Esempio n. 1
    void Update()
        if (!ShowLine)

        // Set the input position
        // Find the Camera object
        GameObject marker = GameObject.Find("ARUWP Controller");
        // access the ARCamera script of Camera
        ARUWPMarker markerHiro = marker.GetComponent <ARUWPMarker>();

        // read the transformation matrix
        Matrix4x4 myPose = markerHiro.transMatrix;

        // read pivot calibration from txt file
        Vector4 tipMarker;

        tipMarker = new Vector4((float)(-3.276183 / 100.0), (float)(-187.381409 / 100.0), (float)(2.641751 / 100.0), 1);

        // multiply the tip position with the transformation
        Vector4 tipHoloLens;

        tipHoloLens = myPose * tipMarker;

        // convert Vector4 tipMarker to 3D
        EndPosition.x = tipHoloLens.x;
        EndPosition.y = tipHoloLens.y;
        EndPosition.z = tipHoloLens.z;
        // For now we don't know the start position yet, should come from classifier
        Vector3 startPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        // if no target position yet, means that the merker is not seen, no rendering
        // endPosition is in fact the position of the tool tip
        if (EndPosition == null)
            seenMarker = false;

        // if the marker could be seen, render
        if (seenMarker)
            LineRenderer lineRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
            // if we don't have any result from point cloud classifier, make one for now
            StartPosition.x = (float)(EndPosition.x);
            StartPosition.y = (float)(EndPosition.y + 0.03);
            StartPosition.z = (float)(EndPosition.z);
            // lineRenderer.transform.position = startPosition;
            lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = true;
            // make a vector of Vector3 for SetPositions
            var points = new Vector3[2];
            points[0] = StartPosition;
            points[1] = EndPosition;

Esempio n. 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Load the markers if not done yet and the controller is ready
        if (LoadedMarkers == false && _controller.status == ARUWP.ARUWP_STATUS_RUNNING)
            Debug.Log("Size of markers from controller:" + ARUWPController.markers.Count);
            foreach (var key in ARUWPController.markers.Keys)
                ARUWPMarker marker = ARUWPController.markers[key];
                if (marker.type == ARUWPMarker.MarkerType.single_barcode && != null)
                    // Get the barcode ID, target GameObject
                    if (DictBarcodeFileNames.ContainsKey(marker.singleBarcodeID))
                        string     fName = DictBarcodeFileNames[marker.singleBarcodeID];
                        GameObject gObj  =;
                        // Load the material for reference (they share the common material)
                        if (marker.singleBarcodeID == 0)
                            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = gObj.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
                            Debug.Log("Found printed item material");
                            // Debugging
                            //_refPrintedMaterial.color = new Color(_refPrintedMaterial.color.r, _refPrintedMaterial.color.g, _refPrintedMaterial.color.b, 0.1f);
                        if (marker.singleBarcodeID >= 52)
                            // Sticker
                        else if (marker.singleBarcodeID >= 41)
                            // Board
                            DictBarcodeToARUWPMarker.Add(marker.singleBarcodeID, key);
                            // Other files

                        DictPrintedDocObjects.Add(fName, gObj);
                        Debug.Log("Found the GameObject for:" + fName);
                        Debug.Log("Error: barcode not found:" + marker.singleBarcodeID);
            LoadedMarkers = true;
Esempio n. 3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        tcpManager  = GetComponent <TCPManager>();
        aruwpMarker = GetComponent <ARUWPMarker>();

        holoLensCamera = GameObject.Find("HoloLensCamera");

        robotCoordinateOrientationToUnityMatrix.SetRow(0, new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0));
        robotCoordinateOrientationToUnityMatrix.SetRow(1, new Vector4(0, -1, 0, 0));
        robotCoordinateOrientationToUnityMatrix.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0));
        robotCoordinateOrientationToUnityMatrix.SetRow(3, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));

        dummyGameObject = new GameObject("Dummy");


        for (int i = 0; i < TCPManager.TCPPackageConstants.TOTAL_NUM_TF; i++)
            _tfDataArr[i] = new TCPManager.tfData();
            robotPoseToHololensMatrices[i] = new Matrix4x4();

        mediaMaterial = previewPlane.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material;

