Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the sync status of the given account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen>
        /// <param name="account"> Account for which the sync status needs to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="status">Sync State</param>
        /// <privilege></privilege>
        /// <privilege></privilege>
        /// <feature></feature>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">In case of any DB error.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> In case of an invalid parameter.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException"> In case of privilege not defined.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The required feature is not supported.</exception>
        public static void UpdateSyncStatusById(Account account, AccountSyncState status)
            AccountError err = (AccountError)Interop.AccountService.UpdateAccountSyncStatusById(account.AccountId, (int)status);

            if (err != AccountError.None)
                throw AccountErrorFactory.CreateException(err, "Failed to UpdateSyncStatusById");
        // This may throw a DeliciousUnavailableException
        public AccountSyncState LoadSyncState()
            Debug.Assert (requester.Account.IsValid);
            AccountSyncState syncState = new AccountSyncState (requester.Account);

            LoadLastSyncTime (syncState);
            LoadRemoteUpdateInfo (syncState);
            LoadLocalManifest (syncState);

            // Avoid an HTTP request if the remote manifest isn't needed.
            // ShouldCrawl depends on the sync time, remote update info, and local manifest.
            if (syncState.ShouldCrawl ())
                LoadRemoteManifest (syncState);
                Log.Debug ("Skipping remote manifest");

            return syncState;
 public void SaveSyncState(AccountSyncState syncState)
     SaveLocalManifest (syncState);
     SaveLastSyncTime (syncState);
 void SaveLastSyncTime(AccountSyncState syncState)
     queryable.WriteDataLine (syncState.Account.Username, syncState.LastSyncTime.ToString());
        void SaveLocalManifest(AccountSyncState syncState)
            IList <LocalManifestEntry> manifestList = new List <LocalManifestEntry>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, LocalManifestEntry> pair in syncState.LocalManifest)
                manifestList.Add (pair.Value);

            using (Stream manifestStream = queryable.WriteDataStream (syncState.Account.Username + ".manifest"))
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (manifestStream))
                    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (manifestList.GetType ());
                    serializer.Serialize (writer, manifestList);
        void LoadRemoteUpdateInfo(AccountSyncState syncState)
            syncState.RemoteUpdateInfo = remoteDao.GetUpdateInfo ();

            Log.Info ("Last remote update: " + syncState.RemoteUpdateInfo.LastUpdateTime);
        void LoadRemoteManifest(AccountSyncState syncState)
            Debug.Assert (syncState.RemoteManifest != null);
            Debug.Assert (syncState.RemoteManifest.Count == 0);

            Log.Debug ("Downloading remote manifest");

            foreach (RemoteManifestEntry entry in remoteDao.GetAllManifestEntries ())
                syncState.RemoteManifest.Add (entry);

            Log.Info ("Downloaded " + syncState.RemoteManifest.Count + " manifest entries");
        // TODO: Instead of loading from a separate text file, we should just build
        // the local manifest from Beagle's index
        void LoadLocalManifest(AccountSyncState syncState)
            Debug.Assert (syncState.Account.IsValid);
            Debug.Assert (syncState.LocalManifest != null);
            Debug.Assert (syncState.LocalManifest.Count == 0);

            IList <LocalManifestEntry> manifestList;

            Log.Debug ("Loading local manifest");

                using (Stream manifestStream = queryable.ReadDataStream (syncState.Account.Username + ".manifest"))
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (manifestStream))
                        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof (List <LocalManifestEntry>));
                        manifestList = serializer.Deserialize (reader) as IList <LocalManifestEntry>;

                foreach (LocalManifestEntry entry in manifestList)
                    syncState.LocalManifest.Add (entry.UrlHash, entry);
                // No local manifest

            Log.Info ("Loaded " + syncState.LocalManifest.Count + " manifest entries");
        void LoadLastSyncTime(AccountSyncState syncState)
            Debug.Assert (syncState.Account.IsValid);

                string lastSyncTimeString = queryable.ReadDataLine (syncState.Account.Username);
                syncState.LastSyncTime = DateTime.Parse (lastSyncTimeString);
                syncState.LastSyncTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            Log.Info ("Last sync time: " + syncState.LastSyncTime);
Esempio n. 10
        void SaveStateAndReschedule(AccountSyncState syncState, AccountSyncStateStore store, CrawlPlan crawlPlan)
            Log.Info ("Sync finished");

            // If the crawl plan completed successfully, then update the
            // last update time, otherwise leave the last update time the same
            // so that we can try to crawl again next time around.
            // The crawl may abort if delicious starts returning 503s
            if (! crawlPlan.HasNextCommand ())
                syncState.UpdateLastSyncTime ();

                store.SaveSyncState (syncState);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error (e, "Error saving sync state");

            RescheduleCrawl ();