Esempio n. 1
        public void MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // Position the placement icon
            Point pos = e.GetPosition(m_canvas);

            m_placementIcon.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, pos.X - 20.0);
            m_placementIcon.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, pos.Y - 20.0);

            // Show the placement icon if it wasn't already visible
            if (Visibility.Visible != m_placementIcon.Visibility)
                m_placementIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // Set border highlight if we're hoving over a stream endpoint
            DraggableStreamEndpoint endpoint = m_canvas.GetChildAt(pos, m_placementIcon) as

            if (null == endpoint)
                m_placementIcon.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0.0);
                AbstractProcessUnit temp = (AbstractProcessUnit)
                                           Activator.CreateInstance(m_type, -1);
                m_placementIcon.BorderThickness = new Thickness(2.0);
                m_placementIcon.BorderBrush     = (endpoint.CanConnectTo(temp) ? s_greenBrush : s_redBrush);
Esempio n. 2
        public AttachOutgoingStream(AbstractProcessUnit processUnit, AbstractStream outgoingStream)
            if (null == processUnit || null == outgoingStream)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            m_pu     = processUnit;
            m_stream = outgoingStream;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes this control from the canvas. This includes removal of controls that are
        /// "attached" to this control, such as the comment sticky note controls.
        /// This is considered disposal of the control and it should not be used anymore
        /// after calling this method.
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveSelfFromCanvas(UI.DrawingCanvas canvas)
            // Unsubscribe from events (important)
            m_stream.PropertyChanged            -= this.Stream_PropertyChanged;
            m_stream.Comments.CollectionChanged -= this.Comments_CollectionChanged;
            if (null != m_sourceEventItem)
                m_sourceEventItem.PropertyChanged -= this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;
                m_sourceEventItem = null;
            if (null != m_destEventItem)
                m_destEventItem.PropertyChanged -= this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;
                m_destEventItem = null;
            if (null != m_table)
                m_stream.PropertiesTable.PropertyChanged -= this.PropertiesTable_PropertyChanged;

            if (null != m_miniTable)
            if (null != m_square)
            if (null != m_arrow)

            // Remove all the lines
            foreach (Line line in m_lines)

            foreach (StickyNoteControl snc in m_stickyNotes)

            // Set the value to indiate that we've removed
            m_hasBeenRemoved = true;
Esempio n. 4
        private void UpdateEquationModelElements(EquationModel equation)
            List <object> relevantUnits = new List <object>();

            //supply different PFD elements to the model depending on its scope
            switch (equation.Scope.Classification)
            //With a single unit, all we care about is that unit and its related streams
            case EquationScopeClassification.SingleUnit:
                AbstractProcessUnit selectedUnit = (from element in m_workspace.ProcessUnits
                                                    where (element as AbstractProcessUnit).Label == equation.Scope.Name
                                                    select element).FirstOrDefault() as AbstractProcessUnit;
                if (selectedUnit != null)
                    relevantUnits = GetElementAndStreams(selectedUnit);

            //ChemProV doesn't currently support sub processes, but this is where
            //that logic would go
            case EquationScopeClassification.SubProcess:

            //AC: Not sure what should happen here
            case EquationScopeClassification.Unknown:

            //Pull all source and sink units as well as their streams
            case EquationScopeClassification.Overall:
                // TODO: Fix or remove

                //List<GenericProcessUnit> units = (from element in PfdElements
                //                            where element is GenericProcessUnit
                //                            &&
                //                            (
                //                             (element as GenericProcessUnit).Description == ProcessUnitDescriptions.Sink
                //                             ||
                //                             (element as GenericProcessUnit).Description == ProcessUnitDescriptions.Source
                //                            )
                //                            select element as GenericProcessUnit).ToList();
                //foreach (GenericProcessUnit unit in units)
                //    relevantUnits = relevantUnits.Union(GetElementAndStreams(unit)).ToList();

            //assign the updated list to the equation
            equation.RelatedElements = relevantUnits;
Esempio n. 5
        public SetStreamDestination(AbstractStream stream, AbstractProcessUnit destForThis,
                                    AbstractProcessUnit destForOpposite, MathCore.Vector location)
            m_stream   = stream as AbstractStream;
            m_pu       = destForThis;
            m_location = location;

