Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Compares the AceObjectFlags attribute of an ACE against that of an AceAssertion. If the {@code assertionObjFlags}
        ///     are null, a true result is returned.
        ///     If the {@code assertionObjFlags} are not null, then either the {@code aceObjFlags} must be a match, or they
        ///     must
        ///     not be set. The not set case is deemed a match because MS AD documentation states that if an object type
        ///     (referred to by the flags) is also empty, then the ACE controls the ability to perform operations of the
        ///     given access right on all object classes. In this case, the decision about the ACE matching (regarding the
        ///     object)
        ///     is left up to the {@linkplain doObjectTypesMatch} and {@linkplain doInheritedObjectTypesMatch} methods.
        ///     An ACE will appear without object flags when it is for "Full Control" permissions.
        ///     @param aceObjFlags
        ///     object flags from the ACE
        ///     @param assertionObjFlags
        ///     object flags from the AceAssertion
        ///     @return true if match, false if not
        /// </summary>
        private bool DoObjectFlagsMatch(AceObjectFlags aceObjFlags, AceObjectFlags assertionObjFlags)
            var res = true;

            if (assertionObjFlags != null)
                if (aceObjFlags != null &&
                    (aceObjFlags.AsUInt() & assertionObjFlags.AsUInt()) == assertionObjFlags.AsUInt())
                    res = true;
                else if (aceObjFlags == null || aceObjFlags.AsUInt() == 0)
                    // MS docs state that if the object type is _not_ present - which is hinted at by presence of object flags -
                    // then the ACE controls that right on all object classes/attributes of such objects.
                    // So defer ultimate decision to object/inherited object type matching.
                    res = true;
                    res = false;

Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 ///     AceAssertion constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aceRight">
 ///     A single AceRight (e.g.: use AceRights.parseValue(0x00000004) if AceRights.ObjectRight enum does not contain
 ///     desired right.) MUST be specified.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="aceObjFlags">One or more AceObjectFlags, may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="objectType">Object type GUID. Must be set if Flag.ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT is in aceObjFlags</param>
 /// <param name="inheritedObjectType">
 ///     Inherited object type GUID. Must be set if Flag.ACE_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT is in aceObjFlags
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="requiredFlag">Single AceFlag that stipulates an ACE must contain it; may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="excludedFlag">Single AceFlag that stipulates an ACE must NOT contain it; may be null.</param>
 public AceAssertion(AceRights aceRight, AceObjectFlags aceObjFlags, Guid?objectType, Guid?inheritedObjectType,
                     AceFlag requiredFlag, AceFlag excludedFlag)
     this.aceRight            = aceRight;
     this.aceObjectFlags      = aceObjFlags;
     this.objectType          = objectType;
     this.inheritedObjectType = inheritedObjectType;
     this.requiredFlag        = requiredFlag;
     this.excludedFlag        = excludedFlag;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Load the ACE from the buffer returning the last ACE segment position into the buffer.
        ///     @param buff source buffer.
        ///     @param start start loading position.
        ///     @return last loading position.
        /// </summary>
        public void Parse(BinaryReader buff)
            var start = buff.BaseStream.Position;

            byte[] bytes = NumberFacility.GetBytes(buff.ReadInt32());
            this.type  = AceTypeExtension.ParseValue(bytes[0]);
            this.flags = AceFlagExtension.ParseValue(bytes[1]);

            int size = NumberFacility.GetInt(bytes[3], bytes[2]);

            this.rights = AceRights.ParseValue(NumberFacility.GetReverseInt(buff.ReadInt32()));

            if (this.type == AceType.AccessAllowedObjectAceType || this.type == AceType.AccessDeniedObjectAceType)
                this.objectFlags = AceObjectFlags.ParseValue(NumberFacility.GetReverseInt(buff.ReadInt32()));

                if (this.objectFlags.GetFlags().Contains(AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceObjectTypePresent))
                    this.objectType = new Guid(buff.ReadBytes(16));

                if (this.objectFlags.GetFlags().Contains(AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceInheritedObjectTypePresent))
                    this.inheritedObjectType = new Guid(buff.ReadBytes(16));

            this.sid = new SID();

            if (size > 0)
                var lastPos = start + size;
                this.applicationData = new byte[lastPos - buff.BaseStream.Position];

                for (var i = 0; i < applicationData.Length; i++)
                    this.applicationData[i] = buff.ReadByte();
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks whether the inherited object type identified by the ACE matches the inherited object type of the
        ///     AceAssertion given. If the assertionObjFlags are null, or they do not specify
        ///     ACE_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT, a true result is returned.
        ///     @param aceInhObjectType
        ///     byte array containing the ACE inheritedObjectType GUID
        ///     @param assertionInhObjectType
        ///     string containing the AceAssertion inheritedObjectType
        ///     @param assertionObjFlags
        ///     AceObjectFlags from the AceAssertion
        ///     @return true if match, false if not
        /// </summary>
        private bool DoInheritedObjectTypesMatch(Guid?aceInhObjectType, Guid?assertionInhObjectType, AceObjectFlags assertionObjFlags)
            if (assertionObjFlags == null)

            if ((assertionObjFlags.AsUInt() & (uint)AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceInheritedObjectTypePresent) == (uint)AceObjectFlags.Flag.AceInheritedObjectTypePresent)
                if (aceInhObjectType != null && aceInhObjectType != assertionInhObjectType)

Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets object flags.
 ///     @param objectFlags ACE object flags.
 ///     AceObjectFlags
 /// </summary>
 public void SetObjectFlags(AceObjectFlags objectFlags) => this.objectFlags = objectFlags;