internal void Remove(string meshName) { if (AcousticMeshNames.Contains(meshName)) { AcousticMeshNames.Remove(meshName); RaiseModified(); ClearSerializedData(); } }
internal void Add(string meshName) { if (!AcousticMeshNames.Contains(meshName)) { AcousticMeshNames.Add(meshName); RaiseModified(); ClearSerializedData(); } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying) { SoundToolKitDebug.LogWarning("Attempted to add a StkMesh " + meshName + " to MeshCluster " + name + " but a mesh with that name is already present in that cluster. Aborting.\n" + "You can use the menu Tools/SoundToolKit/Geometry/MakeMeshNamesUnique to remedy this automatically."); } #endif } }