public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleDequeuer <qspace> <qname>"); Environment.Exit(1); } string qSpace = args[0]; string qName = args[1]; ATMI.tpinit(null); try { ByteBuffer data = ATMI.tpalloc("STRING", null, 512); try { TPQCTL ctl = new TPQCTL(); ctl.flags = ATMI.TPQWAIT; int len; ATMI.tpdequeue(qSpace, qName, ctl, ref data, out len, 0); string message = StringUtils.ReadStringBuffer(data, len); Console.WriteLine("Dequeued '" + message + "' from " + qSpace + "." + qName); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(data); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: UnsolClient <service> <message>"); Environment.Exit(1); } string service = args[0]; string message = args[1]; TPINIT tpinfo = new TPINIT(); tpinfo.cltname = "sample"; ATMI.tpinit(tpinfo); try { ATMI.tpsetunsol(new UnsolHandler(tpunsol)); try { ByteBuffer data = StringUtils.NewStringBuffer(message); try { Console.WriteLine("Sending '" + message + "' to service " + service); int cd = ATMI.tpacall(service, data, 0, 0); WaitForMessages(10); int len; ATMI.tpgetrply(ref cd, ref data, out len, 0); message = StringUtils.ReadStringBuffer(data, len); Console.WriteLine("Returned string is: " + message); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(data); } } finally { ATMI.tpsetunsol(null); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleAsyncClient <message>"); Environment.Exit(1); } string message = args[0]; ATMI.tpinit(null); try { int cd; ByteBuffer sendbuf = StringUtils.NewStringBuffer(message); try { Console.WriteLine("Sending '" + message + "' to service TOUPPER"); cd = ATMI.tpacall("TOUPPER", sendbuf, 0, 0); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(sendbuf); } ByteBuffer rcvbuf = ATMI.tpalloc("STRING", null, 256); try { int rcvlen; ATMI.tpgetrply(ref cd, ref rcvbuf, out rcvlen, 0); message = StringUtils.ReadStringBuffer(rcvbuf, rcvlen); Console.WriteLine("Returned string is: " + message); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(rcvbuf); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleClient <message>"); Environment.Exit(1); } string message = args[0]; ATMI.tpinit(null); try { byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(message); int sendlen = bytes.Length + 1; // One byte extra for terminating zero ByteBuffer sendbuf = ATMI.tpalloc("STRING", null, sendlen); try { ByteBuffer rcvbuf = ATMI.tpalloc("STRING", null, sendlen); try { sendbuf.PutBytes(bytes); sendbuf.PutByte(bytes.Length, 0); // Terminating zero int rcvlen; ATMI.tpcall("TOUPPER", sendbuf, 0, ref rcvbuf, out rcvlen, 0); rcvbuf.GetBytes(bytes); Console.WriteLine("Returned string is: " + Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes)); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(rcvbuf); } } finally { ATMI.tpfree(sendbuf); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ATMI.tpinit(null); try { ByteBuffer reply = ATMI.tpalloc("STRING", null, 1024); try { int len; ATMI.tpcall("TEST", null, 0, ref reply, out len, 0); byte[] bytes = new byte[len - 1]; reply.GetBytes(bytes); string message = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes); Console.WriteLine(message); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(reply); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: DownloadClient <remote file> <local file>"); Environment.Exit(1); } string remoteFileName = args[0]; string localFileName = args[1]; ATMI.tpinit(null); try { Conversation conv = Connect(remoteFileName); try { FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(localFileName); try { Receive(conv, fs); } finally { fs.Close(); } } finally { conv.Close(); } } catch (IOException eIO) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + eIO.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if ((args.Length < 3) || (args.Length > 4)) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleEnqueuer <qspace> <qname> <message> [<replyq>]"); Environment.Exit(1); } string qSpace = args[0]; string qName = args[1]; string message = args[2]; string replyQ = (args.Length < 4) ? null : args[3]; ATMI.tpinit(null); try { ByteBuffer data = StringUtils.NewStringBuffer(message); try { TPQCTL ctl = new TPQCTL(); ctl.flags = ATMI.TPNOFLAGS; if (replyQ != null) { ctl.flags = ctl.flags | ATMI.TPQREPLYQ; ctl.replyqueue = replyQ; } ATMI.tpenqueue(qSpace, qName, ctl, data, 0, 0); Console.WriteLine("Enqueued '" + message + "' in " + qSpace + "." + qName); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(data); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleFML32Client <field>=<value> ..."); Environment.Exit(1); } ATMI.tpinit(null); try { ByteBuffer fbfr = ATMI.tpalloc("FML32", null, 512); try { foreach (string arg in args) { int eqPos = arg.IndexOf('='); string key = arg.Substring(0, eqPos); string val = arg.Substring(eqPos + 1); int fldid = FML32.Fldid(key); TPFBuilder.I.FaddString(ref fbfr, fldid, val); } int len; ATMI.tpcall("FML32_TOUPPER", fbfr, 0, ref fbfr, out len, 0); Console.WriteLine("Returned FML32 buffer is: " + FML32.ToString(fbfr)); } finally { ATMI.tpfree(fbfr); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if ((args.Length < 1) || (args.Length > 2)) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleSubscriber <eventexpr> [<filter>]"); Environment.Exit(1); } string eventexpr = args[0]; string filter = (args.Length < 2) ? null : args[1]; ATMI.tpinit(null); try { ATMI.tpsetunsol(new UnsolHandler(tpunsol)); try { Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to events matching '" + eventexpr + "'"); int handle = ATMI.tpsubscribe(eventexpr, filter, null, 0); try { ProcessMessages(5); } finally { ATMI.tpunsubscribe(handle, 0); } } finally { ATMI.tpsetunsol(null); } } finally { ATMI.tpterm(); } }