Esempio n. 1
        public AboutPageViewModel(ILogger logger) : base(logger)
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "Created by Xamarin with <3", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "Open source on GitHub!", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "License GPL 3", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""

                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "PCL Storage", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "Settings Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "sqlite-net-pcl", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "Autofac", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "NLog", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "SSH.NET", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "Rg.Plugins.Popup", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "Microcharts", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "httptransfertasks", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new AboutMenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
        public SettingsPageViewModel(ILogger logger) : base(logger)
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "Created by Xamarin with <3", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "Open source on GitHub!", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "License GPL 3", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""

                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "PCL Storage", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "Settings Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "sqlite-net-pcl", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "Autofac", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "NLog", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new SettingsMenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
Esempio n. 3
        public SettingsViewModel()
            //This will be triggered wen
            Settings.PropertyChanged += async(sender, e) =>
                if (e.PropertyName == "Email")
                    Settings.NeedsSync = true;
                    //if logged in you should go ahead and sync data.
                    if (Settings.IsLoggedIn)
                        await ExecuteSyncCommandAsync();

            AboutItems.AddRange(new []
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Created by Xamarin with <3", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Open source on GitHub!", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Terms of Use", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Privacy Policy", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Open Source Notice", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""

            TechnologyItems.AddRange(new []
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Azure Mobile Apps", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Censored", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Calendar Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Connectivity Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Embedded Resource Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "External Maps Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Humanizer", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Image Circles", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Json.NET", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "LinqToTwitter", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Messaging Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Mvvm Helpers", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Noda Time", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Permissions Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "PCL Storage", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Pull to Refresh Layout", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Settings Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Toolkit for Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin Insights", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "ZXing.Net Mobile", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
        public SettingsViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IStoreManager storeManager, IToast toast, IFavoriteService favoriteService, ILoggerFacade logger, ILaunchTwitter twitter, ISSOClient ssoClient, IPushNotifications pushNotifications, IReminderService reminderService, IPageDialogService pageDialogService)
            : base(navigationService, eventAggregator, storeManager, toast, favoriteService, logger, twitter, ssoClient, pushNotifications, reminderService, pageDialogService)
            //This will be triggered wen
            Settings.PropertyChanged += async(sender, e) =>
                if (e.PropertyName == "Email")
                    Settings.NeedsSync = true;
                    //if logged in you should go ahead and sync data.
                    if (Settings.IsLoggedIn)
                        await ExecuteSyncCommandAsync();

                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Created by MyMie with love for Dev Open Space Leipzig", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Open source on GitHub!", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                //new Models.MenuItem { Name = "Open Source Notice", Command=LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter=""}

                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Azure Mobile Apps", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Censored", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Calendar Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Connectivity Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Embedded Resource Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "External Maps Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Image Circles", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Json.NET", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "LinqToTwitter", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Messaging Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Permissions Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin Evolve App", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "PCL Storage", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Pull to Refresh Layout", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Settings Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Toolkit for Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new Models.MenuItem {
                    Name = "Prism.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""

            AboutItems.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) =>
                AboutListHeightAdjustment = AboutItems.Count;
            AboutListHeightAdjustment = AboutItems.Count;
Esempio n. 5
        public SettingsViewModel(INavigation navigation) : base(navigation)
            signOnClient = DependencyService.Get <ISignOnClient>();

                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Created by Chris Risner", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Version: " + VersionNumber

                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "ACR User Dialogs", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Fody", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Fresh Essentials", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Connectivity Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Current Activity Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Modern HTTP Client", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Humanizer", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Image Circles", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Json.NET", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Mvvm Helpers", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Permissions Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Realm", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Share Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Pull to Refresh Layout", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Settings Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Toolkit for Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Visual Studio Mobile Center", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
Esempio n. 6
        public SettingsViewModel()
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = $"Created by {AboutThisApp.Developer} with <3",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = AboutThisApp.DeveloperWebsite
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = $"Big thanks to James Montemagno!",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = AboutThisApp.MontemagnoWebsite
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Open source on GitHub!",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = AboutThisApp.OpenSourceUrl
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Terms of Use",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = AboutThisApp.TermsOfUseUrl
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Privacy Policy",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = AboutThisApp.PrivacyPolicyUrl
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Open Source Notice",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = AboutThisApp.OpenSourceNoticeUrl

                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Censored",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Calendar Plugin",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Connectivity Plugin",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter =
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Embedded Resource Plugin",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Humanizer",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Image Circles",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter =
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Json.NET",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "LinqToTwitter",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Messaging Plugin",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Mvvm Helpers",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Noda Time",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Permissions Plugin",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter =
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "PCL Storage",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Pull to Refresh Layout",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter =
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Settings Plugin",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter =
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Toolkit for Xamarin.Forms",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Xamarin.Forms",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem
                    Name      = "Xamarin Insights",
                    Command   = LaunchBrowserCommand,
                    Parameter = ""
        public SettingsViewModel()
            //This will be triggered wen
            Settings.PropertyChanged += async(sender, e) =>
                if (e.PropertyName == "Email")
                    Settings.NeedsSync = true;
                    //if logged in you should go ahead and sync data.
                    if (Settings.IsLoggedIn)
                        await ExecuteSyncCommandAsync();

            AboutItems.AddRange(new []
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Created by Megsoft Consulting, Inc", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Open source on GitHub!", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""

            TechnologyItems.AddRange(new []
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Azure Mobile Apps", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Censored", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Calendar Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "External Maps Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Humanizer", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Image Circles", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Json.NET", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "LinqToTwitter", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Mvvm Helpers", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Noda Time", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Permissions Plugin", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Pull to Refresh Layout", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Toolkit for Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin.Essentials", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "Xamarin.Forms", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""
                new MenuItem {
                    Name = "ZXing.Net Mobile", Command = LaunchBrowserCommand, Parameter = ""