            // Create the opposite action
            m_opposite            = new SetStreamDestination();
            m_opposite.m_location = location;
            m_opposite.m_opposite = this;
            m_opposite.m_pu       = destForOpposite;
            m_opposite.m_stream   = m_stream;
Esempio n. 6
        public SetStreamSource(AbstractStream stream, AbstractProcessUnit sourceForThis,
                               AbstractProcessUnit sourceForOpposite, MathCore.Vector locationForDSE)
            m_stream   = stream as AbstractStream;
            m_pu       = sourceForThis;
            m_location = locationForDSE;

            // Create the opposite action
            m_opposite            = new SetStreamSource();
            m_opposite.m_location = locationForDSE;
            m_opposite.m_opposite = this;
            m_opposite.m_pu       = sourceForOpposite;
            m_opposite.m_stream   = m_stream;
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes this control from the canvas. This includes removal of controls that are
        /// "attached" to this control, such as the comment sticky note controls.
        /// This is considered "disposing" the control and it should not be used after this call.
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveSelfFromCanvas(UI.DrawingCanvas owner)
            // Unsubscribe from events
            m_pu.Comments.CollectionChanged -= this.CommentCollectionChanged;
            m_pu.PropertyChanged            -= this.ProcessUnit_PropertyChanged;

            foreach (ChemProV.UI.StickyNoteControl snc in m_stickyNotes)

            // Set the process unit reference to null
            m_pu = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use CreateOnCanvas
        /// </summary>
        private ProcessUnitControl(DrawingCanvas canvas, AbstractProcessUnit processUnit)

            // Store a reference to the canvas and process unit
            m_pu     = processUnit;
            m_canvas = canvas;

            // Create the icon image
            BitmapImage bmp = new BitmapImage();

            bmp.UriSource = new Uri(GetIconSource(processUnit.GetType()), UriKind.Relative);
            ProcessUnitImage.SetValue(Image.SourceProperty, bmp);

            // Set the background color based on the subprocess
            Color clr;

            if (Core.App.TryParseColor(m_pu.Subprocess, out clr))
                ProcessUnitBorder.Background = new SolidColorBrush(clr);

            ProcessUnitNameText.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(ProcessUnitNameText_MouseLeftButtonDown);
            ProcessUnitNameBox.MouseLeftButtonDown  += new MouseButtonEventHandler(ProcessUnitNameBox_MouseLeftButtonDown);
            ProcessUnitNameBox.LostFocus            += new RoutedEventHandler(ProcessUnitNameBox_LostFocus);
            ProcessUnitNameBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ProcessUnitNameBox_KeyDown);

            // Create the icon image
            ProcessUnitImage.SetValue(Image.SourceProperty, ProcessUnitImage.Source);

            // Set the default label
            ProcessUnitNameText.Text = ProcessUnitNameBox.Text = m_pu.Label;

            // Setup the event listener for the comment collection. It is the responsibility of this
            // control to create and manage the sticky note controls for its comments
            processUnit.Comments.CollectionChanged += CommentCollectionChanged;

            // Setup the event listener for property changes. When things like the location property
            // change, we'll need to update our position on the canvas.
            processUnit.PropertyChanged += this.ProcessUnit_PropertyChanged;

            // Just a note that we don't need to watch when the incoming or outgoing streams change
            // because that doesn't affect how we present the process unit in the UI

            // Invoke the comment change event to do the intial creation of comment controls
                                     new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));
Esempio n. 9
        private List <object> GetElementAndStreams(AbstractProcessUnit unit)
            List <object> elements = new List <object>();

            // Add the process unit as well as its incoming and outgoing streams
            foreach (AbstractStream element in unit.IncomingStreams)
            foreach (AbstractStream element in unit.OutgoingStreams)
Esempio n. 10
        public static ProcessUnitControl CreateOnCanvas(DrawingCanvas canvas,
                                                        AbstractProcessUnit processUnit)
            ProcessUnitControl pu = new ProcessUnitControl(canvas, processUnit);


            // Set the initial location
            pu.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, processUnit.Location.X - pu.Width / 2.0);
            pu.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, processUnit.Location.Y - pu.Height / 2.0);

            // Make sure we have the right z-order
            pu.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 1);

Esempio n. 11
        public ProcessUnitControl GetProcessUnitControl(AbstractProcessUnit unit)
            foreach (UIElement uie in Children)
                if (!(uie is ProcessUnitControl))

                ProcessUnitControl pu = uie as ProcessUnitControl;
                if (object.ReferenceEquals(pu.ProcessUnit, unit))

