/** * Handles the incoming events */ public void HandleEvent(object sender, NotifyEvent e) { try { if (e.Type != EventType.UIRefresh) { DebugConsole.Trace("*** " + e.Type.ToString()); } // context busy? if (ASContext.Locked) { DebugConsole.Trace("ASContext is busy"); if (e.Type == EventType.Command) { string command = ((TextEvent)e).Text; // add a custom classpath if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;ClassPath;")) { int p = command.IndexOf(';', 15); ASContext.SetExternalClassPathWanted(command.Substring(p + 1)); e.Handled = true; } } return; } // editor ready? ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl sci = ASContext.MainForm.CurSciControl; if (sci == null) { return; } /** * Other events always handled */ bool isValid; switch (e.Type) { // key combinations case EventType.Shortcut: DebugConsole.Trace("Key " + ((KeyEvent)e).Value); e.Handled = ASComplete.OnShortcut(((KeyEvent)e).Value, sci); return; // // File management // case EventType.FileSave: // update view if needed ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.IsVoid(); // toolbar isValid = ASContext.Context.IsFileValid(); this.SetItemsEnabled(isValid); if (isValid) { if (ASContext.Context.CheckOnSave) { AutoCheckActionScript(); } ASContext.Context.RemoveClassCompilerCache(); } return; case EventType.LanguageChange: case EventType.FileSwitch: DebugConsole.Trace("Switch to " + ASContext.MainForm.CurFile); // check file if (sci.ConfigurationLanguage == "as2" && !ASContext.MainForm.CurDocIsUntitled()) { ASContext.Context.SetCurrentFile(ASContext.MainForm.CurFile); } else { ASContext.Context.SetCurrentFile(""); } // toolbar isValid = ASContext.Context.IsFileValid(); DebugConsole.Trace("Valid? " + isValid); return; case EventType.FileClose: DebugConsole.Trace("Close " + ASContext.MainForm.CurFile); return; case EventType.SettingUpdate: ASContext.UpdateSettings(); break; // some commands work all the time case EventType.Command: string command = ((TextEvent)e).Text; // add a custom classpath if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;ClassPath;")) { int p = command.IndexOf(';', 15); ASContext.SetExternalClassPath(command.Substring(p + 1)); e.Handled = true; } // clear the classes cache else if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;ClearClassCache")) { ClearClassCache(null, null); e.Handled = true; } else if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;SendContext")) { int p = command.IndexOf(';', 15); string wanted = command.Substring(p + 1); if (wanted == "as2") { DataEvent de = new DataEvent(EventType.CustomData, "ASCompletion.Context", ASContext.Context); MainForm.DispatchEvent(de); e.Handled = true; } } // call the Flash IDE else if (command.StartsWith("CallFlashIDE")) { string flashexe = MainForm.MainSettings.GetValue(SETTING_MACROMEDIA_FLASHIDE); if ((flashexe.Length == 0) || !System.IO.File.Exists(flashexe)) { ErrorHandler.ShowInfo("The path to Flash.exe is not configured properly."); } // save modified files this.mainForm.CallCommand("SaveAllModified", null); // run the Flash IDE if (command.IndexOf(';') > 0) { string args = MainForm.ProcessArgString(command.Substring(command.IndexOf(';') + 1)); if (args.IndexOf('"') < 0) { args = '"' + args + '"'; } System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(flashexe, args); } else { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(flashexe); } e.Handled = true; } break; } /** * Actionscript context specific */ if ((sci.Lexer == 3) && ASContext.Context.IsFileValid()) { switch (e.Type) { case EventType.ProcessArgs: TextEvent te = (TextEvent)e; string cmd = te.Text; if (cmd.IndexOf("@") > 0) { // resolve current element Hashtable details = ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, null); // resolve current class details if (details == null) { ClassModel oClass = ASContext.Context.CurrentClass; details = new Hashtable(); details.Add("@CLASSDECL", ClassModel.MemberDeclaration(oClass.ToMemberModel())); int p = oClass.ClassName.LastIndexOf('.'); if (p > 0) { details.Add("@CLASSPACKAGE", oClass.ClassName.Substring(0, p)); details.Add("@CLASSNAME", oClass.ClassName.Substring(p + 1)); } else { details.Add("@CLASSPACKAGE", ""); details.Add("@CLASSNAME", oClass.ClassName); } details.Add("@CLASSFULLNAME", oClass.ClassName); details.Add("@MEMBERKIND", ""); details.Add("@MEMBERNAME", ""); details.Add("@MEMBERDECL", ""); details.Add("@MEMBERCLASSPACKAGE", ""); details.Add("@MEMBERCLASSNAME", ""); details.Add("@MEMBERCLASSFILE", ""); details.Add("@MEMBERCLASSDECL", ""); } // complete command foreach (string key in details.Keys) { cmd = cmd.Replace(key, (string)details[key]); } te.Text = cmd; } break; // menu commands case EventType.Command: string command = ((TextEvent)e).Text; DebugConsole.Trace(command); if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;")) { // run MTASC if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;MtascRun")) { int p = command.IndexOf(';', 15); if (p > 15) { ASContext.Context.RunCMD(command.Substring(p + 1)); } else { ASContext.Context.RunCMD(""); } e.Handled = true; } // build the SWF using MTASC else if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;MtascBuild")) { ASContext.Context.BuildCMD(false); e.Handled = true; } // resolve element under cusor and open declaration else if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;GotoDeclaration")) { ASComplete.DeclarationLookup(sci); e.Handled = true; } // resolve element under cursor and send a CustomData event else if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;ResolveElement;")) { int p = command.IndexOf(';', 15); ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, command.Substring(p + 1)); e.Handled = true; } else if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion;MakeIntrinsic")) { int p = command.IndexOf(';', 15); if (p > 15) { ASContext.Context.MakeIntrinsic(command.Substring(p + 1)); } else { ASContext.Context.MakeIntrinsic(null); } e.Handled = true; } } return; case EventType.ProcessEnd: string result = ((TextEvent)e).Text; ASContext.Context.OnProcessEnd(result); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.ShowError(ex.Message, ex); } }
/** * Handles the incoming events */ public void HandleEvent(Object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority prority) { try { // ignore all events when leaving if (PluginBase.MainForm.ClosingEntirely) { return; } // current active document ITabbedDocument doc = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument; // application start if (!started && e.Type == EventType.UIStarted) { started = true; PathExplorer.OnUIStarted(); // associate context to initial document e = new NotifyEvent(EventType.SyntaxChange); this.pluginUI.UpdateAfterTheme(); } // editor ready? if (doc == null) { return; } ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl sci = doc.IsEditable ? doc.SciControl : null; // // Events always handled // bool isValid; DataEvent de; switch (e.Type) { // caret position in editor case EventType.UIRefresh: if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } timerPosition.Enabled = false; timerPosition.Enabled = true; return; // key combinations case EventType.Keys: Keys key = (e as KeyEvent).Value; if (ModelsExplorer.HasFocus) { e.Handled = ModelsExplorer.Instance.OnShortcut(key); return; } if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } e.Handled = ASComplete.OnShortcut(key, sci); return; // user-customized shortcuts case EventType.Shortcut: de = e as DataEvent; if (de.Action == "Completion.ShowHelp") { ASComplete.HelpKeys = (Keys)de.Data; de.Handled = true; } return; // // File management // case EventType.FileSave: if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } ASContext.Context.CheckModel(false); // toolbar isValid = ASContext.Context.IsFileValid; if (isValid && !PluginBase.MainForm.SavingMultiple) { if (ASContext.Context.Settings.CheckSyntaxOnSave) { CheckSyntax(null, null); } ASContext.Context.RemoveClassCompilerCache(); } return; case EventType.SyntaxDetect: // detect Actionscript language version if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } if (doc.