private async Task <AddAuthorizedTaskCommand> GenerateTokenAsync(
            UserSummary user,
            AccountVerificationOptions options,
            IExecutionContext executionContext
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Email))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot verify the user account because user {user.UserId} does not have an email address.");

            var command = new AddAuthorizedTaskCommand()
                AuthorizedTaskTypeCode = UserAccountVerificationAuthorizedTaskType.Code,
                UserId      = user.UserId,
                RateLimit   = options.InitiationRateLimit,
                ExpireAfter = options.ExpireAfter,
                TaskData    = user.Email

                await _domainRepository
            catch (ValidationErrorException ex)
                if (ex.ErrorCode == AuthorizedTaskValidationErrors.Create.RateLimitExceeded.ErrorCode)
                    // Use a more specific error message


Esempio n. 2
        public async void RegisterUser(Object sender, EventArgs e)
                string firstNameVar     = firstName.Text;
                string lastNameVar      = lastName.Text;
                int    dobDayVar        = Convert.ToInt32(dobDay.Text);
                int    dobMonthVar      = Convert.ToInt32(dobMonth.Text);
                int    dobYearVar       = Convert.ToInt32(dobYear.Text);
                string addressLine1Var  = addressLine1.Text;
                string addressLine2Var  = addressLine2.Text;
                string postalCodeVar    = postalCode.Text;
                var    statesPickerVar  = statesPicker.Items[statesPicker.SelectedIndex];
                string routingNumberVar = routingNumber.Text;
                string accountNumberVar = accountNumber.Text;
                string cityVar          = city.Text;


                //-------Get IP Address---------//
                var    MyIp     = "";
                string uploadId = "";
                foreach (IPAddress adress in Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()))
                    MyIp = adress.ToString();

                //------Camera will Open User take the Picture Of Idenity Card-----------//

                /*   var file = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions
                 * {
                 *     Directory = "Sample",
                 *     Name = "test.jpg",
                 *     PhotoSize = Plugin.Media.Abstractions.PhotoSize.Small
                 * });
                 * //-------Upload File in stripe and return the file Id -------------//
                 * using (FileStream stream = System.IO.File.Open(file.Path, FileMode.Open))
                 * {
                 *     var fileService = new FileService();
                 *     var fileCreateOptions = new FileCreateOptions
                 *     {
                 *         File = stream,
                 *         Purpose = "identity_document",
                 *     };
                 *     Stripe.File upload = fileService.Create(fileCreateOptions);
                 *     uploadId = upload.Id;
                 * }
                AccountVerificationOptions verifiy = new AccountVerificationOptions {
                    DocumentId = uploadId,

                //--------Create User Account Legal Entity-----------//
                AccountLegalEntityOptions legalEntity = new AccountLegalEntityOptions
                    FirstName = firstNameVar,
                    LastName  = lastNameVar,
                    Address   = new AddressOptions {
                        City = cityVar, Country = "AU", PostalCode = postalCodeVar, Line1 = addressLine1Var, Line2 = addressLine2Var, State = statesPickerVar
                    Dob = new AccountDobOptions {
                        Day = dobDayVar, Month = dobMonthVar, Year = dobYearVar
                    Type         = "individual",
                    Verification = verifiy,
                    PhoneNumber  = "+611234567"//Convert.ToString(Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.Properties["phoneNumber"])

                //--------Create Payout Account-----------//
                var options = new AccountCreateOptions
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    Type        = AccountType.Custom,
                    Country     = "AU",
                    LegalEntity = legalEntity
                var     services = new AccountService();
                Account account  = services.Create(options);

                //---------Create External Bank Account and return Token---------///
                TokenCreateOptions optionss = new TokenCreateOptions
                    BankAccount = new BankAccountOptions
                        Country       = "AU",
                        AccountNumber = accountNumberVar,
                        RoutingNumber = routingNumberVar,
                        Currency      = "aud"
                TokenService service     = new TokenService();
                Token        stripeToken = service.Create(optionss);

                var externalOption = new ExternalAccountCreateOptions
                    ExternalAccountTokenId = stripeToken.Id, //pass the bank account creation token
                var externalAccount = new ExternalAccountService();
                var bankAccount     = externalAccount.Create(account.Id, externalOption); //Bank Account Created

                //  await DisplayAlert("", "" + account.Id, "Ok");
                //api.AcceptedStripeAgreement(account.Id,CurrentTimeMillis(), MyIp); //Accepted Stripe TOS

                await DisplayAlert("", "" + account.Id, "Ok");
            }catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("", "" + ex, "Ok");