Esempio n. 1
    private void Update()
        var boundsJob = new BoundsJob()
            Positions     = _positions,
            Accelerations = _accelerations,
            AreaSize      = _areaSize
        var accelerationJob = new AccelerationJob()
            Positions            = _positions,
            Velocities           = _velocities,
            Accelerations        = _accelerations,
            DestinationThreshold = _destinationThreshold,
            Weights = _accelerationWeights
        var moveJob = new MoveJob()
            Positions     = _positions,
            Velocities    = _velocities,
            Accelerations = _accelerations,
            DeltaTime     = Time.deltaTime,
            VelocityLimit = _velocityLimit
        var boundsHandle       = boundsJob.Schedule(_numberOfEntities, 0);
        var accelerationHandle = accelerationJob.Schedule(_numberOfEntities,
                                                          0, boundsHandle);
        var moveHandle = moveJob.Schedule(_transformAccessArray, accelerationHandle);

    void Update()
        _objectCount = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, PowerOfTwo);

        if (cachedObjectCount != _objectCount)
        // Prepare jobs with data
        m_AccelJob = new AccelerationJob()
            deltaTime    = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity     = _Velocities,
            acceleration = m_Acceleration,
            positions    = _Positions,
            colors       = _Colors,
            Time         = Time.time

        m_Job = new PositionUpdateJob()
            deltaTime = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity  = _Velocities,
            position  = _Positions

        //Schedule the first job
        m_AccelJobHandle = m_AccelJob.Schedule(_objectCount, 64);
        //Schedule the second job, chained to the first
        m_PositionJobHandle = m_Job.Schedule(_objectCount, 64, m_AccelJobHandle);
Esempio n. 3
        protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
            var job = new AccelerationJob()
                deltaTime = Time.deltaTime

            return(job.Schedule(this, inputDeps));
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        var job = new AccelerationJob()
            DeltaTime       = Time.DeltaTime,
            TranslationType = GetComponentTypeHandle <Translation>(),
            SpeedType       = GetComponentTypeHandle <Speed>(),
            MovableType     = GetComponentTypeHandle <Movable>(),
            DestinationType = GetComponentTypeHandle <Destination>()

        Dependency = job.Schedule(_query, Dependency);
    public void Update()
        m_AccelJob = new AccelerationJob()
            deltaTime       = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity        = m_Velocities,
            acceleration    = m_Acceleration,
            accelerationMod = m_AccelerationMod

        m_Job = new PositionUpdateJob()
            deltaTime = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity  = m_Velocities,

        m_AccelJobHandle    = m_AccelJob.Schedule(m_ObjectCount, 64);
        m_PositionJobHandle = m_Job.Schedule(m_TransformsAccessArray, m_AccelJobHandle);
Esempio n. 6
    private void Update()
        accelerationJob = new AccelerationJob
            deltaTime       = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity        = velocities,
            acceleration    = acceleration,
            accelerationMod = accelerationMod

        job = new PositionUpdateJob
            deltaTime = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity  = velocities

        accelJobHandle    = accelerationJob.Schedule(particleCount, 64);
        positionJobHandle = job.Schedule(transformAccessArray, accelJobHandle);
    public void Update()
        m_AccelJob = new AccelerationJob()
            deltaTime       = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity        = m_Velocities,
            acceleration    = m_Acceleration,
            accelerationMod = m_AccelerationMod

        m_Job = new PositionUpdateJob()
            deltaTime = Time.deltaTime,
            position  = m_Positions,
            velocity  = m_Velocities,

        m_AccelJobHandle = m_AccelJob.Schedule(m_Positions.Length, 64);
        m_JobHandle      = m_Job.Schedule(m_Positions.Length, 64, m_AccelJobHandle);
    public void Update()
        accelJob = new AccelerationJob()
            deltaTime = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity  = Velocities,
            accel     = acceleration,
            accelM    = accelerationM

        posJob = new PositionUpdateJob()
            deltatime = Time.deltaTime,
            velocity  = Velocities

        AccelJobHandle = accelJob.Schedule(m_ObjectCount, 64);
        postJobHandle  = posJob.Schedule(transformsAccessArray, AccelJobHandle);