Esempio n. 12
        public MovingStreamEndpoint(DraggableStreamEndpoint endpoint,
                                    DrawingCanvas canvas, bool creatingStream)
            m_dragIcon       = endpoint;
            m_canvas         = canvas;
            m_creatingStream = creatingStream;
            m_stream         = endpoint.ParentStream.Stream;

            if (m_dragIcon.IsSource)
                m_startLocation      = m_stream.SourceLocation;
                m_connectedToOnStart = m_stream.Source;
                m_startLocation      = m_stream.DestinationLocation;
                m_connectedToOnStart = m_stream.Destination;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether or not this endpoint can connect to the specified process unit
        /// </summary>
        public bool CanConnectTo(AbstractProcessUnit processUnit)
            // The logic to determine this is already implemented in the process unit. We just
            // have to identify whether we're incoming or outgoing.
            if (EndpointType.StreamDestination == m_type)
                return(processUnit.CanAcceptIncomingStream(m_owner.Stream) &&
                       !object.ReferenceEquals(processUnit, m_owner.Stream.Source));
            else if (EndpointType.StreamSource == m_type)
                return(processUnit.CanAcceptOutgoingStream(m_owner.Stream) &&
                       !object.ReferenceEquals(processUnit, m_owner.Stream.Destination));

            // If we're already connected then we cannot connect to anything else. Endpoints attach
            // to only one item.
Esempio n. 14
        private StreamControl(DrawingCanvas canvas, AbstractStream stream)
            m_canvas = canvas;
            m_stream = stream;


            if (null != canvas && null != stream)
                // Create the brush for the stream line
                if (stream is HeatStream)
                    m_streamLineNotSelected = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                    m_streamLineNotSelected = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

                // Create the drag handle for the source
                m_sourceDragIcon = new DraggableStreamEndpoint(
                    this, canvas);
                m_sourceDragIcon.Width    = m_sourceDragIcon.Height = 20.0;
                m_sourceDragIcon.Location = new Point(m_stream.SourceLocation.X, m_stream.SourceLocation.Y);
                // Add it to the canvas
                // Set the Z-index
                m_sourceDragIcon.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 2);
                // Setup mouse events
                m_sourceDragIcon.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(DragIcon_MouseLeftButtonDown);

                // Create the drag handle for the destination
                m_dstDragIcon = new DraggableStreamEndpoint(
                    this, canvas);
                // Add it to the canvas
                // Set the Z-index
                m_dstDragIcon.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 2);
                // Show it if there's no destination, hide it otherwise
                m_dstDragIcon.Visibility = (null == m_stream.Destination) ?
                                           Visibility.Visible : System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                // Setup mouse events
                m_dstDragIcon.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(DragIcon_MouseLeftButtonDown);

                // Create the arrow polygon control
                m_arrow = new Polygon();
                // Set the fill
                m_arrow.Fill = m_streamLineNotSelected;
                // Add it to the canvas
                // Set the Z-index
                m_arrow.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 2);
                // Add 3 points/vertices
                m_arrow.Points.Add(new Point());
                m_arrow.Points.Add(new Point());
                m_arrow.Points.Add(new Point());
                // Hide it if there's no destination
                if (null == m_stream.Destination)
                    m_arrow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                // Setup mouse events
                if (!(m_stream.Destination is HeatExchangerWithUtility))
                    m_arrow.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(DestinationArrow_MouseLeftButtonDown);


                // Create the table

                // Watch for when the table location changes
                m_stream.PropertiesTable.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PropertiesTable_PropertyChanged);

                // Add it to the canvas and set it up
                m_canvas.AddNewChild(m_table as UIElement);

                UserControl tableAsUiElement = m_table as UserControl;

                //This sets the tables index to the greatest so it will be above everything
                tableAsUiElement.SetValue(System.Windows.Controls.Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 3);

                tableAsUiElement.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler((canvas as DrawingCanvas).MouseLeftButtonDownHandler);
                tableAsUiElement.MouseLeftButtonUp   += new MouseButtonEventHandler((canvas as DrawingCanvas).MouseLeftButtonUpHandler);

                // Hook up event listeners to the stream if non-null. We need to monitor:
                //  1. Changes in the comment collection
                //  2. Changes to the source process units properties (position)
                //  3. Changes to the destination process units properties (position)
                //  4. Changes to the source or destination references

                // 1.
                // Setup the event listener for the comment collection. It is the responsibility of this
                // control to create and manage the sticky note controls for its comments
                m_stream.Comments.CollectionChanged += Comments_CollectionChanged;
                // Invoke the callback to create sticky notes for comments
                Comments_CollectionChanged(m_stream.Comments, null);

