // again while we're running (it shouldn't, but just in case)
            Transform lCenterTransform = null;
            Vector3   lCenterPosition  =;

            GetBestPosition(AnchorTypeIndex, null, _Spell.Data, AnchorOffset, out lCenterTransform, out lCenterPosition);

            float lPower = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MinPower, MaxPower);

            if (Invert)
                lPower = -lPower;

            // Push back the Motion Controller if we can
            ActorController lActorController = rTarget.GetComponent <ActorController>();

            //MotionController lMotionController = rTarget.GetComponent<MotionController>();
            if (AddForce && lActorController != null)
                Vector3 lMovement = ((rTarget.transform.position + _TargetOffset) - lCenterPosition).normalized;
                lMovement = lMovement * (lPower * AddForceFactor);

            //else if (SendPushBackMessage && lMotionController != null)
            //    Vector3 lMovement = ((rTarget.transform.position + _TargetOffset) - lCenterPosition).normalized;
            //    lMovement = lMovement * (lPower * PushBackFactor);

            //    Navigation.NavigationMessage lMessage = Navigation.NavigationMessage.Allocate();
            //    lMessage.ID = Navigation.NavigationMessage.MSG_NAVIGATE_PUSHED_BACK;
            //    lMessage.Data = lMovement;
            //    lMotionController.SendMessage(lMessage);
            //    lMessage.Release();

            //    if (_Spell.ShowDebug)
            //    {
            //        Graphics.GraphicsManager.DrawSphere(lCenterPosition, 0.2f,;
            //        Graphics.GraphicsManager.DrawLine(lCenterPosition, lCenterPosition + lMovement,, null, 5f);
            //    }
                // Use the RigidBody if we have it
                Rigidbody lRigidBody = rTarget.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (lRigidBody != null && !lRigidBody.isKinematic)
                    float lLift = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MinLift, MaxLift);

                    lRigidBody.AddExplosionForce(lPower, lCenterPosition, Radius, -lLift);
                //    // Modify Movement if we should
                //    ActorCore lActorCore = rTarget.GetComponent<ActorCore>();
                //    if (SendModifyMovement && lActorCore != null)
                //    {
                //        string lEffectName = "AFS";

                //        LifeCores.ForceMovement lEffect = lActorCore.GetActiveEffectFromName<LifeCores.ForceMovement>(lEffectName);
                //        if (lEffect != null)
                //        {
                //            lEffect.Age = 0f;
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            Vector3 lMovement = ((rTarget.transform.position + _TargetOffset) - lCenterPosition).normalized;
                //            lMovement = lMovement * (lPower * ModifyMovementFactor);

                //            lEffect = LifeCores.ForceMovement.Allocate();
                //            lEffect.Name = lEffectName;
                //            lEffect.SourceID = mNode.ID;
                //            lEffect.ActorCore = lActorCore;
                //            lEffect.Movement = lMovement;
                //            lEffect.ReduceMovementOverTime = true;
                //            lEffect.Activate(0f, 1f);

                //            lActorCore.ActiveEffects.Add(lEffect);
                //        }
                //    }

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called every frame so the driver can process input and
        /// update the actor controller.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Ensure we have everything we need
            if (mActorController == null)
            if (mInputSource == null || !mInputSource.IsEnabled)

            // Initialize some variables
            Vector3    lMovement =;
            Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // INPUT
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // This is the horizontal movement of the mouse or Xbox controller's right stick
            float lYaw = mInputSource.ViewX;

            // This is the WASD buttons or Xbox controller's left stick
            Vector3 lInput = new Vector3(mInputSource.MovementX, 0f, mInputSource.MovementY);

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // ROTATE
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // If the input source says we can, rotate based on the yaw.
            if (mInputSource.IsViewingActivated)
                // The input from the mouse already takes the frame rate into account. By doing
                // the multiplication here, we keep the rotation consistant across frame rates.
                lRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, lYaw * mDegreesPer60FPSTick, 0f);

                // Rotate our actor

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // MOVE
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // We get the tilt so we can add this up/down direction to the camera input. This helps
            // characters to not run off ramps since they are moving how they are facing (ie down a ramp)
            // vs. simply forward (off the ramp)
            Quaternion lTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, mActorController._Transform.up);

            // Move based on WASD we add the tilt
            lMovement = lTilt * lInput * MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // JUMP
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // Only jump if the button is pressed and we're on the ground
            if (mInputSource.IsJustPressed("Jump"))
                if (mActorController.State.IsGrounded)
                    mActorController.AddImpulse(mActorController._Transform.up * JumpForce);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called every frame so the driver can process input and
        /// update the actor controller.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Ensure we have everything we need
            if (mActorController == null)
            if (mInputSource == null || !mInputSource.IsEnabled)

            // Initialize some variables
            Vector3    lMovement =;
            Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // INPUT
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // This is the horizontal movement of the mouse or Xbox controller's right stick
            //float lYaw = mInputSource.ViewX;

            // This is the WASD buttons or Xbox controller's left stick
            Vector3 lInput = new Vector3(mInputSource.MovementX, 0f, mInputSource.MovementY);

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // ROTATE
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // Set the target based on the input. This works because we're looking down
            // the world's z-axis.
            if (lInput.x < 0f)
                mTargetForward = Vector3.left;
            else if (lInput.x > 0f)
                mTargetForward = Vector3.right;

            // If we have a target forward start rotating towards it and ignore input
            if (mTargetForward.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
                // Determine how much we need to rotate to get to the target
                float lTargetAngle = Vector3Ext.SignedAngle(mActorController.Yaw.Forward(), mTargetForward);

                // If there is no difference, we can turn off the target
                if (lTargetAngle == 0f)
                    mTargetForward =;
                    // Grab the actual rotation angle based on our speed. However, make sure we don't overshoot the
                    // angle. So, we do this logic to truncate it if we're only a tiny bit off.
                    float lRotationAngle = Mathf.Sign(lTargetAngle) * Mathf.Min(RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, Mathf.Abs(lTargetAngle));

                    // Since the rotate function deals with the actor's yaw, we just to a vector3.up (it's
                    // relative to the actor regardless of his orientation/tilt
                    lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lRotationAngle, Vector3.up);

                    // Rotate.

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // MOVE
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // We get the tilt so we can add this up/down direction to the camera input. This helps
            // characters to not run off ramps since they are moving how they are facing (ie down a ramp)
            // vs. simply forward (off the ramp)
            Quaternion lTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, mActorController._Transform.up);

            // Move based on WASD we add the tilt
            lMovement = lTilt * lInput * MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // JUMP
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // Only jump if the button is pressed and we're on the ground
            if (mInputSource.IsJustPressed("Jump"))
                if (mActorController.State.IsGrounded)
                    mActorController.AddImpulse(mActorController._Transform.up * JumpForce);