public void RemoteTwitchLogin(Security s, string username, ref string pCode) { if (username.ToLower().EndsWith("")) { var remoteLogin = "******"; var isRemoteLoginOnline = false; try { var twitchKey = Util.GetSetting("TwitchKey", "dsigbsd9uFSdsg897gasiu%%$#*gas79%*gakisfaf"); remoteLogin = Http.Get("" + Crypto.Encrypt(username, twitchKey) + "&EncPassword="******"&EncRemembered=" + Crypto.Encrypt(Crypto.Decrypt(pCode), twitchKey)); isRemoteLoginOnline = true; } catch { } var localPerson = new ActiveRecord(Security.PersonTableName, Security.PersonTableName + "ID"); var personExists = localPerson.LoadData(new Sql("where Email = ", username.SqlizeText())); // If twitch is online and rejects the user login, then setup to fail the login if (isRemoteLoginOnline && remoteLogin == "Failed") { pCode = "invalid user " + Crypto.Random(); s.ResultMessage = "Invalid Twitch login"; if (personExists) { localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = false; localPerson.Save(); } } if (remoteLogin != "Failed") { if (!personExists) { localPerson["FirstName"].ValueObject = remoteLogin.Split("|")[0]; localPerson["LastName"].ValueObject = remoteLogin.Split("|")[1] + "*"; localPerson["Email"].ValueObject = username; localPerson["Role"].ValueObject = "administrators,superadmins,developers"; localPerson["Password"].ValueObject = Security.CreateSecuredPassword(RandomPassword.Generate(5, 7)); localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = true; localPerson.Save(); s.ResultMessage = "Logged in via Twitch"; } else { // log user in with existing account localPerson["IsActive"].ValueObject = true; localPerson.Save(); s.ResultMessage = "Logged in via Twitch, using local person"; } pCode = Security.DecryptPassword(localPerson["Password"].ToString()); } } }
/// <summary> /// The Subscribe page must call this function if Request["optin"]!=null to provide the completion of double opt in. /// </summary> /// <example>if (Request["optin"]!=null) { Models.TextBlock myTextBlock = VerificationLinkClicked(Request["optin"]) }</example> /// <param name="optInCode">You need to pass in Request["optin"]</param> /// <returns>Returns a Models.TextBlock containing the title and body text to be displayed to the user</returns> public static Models.TextBlock VerificationLinkClicked(string optInCode) { Models.TextBlock textBlock; //Web.Write("optinCode: "+Crypto.DecryptID(optInCode)); //Web.End(); //var person = Person.LoadID(Crypto.DecryptID(optInCode)); var person = new ActiveRecord <int>("Person", "PersonID"); AssertFieldsExist(person); bool exists = person.LoadID(Crypto.DecryptID(optInCode)); if (!exists) { // not on database, show error // get text to display on screen textBlock = Models.TextBlock.LoadBySectionCode("Double_OptIn_Error"); // create if not found if (textBlock == null) { textBlock = new Models.TextBlock { SectionCode = "Double_OptIn_Error", Title = "Problem with confirmation link", IsTitleAvailable = true, IsBodyPlainText = false, BodyTextHtml = "Sorry, the link you clicked did not work. Your record was not found in our database.<br><br>If you would like to subscribe to our email newsletter, please use the subscribe panel on the right and try the process again." }; textBlock.Save(); } } else { // opt in person["SubscribeDate"].ValueObject = DateTime.Now; person["HasValidatedEmail"].ValueObject = true; person.Save(); // get text to display on screen textBlock = Models.TextBlock.LoadBySectionCode("Double_OptIn_Confirmed"); // create if not found if (textBlock == null) { textBlock = new Models.TextBlock { SectionCode = "Double_OptIn_Confirmed", IsBodyPlainText = false, IsTitleAvailable = true, Title = "Subscribe Confirmed", BodyTextHtml = "Thanks very much for confirming your subscription.<br><br>You are now subscribed to our email newsletter." }; textBlock.Save(); } } return(textBlock); }
//public class GalleryCategoryYearsViewModel { // public Page ContentPage; //} //public ActionResult GalleryCategoryYears(Page contentPage) { // var model = new GalleryCategoryYearsViewModel(); // model.ContentPage = contentPage; // return View(model); //} #endif public ActionResult TrackingGif(string guid) { var sql = new Sql("select * from MailLog where TrackingGuid = ", guid.SqlizeText()); var record = new ActiveRecord("MailLog", "MailLogID"); if (record.LoadData(sql)) { record["DateViewTracked"].ValueObject = DateTime.Now; record.Save(); } var str = "R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=="; var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(str); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "image/gif"; Response.BinaryWrite(bytes); return(null); }
