private static void AddObjectLayerTiles(ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo, AbstractMapLayer tiledLayer, Tileset tileSet, uint?gid, int tileWidth, int tileHeight) { var asMapLayer = tiledLayer as mapObjectgroup; // early out if (asMapLayer.@object == null) { return; } foreach (var objectInstance in asMapLayer.@object) { if (objectInstance.gid > 0) { ReducedQuadInfo quad = new DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo(); quad.LeftQuadCoordinate = (float)objectInstance.x; quad.BottomQuadCoordinate = (float)-objectInstance.y; quad.OverridingWidth = objectInstance.width; quad.OverridingHeight = objectInstance.height; quad.RotationDegrees = (float)objectInstance.Rotation; quad.FlipFlags = (byte)(gid.Value & 0xf0000000 >> 7); var valueWithoutFlip = gid.Value & 0x0fffffff; int leftPixelCoord; int topPixelCoord; int rightPixelCoord; int bottomPixelCoord; TiledMapSave.GetPixelCoordinatesFromGid(gid.Value, tileSet, out leftPixelCoord, out topPixelCoord, out rightPixelCoord, out bottomPixelCoord); quad.LeftTexturePixel = (ushort)Math.Min(leftPixelCoord, rightPixelCoord); quad.TopTexturePixel = (ushort)Math.Min(topPixelCoord, bottomPixelCoord); quad.Name = objectInstance.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(quad.Name)) { var prop = quad.QuadSpecificProperties.FirstOrDefault(quadProp => quadProp.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "name"); quad.Name = (string)prop.Value; } reducedLayerInfo?.Quads.Add(quad); } } }
private static void CreateFromSpriteEditorScene(TiledMapSave tiledMapSave, float scale, float zOffset, FileReferenceType referenceType, ReducedTileMapInfo toReturn) { var ses = tiledMapSave.ToSceneSave(scale, referenceType); // This is not a stable sort! //ses.SpriteList.Sort((first, second) => first.Z.CompareTo(second.Z)); ses.SpriteList = ses.SpriteList.OrderBy(item => item.Z).ToList(); ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo = null; float z = float.NaN; int textureWidth = 0; int textureHeight = 0; AbstractMapLayer currentLayer = null; int indexInLayer = 0; foreach (var spriteSave in ses.SpriteList) { if (spriteSave.Z != z) { indexInLayer = 0; z = spriteSave.Z; int layerIndex = FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.RoundToInt(z - zOffset); var abstractMapLayer = tiledMapSave.MapLayers[layerIndex]; currentLayer = abstractMapLayer; reducedLayerInfo = new ReducedLayerInfo { Z = spriteSave.Z, Texture = spriteSave.Texture, Name = abstractMapLayer.Name, TileWidth = FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.RoundToInt(spriteSave.ScaleX * 2), TileHeight = FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.RoundToInt(spriteSave.ScaleY * 2) }; var mapLayer = abstractMapLayer as MapLayer; // This should have data: if (mapLayer != null) { var idOfTexture =[0].tiles.FirstOrDefault(item => item != 0); Tileset tileSet = tiledMapSave.GetTilesetForGid(idOfTexture); var tilesetIndex = tiledMapSave.Tilesets.IndexOf(tileSet); textureWidth = tileSet.Images[0].width; textureHeight = tileSet.Images[0].height; reducedLayerInfo.TextureId = tilesetIndex; toReturn.Layers.Add(reducedLayerInfo); } var objectGroup = tiledMapSave.MapLayers[layerIndex] as mapObjectgroup; // This code only works based on the assumption that only one tileset will be used in any given object layer's image objects var mapObjectgroupObject = [email protected](o => o.gid != null); if (mapObjectgroupObject?.gid != null) { var idOfTexture = mapObjectgroupObject.gid.Value; Tileset tileSet = tiledMapSave.GetTilesetForGid(idOfTexture); var tilesetIndex = tiledMapSave.Tilesets.IndexOf(tileSet); textureWidth = tileSet.Images[0].width; textureHeight = tileSet.Images[0].height; reducedLayerInfo.TextureId = tilesetIndex; toReturn.Layers.Add(reducedLayerInfo); } } ReducedQuadInfo quad = ReducedQuadInfo.FromSpriteSave(spriteSave, textureWidth, textureHeight); if (currentLayer is mapObjectgroup) { var asMapObjectGroup = currentLayer as mapObjectgroup; var objectInstance = asMapObjectGroup.