                // 2.
                if (null != stream.Source)
                    m_sourceEventItem              = stream.Source;
                    stream.Source.PropertyChanged += this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;

                // 3.
                if (null != stream.Destination)
                    m_destEventItem = stream.Destination;
                    stream.Destination.PropertyChanged += this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;

                // 4.
                stream.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Stream_PropertyChanged);
Esempio n. 15
        private void Stream_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // If we're told to ignore these then just return
            if (m_ignoreStreamPropertyChanges)

            // Set the ignore flag to avoid recursion
            m_ignoreStreamPropertyChanges = true;

            if (e.PropertyName.Equals("Source"))
                // Unsubscribe from the old source
                if (null != m_sourceEventItem)
                    m_sourceEventItem.PropertyChanged -= this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;

                // Keep the reference to the new source
                m_sourceEventItem = m_stream.Source;

                // Subscribe to the new source
                if (null != m_stream.Source)
                    m_stream.Source.PropertyChanged += this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;

                    // Set the source location to that of the source process unit
                    m_stream.SourceLocation = m_stream.Source.Location;

                // Update the stream's location
            else if (e.PropertyName.Equals("Destination"))
                // Unsubscribe from the old destination
                if (null != m_destEventItem)
                    m_destEventItem.PropertyChanged -= this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;

                // Keep the reference to the new destination
                m_destEventItem = m_stream.Destination;

                // Subscribe to the new destination
                if (null != m_stream.Destination)
                    m_stream.Destination.PropertyChanged += this.SourceOrDest_PropertyChanged;

                    // Hide the destination drag icon. We need to use the arrow.
                    m_dstDragIcon.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                    // Null destination means we need to show the drag icon and not the arrow
                    m_dstDragIcon.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    m_arrow.Visibility       = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

                // Update the stream's location
            else if (e.PropertyName.Equals("SourceLocation"))
                // Position the drag icon if the source is null
                if (null == m_stream.Source)
                    m_sourceDragIcon.Location = new Point(
                        m_stream.SourceLocation.X, m_stream.SourceLocation.Y);

            else if (e.PropertyName.Equals("DestinationLocation"))
                // Position the drag icon if the destination is null
                if (null == m_stream.Destination)
                    m_dstDragIcon.Location = new Point(
                        m_stream.DestinationLocation.X, m_stream.DestinationLocation.Y);

            else if (e.PropertyName.Equals("Id"))
                if (null != m_miniTable)
                    m_miniTable.NameTextBlock.Text = "S" + m_stream.Id.ToString();

            // Reset the flag
            m_ignoreStreamPropertyChanges = false;
Esempio n. 16
 public SetSubprocess(AbstractProcessUnit processUnit)
     m_value = processUnit.Subprocess;
     m_pu    = processUnit;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles mouse-left-button-down event for placing a heat exchanger with utility
        /// </summary>
        public void MLBD_HEWU(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Start by getting the mouse position
            Point pos = e.GetPosition(m_canvas);

            // See if we have a DraggableStreamEndpoint where we clicked
            DraggableStreamEndpoint endpoint = m_canvas.GetChildAt(pos, m_placementIcon) as

            // Remove the placement icon and then set it to null to indicate state completion
            m_placementIcon = null;

            // If there's not an endpoint:
            // 1. Create and attach an incoming heat stream. Position the source endpoint just
            //    below the process unit
            // 2. Create an undo that will remove both
            // 3. Switch to the appropriate state for moving the source endpoint
            if (null == endpoint)
                // Create the actual process unit
                AbstractProcessUnit apu = (AbstractProcessUnit)Activator.CreateInstance(
                    m_type, AbstractProcessUnit.GetNextUID());
                apu.Location = new MathCore.Vector(pos.X, pos.Y);

                HeatStream s = new HeatStream();
                s.Destination     = apu;
                s.PropertiesTable = new StreamPropertiesTable(s);

                // Position the source of the heat stream. It's above the process unit by default, unless
                // that would make it go off the screen
                if (apu.Location.Y < 150.0)
                    s.SourceLocation = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X - 10.0, apu.Location.Y + 80.0);
                    s.PropertiesTable.Location = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X + 10.0, apu.Location.Y + 140.0);
                    s.SourceLocation = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X - 10.0, apu.Location.Y - 80.0);
                    s.PropertiesTable.Location = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X + 10.0, apu.Location.Y - 100.0);

