Esempio n. 1
        public AST.COMRef makeInputVectorCOMRef(AST.Range rng)
            // check for the range in the dictionary
            AST.COMRef c;
            if (!_all_vectors.TryGetValue(rng, out c))
                // otherwise, create and cache it
                Excel.Range com = rng.GetCOMObject(_app);
                Excel.Worksheet ws = com.Worksheet;
                Excel.Workbook wb = ws.Parent;
                string wsname = ws.Name;
                string wbname = wb.Name;
                var path = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>(wb.Path);
                int width = com.Columns.Count;
                int height = com.Rows.Count;

                c = new AST.COMRef(rng.getUniqueID(), wb, ws, com, path, wbname, wsname, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>.None, width, height);
                _all_vectors.Add(rng, c);
                _do_not_perturb.Add(rng, true);    // initially mark as not perturbable
            return c;
Esempio n. 2
        private void ActivateAndCenterOn(AST.Address cell, Excel.Application app)
            // go to worksheet
            RibbonHelper.GetWorksheetByName(cell.A1Worksheet(), _workbook.Worksheets).Activate();

            // COM object
            var comobj = cell.GetCOMObject(app);

            // center screen on cell
            var visible_columns = app.ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Columns.Count;
            var visible_rows = app.ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Rows.Count;
            app.Goto(comobj, true);
            app.ActiveWindow.SmallScroll(Type.Missing, visible_rows / 2, Type.Missing, visible_columns / 2);

            // select highlighted cell
            // center on highlighted cell