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".as")) { settingObject.LastASVersion = DetectActionscriptVersion(doc); (e as TextEvent).Value = settingObject.LastASVersion; e.Handled = true; } break; case EventType.ApplySettings: case EventType.SyntaxChange: case EventType.FileSwitch: if (!doc.IsEditable) { ASContext.SetCurrentFile(null, true); ContextChanged(); return; } currentDoc = doc.FileName; currentPos = sci.CurrentPos; // check file bool ignoreFile = !doc.IsEditable; ASContext.SetCurrentFile(doc, ignoreFile); // UI ContextChanged(); return; case EventType.Completion: if (ASContext.Context.IsFileValid) { e.Handled = true; } return; // some commands work all the time case EventType.Command: de = e as DataEvent; string command = de.Action ?? ""; if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion.")) { string cmdData = (de.Data is string) ? (string)de.Data : null; // add a custom classpath if (command == "ASCompletion.ClassPath") { Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable; if (info != null) { ContextSetupInfos setup = new ContextSetupInfos(); setup.Platform = (string)info["platform"]; setup.Lang = (string)info["lang"]; setup.Version = (string)info["version"]; setup.TargetBuild = (string)info["targetBuild"]; setup.Classpath = (string[])info["classpath"]; setup.HiddenPaths = (string[])info["hidden"]; ASContext.SetLanguageClassPath(setup); if (setup.AdditionalPaths != null) // report custom classpath { info["additional"] = setup.AdditionalPaths.ToArray(); } } e.Handled = true; } // send a UserClasspath else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetUserClasspath") { Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable; if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language")) { IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string); if (context != null && context.Settings != null && context.Settings.UserClasspath != null) { info["cp"] = new List <string>(context.Settings.UserClasspath); } } e.Handled = true; } // update a UserClasspath else if (command == "ASCompletion.SetUserClasspath") { Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable; if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language") && info.ContainsKey("cp")) { IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string); List <string> cp = info["cp"] as List <string>; if (cp != null && context != null && context.Settings != null) { string[] pathes = new string[cp.Count]; cp.CopyTo(pathes); context.Settings.UserClasspath = pathes; } } e.Handled = true; } // send the language's default compiler path else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetCompilerPath") { Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable; if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language")) { IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string); if (context != null) { info["compiler"] = context.GetCompilerPath(); } } e.Handled = true; } // show a language's compiler settings else if (command == "ASCompletion.ShowSettings") { e.Handled = true; IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(cmdData); if (context == null) { return; } string filter = "SDK"; string name = ""; switch (cmdData.ToUpper()) { case "AS2": name = "AS2Context"; break; case "AS3": name = "AS3Context"; break; default: name = cmdData.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + cmdData.Substring(1) + "Context"; break; } PluginBase.MainForm.ShowSettingsDialog(name, filter); } // Open types explorer dialog else if (command == "ASCompletion.TypesExplorer") { TypesExplorer(null, null); } // call the Flash IDE else if (command == "ASCompletion.CallFlashIDE") { if (flashErrorsWatcher == null) { flashErrorsWatcher = new FlashErrorsWatcher(); } e.Handled = Commands.CallFlashIDE.Run(settingObject.PathToFlashIDE, cmdData); } // create Flash 8+ trust file else if (command == "ASCompletion.CreateTrustFile") { if (cmdData != null) { string[] args = cmdData.Split(';'); if (args.Length == 2) { e.Handled = Commands.CreateTrustFile.Run(args[0], args[1]); } } } else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetClassPath") { if (cmdData != null) { string[] args = cmdData.Split(';'); if (args.Length == 1) { FileModel model = ASContext.Context.GetFileModel(args[0]); ClassModel aClass = model.GetPublicClass(); if (!aClass.IsVoid()) { Clipboard.SetText(aClass.QualifiedName); e.Handled = true; } } } } else if (command == "ProjectManager.FileActions.DisableWatchers") { foreach (PathModel cp in ASContext.Context.Classpath) { cp.DisableWatcher(); } } else if (command == "ProjectManager.FileActions.EnableWatchers") { // classpaths could be invalid