Esempio n. 1
        public void basicTestMaxiMax()
            MiniMax <int> algo = new MiniMax <int>();
            ActionsType   res  = algo.Run(0, maxiMaxOp, maxiMaxOp, basicCuttof, basicEval);

            Assert.AreEqual("plus3", res.Method.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        public void differentCostMaxiMax()
            MaxiMax <int> algo = new MaxiMax <int>(true);
            ActionsType   res  = algo.Run(1, OpsDifferentCosts, OpsDifferentCosts, basicCuttof, basicEval);

            Assert.AreEqual("plus3Cost3", res.Method.Name);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the state of the this version and stores that in _availableActions.
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateActionsState()
            // Yes, I realize the following code could be more efficient, it was written this way so
            // it would be half-way understandable.

            // Reset flags
            _availableActions = ActionsType.None;

            // No versionid means that we cannot do anything
            if (VersionId == null)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision))
                // VersionId
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithoutPropertiesOrContent |
                                     ActionsType.HeadCurrentRevision |
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision))
                // VersionId + Revision
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.Delete |
                                     ActionsType.HeadSpecificRevision |
                                     ActionsType.GetSpecificRevision |
            if (Metadata != null)
                // VersionId + Metadata
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithPropertiesWithoutContent;
            if (Content != null)
                // VersionId + Content
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithoutPropertiesWithContent;
            if (Metadata != null && Content != null)
                // VersionId + Metadata + Content
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithPropertiesAndContent;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision) && Metadata != null)
                // VersionId + Revision + Metadata
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.UpdateWithPropertiesWithoutContent;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision) && Content != null)
                // VersionId + Revision + Content
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.UpdateWithoutPropertiesWithContent;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision) && Metadata != null && Content != null)
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.UpdateWithPropertiesAndContent;
Esempio n. 4
        public static String getTypes()
            String            s     = "";
            List <Model.Type> types = new ActionsType().ListerTypes();

            foreach (var t in types)
                s += typeGenerator(t);
        //generateur des archives:
        public static String GenerateArchive(Fichier f)
            String text = f.chemain;
            String url  = text.Replace("\\", @"/");

            Model.Type t = new ActionsType().getTypeById(f.idType);
            String     s = "  <div class=\"archive\">\r\n" +
                           "                    \r\n" +
                           "                    <div class=\"photoAr\">\r\n" +
                           "                        <img class=\"photoArImg\" src=\"./images/pdf.png\" alt=\"Alternate Text\" />\r\n" +
                           "                    </div>\r\n" +
                           "                    <div class=\"descripAr\">\r\n" +
                           "                        <table class=\"tableArchive\">\r\n" +
                           "                            <tr>\r\n" +
                           "                                <td>Archive:</td>\r\n" +
                           "                                <td> " + f.Nom + " </td>\r\n" +
                           "                            </tr>\r\n" +
                           "                             <tr>\r\n" +
                           "                                <td>Type :</td>\r\n" +
                           "                                <td>" + t.nomType + "</td>\r\n" +
                           "                            </tr>\r\n" +
                           "                            <tr>\r\n" +
                           "                                <td>\r\n" +
                           "                                    <a onclick='openArchiveModal(" + f.idFichier + ",\"" + url + "\")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"far fa-eye\"></i> voir le fichier</a><br />\r\n" +
                           "                                </td>\r\n";

            if (f.chemain != "")
                s += "                                <td><a href=\"DownloadFile.aspx?idFile=" + f.idFichier + "#\"><i class=\"fa fa-file-download\"><span class=\"separator\"> </span></i>telecharger</a> </td>\r\n";
            s += "                            </tr>\r\n" +
                 "                             \r\n" +
                 "                        \r\n" +
                 "                            \r\n" +
                 "                        </table>\r\n" +
                 "                       \r\n" +
                 "                    </div>\r\n" +
                 "                    <div class=\"btnsAr\">\r\n" +
                 "                       \r\n";
            if (1 == 1)
                s += "                        <a class=\"aform\" href=\"./ModifierArchiveAdmin.aspx?idFichier=" + f.idFichier + "\"><i class=\"fas fa-edit\"></i></a>\r\n" +
                     "                        <a class=\"aform\" onclick='deleteArchive(" + f.idFichier + ",\"" + f.dateAjout + "\")' href=\"#\"><i class=\"fas fa-trash-alt\"></i></a>\r\n";

