public AStarNodes(Node currentNode, Node endNode, float costSoFar = 0, AStarNodes cameFrom = null) { this.costSoFar = costSoFar; heuristic = GetDistance(currentNode, endNode); nodeVal = currentNode; this.cameFrom = cameFrom; }
// Check is another node of the same name exists in the given list private static int AnotherExists(AStarNodes temp, List <AStarNodes> open) { for (int i = 0; i < open.Count; i++) { if ([i] { return(i); } } return(-1); }
// Get the lowest AStar Node with the lowest total estimetad cost private static AStarNodes GetLowestTecAStarNode(List <AStarNodes> open) { float lowest = float.NaN; AStarNodes smallestNode = null; for (int i = 0; i < open.Count; i++) { if (float.IsNaN(lowest)) { lowest = open[i].tec; smallestNode = open[i]; } else if (open[i].tec < lowest) { lowest = open[i].tec; smallestNode = open[i]; } } return(smallestNode); }
private static String EvaluateNode(Node startNode, Node endNode) { List <AStarNodes> open = new List <AStarNodes>(); List <AStarNodes> closed = new List <AStarNodes>(); Node currNode = startNode; float costSoFar; AStarNodes currANode = new AStarNodes(currNode, endNode); open.Add(currANode); for (int i = 0; i < open.Count; i++) { currNode = GetLowestTecNode(open); currANode = GetLowestTecAStarNode(open); open.Remove(currANode); costSoFar = currANode.costSoFar; if ( { break; } for (int j = 0; j < currNode.links.Length; j++) { AStarNodes temp = new AStarNodes(currNode.links[j], endNode, costSoFar + GetDistance(currNode, currNode.links[j]), currANode); if (AnotherExists(temp, open) != -1) { if (temp.costSoFar < open[AnotherExists(temp, open)].costSoFar) { open.RemoveAt(AnotherExists(temp, open)); open.Add(temp); } } if (AnotherExists(temp, closed) != -1) { if (temp.costSoFar < closed[AnotherExists(temp, closed)].costSoFar) { closed.RemoveAt(AnotherExists(temp, closed)); open.Add(temp); } } else { open.Add(temp); } } closed.Add(open[i]); } Stack <String> path = new Stack <string>(); while (currANode.cameFrom != null) { path.Push(; currANode = currANode.cameFrom; } path.Push(; String finalPath = ""; foreach (String letter in path) { finalPath += letter + ">"; } return(finalPath.Substring(0, finalPath.Length - 1)); }
private List<AStarNodes> GetNextPositions(AStarNodes CurrentNode, IVec2 MapPosEnd) { List<AStarNodes> NextPositions = new List<AStarNodes>(); for (IVec2 offset = new IVec2(-1, -1); offset.x <= 1; ++offset.x) { for (offset.y = -1; offset.y <= 1; ++offset.y) { IVec2 newPos = CurrentNode.NodeInfo.MapPos + offset; if(newPos.x <0 || newPos.x > Map.CurrentMap.sizeX) break; if (newPos.y < 0 || newPos == CurrentNode.NodeInfo.MapPos || newPos.y > Map.CurrentMap.sizeY || offset == new IVec2(0,0)) continue; if(Map.Trees.Contains(Map.CurrentMap.getTile(newPos.x, newPos.y)) || Map.Terrain.Contains(Map.CurrentMap.getTile(newPos.x, newPos.y))) { AStarNodes newNode = new AStarNodes(); newNode.DistanceGone = CurrentNode.DistanceGone + offset.magnitude(); //newNode.NodeInfo.MapSymbol = PathFinder.CurrentMap.getTile(newPos.x, newPos.y) newNode.NodeInfo = new Node(); newNode.NodeInfo.MapPos = newPos; newNode.NodeInfo.PrevNode = CurrentNode.NodeInfo; newNode.Distance2Go = GetDirectDistance2End(newPos, MapPosEnd); NextPositions.Add(newNode); } } } return NextPositions; }
private bool isValid(AStarNodes testNode, ref List<AStarNodes> CloseList) { bool found = false; for(int idx = CloseList.Count-1; idx>=0; --idx) { if(CloseList[idx].NodeInfo.MapPos == testNode.NodeInfo.MapPos) { if(CloseList[idx].DistanceGone > testNode.DistanceGone) { CloseList.RemoveAt(idx); break; } found = true; } } return !found; }
public path GetPath(IVec2 MapPosStart, IVec2 MapPosEnd) { List<Node> result = new List<Node>(); List<AStarNodes> openQueue = new List<AStarNodes>(); List<AStarNodes> CloseList = new List<AStarNodes>(); AStarNodes startNode = new AStarNodes(); Node EndNode = null; startNode.NodeInfo = new Node(); startNode.NodeInfo.MapPos = MapPosStart; startNode.NodeInfo.MapSymbol = Map.CurrentMap.getTile(MapPosStart.x, MapPosStart.y); startNode.DistanceGone = 0; startNode.Distance2Go = GetDirectDistance2End(MapPosStart, MapPosEnd); openQueue.Add(startNode); CloseList.Add(startNode); while (openQueue.Count > 0) { var currentNode = openQueue[0]; openQueue.RemoveAt(0); if(currentNode.NodeInfo.MapPos == MapPosEnd) { EndNode = currentNode.NodeInfo; break; } var newNodes = GetNextPositions(currentNode, MapPosEnd); foreach (var item in newNodes) { if (isValid(item, ref CloseList)) { openQueue.Add(item); CloseList.Add(item); } } openQueue.Sort((AStarNodes a, AStarNodes b) => (a.Distance2Go + a.DistanceGone).CompareTo(b.Distance2Go + b.DistanceGone)); } while(EndNode != null) { if(EndNode.PrevNode != null) EndNode.PrevNode.NextNode = EndNode; result.Insert(0, EndNode); EndNode = EndNode.PrevNode; } // Debug.Log("AStarStopped path size: " + result.Count); //output { path theWay = new path(); theWay.FoundPath = result; theWay.isPathFound = result.Count > 0; return theWay; } }