@object[indexInLayer]; // skip over any non-sprite objects: while (objectInstance.gid == null) { indexInLayer++; if (indexInLayer >= [email protected]) { objectInstance = null; break; } else { objectInstance = asMapObjectGroup.@object[indexInLayer]; } } if (objectInstance != null && != 0) { var nameProperty = => item.StrippedNameLower == "name"); if (nameProperty != null) { quad.Name = nameProperty.value; } else { quad.Name = spriteSave.Name; bool needsName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteSave.Name); if (needsName) { quad.Name = $"_{currentLayer.Name}runtime{indexInLayer}"; } } List <NamedValue> list = new List <NamedValue>(); foreach (var property in { list.Add( new NamedValue { Name = property.StrippedName, Value = property.value, Type = property.Type } ); } quad.QuadSpecificProperties = list; } } reducedLayerInfo?.Quads.Add(quad); indexInLayer++; } }
private static void AddTileLayerTiles(TiledMapSave tiledMapSave, ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo, int i, AbstractMapLayer tiledLayer, Tileset tileSet, int tileWidth, int tileHeight) { var asMapLayer = tiledLayer as MapLayer; var count =[0].tiles.Count; for (int dataId = 0; dataId < count; dataId++) { var dataAtIndex =[0].tiles[dataId]; if (dataAtIndex != 0) { ReducedQuadInfo quad = new DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo(); float tileCenterX; float tileCenterY; float tileZ; tiledMapSave.CalculateWorldCoordinates(i, dataId, tileWidth, tileHeight, asMapLayer.width, out tileCenterX, out tileCenterY, out tileZ); quad.LeftQuadCoordinate = tileCenterX - tileWidth / 2.0f; quad.BottomQuadCoordinate = tileCenterY - tileHeight / 2.0f; var gid = dataAtIndex; //quad.FlipFlags = (byte)((gid & 0xf0000000) >> 28); var valueWithoutFlip = gid & 0x0fffffff; spriteSaveForConversion.RotationZ = 0; spriteSaveForConversion.FlipHorizontal = false; TiledMapSave.SetSpriteTextureCoordinates(gid, spriteSaveForConversion, tileSet, tiledMapSave.orientation); bool isRotated = spriteSaveForConversion.RotationZ != 0; if (isRotated) { quad.FlipFlags = (byte)(quad.FlipFlags | ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag); } var leftTextureCoordinate = System.Math.Min(spriteSaveForConversion.LeftTextureCoordinate, spriteSaveForConversion.RightTextureCoordinate); var topTextureCoordinate = System.Math.Min(spriteSaveForConversion.TopTextureCoordinate, spriteSaveForConversion.BottomTextureCoordinate); if (spriteSaveForConversion.LeftTextureCoordinate > spriteSaveForConversion.RightTextureCoordinate) { quad.FlipFlags = (byte)(quad.FlipFlags | ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag); } if (spriteSaveForConversion.TopTextureCoordinate > spriteSaveForConversion.BottomTextureCoordinate) { quad.FlipFlags = (byte)(quad.FlipFlags | ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag); } quad.LeftTexturePixel = (ushort)FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.RoundToInt(leftTextureCoordinate * tileSet.Images[0].width); quad.TopTexturePixel = (ushort)FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.RoundToInt(topTextureCoordinate * tileSet.Images[0].height); if (tileSet.TileDictionary.ContainsKey(valueWithoutFlip - tileSet.Firstgid)) { var dictionary = tileSet.TileDictionary[valueWithoutFlip - tileSet.Firstgid].PropertyDictionary; if (dictionary.ContainsKey("name")) { quad.Name = tileSet.TileDictionary[valueWithoutFlip - tileSet.Firstgid].PropertyDictionary["name"]; } else if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Name")) { quad.Name = tileSet.TileDictionary[valueWithoutFlip - tileSet.Firstgid].PropertyDictionary["Name"]; } } reducedLayerInfo?.Quads.Add(quad); } } }