            s += "                    </div>\r\n" +
                 "                        \r\n" +
                 "                </div>";
Esempio n. 6
        protected void BTNADDArch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TitreArch.Value != "" || textArea.InnerHtml != "" || EmpPc.Value != "" || index.Value != "" || selectTypeAroo.SelectedValue != "" ||
                String ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ArchiveUpload.FileName);
                if (ext == ".pdf" || ext == ".docx" || ext == ".png")
                    idU = Int32.Parse(Session["idUser"].ToString());
                    Utilisateur u           = new ActionsUtilisateur().rechercheUtilisateurParId(idU);
                    String      titreAr     = TitreArch.Value;
                    String      description = textArea.InnerHtml;
                    DateTime    day         = DateTime.Now;
                    int         idType      = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(selectTypeAroo.SelectedValue, out idType);
                    Fichier f = new Fichier();
                    f.Nom              = titreAr;
                    f.Description      = description;
                    f.dateAjout        = day;
                    f.extention        = ext;
                    f.dateModification = day;
                    f.dateDernierAcces = day;
                    f.index            = index.Value;
                    f.emplacementPC    = EmpPc.Value;
                    f.dateSuppression  = day;
                    ActionsType actionsType = new ActionsType();
                    f.idType = idType;
                    f.type   = actionsType.getTypeById(idType);
                    int id = new ActionsFichier().ajouterParUser(u, f);
                    f.idFichier = id;
                    f.chemain   = Server.MapPath("~/Archives/" + "archive-" + id + ".pdf");
                    new ActionsFichier().modifier(f);
                    ArchiveUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Archives/" + "archive-" + id + ".pdf"));

                    String indexmsg = "index du archive ajoute est : " + f.index + "";

                    Response.Redirect("./Calendrier.aspx?indexmsg=" + indexmsg);
                    erreur.InnerHtml = "Le fichier doit etre format pdf,img,docx seulement";
                erreur.InnerHtml = "veuillez remplir tous les champs";
Esempio n. 7
        protected void BTNADDArch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String nomType     = typeN.Value;
            int    duree       = Convert.ToInt32(DUA.Value);
            String action      = selectAction.SelectedValue;
            String critereSort = selectCritere.SelectedValue;
            String description = textArea.InnerHtml;

            if (nomType != "" || duree != null || action != "" || critereSort != "")
                ActionsType actionsType = new ActionsType();
                Model.Type  t           = new Model.Type();
                t.nomType     = nomType;
                t.duree       = duree;
                t.action      = action;
                t.DUAselon    = critereSort;
                t.Description = description;
                int idType = actionsType.ajouterType(t);
    private GEAction ProcessActions(ActionsType actions, string parentId)
        List <GEAction.GEActivation> activations = new List <GEAction.GEActivation>();

        foreach (ActionsTypeSetActive activation in actions.setActive)
            ActivationSetEnum vEnum = activation.value;
            bool?value = null;
            if (vEnum != ActivationSetEnum.@switch)
                value = vEnum == ActivationSetEnum.@true ? true : false;
            activations.Add(new GEAction.GEActivation(activation.refId, value));
        List <GEAction.GEPropertySetter> propSetter = new List <GEAction.GEPropertySetter>();

