Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for an Action
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The object for which we are saving state</param>
 /// <param name="state">The state to saved</param>
 /// <param name="undoCallback">The delegate to undo the action</param>
 /// <param name="redoCallback">The delegate to redo the action</param>
 public Action( object obj, object state, ActionCallback undoCallback, ActionCallback redoCallback )
     _object = obj;
     _state = state;
     _undoCallback = undoCallback;
     _redoCallback = redoCallback;
Esempio n. 2
        public Action(ActionCallback callback)
            if(callback == null) {
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Action callback must not be null");

            this.callback = callback;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定 Callback
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="act"></param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        public void BindCallback <T>(ACTION_CALLBACK_TYPE act, ActionCallback <T> callback)
            if (!m_callbackDic.ContainsKey(act))
                m_callbackDic.Add(act, null);

            m_callbackDic[act] = (ActionCallback <T>)m_callbackDic[act] + callback;
 public void mergeAnimationsTo(Animatable[] animatables, Scene scene = null, ActionCallback <CachedEntity> targetConverter = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "mergeAnimationsTo" }, scene, animatables, targetConverter
Esempio n. 5
 public void removeEventListener <K>(K type, ActionCallback <XMLHttpRequest, K> listener, System.Nullable <bool> options = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "removeEventListener" }, type, listener, options
Esempio n. 6
        public void Register(GuiCommandIds commandId, ActionCallback callback)
            if (!_callbacks.ContainsKey(commandId))
                _callbacks.Add(commandId, new List <ActionCallback>());

