Esempio n. 1
 /** Constructs a deep copy of a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE>.
  * @param cell the <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> to duplicate
 public PdfPCell(PdfPCell cell) : base(cell.llx, cell.lly, cell.urx, cell.ury)
     verticalAlignment = cell.verticalAlignment;
     paddingLeft       = cell.paddingLeft;
     paddingRight      = cell.paddingRight;
     paddingTop        = cell.paddingTop;
     paddingBottom     = cell.paddingBottom;
     phrase            = cell.phrase;
     fixedHeight       = cell.fixedHeight;
     minimumHeight     = cell.minimumHeight;
     noWrap            = cell.noWrap;
     colspan           = cell.colspan;
     rowspan           = cell.rowspan;
     if (cell.table != null)
         table = new PdfPTable(cell.table);
     image            = Image.GetInstance(cell.image);
     cellEvent        = cell.cellEvent;
     useDescender     = cell.useDescender;
     column           = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.column);
     useBorderPadding = cell.useBorderPadding;
     rotation         = cell.rotation;
     id   =;
     role = cell.role;
     if (cell.accessibleAttributes != null)
         accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary <PdfName, PdfObject>(cell.accessibleAttributes);
     headers = cell.headers;
Esempio n. 2
  * Makes a copy of an existing row.
  * @param row
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row)
     mayNotBreak = row.mayNotBreak;
     maxHeight   = row.maxHeight;
     calculated  = row.calculated;
     cells       = new PdfPCell[row.cells.Length];
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
         if (row.cells[k] != null)
             if (row.cells[k] is PdfPHeaderCell)
                 cells[k] = new PdfPHeaderCell((PdfPHeaderCell)row.cells[k]);
                 cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.cells[k]);
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     System.Array.Copy(row.widths, 0, widths, 0, cells.Length);
     InitExtraHeights();   = row.ID;
     this.role = row.Role;
     if (row.accessibleAttributes != null)
         this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary <PdfName, PdfObject>(row.GetAccessibleAttributes());
Esempio n. 3
 public PdfPRow(PdfPCell[] cells, PdfPRow source)
     this.cells = cells;
     widths     = new float[cells.Length];
     if (source != null)
     {   = source.ID;
         this.role = source.Role;
         if (source.accessibleAttributes != null)
             this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary <PdfName, PdfObject>(source.GetAccessibleAttributes());
Esempio n. 4
        * Copies the format of the sourceTable without copying the content. 
        * @param sourceTable
        * @since 2.1.6 private is now protected

        virtual protected internal void CopyFormat(PdfPTable sourceTable)
            relativeWidths = new float[sourceTable.NumberOfColumns];
            absoluteWidths = new float[sourceTable.NumberOfColumns];
            System.Array.Copy(sourceTable.relativeWidths, 0, relativeWidths, 0, NumberOfColumns);
            System.Array.Copy(sourceTable.absoluteWidths, 0, absoluteWidths, 0, NumberOfColumns);
            totalWidth = sourceTable.totalWidth;
            totalHeight = sourceTable.totalHeight;
            currentColIdx = 0;
            tableEvent = sourceTable.tableEvent;
            runDirection = sourceTable.runDirection;
            if (sourceTable.defaultCell is PdfPHeaderCell)
                defaultCell = new PdfPHeaderCell((PdfPHeaderCell)sourceTable.defaultCell);
                defaultCell = new PdfPCell(sourceTable.defaultCell);
            currentRow = new PdfPCell[sourceTable.currentRow.Length];
            isColspan = sourceTable.isColspan;
            splitRows = sourceTable.splitRows;
            spacingAfter = sourceTable.spacingAfter;
            spacingBefore = sourceTable.spacingBefore;
            headerRows = sourceTable.headerRows;
            footerRows = sourceTable.footerRows;
            lockedWidth = sourceTable.lockedWidth;
            extendLastRow = sourceTable.extendLastRow;
            headersInEvent = sourceTable.headersInEvent;
            widthPercentage = sourceTable.widthPercentage;
            splitLate = sourceTable.splitLate;
            skipFirstHeader = sourceTable.skipFirstHeader;
            skipLastFooter = sourceTable.skipLastFooter;
            horizontalAlignment = sourceTable.horizontalAlignment;
            keepTogether = sourceTable.keepTogether;
            complete = sourceTable.complete;
            loopCheck = sourceTable.loopCheck;
            id = sourceTable.ID;
            role = sourceTable.Role;
            if (sourceTable.accessibleAttributes != null)
                accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(sourceTable.accessibleAttributes);
            header = sourceTable.GetHeader();
            body = sourceTable.GetBody();
            footer = sourceTable.GetFooter();
Esempio n. 5
 * Makes a copy of an existing row.