        // params: width, height,
        mediaTexture = new Texture2D(image_width, image_height, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false);
        mediaMaterial.mainTexture = mediaTexture;

        sliderX = forceBarGraph.transform.Find("BarX").GetComponent <Slider>();
        sliderY = forceBarGraph.transform.Find("BarY").GetComponent <Slider>();
        sliderZ = forceBarGraph.transform.Find("BarZ").GetComponent <Slider>();

    public void Init(ref RosSharp.RosBridgeClient.RosConnector rosConnector)
        this.rosConnector = rosConnector;
        publisher         = new RosSharp.RosBridgeClient.NonMono.Publisher <RosSharp.RosBridgeClient.Messages.Geometry.PoseStamped>(ref this.rosConnector, "/hololens/" + Config.MarkerPose);

        GameObject aruwpController = GameObject.Find("ARUWPController");

        if (aruwpController == null)
            Debug.Log("MarkerPosePublisher: GameObject ARUWPController could not be found!");
            marker = aruwpController.GetComponent <ARUWPMarker>();

        if (marker == null)
            Debug.Log("MarkerPosePublisher: GameObject ARUWPController has no ARUWPMarker component!");
Esempio n. 5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (UseExternalCamera)
            //********************* Initial Method that takes everything form RGBD Camera *************************************
            // link the received data
            DataTransfer = GameObject.Find("DataTransfer");
            ReceiveData receivedData = DataTransfer.GetComponent <ReceiveData>();

            // Obtain the received data, which are start and end positions wrt RGBD camera
            RGBDStartPosition3 = receivedData.StartPosition;
            RGBDEndPosition3   = receivedData.EndPosition;
            MarkerToRGBD       = receivedData.MarkerToCamera;
            //Debug.Log("Start Position wrt RGBD is: \n" + RGBDStartPosition3.x.ToString() + " " + RGBDStartPosition3.y.ToString() + " " + RGBDStartPosition3.z.ToString());
            //Debug.Log("End Position wrt RGBD is: \n" + RGBDEndPosition3.x.ToString() + " " + RGBDEndPosition3.y.ToString() + " " + RGBDEndPosition3.z.ToString());

            // link the transformation obtained within HoloLens
            ARUWPController = GameObject.Find("ARUWP Controller");
            ARUWPMarker trackedMarker = ARUWPController.GetComponent <ARUWPMarker>();
            // Obtain the tracking done by HoloLens
            MarkerToHOLO = trackedMarker.transMatrix;
            //Debug.Log("Transformation from Marker to HoloLens is: \n" + MarkerToHOLO.ToString());

            // Now we've collected what we need
            // Calculate the transformation from RGBD to HoloLens - Note that it is To_T_From
            // HOLO_T_RGBD = HOLO_T_MARKER * MARKER_T_RGBD = MarkerToHolo * RGBDToMarker = MarkerToHOLO * MarkerToRGBD.inverse
            RGBDToHOLO = MarkerToHOLO * MarkerToRGBD.inverse;

            // Then calculate the positions from wrt RGBD to wrt HoloLens
            Vector4 RGBDStartPosition4 = new Vector4(RGBDStartPosition3.x, RGBDStartPosition3.y, RGBDStartPosition3.z, 1.0f);
            Vector4 RGBDEndPosition4   = new Vector4(RGBDEndPosition3.x, RGBDEndPosition3.y, RGBDEndPosition3.z, 1.0f);
            Vector4 HOLOStartPosition4 = RGBDToHOLO * RGBDStartPosition4;
            Vector4 HOLOEndPosition4   = RGBDToHOLO * RGBDEndPosition4;
            HOLOStartPosition = new Vector3(HOLOStartPosition4.x, HOLOStartPosition4.y, HOLOStartPosition4.z);
            HOLOEndPosition   = new Vector3(HOLOEndPosition4.x, HOLOEndPosition4.y, HOLOEndPosition4.z);