Esempio n. 7
 public void moveTo(FixVector3 startPos, FixVector3 endPos, Fix64 time, ActionCallback cb = null)
     if (moveToAction == null)
         moveToAction = new MoveTo();
         moveToAction.init(this, startPos, endPos, time, cb);
Esempio n. 8
 public void open(ActionCallback successCallback, ActionCallback errorCallback)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "open" }, successCallback, errorCallback
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// 异步调用扩展接口
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="funcName"></param>
 /// <param name="parameters"></param>
 /// <param name="callback"></param>
 public static void CallAsyncFunc(string funcName, string parameters, ActionCallback callback)
     if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
         LogFormat("GPlaySDK.CallAsyncFunc", "funcName:{0}  parameters:{1}", funcName, parameters);
         int callbackid = ActionCallbackManager.Instance.AddCallback(callback);
         callAsyncFunc(funcName, parameters, callbackid);
 public static async ValueTask EncodeScreenshotCanvasData(ActionCallback <string> successCallback = null, string mimeType = null, string fileName = null)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { "BABYLON", "Tools", "EncodeScreenshotCanvasData" }, successCallback, mimeType, fileName
 public static async ValueTask ToBlob(HTMLCanvasElement canvas, ActionCallback <Blob> successCallback, string mimeType = null)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { "BABYLON", "Tools", "ToBlob" }, canvas, successCallback, mimeType
 public static async ValueTask LoadScript(string scriptUrl, ActionCallback onSuccess, ActionCallback <string, object> onError = null, string scriptId = null)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { "BABYLON", "Tools", "LoadScript" }, scriptUrl, onSuccess, onError, scriptId
 public static async ValueTask SetImmediate(ActionCallback action)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { "BABYLON", "Tools", "SetImmediate" }, action
 public void forEach(ActionCallback <T> func)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "forEach" }, func
 public void load(Scene scene, ActionCallback onLoaded = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "load" }, scene, onLoaded
Esempio n. 16
 public static async ValueTask AddNodeConstructor(string type, ActionCallback <string, Scene, CachedEntity> constructorFunc)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { "BABYLON", "Node", "AddNodeConstructor" }, type, constructorFunc
Esempio n. 17
 public void loadFile(string url, ActionCallback <object> sceneLoaded, ActionCallback <object> progressCallBack = null, ActionCallback errorCallback = null, System.Nullable <bool> useArrayBuffer = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "loadFile" }, url, sceneLoaded, progressCallBack, errorCallback, useArrayBuffer
 public decimal setImmediate(ActionCallback <CachedEntity[]> handler)
     return(EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <decimal>(
                new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "setImmediate" }, handler
 public void updateURL(string url, string buffer = null, ActionCallback onLoad = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "updateURL" }, url, buffer, onLoad
 public static void AddIndividualParser(string name, ActionCallback <CachedEntity, Scene, string> parser)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { "BABYLON", "AbstractScene", "AddIndividualParser" }, name, parser
 public void forceCompilation(AbstractMesh mesh, ActionCallback <Material> onCompiled = null, IMaterialCompilationOptions options = null, ActionCallback <string> onError = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "forceCompilation" }, mesh, onCompiled, options, onError
 public void createEffectForParticles(IParticleSystem particleSystem, ActionCallback <Effect> onCompiled = null, ActionCallback <Effect, string> onError = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "createEffectForParticles" }, particleSystem, onCompiled, onError
 public void stop(string animationName = null, ActionCallback <object> targetMask = null)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "stop" }, animationName, targetMask
 public bool hasSpecificTrigger(decimal trigger, ActionCallback <object> parameterPredicate = null)
     return(EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <bool>(
                new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "hasSpecificTrigger" }, trigger, parameterPredicate
 public async ValueTask forEach(ActionCallback <T> func)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "forEach" }, func
Esempio n. 26
 public bool load(Scene scene, object data, string rootUrl, ActionCallback <string, object> onError = null)
     return(EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <bool>(
                new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "load" }, scene, data, rootUrl, onError
 public async ValueTask forEach(decimal count, ActionCallback <decimal, decimal> callback)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "forEach" }, count, callback
Esempio n. 28
 public async ValueTask executeOnAllControls(ActionCallback <Control> func, Container container = null)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "executeOnAllControls" }, func, container
Esempio n. 29
 public async ValueTask executeWhenCompiled(ActionCallback <Effect> func)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "executeWhenCompiled" }, func
Esempio n. 30
 public static void WhenAllReady(BaseTexture[] textures, ActionCallback callback)
     EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { "BABYLON", "BaseTexture", "WhenAllReady" }, textures, callback
 public async ValueTask setRenderingOrder(decimal renderingGroupId, ActionCallback <SubMesh, SubMesh> opaqueSortCompareFn = null, ActionCallback <SubMesh, SubMesh> alphaTestSortCompareFn = null, ActionCallback <SubMesh, SubMesh> transparentSortCompareFn = null)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "setRenderingOrder" }, renderingGroupId, opaqueSortCompareFn, alphaTestSortCompareFn, transparentSortCompareFn
Esempio n. 32
 public async ValueTask forceCompilation(ActionCallback <IShadowGenerator> onCompiled = null, CachedEntity options = null)
     await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Func <CachedEntity>(
         new object[]
         new string[] { this.___guid, "forceCompilation" }, onCompiled, options
Esempio n. 33
		public ActionNode AddNode(string text, ActionNode parent = null, string type = null, ActionCallback callback = null)
			TreeNodeCollection nodes;
			if (parent == null)
				nodes = this.Nodes;
				nodes = parent.Nodes;
			ActionNode node = CreateNode();
			node.Text = text;
			node.TypeName = type;
			if (callback != null)
				node.ActionCallback += callback;
			return node;
Esempio n. 34
 public void Init(ActionCallback callback = null)
     if (FB.IsInitialized)
         if (callback != null) callback();
     actionInitCallback = callback;
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the tests in an assembly syncronously reporting back the test results through the callback
        /// or through the return value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback that receives the test results</param>
        /// <param name="filter">A string containing the XML representation of the filter to use</param>
        /// <returns>The XML result of the test run</returns>
        public string RunTests(Action<string> callback, string filter)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(filter, "filter");

            var handler = new ActionCallback(callback);

            TNode result = Runner.Run(new TestProgressReporter(handler), TestFilter.FromXml(filter)).ToXml(true);

            // Insert elements as first child in reverse order
            if (Settings != null) // Some platforms don't have settings
                InsertSettingsElement(result, Settings);

            // Ensure that the CallContext of the thread is not polluted
            // by our TestExecutionContext, which is not serializable.

            return result.OuterXml;
Esempio n. 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the tests in an assembly asyncronously reporting back the test results through the callback
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback that receives the test results</param>
        /// <param name="filter">A string containing the XML representation of the filter to use</param>
        private void RunAsync(Action<string> callback, string filter)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(filter, "filter");

            var handler = new ActionCallback(callback);

            Runner.RunAsync(new TestProgressReporter(handler), TestFilter.FromXml(filter));
Esempio n. 37
 public Step( AstNode n, ActionCallback a, string d = null )
     this.node = n;
     this.action = a;
     this.description = d;