 * @param row
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row) {
     mayNotBreak = row.mayNotBreak;
     maxHeight = row.maxHeight;
     calculated = row.calculated;
     cells = new PdfPCell[row.cells.Length];
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k) {
         if (row.cells[k] != null)
             if (row.cells[k] is PdfPHeaderCell)
                 cells[k] = new PdfPHeaderCell((PdfPHeaderCell)row.cells[k]);
                 cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.cells[k]);
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     System.Array.Copy(row.widths, 0, widths, 0, cells.Length);
     InitExtraHeights(); = row.ID;
     this.role = row.Role;
     if (row.accessibleAttributes != null)
         this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(row.GetAccessibleAttributes());
Esempio n. 6
 public PdfPRow(PdfPCell[] cells, PdfPRow source) {
     this.cells = cells;
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     if (source != null) { = source.ID;
         this.role = source.Role;
         if (source.accessibleAttributes != null)
             this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(source.GetAccessibleAttributes());
Esempio n. 7
 * A <CODE>Chunk</CODE> copy constructor.
 * @param ck the <CODE>Chunk</CODE> to be copied
 public Chunk(Chunk ck) {
     if (ck.content != null) {
         content = new StringBuilder(ck.content.ToString());
     if (ck.font != null) {
         font = new Font(ck.font);
     if (ck.attributes != null) {
         attributes = new Dictionary<String,object>(ck.attributes);
     role = ck.role;
     if (ck.accessibleAttributes != null)
         accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(ck.accessibleAttributes);
     id = ck.ID;
Esempio n. 8
 /** Constructs a deep copy of a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE>.
 * @param cell the <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> to duplicate
 public PdfPCell(PdfPCell cell) : base(cell.llx, cell.lly, cell.urx, cell.ury) {
     verticalAlignment = cell.verticalAlignment;
     paddingLeft = cell.paddingLeft;
     paddingRight = cell.paddingRight;
     paddingTop = cell.paddingTop;
     paddingBottom = cell.paddingBottom;
     phrase = cell.phrase;
     fixedHeight = cell.fixedHeight;
     minimumHeight = cell.minimumHeight;
     noWrap = cell.noWrap;
     colspan = cell.colspan;
     rowspan = cell.rowspan;
     if (cell.table != null)
         table = new PdfPTable(cell.table);
     image = Image.GetInstance(cell.image);
     cellEvent = cell.cellEvent;
     useDescender = cell.useDescender;
     column = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.column);
     useBorderPadding = cell.useBorderPadding;
     rotation = cell.rotation;
     id =;
     role = cell.role;
     if (cell.accessibleAttributes != null)
         accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(cell.accessibleAttributes);
     headers = cell.headers;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Phrase.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phrase">a Phrase</param>
 public Paragraph(Phrase phrase) : base(phrase) {
     if (phrase is Paragraph) {
         Paragraph p = (Paragraph)phrase;
         Alignment = p.Alignment;
         IndentationLeft = p.IndentationLeft;
         IndentationRight = p.IndentationRight;
         FirstLineIndent = p.FirstLineIndent;
         SpacingAfter = p.SpacingAfter;
         SpacingBefore = p.SpacingBefore;
         ExtraParagraphSpace = p.ExtraParagraphSpace;
         Role = p.role;
         id = p.ID;
         if (p.accessibleAttributes != null)
             accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(p.accessibleAttributes);