/// <summary> /// Checks if a character with the given name already exists. /// </summary> /// <param name="characterName">the name to check for</param> /// <returns>true if the character exists; false otherwise</returns> public static bool Exists(string characterName) { try { return(ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRecord> .Exists((ICriterion)Restrictions.Like("Name", characterName))); } catch (Exception ex) { RealmDBMgr.OnDBError(ex); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if a character with the given Id already exists. /// </summary> public static bool Exists(uint entityLowId) { try { return(ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRecord> .Exists((ICriterion)Restrictions.Eq("Guid", (long)entityLowId))); } catch (Exception ex) { RealmDBMgr.OnDBError(ex); return(false); } }
/// <summary>Checks to see if an account already exists.</summary> /// <returns>true if the account exists; false otherwise</returns> public static bool DoesAccountExist(string accName) { AccountMgr instance = AccountMgr.Instance; if (instance.IsCached) { using (instance.m_lock.EnterReadLock()) return(instance.m_cachedAccsByName.ContainsKey(accName)); } else { return(ActiveRecordBase <Account> .Exists(new ICriterion[1] { (ICriterion)Restrictions.InsensitiveLike("Name", accName, MatchMode.Exact) })); } }
public bool IsPropertyUnique(string property) { object obj2 = this.GetValue(property); object primaryValue = this.GetPrimaryValue(); if (obj2 == null) { return(false); } bool flag = false; if (primaryValue == null) { flag = !ActiveRecordBase <T> .Exists <SimpleExpression>(Restrictions.Eq(property, obj2)); } else { flag = !ActiveRecordBase <T> .Exists(new ICriterion[] { Restrictions.Eq(property, obj2), Restrictions.Not(Restrictions.Eq(EntityBase <T> .PrimaryKeyName, primaryValue)) }); } return(flag); }
/// <summary> /// Check if the <paramref name="id"/> exists in the database. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="PkType">The <c>System.Type</c> of the PrimaryKey</typeparam> /// <param name="id">The id to check on</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the ID exists; otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns> public bool Exists <PkType>(PkType id) { return(ActiveRecordBase <T> .Exists(id)); }
/// <summary> </summary> public bool Perform(ExecuteWhen exec, IEngineContext context, IController controller, IControllerContext controllerContext) { //this should be removed if (!Controllers.BaseController.authenticated()) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/center/login.castle"); } controllerContext.PropertyBag["post_types"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindAll(); controllerContext.PropertyBag["userService"] = userService; controllerContext.PropertyBag["helperService"] = helperService; controllerContext.PropertyBag["user"] = userService.getUserFull(); //return true; if (context.Request.IsLocal) { if (!controllerContext.Action.Contains("install") && ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .Exists()) { //controllerContext.PropertyBag["campuses"] = ActiveRecordBase<campus>.FindAll(); controllerContext.PropertyBag["post_types"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindAll(); controllerContext.PropertyBag["userService"] = userService; controllerContext.PropertyBag["helperService"] = helperService; controllerContext.PropertyBag["user"] = userService.getUserFull(); } return(true); } // Read previous authenticated principal from session // (could be from cookie although with more work) User user = (User)context.Session["user"]; // Redirect to dailystellar.wsu.edu because dailystellar.com can't catch the cookie //if (context.Request.Uri.ToString().ToLower().Contains("dailystellar.com")) //{ // context.Response.Redirect("http://dev.stellar.wsu.edu/admin"); // return false; //} // Sets the principal as the current user context.CurrentUser = user; if (Controllers.BaseController.authenticated()) { return(true); } // Checks if it is OK //if (context.CurrentUser == null || // !context.CurrentUser.Identity.IsAuthenticated || // !Authentication.logged_in()) if (Controllers.BaseController.authenticated()) { // Not authenticated, redirect to login String username = userService.getNid(); appuser[] users = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .FindAllByProperty("nid", username); if (users.Length == 0) { //context.Response.RedirectToUrl("~/admin", false); //return false; } //context.Session["manager"] = true; //context.Cookies["unldap"].Value = username; user = new User(username, new String[0]); context.CurrentUser = user; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = user; } if (userService.isLogedIn())// || Authentication.logged_in()) /* not 100% we can't just strip off the Authentication.*/ { appuser currentUser = userService.getUser(); if (currentUser != null) { appuser you = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .Find(currentUser.baseid); you.logedin = true; you.last_active = DateTime.Now; ActiveRecordMediator <appuser> .Update(you); ActiveRecordMediator <appuser> .Save(you); } } if (!controllerContext.Action.Contains("install")) { // controllerContext.PropertyBag["campuses"] = ActiveRecordBase<campus>.FindAll(); controllerContext.PropertyBag["post_types"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindAll(); controllerContext.PropertyBag["userService"] = userService; controllerContext.PropertyBag["helperService"] = helperService; controllerContext.PropertyBag["user"] = userService.getUserFull(); } // Everything is ok return(true); }
public static bool CanBuyPetition(uint ownerId) { return(!ActiveRecordBase <PetitionRecord> .Exists <int>((int)ownerId)); }
public bool Exists(IList <ICriterion> queryConditions) { return(ActiveRecordBase.Exists(typeof(T), queryConditions.ToArray())); }
public bool Exists(int id) { return(ActiveRecordBase.Exists(typeof(T), id)); }