        foreach (ActionsTypeSetPropertyValue prop in actions.setPropertyValue)
            GEAction.PropertyChangeType propEnum = GEAction.PropertyChangeType.SET;
            PropertyChangeEnum          change   = prop.change;
            if (!change.Equals(PropertyChangeEnum.set))
                propEnum = change.Equals( ? GEAction.PropertyChangeType.SET : GEAction.PropertyChangeType.DEC;

            propSetter.Add(new GEAction.GEPropertySetter(prop.refId, propEnum, prop.value));
        GEAction.GESaveAction saveAction = null;
        if (actions.SaveGame != null)
            saveAction = new GEAction.GESaveAction(actions.SaveGame.isAutoSave, parentId);
        GEAction processedAction = new GEAction(elementManager, null, activations, propSetter, saveAction, actions.onUseIntervalTo);

        OnReferenceProcessing += delegate(object o, EventArgs e)
            processedAction.ResponseText = elementManager.GetTextElement(actions.responseTextId);
        protected void BTNADDArch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TitreArch.Value != "" || textArea.InnerHtml != "" || EmpPc.Value != "" || index.Value != "" || selectTypeAroo.SelectedValue != "")
                Fichier f = new Fichier();

                String   titreAr     = TitreArch.Value;
                String   description = textArea.InnerHtml;
                DateTime day         = DateTime.Now;
                int      idType      = 0;
                Int32.TryParse(selectTypeAroo.SelectedValue, out idType);

                f.Nom              = titreAr;
                f.Description      = description;
                f.dateAjout        = day;
                f.dateModification = day;
                f.dateDernierAcces = day;
                f.index            = index.Value;
                f.emplacementPC    = EmpPc.Value;
                f.dateSuppression  = day;
                if (CKRC.Checked)
                    f.commArch = 0;
                    f.commArch = 1;
                ActionsType actionsType = new ActionsType();
                f.type = actionsType.getTypeById(idType);
                int id = new ActionsFichier().ajouterF(f);
                f.idFichier = id;
                if (!CKCE.Checked)
                    String ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ArchiveUpload.FileName);
                    f.extention = ext;
                    if (ext == ".pdf" || ext == ".doc" || ext == ".png")
                        f.chemain = Server.MapPath("~/Archives/" + "archive-" + id + ".pdf");
                        ArchiveUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Archives/" + "archive-" + id + ".pdf"));
                        erreur.InnerHtml = "veuillez remplir tous les champs";
                new ActionsFichier().modifier(f);

                String indexmsg = "index du archive ajoute est : " + f.index + "";