                // Add the stream and the process unit to the workspace. Event handlers will update
                // the UI appropriately.

                m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo creation of heat exchanger with utility",
                                                           new Logic.Undos.DetachIncomingStream(apu, s),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.SetStreamDestination(s, null, apu, s.DestinationLocation),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveStream(s),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveProcessUnit(apu)));

                // Select nothing on the canvas
                m_canvas.SelectedElement = null;



            // Otherwise, if we HAVE clicked on an endpoint, just deny it by doing nothing
Esempio n. 18
        public void MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // We don't process messages if the placement icon is null
            if (null == m_placementIcon)

            // Handle heat exchanger with utility as a special case
            if (m_type.Equals(typeof(HeatExchangerWithUtility)))
                MLBD_HEWU(sender, e);

            // Start by getting the mouse position
            Point pos = e.GetPosition(m_canvas);

            MathCore.Vector vPos = new MathCore.Vector(pos.X, pos.Y);

            // See if we have a DraggableStreamEndpoint where we clicked
            DraggableStreamEndpoint endpoint = m_canvas.GetChildAt(pos, m_placementIcon) as

            // Remove the placement icon and then set it to null to indicate state completion
            m_placementIcon = null;

            // Determine a unique identifier for the process unit
            int uid;

                uid = AbstractProcessUnit.GetNextUID();
            }while (null != m_workspace.GetProcessUnit(uid));

            // If there's not an endpoint, we create the process unit with no stream connections
            if (null == endpoint)
                AbstractProcessUnit unit = (AbstractProcessUnit)Activator.CreateInstance(
                    m_type, uid);

                // Set the location
                unit.Location = new MathCore.Vector(pos.X, pos.Y);

                // Add it to the workspace

                // Add an undo that will remove it
                m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo process unit creation",
                                                           new ChemProV.Logic.Undos.RemoveProcessUnit(unit)));

                m_canvas.SelectedElement = null;

                // Tell the control palette to switch back to select mode and then return

            // Otherwise, if we HAVE clicked on an endpoint...

            // Check to see if we can't connect this way
            AbstractProcessUnit temp = (AbstractProcessUnit)
                                       Activator.CreateInstance(m_type, -1);

            if (!endpoint.CanConnectTo(temp))
                // The usability here may be debatable. But for now we'll cancel placement and
                // give the user an error message
                Core.App.MessageBox("The stream endpoint that you clicked cannot connect with " +
                                    "the process unit that you were placing.");

            // Otherwise, if we CAN connect this way...

            // Create the process unit
            AbstractProcessUnit apu = (AbstractProcessUnit)
                                      Activator.CreateInstance(m_type, uid);

            // Make the undo and then the actual attachment
            if (DraggableStreamEndpoint.EndpointType.StreamDestination == endpoint.Type)
                // Set the location
                apu.Location = endpoint.ParentStream.Stream.DestinationLocation;

                // Create an undo that sets the stream destination back to what it was and removes the
                // process unit
                m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo process unit creation + attachment",
                                                           new Logic.Undos.SetStreamDestination(endpoint.ParentStream.Stream, null, apu, vPos),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveProcessUnit(apu)));

                endpoint.ParentStream.Stream.Destination = apu;
                // Set the location
                apu.Location = endpoint.ParentStream.Stream.SourceLocation;

                // Create an undo that sets the stream source back to what it was and removes the
                // process unit from the canvas
                AbstractStream stream = endpoint.ParentStream.Stream;
                m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo process unit creation + attachment",
                                                           new Logic.Undos.SetStreamSource(stream, null, apu, stream.SourceLocation),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveProcessUnit(apu)));

                endpoint.ParentStream.Stream.Source = apu;

            // Don't forget to add the process unit to the workspace. Event handlers will update the
            // UI appropriately.

            m_canvas.SelectedElement = null;

            // Go back to select mode
Esempio n. 19
 public SetProcessUnitLabel(AbstractProcessUnit unit, string labelToSetOnExecution)
     m_lpu   = unit;
     m_label = labelToSetOnExecution;
Esempio n. 20
 public RemoveProcessUnit(AbstractProcessUnit unitToRemove)
     m_remove = unitToRemove;
Esempio n. 21
 public SetProcessUnitLocation(AbstractProcessUnit processUnit, MathCore.Vector location)
     m_apu      = processUnit;
     m_location = location;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges comments from two Xml document streams into a new output Xml document stream. Comment
        /// merging is not commutative. One document must be considered to be the parent and another a
        /// child. ALL content from the parent will appear in the output. Comments from the child
        /// document will only be written to the output if they exist for shared entities. That is, if
        /// there is a comment in the child document that is tied to a process unit with Id=GPU_30, then
        /// it will only be written the output document if the parent also contained a process unit with
        /// the same Id.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Merge(Stream parent, string parentUserNameIfNotInXml, Stream child,
                                 string childUserNameIfNotInXml, Stream output)
            // We need all streams to be non-null
            if (null == parent)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          "Parent stream for comment merging cannot be null");
            if (null == child)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          "Child stream for comment merging cannot be null");
            if (null == output)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          "Output stream for comment merging cannot be null");

