public void AssembleAcknowledgements_FindsSILCoreAcknowledgements()
            var html = AcknowledgementsProvider.AssembleAcknowledgements();

            Assert.That(html, Contains.Substring("<a href=''>Ionic.Zip</a>"));
            Assert.That(html, Contains.Substring("<a href=''>NDesk.DBus</a>"));
            Assert.That(html, Contains.Substring("<a href=''>Json.NET</a>"));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// When the window handle gets created we want to initialize the controls
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)

                // Set the Application label to the name of the app
                var viProvider = new VersionInfoProvider(ProductExecutableAssembly, true);
                lblName.Text       = viProvider.ProductName;
                lblAppVersion.Text = viProvider.ApplicationVersion;
                lblFwVersion.Text  = viProvider.MajorVersion;

                // List the copyright information
                var acknowlegements = AcknowledgementsProvider.CollectAcknowledgements();
                var list            = acknowlegements.Keys.ToList();
                var text = viProvider.CopyrightString + Environment.NewLine + viProvider.LicenseString + Environment.NewLine + viProvider.LicenseURL;
                foreach (var key in list)
                    text += "\r\n" + "\r\n" + key + "\r\n" + acknowlegements[key].Copyright + " " + acknowlegements[key].Url + " " + acknowlegements[key].LicenseUrl;
                txtCopyright.Text = text;

                // Set the title bar text
                Text = string.Format(m_sTitleFmt, viProvider.ProductName);

                var strRoot = Path.GetPathRoot(Application.ExecutablePath);

                if (MiscUtils.IsUnix)

                // Set the memory information
                var memStatEx = new Win32.MemoryStatusEx();
                memStatEx.dwLength = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(memStatEx);
                Win32.GlobalMemoryStatusEx(ref memStatEx);
                edtAvailableMemory.Text = string.Format(m_sAvailableMemoryFmt, memStatEx.ullAvailPhys / BytesPerMiB, memStatEx.ullTotalPhys / BytesPerMiB);

                // Set the available disk space information.
                ulong _, lpTotalNumberOfBytes, lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes;
                Win32.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(strRoot, out _, out lpTotalNumberOfBytes, out lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);
                var gbFree  = lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes / BytesPerGiB;
                var gbTotal = lpTotalNumberOfBytes / BytesPerGiB;
                edtAvailableDiskSpace.Text = string.Format(m_sAvailableDiskSpaceFmt, gbFree, gbTotal, strRoot);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("HelpAbout ignoring exception: " + ex);
        public void CollectAcknowledgementsAndRemoveDuplicates_HandlesDuplicateKeys()
            var ack1 = new AcknowledgementAttribute("myKey1")
                Name = "my Name"
            var ack2 = new AcknowledgementAttribute("myKey1")
                Name = "my Other Name"
            var ackList = new List <AcknowledgementAttribute> {
                ack1, ack2

            AcknowledgementsProvider.CollectAcknowledgementsAndRemoveDuplicates(_ackDict, ackList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, _ackDict.Count, "Should have stripped out a duplicate key.");
            Assert.AreEqual("my Name", _ackDict["myKey1"].Name);
        public void SortByNameAndConcatenateHtml_SortsCorrectly()
            var ack1 = new AcknowledgementAttribute("myKey1")
                Name = "my Name"
            var ack2 = new AcknowledgementAttribute("bobKey")
                Name = "Bob's project", LicenseUrl = "MIT License", Copyright = "2017 Bob Programmer"

            _ackDict.Add(ack1.Key, ack1);
            _ackDict.Add(ack2.Key, ack2);
            var html = AcknowledgementsProvider.SortByNameAndConcatenateHtml(_ackDict);

            Assert.That(html, Is.StringStarting("<li>Bob\'s project"));
            Assert.That(html, Is.StringContaining("my Name"));
Esempio n. 5
        private void SILAboutBoxShown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //review: EB had changed from Navigate to this in ab66af23393f74b767ffd78c2182bd1fdc8eb963, presumably to
            // get around the AllowNavigation=false problem. It may work on Linux, but it didn't on Windows, which would just show a blank browser.
            //_browser.Url = new Uri(_pathToAboutBoxHtml);
            // So I've instead modified the browser wrapper to always let the first navigation get through, regardless
            var filePath     = AcknowledgementsProvider.GetFullNonUriFileName(_pathToAboutBoxHtml);
            var aboutBoxHtml = File.ReadAllText(filePath);

            if (!aboutBoxHtml.Contains(DependencyMarker))
                // Without a charset='UTF-8' meta tag attribute, things like copyright symbols don't show up correctly.
                Debug.Assert(aboutBoxHtml.Contains(" charset"), "At a minimum, the About Box html should contain a meta charset='UTF-8' tag.");
                var insertableAcknowledgements = AcknowledgementsProvider.AssembleAcknowledgements();
                var newHtmlContents            = aboutBoxHtml.Replace(DependencyMarker, insertableAcknowledgements);
                // Create a temporary file with the DependencyMarker replaced with our collected Acknowledgements.
                // This file will be deleted OnClosed.
                // This means that if your project uses the DependencyMarker in your html file, you will not be able to
                // link to a file on a relative path for css styles or images.
                // ----------
                // Comments on possible ways around this limitation from John Thomson:
                //		1.Document that an About Box HTML file which uses dependency injection must live in its own folder
                // with all dependent files, and copy the whole folder to a temp folder.
                // (could work but is a nuisance, especially for anyone who doesn't need any dependencies)
                //		2.Document that an About Box HTML file which uses dependency injection may only use a few common kinds
                // of relative links, search for matching links, and copy the appropriate files to a temp directory along
                // with the temp file.
                // (I rather like this idea. A fairly simple regular expression will search for src or rel followed by a value
                // with no path separators...something like(src | rel) = (['"])([^/\]*)\1 (or something similar...
                // handle white space...). That will catch all references to images, stylesheets, and scripts,
                // and if the bit of the RegEx that matches the filename corresponds to an existing file in the same folder
                // as the HTML we can just copy it. Unless they're doing relative paths to different folders that will do it,
                // and I think it's reasonable to have SOME restrictions in the interests of simplicity.
                // ----------
                _tempAboutBoxHtmlFile = new TempFile(newHtmlContents);
        public void AssembleAcknowledgements_FindsSILCoreAcknowledgements()
            var html = AcknowledgementsProvider.AssembleAcknowledgements();

            Assert.That(html, Contains.Substring("<a href=''>Json.NET</a>"));