now - remove those, BuildClassPath() is too expensive ASContext.Context.Classpath.RemoveAll(cp => !Directory.Exists(cp.Path)); foreach (PathModel cp in ASContext.Context.Classpath) { cp.EnableWatcher(); } } // Return requested language SDK list else if (command == "ASCompletion.InstalledSDKs") { Hashtable info = de.Data as Hashtable; if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language")) { IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string); if (context != null) { info["sdks"] = context.Settings.InstalledSDKs; } } e.Handled = true; } } // Create a fake document from a FileModel else if (command == "ProjectManager.OpenVirtualFile") { string cmdData = de.Data as string; if (reVirtualFile.IsMatch(cmdData)) { string[] path = Regex.Split(cmdData, "::"); string fileName = path[0] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + path[1].Replace('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace("::", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()); FileModel found = ModelsExplorer.Instance.OpenFile(fileName); if (found != null) { e.Handled = true; } } } else if (command == "ProjectManager.UserRefreshTree") { ASContext.Context.UserRefreshRequest(); } break; } // // Actionscript context specific // if (ASContext.Context.IsFileValid) { switch (e.Type) { case EventType.ProcessArgs: TextEvent te = (TextEvent)e; if (reArgs.IsMatch(te.Value)) { // resolve current element Hashtable details = ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, null); te.Value = ArgumentsProcessor.Process(te.Value, details); if (te.Value.IndexOf("$") >= 0 && reCostlyArgs.IsMatch(te.Value)) { ASResult result = ASComplete.CurrentResolvedContext.Result ?? new ASResult(); details = new Hashtable(); // Get closest list (Array or Vector) string closestListName = "", closestListItemType = ""; ASComplete.FindClosestList(ASContext.Context, result.Context, sci.CurrentLine, ref closestListName, ref closestListItemType); details.Add("TypClosestListName", closestListName); details.Add("TypClosestListItemType", closestListItemType); // get free iterator index string iterator = ASComplete.FindFreeIterator(ASContext.Context, ASContext.Context.CurrentClass, result.Context); details.Add("ItmUniqueVar", iterator); te.Value = ArgumentsProcessor.Process(te.Value, details); } } break; // menu commands case EventType.Command: string command = (e as DataEvent).Action ?? ""; if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion.")) { string cmdData = (e as DataEvent).Data as string; // run MTASC if (command == "ASCompletion.CustomBuild") { if (cmdData != null) { ASContext.Context.RunCMD(cmdData); } else { ASContext.Context.RunCMD(""); } e.Handled = true; } // build the SWF using MTASC else if (command == "ASCompletion.QuickBuild") { ASContext.Context.BuildCMD(false); e.Handled = true; } // resolve element under cusor and open declaration else if (command == "ASCompletion.GotoDeclaration") { ASComplete.DeclarationLookup(sci); e.Handled = true; } // resolve element under cursor and send a CustomData event else if (command == "ASCompletion.ResolveElement") { ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, cmdData); e.Handled = true; } else if (command == "ASCompletion.MakeIntrinsic") { ASContext.Context.MakeIntrinsic(cmdData); e.Handled = true; } // alternative to default shortcuts else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlSpace") { ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl); e.Handled = true; } else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlShiftSpace") { ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl); e.Handled = true; } else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlAltSpace") { ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Alt | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl); e.Handled = true; } else if (command == "ASCompletion.ContextualGenerator") { if (ASContext.HasContext && ASContext.Context.IsFileValid) { ASGenerator.ContextualGenerator(ASContext.CurSciControl); } } } return; case EventType.ProcessEnd: string procResult = (e as TextEvent).Value; ASContext.Context.OnProcessEnd(procResult); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorManager.ShowError(ex); } }