            // Load the workspaces from the streams
            Workspace wsParent = new Workspace();

            Workspace wsChild = new Workspace();


            // What we will do in this method is alter wsParent to contain relevant content from the
            // child workspace and then save it to the output stream.

            // Start by setting user names for comments in both workspaces. We leave the user names
            // alone if they are not null or empty but otherwise we set them to the values specified
            // by the caller.
            SetUserNameIfAbsent(wsParent, parentUserNameIfNotInXml);
            SetUserNameIfAbsent(wsChild, childUserNameIfNotInXml);

            // Start with the free-floating sticky note comments. We want to take the ones from the
            // child and add them into the parent. But we want to avoid duplicates in the process.
            foreach (StickyNote sn in wsChild.StickyNotes)
                // If they have the same text and location then we'll skip
                if (WorkspaceUtility.ContainsFFSNWithValues(wsParent, sn.Text,
                                                            new MathCore.Vector(sn.LocationX, sn.LocationY)))

                // Add it to the parent

            // Next do process units in the child
            foreach (AbstractProcessUnit apuChild in wsChild.ProcessUnits)
                AbstractProcessUnit apuParent = wsParent.GetProcessUnit(apuChild.Id);

                // If the parent workspace doesn't contain a process unit with the same ID then we
                // skip it
                if (null == apuParent)

                foreach (StickyNote comment in apuChild.Comments)
                    if (WorkspaceUtility.CollectionContainsItemWithText(apuParent.Comments, comment.Text))
                        // Skip it if there's already a comment with the same text

                    // Add it to the parent process unit

            // Now do streams in the child
            foreach (AbstractStream sChild in wsChild.Streams)
                AbstractStream sParent = wsParent.GetStream(sChild.Id);

                // If the parent workspace doesn't contain a stream with the same ID then we
                // skip it
                if (null == sParent)

                foreach (StickyNote comment in sChild.Comments)
                    if (WorkspaceUtility.CollectionContainsItemWithText(sParent.Comments, comment.Text))
                        // Skip it if there's already a comment with the same text

                    // Add the comment to the parent stream

            // Equation comments need to be merged as well
            foreach (EquationModel emChild in wsChild.Equations)
                // Get the equation object in the parent with the same ID
                EquationModel emParent = wsParent.Equations.GetById(emChild.Id);

                // If we can't find it then move on to the next
                if (null == emParent)

                // Now add each comment in the child that isn't already in the parent
                foreach (BasicComment bcChild in emChild.Comments)
                    if (!emParent.ContainsComment(bcChild.CommentText))

            // Lastly we deal with the comments for the degrees of freedom analysis. We only
            // merge in comments from the child if the analysis text is the same in both.
            if (wsParent.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.Text == wsChild.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.Text)
                foreach (BasicComment bcChild in wsChild.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.Comments)
                    if (!wsParent.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.ContainsComment(bcChild.CommentText))

            // Now that we have everything merged into the parent workspace, we just save it to the
            // output stream
Esempio n. 23
        public void SetCommentObject(StickyNote comment, object parent)
            if (null != m_sticky)
                // Remove event handler before changing this value
                m_sticky.PropertyChanged -= this.StickyNote_PropertyChanged;
            if (null != m_basic)
                m_basic.OnTextChanged -= this.BasicComment_OnTextChanged;

            // IMPORTANT: Unsubscribe from parent control property changes (if applicable)
            if (null != m_parentObject)
                if (m_parentObject is AbstractProcessUnit)
                    (m_parentObject as AbstractProcessUnit).PropertyChanged -= this.ParentPU_PropertyChanged;
                else if (m_parentObject is AbstractStream)
                    (m_parentObject as AbstractStream).PropertyChanged -= this.ParentStream_PropertyChanged;

            // Store references
            m_basic        = null;
            m_sticky       = comment;
            m_parentObject = parent;

