Esempio n. 1
         * Loops through all MethodInfo objects given, and adds them to the associated dictionary with type as key,
         * if they have Active Event attributes declared
        private void AddActiveEventsForType(
            Type type,
            MethodInfo[] methods,
            ActiveEventTypes activeEventTypes)
            // Looping through all MethodInfo from type we currently are iterating
            foreach (var idxMethod in methods)
                // Checking to see if current MethodInfo has our Active Event attribute, and if it does, we check if it has
                // the right signature, before we add it to our list of Active Event sinks
                var atrs = idxMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ActiveEventAttribute), true) as ActiveEventAttribute[];
                if (atrs != null && atrs.Length > 0)
                    // Checking if Active Event has a valid signature

                    // Looping through each Active Event attribute for method
                    foreach (var idxAtr in atrs)
                        // Adding currently iterated Active Event attribute
                        activeEventTypes.AddActiveEvent(type, idxAtr, idxMethod);
Esempio n. 2
         * Creates a new application context.
         * This must be done through the Loader class, hence the constructor is internal.
        internal ApplicationContext(ActiveEventTypes instanceHandlerTypes, ActiveEventTypes staticHandlerTypes, ContextTicket ticket)
            _ticket = ticket;

            // Each type that can handle instance Active Events neds to be stored, such that we can later register instance listeners,
            // according to their type.
            _instanceHandlerTypes = instanceHandlerTypes;

            // However, the static event handlers, are processed when we create our application context, and not stored for later.
            // Which means, you can register instance listeners on the ApplicationContext object, but if you register new assemblies through
            // your Loader singletone instance, these will not affect existing ApplicationContext instances.
            // While registering listener instances for a single ApplicationContext instance, will only affect that single context, and not
            // any other contexts.
Esempio n. 3
         * Initializes our ApplicationContext instance.
        void InitializeApplicationContext(ActiveEventTypes staticEventTypes)
            // Looping through each Type in Active Events given.
            foreach (var idxType in staticEventTypes.Keys)
                // Looping through each ActiveEvent in Type.
                foreach (var idxAVTypeEvent in staticEventTypes[idxType])
                    // Registering Active Event as a static Active Event handler.
                    _registeredActiveEvents.AddEventMethod(idxAVTypeEvent.Item1, idxAVTypeEvent.Item2);

            // Raising "initialize" Application Context Active Event, in case there are any listeners being interested in such things.