private static void CreateNewJob(Guid?uniqueId, string name, string description, string data, string metaData, string jobType, TimeSpan?absoluteTimeout, byte queueId, string application, string group, bool suppressHistory, bool deleteWhenDone, SimpleSchedule schedule)
            CreateJobRequest request = new CreateJobRequest
                UniqueId        = uniqueId,
                Application     = application,
                DeleteWhenDone  = deleteWhenDone,
                Description     = description,
                Name            = name,
                QueueId         = queueId,
                Type            = jobType,
                MetaData        = metaData,
                Data            = data,
                SuppressHistory = suppressHistory,
                AbsoluteTimeout = absoluteTimeout,
                Group           = group,
                Status          = JobStatus.Pending,

            if (schedule != null)
                if (!schedule.StartDailyAt.HasValue)
                    schedule.StartDailyAt = new TimeSpan();
                request.CalendarSchedule = new CalendarSchedule
                    ScheduleType = typeof(global::BackgroundWorkerService.Logic.DataModel.Scheduling.CalendarSchedule).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    DaysOfWeek   = schedule.DaysOfWeek.ToArray(),
                    StartDailyAt = new TimeOfDay {
                        Hour = schedule.StartDailyAt.Value.Hours, Minute = schedule.StartDailyAt.Value.Minutes, Second = schedule.StartDailyAt.Value.Seconds
                    RepeatInterval = schedule.RepeatInterval,
                    EndDateTime    = null,
                    StartDateTime  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(schedule.StartDateTime) ? DateTime.ParseExact(schedule.StartDateTime, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) : DateTime.Now,

            using (AccessPointClient client = new AccessPointClient())
Esempio n. 2
        private static void CreateNewJob(string name, string description, string data, string metaData, string jobType, TimeSpan?absoluteTimeout, byte queueId, string application, string group, bool suppressHistory, bool deleteWhenDone)
            CreateJobRequest request = new CreateJobRequest
                Application     = application,
                DeleteWhenDone  = deleteWhenDone,
                Description     = description,
                Name            = name,
                QueueId         = queueId,
                Type            = jobType,
                MetaData        = metaData,
                Data            = data,
                SuppressHistory = suppressHistory,
                AbsoluteTimeout = absoluteTimeout,
                Group           = group,

            using (AccessPointClient client = new AccessPointClient())
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (AccessPointClient client = new AccessPointClient())
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var job = client.CreateJob(new CreateJobRequest
                        Type        = typeof(BackgroundWorkerService.Logic.TestJobs.ShortRunningJob).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                        QueueId     = (byte)new Random().Next(3),
                        Name        = "Job " + new Random().Next(int.MaxValue),
                        Description = "This is a test description to see what it looks like : " + new Random().Next(int.MaxValue),
                        Status      = JobStatus.Ready,

                //for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                //  var job = client.CreateJob(new CreateJobRequest
                //  {
                //    Data = "bob",
                //    MetaData =
                //      JobBuilder.CreateBasicHttpSoap_BasicCallbackJobMetaData(
                //        "metaData",
                //        "http://*****:*****", "*****@*****.**"), null, out data, out metadata);
                //var job3 = client.CreateJob(new CreateJobRequest
                //  Data = data,
                //  MetaData = metadata,
                //  Type = typeof(SendMailJob).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                //  QueueId = 1,
                //  CalendarSchedule = new CalendarSchedule
                //  {
                //    ScheduleType = typeof(BackgroundWorkerService.Logic.DataModel.Scheduling.CalendarSchedule).AssemblyQualifiedName, //Must set this
                //    DaysOfWeek = new List<DayOfWeek> { DayOfWeek.Monday }.ToArray(),
                //    StartDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                //    StartDailyAt = new TimeOfDay { Hour = 0, Minute = 30, Second = 0 },
                //  }
                //var job4 = client.CreateJob(new CreateJobRequest
                //  Data = "",
                //  MetaData =
                //    JobBuilder.GetWebRequestJobMetaData(
                //      "http://localhost:2048/default.aspx",
                //      System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK,
                //      true).Serialize(),
                //  Type = typeof(WebRequestJob).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                //  QueueId = 0,
                //  DeleteWhenDone = false,
                //  SuppressHistory = false,
                //  Name = "Ping Service WebUI",
                //  Description = "This pings the web ui to check whether it's still running.",
Esempio n. 4
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (AccessPointClient client = new AccessPointClient())
         var job = client.CreateJob(new CreateJobRequest
             Data     = "bob",
             MetaData =
                     "http://*****:*****", "*****@*****.**"), null, out data, out metadata);
         var job3 = client.ScheduleJob(new ScheduleJobRequest
             Data             = data,
             MetaData         = metadata,
             Type             = typeof(SendMailJob).AssemblyQualifiedName,
             QueueId          = 1,
             CalendarSchedule = new CalendarSchedule
                 ScheduleType = typeof(BackgroundWorkerService.Logic.DataModel.Scheduling.CalendarSchedule).AssemblyQualifiedName,                         //Must set this
                 DaysOfWeek   = new List <DayOfWeek> {
                 StartDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                 StartDailyAt  = new TimeOfDay {
                     Hour = 0, Minute = 30, Second = 0
         var job4 = client.CreateJob(new CreateJobRequest
             Data     = "",
             MetaData =
             Type            = typeof(WebRequestJob).AssemblyQualifiedName,
             QueueId         = 0,
             DeleteWhenDone  = false,
             SuppressHistory = false,
             Name            = "Ping Service WebUI",
             Description     = "This pings the web ui to check whether it's still running.",