public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); aa = turn.ability.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); tiles = aa.GetTilesInArea(board, pos); board.SelectTiles(tiles); FindTargets(); RefreshPrimaryStatPanel(; SetTarget(0); if (turn.targets.Count > 0) { //only show indicator for player units if (driver.Current == Drivers.Human) { hitSuccessIndicator.Show(); } SetTarget(0); } // Only show this UI for AI controlled units if (driver.Current == Drivers.Computer) { StartCoroutine(ComputerDisplayAbilitySelection()); } }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); aa = turn.ability.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); tiles = aa.GetTilesInArea(board, pos); board.SelectTiles(tiles); FindTargets(); RefreshPrimaryStatPanel(; SetTarget(0); }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); aa = turn.phaser.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); tiles = aa.GetTilesInArea(board, pos); board.SelectTiles(tiles, Color.magenta); // Find the targets in ability area FindTargets(); RefreshPrimaryStatPanel(; SetTarget(0); attackSuccessIndicator.Show(); }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); aa = turn.phaser.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); tiles = aa.GetTilesInArea(board, pos); points = turn.abilityRange.Select(tile => tile.pos).ToList(); ConfineInTargetRange(points); board.SelectTiles(tiles, Color.magenta); // Find the targets in ability area FindTargets(); RefreshPrimaryStatPanel(; }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); range = turn.ability.GetComponent <AbilityRange>(); area = turn.ability.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); SelectCells(); statPanelController.ShowPrimary(; if (range.directionOriented) { RefreshSecondaryStatPanel(currentCell); } }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter (); aa = turn.ability.GetComponent<AbilityArea> (); tiles = aa.GetTilesInArea (board, pos); board.SelectTiles (tiles); FindTargets (); RefreshPrimaryStatPanel (; if (turn.targets.Count > 0) { hitSuccessIndicator.Show (); SetTarget (0); } }
private void RateFireLocation(PlanOfAttack poa, AttackOption attackOption) { AbilityArea area = poa.ability.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); List <Tile> tiles = area.GetTilesInArea(bc.board,; attackOption.areaTargets = tiles; attackOption.isCasterMatch = IsAbilityTargetMatch(poa, actor.tile); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Count; ++i) { Tile tile = tiles[i]; if (actor.tile == tiles[i] || !poa.ability.IsTarget(tile)) { continue; } bool isMatch = IsAbilityTargetMatch(poa, tile); attackOption.AddMark(tile, isMatch); } }
public void display(GameObject obj) { bool levelDataFound = false; bool bonusFound = false; string levelText = ""; string bonusText = ""; AbilityGeneralData generalData = obj.GetComponent <AbilityGeneralData>(); if (generalData) { nameLabel.text = generalData.abilityName; categoryLabel.text = generalData.abilityCategoryText; descriptionLabel.text = generalData.abilityDescription; } AbilityCostData costData = obj.GetComponent <AbilityCostData>(); if (costData) { int costPanels = 0; if (costData.abilityMentalCost == 0 && costData.abilityPhysicalCost == 0) { costPanel.SetActive(false); } else { costPanel.SetActive(true); } if (costData.abilityMentalCost > 0) { mentalCostPanel.SetActive(true); costPanels++; } else { mentalCostPanel.SetActive(false); } if (costData.abilityPhysicalCost > 0) { physicalCostPanel.SetActive(true); costPanels++; } else { physicalCostPanel.SetActive(false); } if (costPanels == 0) { costPanel.SetActive(false); } else { costPanel.SetActive(true); if (costPanels > 1) { separatorPanel.SetActive(true); } else { separatorPanel.SetActive(false); } } mentalCostLabel.text = costData.abilityMentalCost.ToString(); physicalCostLabel.text = costData.abilityPhysicalCost.ToString(); } AbilityRange abilityRange = obj.GetComponent <AbilityRange>(); if (abilityRange) { rangeTypeLabel.text = abilityRange.getAbilityRangeDescription(); } AbilityArea abilityArea = obj.