/** * Handles the incoming events */ public void HandleEvent(Object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority prority) { try { // ignore all events when leaving if (PluginBase.MainForm.ClosingEntirely) { return; } // current active document ITabbedDocument doc = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument; // application start if (!started && e.Type == EventType.UIStarted) { started = true; // associate context to initial document e = new NotifyEvent(EventType.SyntaxChange); } // editor ready? if (doc == null) { return; } ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl sci = doc.IsEditable ? doc.SciControl : null; // // Events always handled // bool isValid; switch (e.Type) { // caret position in editor case EventType.UIRefresh: if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } try { int position = sci.CurrentPos; if (position != currentPos) { currentPos = position; if (currentDoc == doc.FileName) { int line = sci.LineFromPosition(currentPos); ASContext.SetCurrentLine(line); // UI SetItemsEnabled(ASContext.Context.IsFileValid); } } } catch {} // drag & drop sci Perform crash return; // key combinations case EventType.Keys: Keys key = (e as KeyEvent).Value; if (ModelsExplorer.HasFocus) { e.Handled = ModelsExplorer.Instance.OnShortcut(key); return; } if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } e.Handled = ASComplete.OnShortcut(key, sci); return; // // File management // case EventType.FileSave: if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } ASContext.Context.CheckModel(false); // toolbar isValid = ASContext.Context.IsFileValid; if (isValid && !PluginBase.MainForm.SavingMultiple) { if (ASContext.Context.Settings.CheckSyntaxOnSave) { CheckSyntax(null, null); } ASContext.Context.RemoveClassCompilerCache(); } return; case EventType.SyntaxDetect: // detect Actionscript language version if (!doc.IsEditable) { return; } if (doc.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".as")) { settingObject.LastASVersion = DetectActionscriptVersion(doc); (e as TextEvent).Value = settingObject.LastASVersion; e.Handled = true; } break; case EventType.ApplySettings: case EventType.SyntaxChange: case EventType.FileSwitch: if (!doc.IsEditable) { currentDoc = ""; SetItemsEnabled(false); ASContext.SetCurrentFile(null, true); return; } currentDoc = doc.FileName; currentPos = sci.CurrentPos; // check file bool ignoreFile = !doc.IsEditable; ASContext.SetCurrentFile(doc, ignoreFile); // UI bool enableItems = ASContext.Context.IsFileValid && !doc.IsUntitled; SetItemsEnabled(enableItems); pluginUI.OutlineTree.Enabled = ASContext.Context.CurrentModel != null; return; // some commands work all the time case EventType.Command: string command = (e as DataEvent).Action ?? ""; if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion.")) { string cmdData = (e as DataEvent).Data as string; // add a custom classpath if (command == "ASCompletion.ClassPath") { //TraceManager.Add("CP = " + cmdData); if (cmdData != null) { int p = cmdData.IndexOf(';'); string lang = cmdData.Substring(0, p); ASContext.SetLanguageClassPath(lang, cmdData.Substring(p + 1)); } e.Handled = true; } // send a UserClasspath else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetUserClasspath") { Hashtable info = (e as DataEvent).Data as Hashtable; if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language")) { IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string); if (context != null && context.Settings != null && context.Settings.UserClasspath != null) { info["cp"] = new List <string>(context.Settings.UserClasspath); } } e.Handled = true; } // update a UserClasspath else if (command == "ASCompletion.SetUserClasspath") { Hashtable info = (e as DataEvent).Data as Hashtable; if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language") && info.ContainsKey("cp")) { IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string); List <string> cp = info["cp"] as List <string>; if (cp != null && context != null && context.Settings != null) { string[] pathes = new string[cp.Count]; cp.CopyTo(pathes); context.Settings.UserClasspath = pathes; } } e.Handled = true; } // send the language's compiler path else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetCompilerPath") { Hashtable info = (e as