            // Use HoloCalib to decrease the Holographic display offsets
            if (UseHoloCalibration)
                HOLOStartPosition = HoloCalib(HOLOStartPosition);
                HOLOEndPosition   = HoloCalib(HOLOEndPosition);

            // Now we transfer the position from wrt to HoloLens to wrt world (local to world)
            GameObject MainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
            Camera     myCamera   = MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>();
            HOLOStartPosition = myCamera.transform.TransformPoint(HOLOStartPosition);
            HOLOEndPosition   = myCamera.transform.TransformPoint(HOLOEndPosition);

            //Debug.Log("Start Position wrt HoloLens is: \n" + HOLOStartPosition.x.ToString() + " " + HOLOStartPosition.y.ToString() + " " + HOLOStartPosition.z.ToString());
            //Debug.Log("End Position wrt HoloLens is: \n" + HOLOEndPosition.x.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.y.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.z.ToString());

            // Now work on linking the text
            StartPosText      = GameObject.Find("/ARDisplayHUD/HOLOStartPos").GetComponent <Text>();
            EndPosText        = GameObject.Find("/ARDisplayHUD/HOLOEndPos").GetComponent <Text>();
            StartPosText.text = "Start Position: " + "[" + HOLOStartPosition.x.ToString() + ", " + HOLOStartPosition.y.ToString() + ", " + HOLOStartPosition.z.ToString() + "]";
            EndPosText.text   = "End Position: " + "[" + HOLOEndPosition.x.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.y.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.z.ToString() + "]";

            //************************ Initial Method ends here ***************************************************************
            // *********************** Alternative method - calculate the tracking by itself *************************************
            // Local end position (tool tip) wrt to the marker, obtained from pivot caibration
            Vector3 localEnd;
            // below is for the pen model pivot calibration result
            // localEnd.x = (float)(-3.276183 / 1000 /*+ 0.013*/);
            // localEnd.y = (float)(-187.381409 / 1000 /*- 0.02*/);
            // localEnd.z = (float)(2.641751 / 1000 /*- 0.035*/);
            // Vector3 localStart;
            // localStart.x = localEnd.x;
            // localStart.y = (float)(localEnd.y + 0.12);
            // localStart.z = localEnd.z;

            // below is for the needle model pivot calibration result
            localEnd.x = (float)(-4.7846 / 1000);
            localEnd.y = (float)(-110.211241 / 1000);
            localEnd.z = (float)(0.024813 / 1000);

            // get the local start position
            Vector3 localStart;
            localStart.x = localEnd.x;
            localStart.y = (float)(localEnd.y + 0.08);
            localStart.z = localEnd.z;

            // get the target from ARUWPMarker.cs
            ARUWPController = GameObject.Find("ARUWP Controller");
            ARUWPMarker trackedMarker = ARUWPController.GetComponent <ARUWPMarker>();
            if (trackedMarker.visible)
                //Debug.Log("The marker is visible");

                // get the transformation from ARUWPMarker, which is the transformation from Marker to HoloLens
                Matrix4x4 MarkerToHOLO = trackedMarker.transMatrix;

                // transfer both local start and local end to HoloLens coordinate
                Vector4 localStart4 = new Vector4(localStart.x, localStart.y, localStart.z, 1.0f);
                Vector4 localEnd4   = new Vector4(localEnd.x, localEnd.y, localEnd.z, 1.0f);
                Vector4 HoloStart4  = MarkerToHOLO * localStart4;
                Vector4 HoloEnd4    = MarkerToHOLO * localEnd4;

                // save to a Vector3
                HOLOStartPosition = new Vector3(HoloStart4.x, HoloStart4.y, HoloStart4.z);
                HOLOEndPosition   = new Vector3(HoloEnd4.x, HoloEnd4.y, HoloEnd4.z);