            AbstractStream      parentStream = parent as AbstractStream;
            AbstractProcessUnit parentAPU    = parent as AbstractProcessUnit;

            // Update the UI elements if the comment is not null
            if (null != m_sticky)
                CommentTextBox.Text   = m_sticky.Text;
                UserNameLabel.Content = m_sticky.UserName;

                // Subsribe to property changes
                m_sticky.PropertyChanged += this.StickyNote_PropertyChanged;

                // Allow editing but not deletion
                CommentTextBox.IsReadOnly = false;
                XLabel.Visibility         = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

                // Show or hide the icon based on the parent
                if (null != parentStream)
                    // Get the right icon for this type of stream
                    string      iconSource = PFD.Streams.StreamControl.GetIconSource(parent.GetType());
                    BitmapImage bmp        = new BitmapImage();
                    bmp.UriSource = new Uri(iconSource, UriKind.Relative);
                    IconImage.SetValue(Image.SourceProperty, bmp);

                    // Make sure the icon is visible
                    IconImage.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    TitleBarGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(20.0);

                    // Give the icon a tooltip that tells what this is a comment for
                    ToolTipService.SetToolTip(IconImage, "Comment for stream #" +

                    // Subscribe to property changes for the stream
                    parentStream.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(ParentStream_PropertyChanged);
                else if (null != parentAPU)
                    // Get the right icon for this type of process unit
                    string      iconSource = ProcessUnitControl.GetIconSource(parent.GetType());
                    BitmapImage bmp        = new BitmapImage();
                    bmp.UriSource = new Uri(iconSource, UriKind.Relative);
                    IconImage.SetValue(Image.SourceProperty, bmp);

                    // Make sure the icon is visible
                    IconImage.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    TitleBarGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(20.0);

                    // Give the icon a tooltip that tells what this is a comment for
                    ToolTipService.SetToolTip(IconImage, "Comment for " +
                                              (m_parentObject as AbstractProcessUnit).Label);

                    // Subscribe to property changes for the process unit
                    parentAPU.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(ParentPU_PropertyChanged);
                    // Make sure the icon is hidden
                    IconImage.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                    TitleBarGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(0.0);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the control palette with appropriate controls based on the difficulty setting. This
        /// must be called each time the user changes the difficulty setting in the application.
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshPalette(OptionDifficultySetting setting)
            // Show or hide the heat stream button based on the setting
            if ((new HeatStream(-1)).IsAvailableWithDifficulty(setting))
                HeatStreamButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                HeatStreamButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Now we use reflection to create the process unit buttons

            // First clear the content in the process unit stack panel

            // We will create potentially multiple stack panels for rows of buttons
            StackPanel spPUs = null;

            // Keep track of how many buttons we create
            int puBtns = 0;

            // Use reflection to find appropriate process units and streams for the palette
            Assembly a = typeof(Logic.AbstractProcessUnit).Assembly;

            foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes())
                // Ignore abstract types
                if (t.IsAbstract)

                // We only are interested in types that inherit from AbstractProcessUnit
                if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AbstractProcessUnit)) && !t.IsAbstract)
                    // We've found a potential process unit, but we need to make sure that
                    // it can be created under the specified difficulty setting
                    AbstractProcessUnit unit =
                        Activator.CreateInstance(t, (int)-1) as AbstractProcessUnit;
                    if (unit.IsAvailableWithDifficulty(setting))
                        if (0 == (puBtns % m_buttonsPerRow))
                            // Create a new row
                            spPUs             = new StackPanel();
                            spPUs.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

                            // Add the first button to it
                                                   ProcessUnitControl.GetIconSource(t), unit.Description, t));

                                                   ProcessUnitControl.GetIconSource(t), unit.Description, t));

Esempio n. 25
        public void TestCommentMerge()
            // Build a workspace with 2 process units
            Workspace           ws1  = new Workspace();
            AbstractProcessUnit apu1 = new Separator();
            AbstractProcessUnit apu2 = new Separator();


            // Add 2 comments to the first and 3 to the second. These will be comments shared
            // between the two workspaces
            apu1.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment 1 on APU1"
            apu1.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment 2 on APU1"
            apu2.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment 1 on APU2"
            apu2.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment 2 on APU2"
            apu2.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment 3 on APU2"

            // Save the workspace to a memory stream
            MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream();


            // Load to a new workspace. The two workspaces should have identical content after
            // the load.
            Workspace ws2 = new Workspace();


