protected override void OnStart() { try { base.OnStart(); IMethods.Set_TextViewIcon("1", BackIcon, IonIcons_Fonts.AndroidArrowBack); //profile_picture ImageCacheLoader.LoadImage(UserDetails.avatar, UserProfileImage, false, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name)) { usernameText.Text = UserDetails.Full_name; } else { usernameText.Text = UserDetails.Username; } ActivityListItems.Clear(); if (Type == "image") { SetImageStory(Uri); } else { SetvideoStory(Uri); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
//Event Click Add Story public void OnClick(View v) { try { if (IMethods.CheckConnectivity()) { if (Type == "image") { //Send image function var file = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new File(Uri)); PikedImage = IMethods.Fun_String.TrimTo(file.Path.Split('/').Last(), 30); var stream = IMethods.MultiMedia.GetMedia_as_Stream(file.Path); var check = ActivityListItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Label == PikedImage); if (check == null) { ActivityListItems.Add(new Classes.Storyitems { Label = PikedImage, ImageFullPath = file.Path, ImageStream = stream }); } var attach = ActivityListItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Label == PikedImage); if (attach != null) { List <Stream> streams = new List <Stream>(); foreach (var Atta in ActivityListItems) { if (Atta.ImageStream != null) { streams.Add(Atta.ImageStream); } } unixTimestamp = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; Time = Convert.ToString(unixTimestamp); List <GetStoriesObject.Story> listOfStories = new List <GetStoriesObject.Story>(); var checkUser = Last_Stroies_Fragment.StoryAdapter?.mStoryList?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.user_id == UserDetails.User_id); if (checkUser != null) { var checkUserExits = Classes.StoryList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == checkUser.user_id); if (checkUserExits.Value == null) { var ch = checkUserExits.Key?.FirstOrDefault(a => ==; if (ch == null) { GetStoriesObject.Story story = new GetStoriesObject.Story { user_data = new GetStoriesObject.UserData() { name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name) ? UserDetails.Full_name : UserDetails.Username, avatar = UserDetails.avatar, }, thumbnail = file.Path, id = Time, user_id = UserDetails.User_id, title = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, description = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, is_owner = true, type = "image", }; listOfStories.Add(story); Classes.StoryList.Add(listOfStories, story.user_id); } } else { foreach (var item in Classes.StoryList.Keys.ToList()) { string userId = item.FirstOrDefault(a => a.user_id == checkUser.user_id) ?.user_id; if (checkUserExits.Value == userId) { GetStoriesObject.Story story = new GetStoriesObject.Story { user_data = new GetStoriesObject.UserData() { name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name) ? UserDetails.Full_name : UserDetails.Username, avatar = UserDetails.avatar, }, thumbnail = file.Path, id = Time, user_id = UserDetails.User_id, title = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, description = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, is_owner = true, type = "image", }; var ch = item.FirstOrDefault(a => ==; if (ch == null) { item.Add(story); } } } } } else { GetStoriesObject.Story story = new GetStoriesObject.Story { user_data = new GetStoriesObject.UserData() { name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name) ? UserDetails.Full_name : UserDetails.Username, avatar = UserDetails.avatar, }, thumbnail = file.Path, id = Time, user_id = UserDetails.User_id, title = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, description = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, is_owner = true, type = "image", }; Last_Stroies_Fragment.StoryAdapter?.Add(story); listOfStories.Clear(); var checkUserExits = Classes.StoryList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == story.user_id); if (checkUserExits.Value == null) { listOfStories.Add(story); Classes.StoryList.Add(listOfStories, story.user_id); } } Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { //just pass file_path and type video or image var(Api_status, Respond) = await WoWonder_API.Requests.RequestsAsync.Story.Create_Story(Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, "", file.Path, "image"); if (Api_status == 200) { if (Respond is CreateStoryObject result) { Console.WriteLine(result.story_id); Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Done), ToastLength.Short) .Show(); } } else { Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Something_went_wrong), ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }); Finish(); } } else { VideoTimer.Enabled = false; VideoTimer.Stop(); //Send image function var file = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new File(Uri)); List <GetStoriesObject.Story> listOfStories = new List <GetStoriesObject.Story>(); var checkUser = Last_Stroies_Fragment.StoryAdapter?.mStoryList?