                Response.Redirect("./CalendrierAdmin.aspx?indexmsg=" + indexmsg);
                erreur.InnerHtml = "veuillez remplir tous les champs";
Esempio n. 10
 public ActionsTaskForm(ActionsType _actionsType, WebPanelItemCollection ItemsToProcess, Type _workType, WebPanelOptionData.IOptionData ExtOptions)
     this.actionsType = _actionsType;
     if (this.actionsType == ActionsType.Add)
         this.ActionBackGroundWorker = new WebPanelActionsTask.ActionAddTask();
         this.TaskTypePict.Image     = global::BatchDomainTools.Properties.Resources.AddTaskIcon;
         this.Text       = "Добавления новых объектов";
         this.desription = new Dictionary <string, string>()
             { "Укажите объекты для добавления", "Каждый добавляемый объект должен начинаться с новой строки" },
             { "Вы можете указать параметры для добавляемых объектов", "По умолчанию используются стандартные параметры для панели" },// из настроек программы"},
             { "Все готово, можно начинать процесс добавления", "Нажмите кнопку старта для начала процесса добавления" }
         if (this.actionsType == ActionsType.Edit)
             this.ActionBackGroundWorker = new WebPanelActionsTask.ActionEditTask();
             this.TaskTypePict.Image     = global::BatchDomainTools.Properties.Resources.EditTaskIcon;
             this.Text       = "Редактирование выделенных объектов";
             this.desription = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                 { "Укажите объекты для редактирования", "Каждый редактируемый объект должен начинаться с новой строки" },
                 { "Измените параметры для редактируемых объектов", "По умолчанию используются стандартные параметры для панели" },
                 { "Все готово, можно начинать процесс редактирования", "Нажмите кнопку старта для начала процесса редактирования" }
         else if (this.actionsType == ActionsType.Remove)
             this.ActionBackGroundWorker = new WebPanelActionsTask.ActionRemoveTask();
             this.TaskTypePict.Image     = global::BatchDomainTools.Properties.Resources.DeleteTaskIcon;
             this.Text       = "Удаление выделенных объектов";
             this.desription = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                 { "Укажите объекты для удаления", "Каждый удаляемый объект должен начинаться с новой строки" },
                 { "Измените параметры удаления объектов", "По умолчанию будут использованны параметры из настроек программы" },
                 { "Можно начинать процесс удаления", "Для начала процесса удаления нажмите на кнопку старта" }
     if (ExtOptions == null)
         this.PropertyData = ExtOptions;
         this.OptionsGrid.SelectedObject        = this.PropertyData;
         this.OptionsGrid.PropertyValueChanged += new PropertyValueChangedEventHandler(OprionsGrid_PropertyValueChanged);
     this.tablessControl1.SelectedIndexChanged      += new EventHandler(tablessControl1_SelectedIndexChanged);
     this.ActionBackGroundWorker.ProgressChanged    += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bgWorker_ProgressChanged);
     this.ActionBackGroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(ActionBackGroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
     this.workType      = _workType;
     this.panel3.Paint += new PaintEventHandler((_sender, _e) =>
         ControlPaint.DrawBorder(_e.Graphics, _e.ClipRectangle,
                                 Color.Transparent, 0, ButtonBorderStyle.None,
                                 Color.FromArgb(223, 223, 223), 1, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid,
                                 Color.Transparent, 0, ButtonBorderStyle.None,
                                 Color.Transparent, 0, ButtonBorderStyle.None);
     this.panel2.Paint += new PaintEventHandler((__sender, __e) =>
         ControlPaint.DrawBorder(__e.Graphics, __e.ClipRectangle,
                                 Color.Transparent, 0, ButtonBorderStyle.None,
                                 Color.Transparent, 0, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid,
                                 Color.Transparent, 0, ButtonBorderStyle.None,
                                 Color.FromArgb(223, 223, 223), 1, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
     this.TitleLabel.Text      = desription.ElementAt(this.tablessControl1.SelectedIndex).Key;
     this.Desriptionlabel.Text = desription.ElementAt(this.tablessControl1.SelectedIndex).Value;
     if (ItemsToProcess != null)
         this.DomaintBox.Lines = ItemsToProcess.ToStringArray();
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the state of the this version and stores that in _availableActions.
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateActionsState()
            // Yes, I realize the following code could be more efficient, it was written this way so 
            // it would be half-way understandable.

            // Reset flags
            _availableActions = ActionsType.None;

            // No versionid means that we cannot do anything
            if (VersionId == null) return;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision))
                // VersionId
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithoutPropertiesOrContent |
                    ActionsType.HeadCurrentRevision |
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision))
                // VersionId + Revision
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.Delete |
                    ActionsType.HeadSpecificRevision |
                    ActionsType.GetSpecificRevision | 
            if (Metadata != null)
                // VersionId + Metadata
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithPropertiesWithoutContent;
            if (Content != null)
                // VersionId + Content
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithoutPropertiesWithContent;
            if (Metadata != null && Content != null)
                // VersionId + Metadata + Content
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.CreateWithPropertiesAndContent;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision) && Metadata != null)
                // VersionId + Revision + Metadata
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.UpdateWithPropertiesWithoutContent;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision) && Content != null)
                // VersionId + Revision + Content
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.UpdateWithoutPropertiesWithContent;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Revision) && Metadata != null && Content != null)
                _availableActions |= ActionsType.UpdateWithPropertiesAndContent;