            // Get the process units from the second workspace
            AbstractProcessUnit ws2_apu1 = ws2.GetProcessUnit(apu1.Id);
            AbstractProcessUnit ws2_apu2 = ws2.GetProcessUnit(apu2.Id);

            // Make sure that they both exist
            if (null == ws2_apu1 || null == ws2_apu2)
                Assert.Fail("After save, one or more process units was not found (TestCommentMerge)");

            // Now is where we add comments that are unique to the different workspaces
            apu1.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment on APU1 only in WS1"
            apu2.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment on APU2 only in WS1"
            ws2_apu1.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment on APU1 only in WS2"
            ws2_apu2.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Comment on APU2 only in WS2"
            ws2_apu2.Comments.Add(new StickyNote()
                Text = "Another comment on APU2 only in WS2"

            // (Re-)create the memory streams and save both workspaces
            ms1 = new MemoryStream();
            MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream();


            // Allocate a third memory stream for the merge
            MemoryStream msMerged = new MemoryStream();

            // Merge
            Core.CommentMerger.Merge(ms1, "WS1_User", ms2, "WS2_User", msMerged);

            // Load back into a workspace and verify

            // ------ VERIFICATION ------

            // There should be 2 process units
            apu1 = ws1.GetProcessUnit(apu1.Id);
            apu2 = ws1.GetProcessUnit(apu2.Id);
            if (null == ws2_apu1 || null == ws2_apu2)
                Assert.Fail("After comment merge, one or more process units was not found (TestCommentMerge)");

            // The first one should have 4 comments. 2 from the original two that are in both documents, 1
            // unique to the first workspace and 1 unique to the second
            Assert.IsTrue(4 == apu1.Comments.Count,
                          "Process unit APU1 in document after merge should have 4 comments but has " +

            // The second one should have 6 comments. 3 from the original two that are in both documents, 1
            // unique to the first workspace and 2 unique to the second
            Assert.IsTrue(6 == apu2.Comments.Count,
                          "Process unit APU2 in document after merge should have 5 comments but has " +
Esempio n. 26
 public DetachIncomingStream(AbstractProcessUnit processUnit, AbstractStream incomingStream)
     m_pu     = processUnit;
     m_stream = incomingStream;
Esempio n. 27
        public void TestSaveLoad()
            int       i;
            Workspace ws1  = new Workspace();
            Random    rand = new Random();

            // Add a random number of process units
            List <int> puIDs = new List <int>();
            int        numPU = rand.Next(25);

            for (i = 0; i < numPU; i++)
                AbstractProcessUnit pu = new Mixer();

            // Add a random number of chemical streams
            int numStreams = rand.Next(10);

            for (i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
                AbstractStream stream = new ChemicalStream(AbstractStream.GetNextUID());

                // Don't forget that the properties table needs to be created separately
                stream.PropertiesTable = new StreamPropertiesTable(stream);

                // 50% chance of connecting a destination (attempting a connect that is)
                if (0 == (rand.Next() % 2))
                    AbstractProcessUnit pu = ws1.ProcessUnits[rand.Next(ws1.ProcessUnitCount)];
                    if (pu.AttachIncomingStream(stream))
                        stream.Destination = pu;

            // Save the workspace to a memory stream
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            ws1.Save(ms, "TEST_VersionNA");

            // Load to a new workspace
            Workspace ws2 = new Workspace();


            // Make sure the number of process units and streams match
            Assert.IsTrue(numPU == ws2.ProcessUnitCount,
                          "Number of process units between saved document (" + numPU.ToString() +
                          ") and loaded document (" + ws2.ProcessUnitCount.ToString() + ") do not match");
            Assert.IsTrue(numStreams == ws2.Streams.Count,
                          "Number of streams between saved document (" + numStreams.ToString() +
                          ") and loaded document (" + ws2.Streams.Count.ToString() + ") do not match");

            // Test that the incoming/outgoing streams for process units match
            foreach (AbstractProcessUnit pu1 in ws1.ProcessUnits)
                AbstractProcessUnit pu2 = ws2.GetProcessUnit(pu1.Id);
                                 "Process unit with ID=" + pu1.Id.ToString() + " from workspace 1 (saved) was not " +
                                 "found in workspace 2 (loaded).");

                // For now just compare outoging stream count
                Assert.IsTrue(pu1.OutgoingStreamCount == pu2.OutgoingStreamCount,
                              "Mis-match outgoing stream count");