/** * Establishes the login status of this session's Account. * @param loginStatus * Reported login status of this session's Account. * * @see com.skype.tutorial.util.Listeners#onPropertyChange(com.skype.api.Account, com.skype.api.Account.Property, int, String) * * @since 1.0 */ public void setLoginStatus(Account.Status loginStatus) { this.loginStatus = loginStatus; MySession.myConsole.printf(myTutorialTag + ": " + "setting loginStatus to %s%n", loginStatus); return; }
/** * AccountListener Override: Tutorial Handler - Account Properties. * <br /><br /> * Status changes: Specifically looks for/handles login/logout status changes, and reports * those changes to the associated MySession instance. Writes notice of <em>all</em> * property changes to both the log and the console. * <br /><br /> * Logout reasons: Writes reason for logout to both the log and the console. Useful for * differentiating explicit logout by user (Account.LogoutReason.LOGOUT_CALLED) and * forced logout by the SkypeKit runtime. * <br /><br /> * Other property changes: Writes the name of the changed property to the console. * * @param affectedAccount * Ignored - always assumes <em>our</em> account, so references effected through * <code>mySession.myAccount</code>. * @param prop * The Account property that triggered this event. * @param value * Ignored. * * @since 1.0 * * @see com.skype.api.AccountListener#onPropertyChange(com.skype.api.Account, com.skype.api.Account.Property, int, String) */ public void onPropertyChange(com.skype.api.Account affectedAccount, com.skype.api.Account.Property prop, int value, String svalue) { MySession.myConsole.println(mySession.myTutorialTag + ": " + "onPropertyChange - Account"); /* * MySession.myConsole.printf("%s: value = %d; svalue = %s%n", mySession.myTutorialTag, value, svalue); */ if (prop == Account.Property.P_STATUS) { Account.Status accountStatus = affectedAccount.getStatus(); mySession.setLoginStatus(accountStatus); if (value == Account.Status.LOGGED_IN_VALUE) { MySession.myConsole.println(mySession.myTutorialTag + ": " + "Login complete."); } else if ((accountStatus == Account.Status.LOGGED_OUT) || (accountStatus == Account.Status.LOGGED_OUT_AND_PWD_SAVED)) { MySession.myConsole.println(mySession.myTutorialTag + ": " + "Login in progress/Logout complete."); } else { //String otherStatus = new String("Account Status = " + accountStatus); //MySession.myConsole.printf("%s: %s%n", mySession.myTutorialTag, otherStatus); } } else if (prop == Account.Property.P_LOGOUT_REASON) { Account.LogoutReason logoutReason = affectedAccount.getLogoutReason(); MySession.myConsole.printf("%s: logoutreason = %s%n", mySession.myTutorialTag, logoutReason); } else { //String propName = prop; //MySession.myConsole.printf("%s: %s property changed!%n", // mySession.myTutorialTag, propName); } }