                // Use HoloCalib to decrease the Holographic display offsets
                if (UseHoloCalibration)
                    HOLOStartPosition = HoloCalib(HOLOStartPosition);
                    HOLOEndPosition   = HoloCalib(HOLOEndPosition);

                // Now we transfer the position from wrt to HoloLens to wrt world (Holo to world)
                GameObject MainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
                Camera     myCamera   = MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>();
                HOLOStartPosition = myCamera.transform.TransformPoint(HOLOStartPosition);
                HOLOEndPosition   = myCamera.transform.TransformPoint(HOLOEndPosition);

                //Debug.Log("Transformation from Marker to HoloLens is: \n" + MarkerToHOLO.ToString());
                //Debug.Log("Start Position wrt HoloLens is: \n" + HOLOStartPosition.x.ToString() + " " + HOLOStartPosition.y.ToString() + " " + HOLOStartPosition.z.ToString());
                //Debug.Log("End Position wrt HoloLens is: \n" + HOLOEndPosition.x.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.y.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.z.ToString());

                // Now work on linking the text
                StartPosText      = GameObject.Find("/ARDisplayHUD/HOLOStartPos").GetComponent <Text>();
                EndPosText        = GameObject.Find("/ARDisplayHUD/HOLOEndPos").GetComponent <Text>();
                StartPosText.text = "Start Position: " + "[" + HOLOStartPosition.x.ToString() + ", " + HOLOStartPosition.y.ToString() + ", " + HOLOStartPosition.z.ToString() + "]";
                EndPosText.text   = "End Position: " + "[" + HOLOEndPosition.x.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.y.ToString() + " " + HOLOEndPosition.z.ToString() + "]";
Esempio n. 6
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (boardStatus != BoardStatus.COMPLETE && PageOrg && PageOrg.LoadedMarkers &&
        //&& PageOrganizer.DictBarcodeToARUWPMarker.ContainsKey(MarkerBotRightID))
            //foreach (var key in ARUWPController.markers.Keys)
            //    Debug.Log("key:" + key);
            //Debug.Log(PageOrganizer.DictBarcodeToARUWPMarker[MarkerTopLeftID] + "," + PageOrganizer.DictBarcodeToARUWPMarker[MarkerBotRightID]);
            ARUWPMarker marker1 = ARUWPController.markers[PageOrganizer.DictBarcodeToARUWPMarker[MarkerTopLeftID]];
            //ARUWPMarker marker2 = ARUWPController.markers[PageOrganizer.DictBarcodeToARUWPMarker[MarkerBotRightID]];

            bool found1 = marker1.GetMarkerVisibility();
            //bool found2 = marker2.GetMarkerVisibility();
            //BoardHintText.text = marker1.GetMarkerVisibility() + "," + marker2.GetMarkerVisibility();
            switch (boardStatus)
            case BoardStatus.NOT_INIT:
                if (found1)
                    // Ready for moving and further confirmation
                    boardHintText.text = "Tap to confirm";
                    if (topLeftObj == null)
                        topLeftObj =;
                    //AdaptBoardSize(NoteBoardWidth, NoteBoardHeight);

                    boardStatus = BoardStatus.MOVING;
                    Debug.Log("NOT_INIT -> MOVING");