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.user_id == UserDetails.User_id); if (checkUser != null) { if (Classes.StoryList == null) { return; } var checkUserExits = Classes.StoryList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == checkUser.user_id); if (checkUserExits.Value == null) { var ch = checkUserExits.Key.FirstOrDefault(a => ==; if (ch == null) { GetStoriesObject.Story story = new GetStoriesObject.Story { user_data = new GetStoriesObject.UserData() { name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name) ? UserDetails.Full_name : UserDetails.Username, avatar = UserDetails.avatar, }, thumbnail = file.Path, id = Time, user_id = UserDetails.User_id, title = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, description = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, is_owner = true, type = "video", }; listOfStories.Add(story); Classes.StoryList.Add(listOfStories, story.user_id); } } else { if (Classes.StoryList == null) { return; } foreach (var item in Classes.StoryList?.Keys.ToList()) { string userId = item.FirstOrDefault(a => a.user_id == checkUser.user_id)?.user_id; if (checkUserExits.Value == userId) { GetStoriesObject.Story story = new GetStoriesObject.Story { user_data = new GetStoriesObject.UserData() { name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name) ? UserDetails.Full_name : UserDetails.Username, avatar = UserDetails.avatar, }, thumbnail = file.Path, id = Time, user_id = UserDetails.User_id, title = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, description = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, is_owner = true, type = "video", }; var ch = item.FirstOrDefault(a => ==; if (ch == null) { item.Add(story); } } } } } else { GetStoriesObject.Story story = new GetStoriesObject.Story { user_data = new GetStoriesObject.UserData() { name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name) ? UserDetails.Full_name : UserDetails.Username, avatar = UserDetails.avatar, }, thumbnail = file.Path, id = Time, user_id = UserDetails.User_id, title = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, description = Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, is_owner = true, type = "video", }; Last_Stroies_Fragment.StoryAdapter?.Add(story); listOfStories.Clear(); var checkUserExits = Classes.StoryList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == story.user_id); if (checkUserExits.Value == null) { listOfStories.Add(story); Classes.StoryList.Add(listOfStories, story.user_id); } } Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { //just pass file_path and type video or image var(Api_status, Respond) = await WoWonder_API.Requests.RequestsAsync.Story.Create_Story(Txt_AboutStory.MessageText, "", file.Path, "video"); if (Api_status == 200) { if (Respond is CreateStoryObject result) { Console.WriteLine(result.story_id); var getStory = Classes.StoryList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == UserDetails.User_id); if (getStory.Value != null) { var dataStory = getStory.Key.FirstOrDefault(a => == Time); if (dataStory != null) { = result.story_id.ToString(); } } Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Done), ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } else { Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Something_went_wrong), ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }); Finish(); } } else { Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Error_check_internet_connection), ToastLength.Short) .Show(); } Finish(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
protected override void OnStart() { try { base.OnStart(); IMethods.Set_TextViewIcon("1", BackIcon, IonIcons_Fonts.AndroidArrowBack); //profile_picture var AvatarSplit = UserDetails.avatar.Split('/').Last(); if (AvatarSplit == "d-avatar.jpg") { var ImageTrancform = ImageService.Instance.LoadUrl("no_profile_image.png"); ImageTrancform.LoadingPlaceholder("no_profile_image.png", ImageSource.CompiledResource); ImageTrancform.ErrorPlaceholder("no_profile_image.png", ImageSource.CompiledResource); ImageTrancform.TransformPlaceholders(true); ImageTrancform.Transform(new CircleTransformation(5, "#ffffff")); ImageTrancform.Into(UserProfileImage); } else { var GetImg = IMethods.MultiMedia.GetMediaFrom_Disk(IMethods.IPath.FolderDiskImage, AvatarSplit); if (GetImg == "File Dont Exists") { Task.Run(() => { IMethods.MultiMedia.DownloadMediaTo_DiskAsync(IMethods.IPath.FolderDiskImage, UserDetails.avatar); IMethods.Load_Image_From_Url(UserProfileImage, UserDetails.avatar); }); } else { var file = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new File(GetImg)); var ImageTrancform = ImageService.Instance.LoadFile(file.Path); ImageTrancform.LoadingPlaceholder("no_profile_image.png", ImageSource.CompiledResource); ImageTrancform.ErrorPlaceholder("no_profile_image.png", ImageSource.CompiledResource); ImageTrancform.TransformPlaceholders(true); ImageTrancform.Transform(new CircleTransformation(5, "#ffffff")); ImageTrancform.FadeAnimation(false); ImageTrancform.Into(UserProfileImage); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserDetails.Full_name)) { usernameText.Text = UserDetails.Full_name; } else { usernameText.Text = UserDetails.Username; } Txt_AboutStory.SetMessageBoxHint("Add caption"); Txt_AboutStory.SetSendClickListener(this); ActivityListItems.Clear(); if (Type == "image") { SetImageStory(Uri); } else { SetvideoStory(Uri); } } catch (Exception e) { Crashes.TrackError(e); } }