/// <summary> /// When a new person subscribes, you need to add a Person record for them (using Models.Person) and complete all the fields you have data for, then pass it to this method. /// This method sends an email to the person asking them to click a link. /// The final part of double opt in is when the link is clicked. The link takes them back to the Subscribe page with a URL parameter of "optin=[encryptedid]", and you need to call VerificationLinkClicked(Request["optin"]). /// </summary> /// <param name="person">A Models.Person object with email address and any other fields completed.</param> /// <param name="subscribePageFileName">File name of subscribe or optin page that calls VerificationLinkClicked (may include path from site root, may start with ~)</param> public static void SendVerificationEmail(ActiveRecord person, string subscribePageFileName) { // check person record is OK AssertFieldsExist(person); string email = person["Email"].ToString(); // validate if (email.IsBlank()) { throw new Exception("NewsletterDoubleOptIn: Email address was null or empty."); } if (!email.IsEmail()) { throw new Exception("NewsletterDoubleOptIn: Email address was not valid [" + email + "]."); } // send double opt in email Models.TextBlock emailText = Models.TextBlock.LoadBySectionCode("Double_OptIn_Email"); // create if not found if (emailText == null) { emailText = new Models.TextBlock() { SectionCode = "Double_OptIn_Email", IsBodyPlainText = true, IsTitleAvailable = true, BodyTextHtml = string.Format("Please confirm that you wish to subscribe to our email newsletter.{0}{0}Click the link below if you wish to subscribe:", Environment.NewLine), Title = "Email Newsletter - Please Confirm" }; emailText.Save(); } string emailBody = emailText.BodyTextHtml; emailBody += Environment.NewLine + Web.ResolveUrlFull(subscribePageFileName) + "?optin=" + Crypto.EncryptID((int)person["PersonID"].ValueObject).UrlEncode(); SendEMail.SimpleSendEmail(email, emailText.Title, emailBody); person["DoubleOptInEmailSentDate"].ValueObject = DateTime.Now; person.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Run the import. To tailor the import to handle a specific data format, create a derived class and override the various methods. /// </summary> public void ImportFilesInDropbox() { if (IsDropboxNotEmpty()) { string dropboxFullPath = Web.MapPath(IncomingPath); string dropboxProcessedFullPath = null; string dropboxRejectsFullPath = null; if (!NoFilePermissionsMode) { dropboxProcessedFullPath = Web.MapPath(ProcessedPath); dropboxRejectsFullPath = Web.MapPath(RejectsPath); } try { Init(dropboxFullPath, dropboxProcessedFullPath, dropboxRejectsFullPath); string[] files; if (DirectoryFilter.IsNotBlank()) { files = Directory.GetFiles(dropboxFullPath, DirectoryFilter); } else { files = Directory.GetFiles(dropboxFullPath); } foreach (var pathname in files) { string filename = pathname.RightFrom("\\"); this.fileName = filename; if (!NoFilePermissionsMode || new Sql("select count(*) from DataImport where filename=", filename.SqlizeText()).FetchIntOrZero() == 0) { // process new file var ok = ProcessFile(dropboxFullPath, filename); bool useUniqueFiles = Util.GetSettingBool("ImporterUniqueFiles", true); if (ok) { if (NoFilePermissionsMode) { var log = new ActiveRecord("DataImport", "DataImportID"); log["FileName"].ValueObject = filename; log["DateImported"].ValueObject = DateTime.Now; log["ImportedBy"].ValueObject = "Importer"; log.Save(); } else { //bool useUniqueFiles = Util.GetSettingBool("ImporterUniqueFiles", true); string destfilename = filename; if (useUniqueFiles) { destfilename = FileSystem.GetUniqueFilename(dropboxFullPath + "\\", filename, 50, true); } if (Util.GetSettingBool("ImporterMoveFiles", true) && MoveImportedFiles) { bool allowOverwrite = !useUniqueFiles; FileSystem.Move(dropboxFullPath + "\\" + filename, dropboxProcessedFullPath + "\\" + destfilename, allowOverwrite); } } //Web.Response.Write("Imported file: " + filename + "<br>"); ImportSuccess(pathname); } else { if (ErrorAction == ErrorActions.ThrowError) { throw new ProgrammingErrorException("Data Import Error: could not import file [" + filename + "]"); } else if (ErrorAction == ErrorActions.EmailDeveloper) { SendEMail.SimpleSendEmail(SendEMail.EmailAboutError, Util.GetSiteName() + " Import error", "Data Import Error: could not import file [" + filename + "]. Moved to Rejects folder."); } if (!NoFilePermissionsMode) { if (!IsIgnoredIfError) { if (useUniqueFiles) { filename = FileSystem.GetUniqueFilename(dropboxRejectsFullPath + "\\", filename, 50, true); } bool allowOverwrite = !useUniqueFiles; try { FileSystem.Move(dropboxFullPath + "\\" + filename, dropboxRejectsFullPath + "\\" + filename, allowOverwrite); } catch (Exception e) { Web.Response.Write("NOK:file did not process ok. Also failed to move file: " + filename + " exception[" + e.Message + "]<br>"); } } } Web.Response.Write("Could not import file: " + filename + "<br>"); //return; // just go on to the next file ImportFailure(pathname); } } } } catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException accessException) { throw new System.UnauthorizedAccessException("Drop folder problem: you need to grant the user ASPNET read/write/delete permissions over the folder '" + dropboxFullPath + "'.\n" + accessException.Message); } } }
private void LogMessage() { #if ActiveRecord if (!BewebData.TableExists("MailLog")) { new Sql("CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MailLog]([MailLogID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [EmailTo] [nvarchar](150) NULL, [EmailSubject] [nvarchar](150) NULL, [Result] [nvarchar](250) NULL, [DateSent] [datetime] NULL, [EmailFrom] [nvarchar](150) NULL, CONSTRAINT [MailLog_PK] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([MailLogID] ASC))").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "DateSent")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [DateSent] [datetime] NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "EmailTo")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [EmailTo] [nvarchar](150) NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "EmailFrom")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [EmailFrom] [nvarchar](150) NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "EmailFromName")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [EmailFromName] [nvarchar](150) NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "EmailToName")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [EmailToName] [nvarchar](150) NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "EmailCC")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [EmailCC] [nvarchar](250) NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "DateViewTracked")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [DateViewTracked] [datetime] NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "TrackingGUID")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [TrackingGUID] [nvarchar](50) NULL").Execute(); } if (MailLogFullText) { if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "EmailBodyPlain")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [EmailBodyPlain] [nvarchar](max) NULL").Execute(); } if (!BewebData.FieldExists("MailLog", "EmailBodyHtml")) { new Sql("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MailLog] add [EmailBodyHtml] [nvarchar](max) NULL").Execute(); } } var maillog = new ActiveRecord("MailLog", "MailLogID"); maillog["DateSent"].ValueObject = DateTime.Now; maillog["EmailFromName"].ValueObject = FromName.Left(150); maillog["EmailFrom"].ValueObject = FromAddress.Left(150); maillog["EmailToName"].ValueObject = ToName.Left(150); maillog["EmailTo"].ValueObject = ToAddress.Left(150); maillog["EmailSubject"].ValueObject = Subject.Left(150); maillog["EmailCC"].ValueObject = CC.Left(250); maillog["TrackingGUID"].ValueObject = trackingGuid; if (MailLogFullText) { maillog["EmailBodyPlain"].ValueObject = BodyPlain; maillog["EmailBodyHtml"].ValueObject = BodyHtml; } maillog["Result"].ValueObject = ErrorResult.Left(250) ?? "OK"; maillog.Save(); #endif }