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); if (abilityArea) { areaTypeLabel.text = abilityArea.getAbilityAreaDescription(); } for (int i = 0; i < obj.transform.childCount; ++i) { Transform child = obj.transform.GetChild(i); if ( == "Bonus") { string levelChildName; AbilityLevelData abilityLevelData = child.GetComponent <AbilityLevelData>(); if (abilityLevelData != null) { levelDataFound = true; levelText = "Nivel " + abilityLevelData.level.ToString(); levelChildName = "Level " + abilityLevelData.level; for (int j = 0; j < child.transform.childCount; ++j) { Transform bonusChild = child.transform.GetChild(j); if ( == levelChildName) { AbilityBonus[] abilityBonusList = bonusChild.GetComponents <AbilityBonus>(); foreach (AbilityBonus abilityBonus in abilityBonusList) { bonusFound = true; if (bonusText != "") { bonusText += "\n"; } bonusText += abilityBonus.getAbilityBonusDescription(); } break; } } } } foreach (Transform effectChild in effectsPanel.transform) { Destroy(effectChild.gameObject); } if ( == "Effects") { for (int j = 0; j < child.childCount; ++j) { Transform childEffect = child.transform.GetChild(j); GameObject effectPanelObject = Instantiate(effectPanelPrefab); effectPanelObject.transform.SetParent(effectsPanel.transform); effectPanelObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); effectPanelObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); EffectPanel effectPanel = effectPanelObject.GetComponent <EffectPanel>(); if (effectPanel) { AbilityPower abilityPower = childEffect.GetComponent <AbilityPower>(); if (abilityPower) { effectPanel.powerLabel.gameObject.SetActive(true); effectPanel.powerLabel.text = abilityPower.getAbilityPower().ToString() + "%"; } else { effectPanel.powerLabel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } AbilityHitRate abilityHitRate = childEffect.GetComponent <AbilityHitRate>(); if (abilityHitRate) { effectPanel.hitRateLabel.gameObject.SetActive(true); effectPanel.hitRateLabel.text = abilityHitRate.getAbilityHitRateDescription(); } else { effectPanel.hitRateLabel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } } if (levelDataFound) { levelPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); levelLabel.text = levelText; } else { levelPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (bonusFound) { CentralPanelSeparator.SetActive(true); bonusLabel.gameObject.SetActive(true); bonusLabel.text = bonusText; } else { CentralPanelSeparator.SetActive(false); bonusLabel.gameObject.SetActive(false); bonusLabel.text = ""; } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (AbilityArea != null) { AbilityArea.Dispose(); AbilityArea = null; } if (AlignmentButton != null) { AlignmentButton.Dispose(); AlignmentButton = null; } if (CharismaButton != null) { CharismaButton.Dispose(); CharismaButton = null; } if (ClassButton != null) { ClassButton.Dispose(); ClassButton = null; } if (ConstitutionButton != null) { ConstitutionButton.Dispose(); ConstitutionButton = null; } if (CRButton != null) { CRButton.Dispose(); CRButton = null; } if (CreatureSubtypeButton != null) { CreatureSubtypeButton.Dispose(); CreatureSubtypeButton = null; } if (CreatureTypeButton != null) { CreatureTypeButton.Dispose(); CreatureTypeButton = null; } if (DexterityButton != null) { DexterityButton.Dispose(); DexterityButton = null; } if (HeaderArea != null) { HeaderArea.Dispose(); HeaderArea = null; } if (InitButton != null) { InitButton.Dispose(); InitButton = null; } if (IntelligenceButton != null) { IntelligenceButton.Dispose(); IntelligenceButton = null; } if (NameButton != null) { NameButton.Dispose(); NameButton = null; } if (RaceButton != null) { RaceButton.Dispose(); RaceButton = null; } if (SensesButton != null) { SensesButton.Dispose(); SensesButton = null; } if (SizeButton != null) { SizeButton.Dispose(); SizeButton = null; } if (StrengthButton != null) { StrengthButton.Dispose(); StrengthButton = null; } if (WisdomButton != null) { WisdomButton.Dispose(); WisdomButton = null; } }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); area = turn.ability.GetComponent <AbilityArea>(); cells = area.GetCellsInArea(Grid, currentCell); }