            case BoardStatus.MOVING:
                 * if (found2)
                 * {
                 *  // Ready to adjust again
                 *  // TODO: other visual elements.
                 *  boardHintText.text = "Tap to confirm (resizing)";
                 *  if (botRightObj == null)
                 *      botRightObj =;
                 *  boardStatus = BoardStatus.BOTH_ON;
                 *  Debug.Log("FIRST_ON -> BOTH_ON");
                 * }
                 * else if (found1)
                 * {
                 *  // Adjust the position of the origin. Size untouched.
                 *  gameObject.transform.position = topLeftObj.transform.position;
                 *  gameObject.transform.rotation = topLeftObj.transform.rotation;
                 *  gameObject.transform.Rotate(Vector3.left, 180);
                 *  gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = GetStableAngle(gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles);
                 *  boardHintText.text = "Tap to confirm\n (Debug info:" + gameObject.transform.position + ")";
                 *  // Reset the timer
                 *  markerLostCounter = 3.0f;
                 * }
                if (found1)
                    markerLostCounter = 3.0f;
                    // 00: See if it is time to go back to NOT_INIT
                    markerLostCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                    if (markerLostCounter <= 0)
                        boardHintText.text = "";
                        boardStatus = BoardStatus.NOT_INIT;
                        Debug.Log("MOVING -> NOT_INIT due to time out.");

                 * case BoardStatus.BOTH_ON:
                 * if (found1 || found2)
                 * {
                 *  float testDirection = Vector3.Dot(topLeftObj.transform.forward, botRightObj.transform.forward);
                 *  // Test if the two labels are both facing to the same direction
                 *  if (testDirection >= 0.9f)
                 *  {
                 *      // Accept and resize.
                 *      Vector3 relativeBotRight = topLeftObj.transform.InverseTransformPoint(botRightObj.transform.position);
                 *      currBoardWidth = Math.Abs(relativeBotRight.x);
                 *      currBoardHeight = Math.Abs(relativeBotRight.y);
                 *      boardHintText.fontSize = GetProperFont(currBoardWidth);
                 *      gameObject.transform.position = topLeftObj.transform.position;
                 *      gameObject.transform.rotation = topLeftObj.transform.rotation;
                 *      gameObject.transform.Rotate(Vector3.left, 180);
                 *      gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = GetStableAngle(gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles);
                 *      panelBoardObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(currBoardWidth / 2, -currBoardHeight / 2, 0);
                 *      panelBoardObj.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(currBoardWidth, currBoardHeight);
                 *      BoardBorder.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(currBoardWidth, currBoardHeight);
                 *      boardHintText.text = string.Format("Tap to confirm\n(debug info: {0} x {1}, from {2})", currBoardWidth, currBoardHeight, topLeftObj.transform.position);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *      boardHintText.text = "Tap to confirm\nDirection not aligned:" + testDirection;
                 *  // Reset the timer
                 *  markerLostCounter = 3.0f;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  // 00: See if it is time to go back to NOT_INIT
                 *  markerLostCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                 *  if (markerLostCounter <= 0)
                 *  {
                 *      BoardBorder.SetActive(false);
                 *      boardStatus = BoardStatus.NOT_INIT;
                 *      Debug.Log("BOTH_ON -> NOT_INIT due to time out.");
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * break;
                 * case BoardStatus.COMPLETE:
                 * // Note: the user taps to transfer from MOVING/FIRST_ON/BOTH_ON to COMPLETE,
                 * // so this transition is not in this switch-logic.
                 * //if (found1)
                 * //{
                 * //    // update location based on marker 1
                 * //    gameObject.transform.position = topLeftObj.transform.position;
                 * //    gameObject.transform.rotation = topLeftObj.transform.rotation;
                 * //    gameObject.transform.Rotate(Vector3.left, 180);
                 * //    gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = GetStableAngle(gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles);
                 * //    panelBoardObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(currBoardWidth / 2, -currBoardHeight / 2, 0);
                 * //}
                 * //else if (found2)
                 * //{
                 * //    // update location based on marker 2
                 * //    gameObject.transform.position = botRightObj.transform.position;
                 * //    gameObject.transform.rotation = botRightObj.transform.rotation;
                 * //    gameObject.transform.Rotate(Vector3.left, 180);
                 * //    gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = GetStableAngle(gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles);
                 * //    // Move to correct position
                 * //    gameObject.transform.Translate(new Vector3(-currBoardWidth, currBoardHeight, 0), Space.Self);
                 * //    panelBoardObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(currBoardWidth / 2, -currBoardHeight / 2, 0);
                 * //}
                 * break;