DataEvent).Data as Hashtable; if (info != null && info.ContainsKey("language")) { IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(info["language"] as string); info["compiler"] = context != null?context.GetCompilerPath() : null; } e.Handled = true; } // show a language's settings else if (command == "ASCompletion.ShowSettings") { e.Handled = true; IASContext context = ASContext.GetLanguageContext(cmdData); if (context == null) { return; } string filter = ""; string name = ""; switch (cmdData.ToUpper()) { case "AS2": name = "AS2Context"; filter = "MTASC"; break; case "AS3": name = "AS3Context"; filter = "SDK"; break; case "HAXE": name = "HaXeContext"; filter = "HaXe"; break; default: name = cmdData.ToUpper() + "Context"; break; } PluginBase.MainForm.ShowSettingsDialog(name, filter); } // Open types explorer dialog else if (command == "ASCompletion.TypesExplorer") { TypesExplorer(null, null); } // call the Flash IDE else if (command == "ASCompletion.CallFlashIDE") { e.Handled = Commands.CallFlashIDE.Run(settingObject.PathToFlashIDE, cmdData); } // create Flash 8+ trust file else if (command == "ASCompletion.CreateTrustFile") { if (cmdData != null) { string[] args = cmdData.Split(';'); if (args.Length == 2) { e.Handled = Commands.CreateTrustFile.Run(args[0], args[1]); } } } else if (command == "ASCompletion.GetClassPath") { if (cmdData != null) { string[] args = cmdData.Split(';'); if (args.Length == 1) { FileModel fm = ASFileParser.ParseFile(args[0], ASContext.Context); if (fm != null) { if (fm.Classes != null && fm.Classes.Count > 0) { string classpath = fm.Classes[0].QualifiedName; if (classpath != null) { Clipboard.SetText(classpath); e.Handled = true; } } } } } } } else if (command == "ProjectManager.OpenVirtualFile") { string cmdData = (e as DataEvent).Data as string; if (Regex.IsMatch(cmdData, "\\.(swf|swc)::")) { string[] path = Regex.Split(cmdData, "::"); string fileName = path[0] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + path[1].Replace('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace("::", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()) + "$.as"; FileModel found = ModelsExplorer.Instance.OpenFile(fileName); if (found != null) { e.Handled = true; } } } break; } // // Actionscript context specific // if (ASContext.Context.IsFileValid) { switch (e.Type) { case EventType.ProcessArgs: TextEvent te = (TextEvent)e; string cmd = te.Value; if (Regex.IsMatch(cmd, "\\$\\((Typ|Mbr|Itm)")) { // resolve current element Hashtable details = ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, null); te.Value = ArgumentsProcessor.Process(cmd, details); } break; // menu commands case EventType.Command: string command = (e as DataEvent).Action ?? ""; if (command.StartsWith("ASCompletion.")) { string cmdData = (e as DataEvent).Data as string; // run MTASC if (command == "ASCompletion.CustomBuild") { if (cmdData != null) { ASContext.Context.RunCMD(cmdData); } else { ASContext.Context.RunCMD(""); } e.Handled = true; } // build the SWF using MTASC else if (command == "ASCompletion.QuickBuild") { ASContext.Context.BuildCMD(false); e.Handled = true; } // resolve element under cusor and open declaration else if (command == "ASCompletion.GotoDeclaration") { ASComplete.DeclarationLookup(sci); e.Handled = true; } // resolve element under cursor and send a CustomData event else if (command == "ASCompletion.ResolveElement") { ASComplete.ResolveElement(sci, cmdData); e.Handled = true; } else if (command == "ASCompletion.MakeIntrinsic") { ASContext.Context.MakeIntrinsic(cmdData); e.Handled = true; } // alternative to default shortcuts else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlSpace") { ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl); e.Handled = true; } else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlShiftSpace") { ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl); e.Handled = true; } else if (command == "ASCompletion.CtrlAltSpace") { ASComplete.OnShortcut(Keys.Control | Keys.Alt | Keys.Space, ASContext.CurSciControl); e.Handled = true; } } return; case EventType.ProcessEnd: string result = (e as TextEvent).Value; ASContext.Context.OnProcessEnd(result); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorManager.ShowError(ex); } }